[Teef] guild :>
Remove elites from pvp
I would pay good money to be able to play pre-core specs GW2 again.
Im up for it. Till they dont balance elite spec, just simply remove them. This game has become pure joke.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I agree that a lot of the elites are cheesey as hell..However, i won 3 games in a row last night, top scorer in all. All on my humble trap ranger.
It was especially gratifying taking down DH trappers with my regular build.
I would pay good money to be able to play pre-core specs GW2 again.
Ya i miss the threads calling for nerfs for burn guards and d/d cele eles.
Good times, good times.
No need to delete them. Some are actually fun in their concept. Just nerf the kitten out of them.
Why are elite specs even allowed in ESL and pro league? Sorry but reasons like these are why this game is not esports but more of a joke. You have to buy the expansion in order to take advantage of the situation , this is a p2w game now, those who don’t see it are blind, just take a look at the meta. I’m not touching pvp.
Why are elite specs even allowed in ESL and pro league? Sorry but reasons like these are why this game is not esports but more of a joke. You have to buy the expansion in order to take advantage of the situation , this is a p2w game now, those who don’t see it are blind, just take a look at the meta. I’m not touching pvp.
Ok, most elite specs are too strong, and balance is in a bad state.
That being said, this p2w argument is ridiculous. Even if elite specs were balanced, you could not be a competitive player without trying the new builds to know how they play. So you would need the expansion anyway. Every game with expansion requires you to get the expansion to keep up. GW1 did it, for example.
I don’t want them deleted. But I do think key elements should be reconsidered. Chill should do 30% less damage, and regain its functionality as an execution (doing its current damage if you are below 50% hp) on Reaper. DH traps should not daze, anything but a CC effect on a trap as there is a bug if you are walking and take your hand off the keyboard while moving and after being dazed you will get forcibly moved forward. Scrapper should not give you the finger while dishing its damage, especially that MUCH damage. Chrono is actually fine, Tempest is fine, Daredevil is fine (but Core Thief needs some love). Berserker needs help. Revenant/Herald need some heavy handed nerfs atm. Druid isn’t broken, just annoying. I can play around EVERYTHING on ANYONE except for Reaper, Scrapper, Rev, Herald, and DH. If they know what they are doing they just rough me up and throw me into the junkpile. Very agitating.
Why are elite specs even allowed in ESL and pro league? Sorry but reasons like these are why this game is not esports but more of a joke. You have to buy the expansion in order to take advantage of the situation , this is a p2w game now, those who don’t see it are blind, just take a look at the meta. I’m not touching pvp.
Ok, most elite specs are too strong, and balance is in a bad state.
That being said, this p2w argument is ridiculous. Even if elite specs were balanced, you could not be a competitive player without trying the new builds to know how they play. So you would need the expansion anyway. Every game with expansion requires you to get the expansion to keep up. GW1 did it, for example.
That’s why this game should stay as b2p then, my argument is if they want to make the PvP side of the game f2p then it needs to be balanced from core to HoT, this game cannot be esports if they give HoT players an advantage that is my argument, if they are spending money on this world series tournament and pro league it means anet wants to give this game another shot at esports potential but I’m afraid they aren’t capable enough to balance the game specially right during the intial HoT stage. This is the stage where balancing needs to be in priority list, if they don’t do anything players are going to leave again just like it happened during launch, so at the end they would be making the same mistakes all over again.
~Your dear Ranger.
I don’t want them deleted. But I do think key elements should be reconsidered. Chill should do 30% less damage, and regain its functionality as an execution (doing its current damage if you are below 50% hp) on Reaper. DH traps should not daze, anything but a CC effect on a trap as there is a bug if you are walking and take your hand off the keyboard while moving and after being dazed you will get forcibly moved forward. Scrapper should not give you the finger while dishing its damage, especially that MUCH damage. Chrono is actually fine, Tempest is fine, Daredevil is fine (but Core Thief needs some love). Berserker needs help. Revenant/Herald need some heavy handed nerfs atm. Druid isn’t broken, just annoying. I can play around EVERYTHING on ANYONE except for Reaper, Scrapper, Rev, Herald, and DH. If they know what they are doing they just rough me up and throw me into the junkpile. Very agitating.
There are 2 problems with balancing elites:
1. they can’t nerf them otherwise majority of groups won’t be able to complete raids and QQ would be massibe from pve side
2. it would take waaaaaayyyyyy too long to balance them, by that time we will probably have another expansion if anything… disabling elites on other hand is easier in comparison
[Teef] guild :>
I agree that a lot of the elites are cheesey as hell..However, i won 3 games in a row last night, top scorer in all. All on my humble trap ranger.
It was especially gratifying taking down DH trappers with my regular build.
I didnt know 1 vs 1 exists mode in sPvP, or do you mean all your team mates ALL have vanilla builds and beat the teams mostly with elites?
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
If you refuse to keep supporting the company that owns the game you play, you are going to have disadvantages. Be glad that you can at least compete with HoT players depending on the situation.
In almost ALL MMO’s you can’t keep on playing at the top level is an expansion is out and you don’t have it.
I realy enjoyed PvP when the old trait system was still in place, you know, the one that took a bit more work to make builds cus it needed some form of skill to create a build. Now you just pick one of 3 wichever suits your build idea the best and let the game play for you insted.
~Your dear Ranger.
I would pay good money to go back to the old trait system condi ranger (the one nobody played cus condi wasnt op, unless at the right hands (mine))
If you refuse to keep supporting the company that owns the game you play, you are going to have disadvantages. Be glad that you can at least compete with HoT players depending on the situation.
In almost ALL MMO’s you can’t keep on playing at the top level is an expansion is out and you don’t have it.
I have xpac, i just don’t enjoy the horror of combat system/balancing we have atm in pvp.
[Teef] guild :>
heart of thorns is the worst thing to happen to this game
by that ofcourse i mean the elite specs since im posting in structured pvp forum
+1000 to remove the elite specs and revenant and also revert the quickness change and roll back to Pre-hot patch , which was the best pvp balance gw2 has had
so funny how it goes from the best pvp balance to the worst in just few days cus of heart of monkey devs
Just to add some explanation why current meta is bad from design point (imo):
1. aoe does as much and often more dmg than single target spells. In game where pvp is all about fighting on points ability to spam aoe is way too huge advantage. In every single game i played so far AoE usually was rather costy thing and on long CD, it also did lower dmg than single target attacks so you had to make sure you land that AoE on multiple targets. In GW2: spam as much as aoe as possible w/o any thoughts because it is on low CD, costs often nothing and does a lot of dmg. On other hand a lot of single target, risky skills (prime example backstab) are a joke in comparison dmg wise.
It completely kills any kind of coordinated gameplay. Just spam aoe away. If aoe was costy and not as effective while single target attacks were strong teams would be forced to coordinate their spikes. THIS would pvp and not bot fest we have atm.
2. Ranged attacks do more dmg than melee attacks. Here is core issue with that: imagine class A and B, let’s assume A and B deal same dmg however A deals ranged dmg and B melee only. Now if both of them start to fight, B will actually have to walk to A to do dmg while A can pew pew at him and kite.
Obviously A has huge advantage. Certanly, GW2 has plenty of gap closer skills but it still means class B has to blow some CDs/resources to get in melee range while A can pew pew.
Usually in other games class A would have disadvantage by being squishy which would motivate them to avoid melee range and class B would bit more tankier since they have to eat a lot of ranged attacks before they can land their main dmg but in GW2 it is not the case: for example guards, mes are anything but squishy. On opposite hand we have classes like thieves which are pretty much pure melee being extremely squishy WHICH would be justified since they have great access to stealth but current patch simply killed stealth for thieves and their stealth attacks are a joke in comparison to rev AA.
3. Risk vs Reward: tank shouldn’t do high dmg, same way that glass cannon shouldn’t be able to tank. In GW2 we have tanks spamming massive CC and dmg, all in one, as long as you play one of the 6 elites. That just goes against any healthy logic, common game design etc. I miss old meta when bunker guards existed, zerker thieves/mes/eles were a thing, engis ran condis etc.
I can imagine Anet wanted possibly invent a wheel but what we got is just 6 elites are stupidly broken, spam aoe that you can’t anything and you have to rely on computer (passives) to play with you. This is generally main reason why thieves and wars are not so great atm: they are too active and don’t have as much protection vs aoe/cc spam.
4. Then we have amulets. I absolutely LOVE the idea and how we don’t have to grind gear etc. BUT WHO IN THE HELL THOUGHT IT WAS GOOD IDEA TO add amulets giving every single stat and numerically having advantage over every other amulets. It just pushes hybrid classes too above others. How can somebody be so blind to issue with this amulet ? And issue been going for YEARS now.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)