Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: gkmmo.4723


When i kill 2 players with my guardian and until i finish them with all the knock backs, stealth, mists and stuf they can bring to avoid death the enemy team comes and kills me, i say IT SUCKS Anet. When we kill in pvp we kill the enemy, thats it, period. Don’t know what kind of pvp you donthaveacluewhatpvpis-devs have played before but it sure is nothing like Daoc, the game that inspired you ( as you said ). Not even close to the pvp exitement of warhammer online or the AoC pvp to mention a couple of games with better pvp than gw2. Many other issues like players that leave the match whenever they like, afk players, random balancing in the middle of the battle, endless matches with 1 vs 3 or 2 vs 4 etc, no cc immunity and others i believe players have already posted threads.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


As a guardian, it’s important to bring Stability to deal with the downed state efficiently. You should clarify the rest of your post though, as it reads like a thought trail that is hard to follow.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Enough people like downed state… Even i as elementalist meaning everyone can stomp and me and i cant do kitten would say it would be an bad idea to remove downed state. Its part of the game now and even though it need balancing (which anet is working on).. You either live with it or stop pvping

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Well … sometimes I like the downed state but sometimes I hate it
Mostly because

- the downed abilities for every class should just be the same.
- the downed guy shouldn’t be able to stop you from finishing him
- the downed guy shouldn’t be able to throw rocks on you while you fight with someone else and if you die you gonna see 7k dmg from someone throwing dirt at some metal armor pieces (I mean WTF?)
- the finishing animation shouldn’t take that long to cast (Can’t remember how often I died because I took tons of dmg just while casting the animation)

With those thing there wouldn’t be any problem about the Downed state for me anymore.

In my opinion the downed guy should just lay there being able to do nothing and hoping for his team to get him up before he bleeds out.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Downed state sucks in competitive PvP.

1. It makes skillful play practically useless since there’s no way you’ll win a 2v1. And even if you should manage to down both, they’ll just rally once they shred you to death with pebbles. You gain nothing from skillful play.

2. Coordinated teams actually prefer to leave their enemies in downed state rather than have them respawn. It buys them a few extra seconds of piece and quiet. If my enemy prefers to leave me on the ground for 30 seconds rather than finish me off, then it clearly indicates something is wrong.

3. Downed abilities are really imbalanced and interrupts are annoying. You can finish off certain classes reliably and the 3 second animation just takes way too long.

Overall it’s just bad, bad, bad, bad, bad and really hurts sPvP.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Downed state does not prevent the ability to pull off a 2v1. I don’t agree with the concept of letting opponents bleed out hurting sPvP. I do find the downed state abilities between classes to be imbalanced among a select few, however. In general though, I love the downed state in this game.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


Downed state will be revised in the future, and certainly before this game can be E-Sport material, purely due to the 2nd point Dee Jay made.

NEVER KILL SOMEONE. Just leave them in downed state. However, you need to make sure they are downed outside the capture circle (this is difficult with professions that can jump around while downed), and that they can’t self-heal by simply auto-attacking them to offset their heal.

I do this all the time actually when it’s 1v1 and I’m bunker spec. You’ve just turned the game into 5v4 by forcing a player into perpetual downed state.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


I just shake my head slowly and sigh when these threads come up. It’s like people have no idea what teamplay is or how to achieve it. Or better yet, they don’t like the idea of team play.

These 2v1 scenarios people cry about are just “I’ve bursted 1 person with my glass cannon why doesn’t he die, now his teammate res him this is crap!” Which is ironic, because that’s one of the reasons we have downed state.

I especially like this one: “Can’t remember how often I died because I took tons of dmg just while casting the animation” as if the long activation time had nothing whatever to do with giving the enemy team a chance to stop you.

edit: that doesn’t take away from more nuanced criticism such as how long it’s appropriate to keep an enemy in downed state, which is in my opinion a much better discussion to be having.

(edited by milo.6942)

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


It’s actually rather interesting, if you take it from the perspective of a glass cannon profession you find most of the common complaints more relevant. Still not in my opinion, a worthwhile complaint, but you can start to see where a lot of people are coming from.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: xloz.6280


I for one, love the downed state mechanic.

It can’t be really appreciated until your in an even tpvp match with two premades- so good.

Sure some of the class balance IN downed positions could use a little attention.
I’m sure that when a ranking system is implemented that will help things as well- you see more value of the DS/revive with tougher opponents.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Quon.8125


To the OP: Loved loved LOVED AoC’s PvP. There was lots of fail about that game but (aside from some broken abilities) the PvP was excellent, most fun I’ve had PvPing in any MMO ever. Ahh, the epic battles…

Also agree with the need for diminishing returns on CC, being chain-CCed while you slowly die is superfrustrating. My personal favorite is knockback, that particular one makes my eye twitch.

I just shake my head slowly and sigh when these threads come up. It’s like people have no idea what teamplay is or how to achieve it. Or better yet, they don’t like the idea of team play.

These 2v1 scenarios people cry about are just “I’ve bursted 1 person with my glass cannon why doesn’t he die, now his teammate res him this is crap!” Which is ironic, because that’s one of the reasons we have downed state.

I especially like this one: “Can’t remember how often I died because I took tons of dmg just while casting the animation” as if the long activation time had nothing whatever to do with giving the enemy team a chance to stop you.

edit: that doesn’t take away from more nuanced criticism such as how long it’s appropriate to keep an enemy in downed state, which is in my opinion a much better discussion to be having.

Think you’re making a few assumptions here, we’re not all glass cannon builds wanting to chain-own whole teams, just not have the guy I just killed pop up & kill me because his downed state is awesome (while yeah, I AM jealous that mine really isn’t, although I have killed quite a few people throwing rocks, lol), or have to STILL be fighting the player I defeated while engaging other players because I’m not in the position to finish him, then have him pop back up.

Case in point, I attack a point where there’s a player of the opposing team, after a nice protracted 1v1, I kill them, then get attacked by another member of their team. As I’m engaging the 2nd enemy, the first one’s pewpewing me all to heck so it’s a 1v1.5 or whatever, then the 1st guy pops up, now its a 1v2 & POW! I’m dead. Where MY teammates were, who-the-heck knows, but I’m not comprehending how me “not understanding the idea of team play” was the issue there.

& no, I didn’t/don’t have the tools to insta-finish him in that build, Elixir S can shrink me & then my finisher is uninterruptible but I don’t like the ability besides that, so it’s not specced in. & his downed state is pretty annoying so, technically, I’m fighting a new enemy AND the guy that I just defeated (thinking: Umm, he’s dead, I just killed him, WHY is he still killing me?). NOT fun.

No offense, but it seems like every time someone posts what may be a legitimate gripe here, someone else pops in with LRN2PLAI NOOB! or the equivalent. No, every complaint isn’t worthwhile, but everyone who presents one isn’t automatically a whiny moron either.

Hyrista – Engineer

(edited by Quon.8125)

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: tarcheg.4872


In this game the ttk is like that.
The time you need to down someone: 3-10s
The time you need to stomp certain classes: 15s

It should be like 20s+ fight and 3s to finish (every class not just ele).

It’s ridiculous that you can kill people with one combo but to finish them you need forever – every game designer will sooner or later see that it’s just wrong as it is atm…

edit: And I mean both is stupid – how fast you can down someone AND how long you need to stomp.

(edited by tarcheg.4872)

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: obtuse.8291


1: downed stat is awesome and makes all the close fights I’ve been in far more exciting than any other game. Another game that has this is left 4 dead
2: you don’t have to do the long cast, thus you’re still able to win on 2v1 or you’re up, 2 enemies are down, your 1 ally is down, by whacking the remaining life out of the downed enemy as you go.
3: it also forces you to have to react to revival attempts in the team fight, to either cc, interrupt, or do some reviving of your own, or even prepare to deal with the brought back opponent who will be low on health by re-downing them with a focused burst. Essentially the combat itself gains a lot of decision points and strategy possibilities since there is no immediate/insta kill (which encourages cheese burst even more)

I am the super thief

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

Some of the downed states should be adjusted, but the theme behind them is fairly sound for each one.

They do what they’re supposed to do for each group and team, and yes, some classes have more advantage in sPvP for them. But they’re all fairly effective.

Even the root form Elementalist can have a use when used on the enemy who’s got low life and trying to flee successfully from the battle so they don’t get finished and you get a rally out of it.

Or, you can root a ranger who killed you at range and prevent them from closing in long enough to get a revive or vapor form to buy more time.

However, more powerful downed stated can outright be countered. Stability/distortion ends the knockback from the Guardians. Blink/Bolt Cantrip can adjust your finish attempt to counter a thief’s downed blink.

You can dodge roll/stability most knockdown effects, and let’s not forget stealth and quickness’s effects in stomping/saving.

In a zerg, these things aren’t necessarily thought of. But there are plenty of ways to secure kills.

In the end, in sPvP, downed state is a team mechanic. It gives your team one last ditch effort to save you if they can.

Again, it can use some refinement, some abilities deserve shorter cooldowns, others, longer windups. But for the general concept of it, it’s a very good mechanic that adds a feeling of urgency and struggle to fights.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Beonebee.7385


Yeah remove one of your most unique parts of GW2?!?! /sarcasm. Please kitten they would never remove this.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nysta.6713


i love when people say “It makes skillful play practically useless…blah blah blah” because it shows how they don’t actually possess the skill to play the game they’re playing. for some reason they keep thinking they’re playing a different game.

for those people: dudes! you’re in the wrong forum!