Thoth Divine – Power Necro
I Hope You Die – Burst Berserker
I don’t think anything needs to be said about this map. Completely ridiculous and imbalanced map. Some classes are absolutely overpowered (engi comes to mind), being able to throw people down the map in a matter of mere seconds. Not to mention the map is utterly frustrating to play.
Just remove it from the solo tournament pool and be done with it.
I love this map :/ don’t touch my skyhammer.. of those survey’d in game around 2-3 people per game have a problem with it.
Maybe bring some stability and dont hang around the edges…
Maybe bring some stability and dont hang around the edges…
Thank you mister obvious. I do what I can to avoid this situation as best I can, but this map is too imbalanced / easily abused to have its place in a tournament matchup.
Should add skyhammer to team arena tourney!!!!
I love this map.
I wanted to just touch base with everyone and say that we are looking into making a few changes to the Sky Hammer map layout. The goal of these changes is to preserve the overall feel of Sky Hammer(Positioning = good), but hope to relieve the spam knock backs and get kills feel. We are listening to everyone both in-game and on the forums. Thanks for the feedback and see you in-game.
Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk
Wait what? Knockbacks were what made me love this map :/. Situational awareness was something new and much more fun.
Maybe bring some stability and dont hang around the edges…
WTB thief stability. The map is completely imbalanced across classes.
I don’t see anything there that sounds like, Skyhammer’s radius won’t be larger than a cap point, and can’t dodge or block it. But it is a “super” trebuchet, right?
Maybe bring some stability and dont hang around the edges…
WTB thief stability. The map is completely imbalanced across classes.
You can steal stability. You can port back after being fear/knocked off. You can blind/stealth/scorpion-wire. Thieves are one of the most annoying if played correctly to knock off for a kill.
Gives us the template system that has been mentioned by the devs to be in the works for months now. That will help with skyhammer. Some people are unwilling to make a specific build/character just for one map and swap to it.
I wanted to just touch base with everyone and say that we are looking into making a few changes to the Sky Hammer map layout. The goal of these changes is to preserve the overall feel of Sky Hammer(Positioning = good), but hope to relieve the spam knock backs and get kills feel.
We are listening to everyone both in-game and on the forums. Thanks for the feedback and see you in-game.
Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk
So please take it out until its fixed.
I mean that is the logical thing to do right? If you admit its not right and needs changes take it out of tourney queue temporarily, put the changes in, test in hotjoin, and the add back to queue if satisfied.
The question is why is it still in the solo queue if you say it needs to be changed?
@yasha it would never make it back in to Tpvp so they wont remove/test it in hotjoin.
Should add skyhammer to team arena tourney!!!!
I love this map.
I wanted to just touch base with everyone and say that we are looking into making a few changes to the Sky Hammer map layout. The goal of these changes is to preserve the overall feel of Sky Hammer(Positioning = good), but hope to relieve the spam knock backs and get kills feel.
We are listening to everyone both in-game and on the forums. Thanks for the feedback and see you in-game.
Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk
Don’t listen to the forum children. For every skyhammer call out on forums, 5 others that don’t waste time on the forums like the map. These forums are full of whiners and don’t represent the majority. Please keep fixing stuff in the right direction without taking the whiners serious. They will never be satisfied. Hugh you guys are doing an A+ job in all areas of GW2 and are not appreciated. If I could apologize for these forum kids I would.
Should add skyhammer to team arena tourney!!!!
I love this map.
Awesome. I use Nightmare runes too.
I wanted to just touch base with everyone and say that we are looking into making a few changes to the Sky Hammer map layout. The goal of these changes is to preserve the overall feel of Sky Hammer(Positioning = good), but hope to relieve the spam knock backs and get kills feel.
We are listening to everyone both in-game and on the forums. Thanks for the feedback and see you in-game.
Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk
Don’t listen to the forum children. For every skyhammer call out on forums, 5 others that don’t waste time on the forums like the map. These forums are full of whiners and don’t represent the majority. Please keep fixing stuff in the right direction without taking the whiners serious. They will never be satisfied. Hugh you guys are doing an A+ job in all areas of GW2 and are not appreciated. If I could apologize for these forum kids I would.
How do you know that “For every skyhammer call out on forums, 5 others that don’t waste time on the forums like the map”? Sounds like you just pulled that number out of your kitten to me. Every time I play that map at least one person complains about it, that doesn’t happen for any other map.
If you look at my posts in the spvp forum, you will see that I consistently praise the game. However, this map needs work, we have an we have an official post now confirming that the devs think it needs changes and yet the map is still in solo tourney rotation. So why is it still in the tourney rotation?
It should be taken out, and in fact the farming issue on this map if it is still ongoing should have been fixed yesterday-and if it can’t be fixed the map should be pulled until it can be fixed.
Yes the devs are doing a sterling job imo, but I and many others have issues about this map that have been confirmed as valid by the devs, and yet all we get is variations on the “we really appreciate your feedback and have some ideas for fixes in the works”.
If it was just some class balance issue then who cares, but how can you take the competitive element of the game seriously if the devs admit the map is flawed and yet do not pull it? And outside of tourneys, why are exploiters allowed to farm game currency on this map? It truly baffles me that strong action has not been taken on these dev-confimed issues.
Why to change the map?? Ppl are having fun there in hotjoins.
Just remove it from turnaments, thats all. Why to push it so hard to stay there?
I wanted to just touch base with everyone and say that we are looking into making a few changes to the Sky Hammer map layout. The goal of these changes is to preserve the overall feel of Sky Hammer(Positioning = good), but hope to relieve the spam knock backs and get kills feel.
We are listening to everyone both in-game and on the forums. Thanks for the feedback and see you in-game.
Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk
Thanks Hugh,
I agree with the idea that positioning should be one’s priority in Skyhammer is good. Honestly, I don’t even mind that the skyhammer is unavoidable, it makes it even more worthwhile to be controlled. The only thing that really annoys me is how you can be pulled, feared, knocked off the map and die instantly. If that would be removed, I think it’d be a great map.
I’m confident in your ability to improve this issue, hopefully you will do the right decisions in order to ensure a stable, competitive and balanced state of the game in every possible way.
i like to knock ppl out! so what i was knocked to and i am not complaining!
Oh boy, just remove the map from Solo queue if tpvp dummies cant position themselves and problem will be solved. No need to change the map itself.
Skyhammer is the only map where it’s easy to “evict” a noob with a bunker build. Please don’t change that.
FYI – Situational awareness will still be important with the changes coming to Skyhammer.
FYI – Situational awareness will still be important with the changes coming to Skyhammer.
situational as in, beeing aware that it was deleted and it is no longer in game?
Wait what? Knockbacks were what made me love this map :/. Situational awareness was something new and much more fun.
Situational awarness with a mesmer with NO STABILITY and no way to have it vs a bomb engi at hammer…situational awarness…right…
Everyone knows it’s really hard to hold a point vs just decent bomb engis (If it’s the best far point assaulter atm there’s a reason) because they just have tons of knockbacks and can decap almost everything knocking you OUT OF POINT
And..OUT OF POINT = DEAD in that stupid map. Oh yes you can stay with your back on the asura gate…so you can’t see kitten because it randomly zooms into you char and the only thing you see is your life going down..
…situational awarness…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Maybe bring some stability and dont hang around the edges…
WTB thief stability. The map is completely imbalanced across classes.
You can steal stability. You can port back after being fear/knocked off. You can blind/stealth/scorpion-wire. Thieves are one of the most annoying if played correctly to knock off for a kill.
Gives us the template system that has been mentioned by the devs to be in the works for months now. That will help with skyhammer. Some people are unwilling to make a specific build/character just for one map and swap to it.
Lol steal stability… yea, if you’re lucky enough to see a mesmer and it lasts what 3 seconds with a 1s cast time. Scorpion wire fails 90% of the time for me even on a direct hit with no stability/blocks on target. I gave up trying to cheese play on this map a long time ago, it’s mid top point for me the whole game if I don’t want to be a detriment to my team.
Necro fear is ridiculous with nightmare runes + base fears, shadow step out of one and I’m feared again half a second later. I don’t think I need to touch on how much CC a war has. Ranger LB knockback 1/2s cast is so braindead easy. Borderline impossible to stay on the map, unless I’m doing something wrong?? I’ll keep that stealing stability in mind though! lol. I guess I could also rely on lyssa runes which is a 1s cast on bask that can’t be used while CC’d.
All while trying to survive the billions of conditions that are on me, GG.
Finally we got a map where standing still autoattacking with a mace isn’t enough to hold..and people start the QQ..
Maybe it’s not the most balanced map, i agree that some classes should put in a bigger effort than others playing it (bigger effort = brained positioning).
I laughed my self to death when a thief was stomping me (with my engy) standing EXACTLY on the direction to the edge. I pushed him down with my #3 downed state and he started insulting in /map. All he had to do was positioning himself 90° from where he was, he would have been pushed against the portal and stomped me 3 seconds after. Or he could have blinded me, he could have CnD stomp, he could have shadow refuge stomp, he could have shadowstep stomp, i can go on..but noobs are noobs, and they are fast to insult, slower to learn and adapt to new situations..
This map takes some brain. Don’t change it. The current conquest mode is imbalanced enough, forcing people to actually think where to go instead of just spamming skills will cause a lot of QQ, but will make a better game
(FYI, i play skyhammer 70% of the time with an ele (bunker S/F, 0 knockbacks)(well, lot of stability though^^), 10% mesmer 10% engi 10%thief, so please don’t say this is a post made by an engineer which defends his privilege, because it isn’t)
Finally we got a map where standing still autoattacking with a mace isn’t enough to hold..and people start the QQ..
Maybe it’s not the most balanced map, i agree that some classes should put in a bigger effort than others playing it (bigger effort = brained positioning).
I laughed my self to death when a thief was stomping me (with my engy) standing EXACTLY on the direction to the edge. I pushed him down with my #3 downed state and he started insulting in /map. All he had to do was positioning himself 90° from where he was, he would have been pushed against the portal and stomped me 3 seconds after. Or he could have blinded me, he could have CnD stomp, he could have shadow refuge stomp, he could have shadowstep stomp, i can go on..but noobs are noobs, and they are fast to insult, slower to learn and adapt to new situations..
This map takes some brain. Don’t change it. The current conquest mode is imbalanced enough, forcing people to actually think where to go instead of just spamming skills will cause a lot of QQ, but will make a better game
(FYI, i play skyhammer 70% of the time with an ele (bunker S/F, 0 knockbacks)(well, lot of stability though^^), 10% mesmer 10% engi 10%thief, so please don’t say this is a post made by an engineer which defends his privilege, because it isn’t)
yeah bro, it sure takes skill to equip them nightmare runes!
Never happened to be pushed down by those..and i’ve played skyhammer a lot..i think that someone is just exaggerating the problem over here…
Skyhammer has some issues, it probably takes some work. But ANET should really think about it before drastically changing the map, which btw is the only map where i’m still having fun after 1 year of the same boring conquest mode..
I wanted to just touch base with everyone and say that we are looking into making a few changes to the Sky Hammer map layout. The goal of these changes is to preserve the overall feel of Sky Hammer(Positioning = good), but hope to relieve the spam knock backs and get kills feel.
We are listening to everyone both in-game and on the forums. Thanks for the feedback and see you in-game.
Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk
It feels like its a map made for quake or UT than a mmorpg pvp map.
SkyHammer in soloQ is what made me stop playing -.-
SkyHammer in soloQ is what made me stop playing -.-
Same here.
I love skyhammer, my only problem with it is that purpose-built skyhammer builds are maybe a little too strong there.
Hopefully these changes affect those builds, but not the general idea that poor positioning can and will get you killed.
This map is an extreme version of “awareness” to the point that it sucks and is no fun what so ever. Cut it out of solo que until its fixed
“Poor positioning” is one thing, but some classes have a huge advantage when space is limited and moving to the wrong spot in that limited space means instant death.
A class that has access to a lot of knockbacks, aoe stun/knockback, aoe cc/damage, fear etc, has a huge advantage over a class that has few of these and/or is essentially designed to kite or rely heavily on mobility to win.
People used to complain that trap ranger was OP because you had to stand on their traps to take a point- in this map in some areas you have to stand on the trap/etc or be falling off the edge of the map.
Oh yeah the other day I stole fear off a necro on my thief and then feared three players off the edge. Things like that just confirm how silly this map is imo.
“Poor positioning” is one thing, but some classes have a huge advantage when space is limited and moving to the wrong spot in that limited space means instant death.
A class that has access to a lot of knockbacks, aoe stun/knockback, aoe cc/damage, fear etc, has a huge advantage over a class that has few of these and/or is essentially designed to kite or rely heavily on mobility to win.
People used to complain that trap ranger was OP because you had to stand on their traps to take a point- in this map in some areas you have to stand on the trap/etc or be falling off the edge of the map.
Oh yeah the other day I stole fear off a necro on my thief and then feared three players off the edge. Things like that just confirm how silly this map is imo.
Don’t forget stealth scorpion wire into panels.
People’s fun on this map is entirely dependent on class. If you don’t have knockbacks/reliable pulls or a bunch of ai to do your fighting for you, you feel absolutely useless (and mostly are).
I really hope you make some changes to allow classes without these things to play as well.
This map is an extreme version of “awareness” to the point that it sucks and is no fun what so ever. Cut it out of solo que until its fixed
I have two engi’s atm. One is specifically built for this map and the only time I play it is when Skyhammer pops. I’m fairly certain that many have builds just for this one map. For those who do not – well Skyhammer can be quite the frustrating experience.
I do agree that it should be taken out of the yoloQQ rotation. The vast majority of 4v5 matches I’ve seen have been on this one map. This fact alone makes the map unenjoyable; for me at least.
People’s fun on this map is entirely dependent on class. If you don’t have knockbacks/reliable pulls or a bunch of ai to do your fighting for you, you feel absolutely useless (and mostly are).
I really hope you make some changes to allow classes without these things to play as well.
Every single class in this game has some sort of pushback/launch/fear or pull. If you want to “build” yourself for Skyhammer, in 99% cases it’s all about switching one utility slot few seconds before a match started. In 1% it’s switching your secondary weapon set. And if you think, that your current build is optimalized to maximum, and swapping an utility or weapon would hurt you – you are stupid, sorry.
FYI – Situational awareness will still be important with the changes coming to Skyhammer.
Situational Awareness is the only “skill” element in GW2.
It’s what all PvP maps are about.
Skyhammer is not part of the group-tournament rotation for a very specific reason.
And yet somehow that reason doesn’t expand to solo-queue?
Ridiculous hypocrisy.
Maybe bring some stability and dont hang around the edges…
Gee thanks, I’ll make sure to get stability for my thief/mesmer/necro right away so that I don’t have to worry about ridiculously overpowered knockbacks killing me instantly.
This map is terrible. Please remove it. If you won’t please allow players to ban maps they don’t wanna play on in solo que.
(edited by Timelord.8190)
This map is terrible. Please remove it. If you won’t please allow players to ban maps they don’t wanna play on in solo que.
“Finally a red post” What the hell this thread is 11 months old? And still NOTHING??? ha ha. This is both funny and sad.
“Finally a red post” What the hell this thread is 11 months old? And still NOTHING??? ha ha. This is both funny and sad.
Yes, fixing this game will take a lifetime with this speed. :P
Skilldodging those stealth Magnets and Scorpion Wires as we speak.
We love this map. So. Much.
Gonna get on my Engi for weekend stress relief on the Spahammer now.
Remove this crap map
People’s fun on this map is entirely dependent on class. If you don’t have knockbacks/reliable pulls or a bunch of ai to do your fighting for you, you feel absolutely useless (and mostly are).
I really hope you make some changes to allow classes without these things to play as well.
Every single class in this game has some sort of pushback/launch/fear or pull. If you want to “build” yourself for Skyhammer, in 99% cases it’s all about switching one utility slot few seconds before a match started. In 1% it’s switching your secondary weapon set. And if you think, that your current build is optimalized to maximum, and swapping an utility or weapon would hurt you – you are stupid, sorry.
You must play engi or thief on this map and never have felt the absolute ridiculousness of it all from the other side.
+1 for necro threading – shows anet incompetence perfectly.
“Finally a red post” What the hell this thread is 11 months old? And still NOTHING??? ha ha. This is both funny and sad.
I was thinking the same thing.
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