Removing Portals in tPvP

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ragni.4698


Please do.

If you do it, 90% of the teams wont require mesmers at all, it will change the meta (competitive) a bit, and maybe give engineers and rangers a change at paid (chance meaning getting invited to teams).

Also, a team with portals wins 90% of the time, and if you follow your line of buffinf/debuffing Anet (you only act when you know numbers and statistics and tons of data) you’ll do it. Mesmer portals are in 90% of the teams.

(in reality, what i want is just variety i tournaments, i want clutch matches to happen much more often, i want to fight multiple builds of the same class, not just 1/2 per class… as things are, people know every bit of the tournament before it happens: 1 Bunker (99% guardian) 1 Mesmer (99% with portals) 2 Bursts (90% backstab thief or d/d ele) and the necro/engi filler)

Please, im not asking for huge debuffs or buffs or even modes or maps. Just… shake things up a bit, its been six months and its been the same thing every single evening)

Thanks for reading

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Macha.9160


Yes, you are not asking for a nerf…

You just want a WHOLE KITTEN SKILL to be removed…

If that is not a nerf what es is it?

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Why is it that players always want devs to intervene in changing the meta?
If you want to change the meta start running a nonmeta comp and destroying these other teams, It is up to you to change the meta not the devs.

The problem is you’re afraid, you’re afraid of thinking outside of the box of trying new things and you blame it on a single class or even a single ability which you deem OP. There was a recent post on using non meta comps crushing in Paids, I suggest you look it up.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ragni.4698


Why is it that players always want devs to intervene in changing the meta?
If you want to change the meta start running a nonmeta comp and destroying these other teams, It is up to you to change the meta not the devs.

The problem is you’re afraid, you’re afraid of thinking outside of the box of trying new things and you blame it on a single class or even a single ability which you deem OP. There was a recent post on using non meta comps crushing in Paids, I suggest you look it up.

I don’t want to change the meta, I want to have fun and play/experience variety.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ragni.4698


Yes, you are not asking for a nerf…

You just want a WHOLE KITTEN SKILL to be removed…

If that is not a nerf what es is it?

It was my way of getting attention, and a “metaphor” to what i’m asking for.

Shaking things up.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Portal is the only single skill REQUIRED in tPvP. There is no counter.

Either let everyone use the same portal put down, including the enemy… make it destroyable like a turret or pet… or remove it completely.

I don’t ever call for nerfs on any profession, but I’ll be willing to bet we see this move removed from at least tPvP in the next few months. Mesmers could be the weakest profession in the game and people would still need to take one just because of portal.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


It is not required…. Nothing is required. It is novel and used that is all… This is just as bad as the timewarp argument. happens.just dont affect my game play outside of PvP

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Again; I will reiterate; IF you want to Change the meta (The current status quo of team comps) It is up to you to do this not the devs. Start running different strategies destroy the status quo by instating a new one.

Portal is not Required proof of this :

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ragni.4698


Again; I will reiterate; IF you want to Change the meta (The current status quo of team comps) It is up to you to do this not the devs. Start running different strategies destroy the status quo by instating a new one.

Portal is not Required proof of this :

Again, you guys are missing my point.

I want variety. I don’t mind if there are 30 overpowered oneshot skills. I just want to find a different one every match, not the same one 15 times a night, every night.

Variety, fun, not knowing what you are facing off against.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Macha.9160


Okay, now lets talk^^

In this forum we got:

-Remove Portal
-Remove Time Warp
-Nerf Phantasm-Dmg
-Nerf Clone-Dmg ( which is ridiculus^^)
-Remove Shattering as a whole mechanic
-Nerf Veil
-Nerf Mass Invisiblity
-Nerf Moa

What else do you want to be nerfed?

Maybe Mesmer should us a 2 handed sunflower as someone suggested as a joke? But EVEN THEN all would bash on Mesmers.

I find it funny to see how everything a Mesmer has or had is OP.

Now back to the topic:

Portal just got nerfed the two last patch (cd got up and reduced use number (mainly for wvwvw)) and you want another nerf?

Like Darnis i say:

Think outside of the box! Maybe just maybe you will find something much better than a Mesmer-Portal to complain about

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: OneArmedBandit.7936


When the mesma’s in the mid ma
Call out like it’s hot
Call out like it’s hot
Call out like it’s hot
When the mesma tries to get at yea
Rotate like it’s hot
Rotate like it’s hot
Rotate like it’s hot
And if a portal is smiling at yea
Pop it like it’s hot
Pop it like it’s hot
Pop it like it’s hot

Durrrrr [EU]

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I’d make portal ‘only’ mesmer in spvp, and maybe even reduce its cd slightly since thats a significant nerf.

But, i think they are reluctant to duality heart of the mists spvp, from the overworld in terms of skill functions.

IM not sure what to do, i often play a mesmer and when in VOIP teams(vent teamspeak) then portal is just so ridiculsiously useful.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Fault.8735


meta will jsut evolve to a more mobile class on home point or a bunker

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Yes, you are not asking for a nerf…

You just want a WHOLE KITTEN SKILL to be removed…

If that is not a nerf what es is it?

Actually, he’s asking for a whole profession to be removed.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


(in reality, what i want is just variety i tournaments, i want clutch matches to happen much more often, i want to fight multiple builds of the same class, not just 1/2 per class… as things are, people know every bit of the tournament before it happens: 1 Bunker (99% guardian) 1 Mesmer (99% with portals) 2 Bursts (90% backstab thief or d/d ele) and the necro/engi filler)

Removing portal will not change this.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Variety will come from a different game design and map design… Not change this class entirely so I can be happy even.tho I will never be happy because I will never be satisfied design.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Alarox.4590


You don’t need a Mesmer with portals, but apparently it’s something that is extremely useful in tPvP that only 1 Profession in the game can do. Meta changes, but 1+1 always = 2. If Portals really are that incredibly effective and can easily change the outcome of a battle, then they will always be needed.

The discussion should be about how much they really add to a team. If you had two teams that normally would be evenly matched, would the team that had Portals added to their arsenal suddenly win handily? If so, that’s a problem that players can not fix. It’s not a whole strategy, or group of Professions, or build combination, it’s one skill, and one skill being a deciding factor in any evenly matched battle would be a problem.

I have no idea if it actually is too effective in that sense, but discussing the above is productive while most of the thread…. not so much.

Alarox – Human Guardian
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Alarox.4590)

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


You know the only reason I use portals and 99% of mesmers I’ve fought use portals? To escape from a fight if we bit off more than we could chew. It is on par with a thiefs stealth. A warriors ability to BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK while moving. An eles mist form. have you noticed how we have no RELIABLE form of speed boosting. That’s because it takes thinking before entering a fight of hey should I drop a portal for me and my team to get out fast. So portal is kinda like our oh crap button much like other classes have in different forms. Begging for this to be changed will def affect mesmers viability as a class. And its not hard to miss a hot pink circle on the ground

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


Make Portal only self-usable,so only the mesmer can use it. There fixed.

Surrender is not an option!

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Make Portal only self-usable,so only the mesmer can use it. There fixed.

Not there fixed… because portal description is as follows.

Create an entry portal at your location that teleports ALLIES to your exit portal or vice-versa.

It was never designed with the sole purpose for the mesmer to use and the in game description doesn’t say anything about the mesmer using it with the group let alone by themselves…. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wise.8025


The desire to have portals removed because people refuse to learn to play is not the problem of the dev’s it’s the problem of the bads that refuse to think of a counter.

This link shows top teams changing up their play style and meta just to prove mesmers and guardians are not a requirement.

Portal removal and Time Warp threads are really just a L2P issue articulated by people with either no imagination on how to design and play a TEAM build or they’re just too kitten lazy to learn how to counter it.

High mobility teams counter portal. Thief traps counter portal. Bunker negates portal. etc. etc. etc.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


They just want to have two equally set up teams of Guardians, Thieves, and Eles. Rather than two equally set up teams of Guardians, Theives, Eles, and Mesmers.

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Make Portal only self-usable,so only the mesmer can use it. There fixed.

Not there fixed… because portal description is as follows.

Create an entry portal at your location that teleports ALLIES to your exit portal or vice-versa.

It was never designed with the sole purpose for the mesmer to use and the in game description doesn’t say anything about the mesmer using it with the group let alone by themselves…. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it.

You basically said that portals were okay because 99% of mesmers needed them for an escape more than anything, then defend that the entire team should use it. So when you mention mist form, warrior block, etc. etc. those should apply to the entire team as well by that logic.

That’s why it’s so big in PvP, not because the mesmer uses it himself, because a well coordinated team suddenly just jumped 3 guys half a map distance instantly.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Macha.9160


I will repeat myself:

Portal got nerfed, you want another nerf?

It’s funny noone uses a coordinated thief…. ( whole team invisible for how long? 12 seconds?) like… ähm.. shadow refuge( which by the way should only be 3 seconds)? why does nobody uses this efficent? because the meta is not evolved now.

So just WAIT and learn to counter it. if there comes a hot purple cyrcle, whitdraw and attack the flanks (other points)…

Oh wait its easyer to change a skill than to get skill / change your playstyle…

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


The desire to have portals removed because people refuse to learn to play is not the problem of the dev’s it’s the problem of the bads that refuse to think of a counter.

This link shows top teams changing up their play style and meta just to prove mesmers and guardians are not a requirement.

Portal removal and Time Warp threads are really just a L2P issue articulated by people with either no imagination on how to design and play a TEAM build or they’re just too kitten lazy to learn how to counter it.

High mobility teams counter portal. Thief traps counter portal. Bunker negates portal. etc. etc. etc.

Wait, you truly think Time Warp is balanced and “can be countered”?

I have been saying over the guru forums since before the release of this game that Time Warp was the most broken skill of this game, and I’ve been thinking this even before the devs nerfed all other quickness skills/ traits. In fact, when I considered making Mesmer my main character, one of the advantages I’ve immediatly thought of was the existance of this overpowered skill that was at the time negleted.

Quickness has been causing problems in this game even when it lasts only a couple of seconds and has a drawback. Do you really think that a party-wide quickness that also happens to have no drawback, that also happens to last 10s, that also happens to be massive, that also happens to be a combo field, is not overpowered, really?

If Chuck Norris was a party-support field, he would be Time Warp. :P

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


If chuck norris was a character selection people would still whine about mesmers being OP while they played the Chuck Norris character….. You didn’t say why it can’t be countered… you just say it can’t… The ones who say it can be countered have given SPECIFIC reliable ways to do so but they get brushed off as impossible…. Reflection confusion… USING WEAPONS that are longer range than those who are in the time warp… Engineer grenade kits… Warrior rifle… ranger longbow… And the party wide support with no drawback kinda fits the definition of Elite skills… Lets look at confusion as an example of a counter people say that ele’s can get confused into death in tornado form… Same could be said for those inside time warp…

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Make Portal only self-usable,so only the mesmer can use it. There fixed.

Not there fixed… because portal description is as follows.

Create an entry portal at your location that teleports ALLIES to your exit portal or vice-versa.

It was never designed with the sole purpose for the mesmer to use and the in game description doesn’t say anything about the mesmer using it with the group let alone by themselves…. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it.

You basically said that portals were okay because 99% of mesmers needed them for an escape more than anything, then defend that the entire team should use it. So when you mention mist form, warrior block, etc. etc. those should apply to the entire team as well by that logic.

That’s why it’s so big in PvP, not because the mesmer uses it himself, because a well coordinated team suddenly just jumped 3 guys half a map distance instantly.

And a theif using shadow refuge could do the same except you wouldn’t see them coming and with the size of the maps it wouldn’t matter how fast they got there cuz they would still be in stealth. With portal you see the mesmer plop up right in the middle of you and if an ENTIRE team jumped three guys half a map distance then that means you have two guys to take the two points that the other team is ignoring completely…. But hey thats just me thinking outside the box….

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


Please do.

If you do it, 90% of the teams wont require mesmers at all, it will change the meta (competitive) a bit, and maybe give engineers and rangers a change at paid (chance meaning getting invited to teams).

Also, a team with portals wins 90% of the time, and if you follow your line of buffinf/debuffing Anet (you only act when you know numbers and statistics and tons of data) you’ll do it. Mesmer portals are in 90% of the teams.

(in reality, what i want is just variety i tournaments, i want clutch matches to happen much more often, i want to fight multiple builds of the same class, not just 1/2 per class… as things are, people know every bit of the tournament before it happens: 1 Bunker (99% guardian) 1 Mesmer (99% with portals) 2 Bursts (90% backstab thief or d/d ele) and the necro/engi filler)

Please, im not asking for huge debuffs or buffs or even modes or maps. Just… shake things up a bit, its been six months and its been the same thing every single evening)

Thanks for reading

instead of QQ u need more PEW PEW. thank you for reading.

Btw 90% of teams winning have portal??? please dont throw out random stats. it has to be much higher then that because usually most teams have a mesmer so everyteam with a mesmer winning compared to teams without a mesmer dont even win so shouldnt be considered except some teams dont use a mesmer and still go into paids and win but they use the 15 stack invun GS guard glitch so when they win it dont count anywayz (were do i put a period)

please nerf guards teleport and ele teleport and theif invis and can you make the games only go to 150 points 500 is to long its been 6 months we need a change.



Removing Portals in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


If you’re going to nerf the portal, do an actual logical nerf…like it only being able to be used by people in the mesmer’s party, and if the mesmer leaves the party or is kicked, the portal instantly shuts itself off. Or do the shutting off thing but it happens when 5 people other than the mesmer going through it.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald