Remove foefire from map choice....
i had a ranked solo arena game yesterday on Foefire that went TO TIMER.
The talk is big but nothing happens. Still fighting full premades while im yolo Q’ing.
Rome wasn’t build in one day.
Building Rome was also IRL… not in a digital landscape that you can play God with.
they say god didnt do his thang in a day either
more than 2 years looks like enough to me for god to fix kittening matchmaking tho
are you calling justin a god? pretty nice compliment
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I agree that foefire is generally not fun to play, especially when you have 5 squishies against 3 bunkers + 2 dps. Now, the question is to know whether the problem is the map or the meta…
Playing on a map which is quite small, where you can view easily where opponents are going, clearly rewards bunkering. But if bunkers are also able to kill…
The talk is big but nothing happens. Still fighting full premades while im yolo Q’ing.
Rome wasn’t build in one day.
Building Rome was also IRL… not in a digital landscape that you can play God with.
they say god didnt do his thang in a day either
more than 2 years looks like enough to me for god to fix kittening matchmaking tho
are you calling justin a god? pretty nice compliment
well in gw2 world he’s some sort of god i guess…you type and ppl die, stuff like that
The talk is big but nothing happens. Still fighting full premades while im yolo Q’ing.
Rome wasn’t build in one day.
Building Rome was also IRL… not in a digital landscape that you can play God with.
they say god didnt do his thang in a day either
more than 2 years looks like enough to me for god to fix kittening matchmaking tho
are you calling justin a god? pretty nice compliment
well in gw2 world he’s some sort of god i guess…you type and ppl die, stuff like that
gw2: the matrix reinstalled
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Actually Justin, I don’t know if you still have data from before solo queue was abolished, but you would be able to clearly see how much of the Foefire spread is due to the lord mechanic and how much due to organised teams having an advantage by comparing the team and solo queue spreads. I know there were a lot of soloers and partial groups in team queue as well, so it’s not completely reliable, but still.
I enjoy advice like this. I wrote a ladder sim a week or so ago that basically replays the season with different rules. I’ve also found it a very handy, and faster, way to get stats out of the data. Been adding all sorts of reports to it as I get time.
That’s great! So can you use your sim to pick any player and see how far above or below the rank he actually ended up at he would’ve been if X reward rule was different?
And I like to think that the importance of the mid-point in this map is great since it forces a different playstyle to other maps.
That’s part of what I love about that map: big central point, you have room to kite, can’t just spam aoe and autowin. Some of the tensest, most drawn-out fights I’ve had in gw2 were on that point!
I do realise that the side points being quite far from the bases (in fact base→far is only slightly longer than base→close), so teams built to contest 3 points have an advantage there, but I like to think this keeps teams honest and prevents a single comp from becoming dominant. If every single map was like Forest every single team would be running a mid bunker and an off-bunker and matches would be very repetitive and boring. In fact we went through this, it was the 2013 meta.
Foefire might lead to more lopsided matches but pre-mades even bad ones have a huge advantage on any map. I think Foefire is the most bunker friendly map. My advice is don’t vote for it if you don’t like. I like the map and I don’t run in pre-mades that much I do play a bunker though and yes the middle point is very favorable to bunkers.
each map has a slightly different playstyle to it. biggest problem i see with pug groups is they act the same no matter what the map is. a map like LoF favors a team that plays smart. running around capping and leaving is what kills pugs in that map. or the random guy who tries to take the lord all by themself. its not the map its the players.
Bring PPK back to WvW!!!
each map has a slightly different playstyle to it. biggest problem i see with pug groups is they act the same no matter what the map is. a map like LoF favors a team that plays smart. running around capping and leaving is what kills pugs in that map. or the random guy who tries to take the lord all by themself. its not the map its the players.
This. I can’t even count how many times I had this random guy/two guys just going for lord since the beginning of a match. It’s just so frustrating to try to hold your points and not let your enemy take a giant lead just because you’re outnumbered everywhere you go. And they keep going there and dying over and over. And when you tell them it’s not the best idea, they say how it’s good because the enemies will have to go defend lord.
I really like the map, I don’t think it should be removed. Yeah, the map favours bunkers but so does every conquest map in some way. But this is really not a map’s fault. If people can’t play right, it’s harder to win on that map but that doesn’t mean it should be removed. I mean, come on I vote for the map each time on fresh air.
Just give us a better matchmaking, it’s about time.
I don’t like foefire because
It’s really a flat map with no interesting stuff
it’s bunker favored.
lord rush is rarely in the play.
each map has a slightly different playstyle to it. biggest problem i see with pug groups is they act the same no matter what the map is. a map like LoF favors a team that plays smart. running around capping and leaving is what kills pugs in that map. or the random guy who tries to take the lord all by themself. its not the map its the players.
Can you tell us how to play smart against a premade that has 1 engineer on home, 1 guard on mid, and a sword thief + warrior + ele chasing others ? I’ve had these situations with thieves rangers and mesmers, and although i agree many players aren’t playing fine, there’s not much you can do, and you lose 500-200 thanks to home point, but that’s like 500-0..
Obviously, you cannot win a 4v4 or 5v5, assuming both parties are on same level. I’m not even sure you can win a 5v4 in some situations…
Foefire is not good if you are soloQer. Most of the time i get low skilled teammates or premades so i lose alot of matches on Foefire. My random teams dont know what is teamplay on this map. They run like headless chickens and fighting away from capture points and dont care about it and they do terrible low dps to enemy players.
Ok a little bit today statistics comes here.
Foefire Matches Played / Win / Lose
20 / 7 / 13 ( most of the time useless teammates that cant kill anyone and don’t help. + premades.
Niflhel 17 / 12 / 5 ( 4 close to win ) ( 1 useless team. )
Silent Storm 8 / 4 / 4 ( 1 close to win ( 1 useless team. )
Kyhlo 10 / 6 / 4 ( 1 close to win) ( 3 useless team )
I can’t solo rank up because losing most of my matches on Foefire. :/
The talk is big but nothing happens. Still fighting full premades while im yolo Q’ing.
Rome wasn’t build in one day.
Dude this is GW2, you should say… Lion’s Arch wasn’t repaired in a day