Remove Skyhammer From ranked
What is wrong with it?
I actually find the map a lot more enjoyable than what it used to be, there is far less gimmicks for instant kills now.
Remove the actual Skyhammer (ie the noobmagnet) from it, delete a few jumppads and its fine IMO.
I had a round on it yesterday and I think I jumped the two godkitten platforms at the center point 10 times or more. Not once did I actually intend to.
What morbid dev at Anet designed that kitten?!?! Bet its the same guy that places logs and impassable branches on the ground in WvW.
What morbid dev at Anet designed that kitten?!?! Bet its the same guy that places logs and impassable branches on the ground in WvW.
Lol, every time I run into one a pebble or slight elevation and it prevents me from running I just think to myself “what is this, Call of Duty?” it’s so annoying.
OT: Skyhammer isn’t even bad now, it was absolute garbage before the remake.
One thing I would like to see on the jump pads in there is allow me to finish casting my heal skill if I run through one, 99% of the time I do not intend to hit it, and 99% of the time it kills me. Fun Fun.
No idea what makes this map supposedly so bad.
I like it and it’s a nice change of pace when you played Legacy of the Foefire for 2 hours since everyone wants to play that map but critiques other maps for PvE stuff.
Skyhammer isn’t a terrible map… it could be improved by making the B capture point larger and stretching the map out a bit as well.
I actually really enjoy skyhammer. It is a lot of fun and there is absolutely nothing that makes it not competitive. The jump pads are great for escaping bad situation and holding a point contested 1v2. Jump pads are the thing I really like about the map and are what makes it interesting to me. The skyhammer cannon itself is a great mechanic in my opinion because it turns fights into your favour and breaks enemy control of the map. It is not something you can ignore like bosses, lord or trebuchet.
It feels unique unlike many of the other maps and I like that. It should stay in ranked. Right now it is my third favourite map after temple and forest and ahead of kyhlo and foefire.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
What is wrong with it?
I actually find the map a lot more enjoyable than what it used to be, there is far less gimmicks for instant kills now.
A lot of terrain is bugged and you can’t use teleport skills like steal, shadowstep, blink etc. due to no valid path. On flat terrain…..
Then we have issue with DH pull that pulls you high into air so you die to fall dmg – it happens A LOT on that map.
The jumping pads give classes with aoe, pets and range big advantage vs melee.
Playing thief or rev on that map is pure nightmare.
So the problem people seem to have with sky hammer is that, they need to be more aware of where they are. And that they don’t understand that the sky hammer can win you games by capping it. It decaps points! A team I was on last night won the match thanks to the hammer, the other team just camped middle and was good at defending home, but we won because we got the sky hammer every time and and while they where panicking to recap both points we could tie them up off point for a bit to allow us to cap and hold for a time.
To be fair though, sky hammer is still probably one of the least voted for maps in PvP.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Yes we hated it before ranked, i really hated it with all my heart
But after playing it in ranked instead of unranked, i love it as much as i hated it!
i hate the jump pads just doesnt mix well with my skills. going for that killing blow only to sky rocket into the sky when using one of my sword skills used my skill flew backwards and landed on pad. i still like the map even know some of it drives me crazy
If anything we need more maps like Capricorn and Coliseum and Skyhammer, not less. It already gets boring enough with everyone always picking Forest for the 300030434th time, imagine if it only showed 1/3 of every match? Great increase in diversity and people will actually have to learn different mechanics instead of building solely for a single map (which is the glaring complaint here, that your build full of blinking and jumping does not fit skyhammer…well change it).
Yes, there needs to be more maps, but this map sucks.
If anything, we should have Khylo removed, now that map sucks kitten ..
They should remove foefire from ranked. Forefire is literally the most gimmicky map in the game and it doesn’t even play like any of the other conquest maps.
Remove all maps!
Kawaleria (KW)
I love this map It plays pretty good imo, it’s just that noobies don’t understand that winning mid is not everything.
Only annoying thing is that you have to walk a long way if you accidentally fall down the hole between mid and the side points.
We should remove forest! The last attack/tick get’s the kill for the creatures? Way to random! Something like that doesn’t belong in ranked!
I love this map
It plays pretty good imo, it’s just that noobies don’t understand that winning mid is not everything.
Only annoying thing is that you have to walk a long way if you accidentally fall down the hole between mid and the side points.
Not as mesmer, blink at the top and you are on the other side, might work with other teleport skills as well?
I love this map
It plays pretty good imo, it’s just that noobies don’t understand that winning mid is not everything.
Only annoying thing is that you have to walk a long way if you accidentally fall down the hole between mid and the side points.
Not as mesmer, blink at the top and you are on the other side, might work with other teleport skills as well?
Yea, but not every class has teleport. Maybe this was done with this specific reason.
I love skyhammer. It is awesome. It gives me warm fuzzies from my head to my toes.
It really is my new favorite map.