Resetting combat and TDM

Resetting combat and TDM

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Hello all,

First, I wanted to say nicely done on making the new courtyard map, its very nice for TDM matchups with all of the movement possibilities. However, there is ONE situation that does very much bother me – resetting combat.

For a TDM mode, I do not believe resetting combat should be so easy, or even possible, especially given all of the LOS and size of this map.

Specifically, I’ll bring up some results from the Mistipedia 2v2 tourney this past Friday:

In the matchup that starts at 2:10:00, one of the players was able to easily LOS away from the fight and completely reset combat healing to full without using the heal-skill, giving that team a significant advantage, and I would argue ultimately the win in the fight. Now I understand purposely doing this is generally against the rules of such a tournament. I am not sure if this reset was purposeful or accidental, but I would argue it should not really be possible.

Some would say that this was possible in WoW arenas, and was just your team’s fault if resets happened, but as I also understand it these arenas were much smaller for 2v2 size fights. Further, especially with the capability for on-demand long stealth, it would be incredibly easy for thieves to reset at-will – destroying the game-mode.

So a question and a suggestion:

Q. Should resetting combat be possible in this size arena?

S. Remove such a capability, perhaps by increasing the timer/range for resetting in these arenas/game-mode.

Resetting combat and TDM

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I absolutely agree, if it was accidental then fair enough

TDM will certainly magnify balance issues because there is no secondary goal to ease the pressure of combat and conquest also acts as a direct counter to spamming stealth which would be an even more prevalent way of fight resetting. There is however a lot of short sightedness on the issue;

-Stealth has never been an issue

ive not seen one 5v5 yet that occurs where people try cheesy 1 sided tactics.

That’s people responding to how they don’t believe fight resetting would be an issue. TDM will be far easier to cheese than conquest, it depends largely on how harsh Anet would be willing to be with skill restrictions.

Resetting combat and TDM

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


100% agree.

I too enjoy the new map and mode. I think it allows people to bring solid team comps instead of the bunker meta that rules (and will always rule) conquest. Also, its centered around team fights entirely and is fast and straight to the action with combat being the key and clear goal.

I think other modes could work with gw2, potentially something along the lines of blizzards new Heroes of the storm (which i’m in alpha and enjoying), but it would require arenanet to think outside the box, and probably require a lot of coding.

Arena is pretty simple to put in, and balance can happen on a class by class basis. My only concern atm is multiple classes on the same team. AKA stuff like a bunch of minion masters on one team, or a ton of mesmers etc, where you spam the screen. Almost feel like if it becomes competitive for the first time ever they might consider a cap of 1 profession type each..the way moba’s etc keep their games balanced.

Resetting combat and TDM

in PvP

Posted by: cyyrix.6105


It would definitely be a nice option for custom arena but tbh I don’t see it as a big problem.

Don’t let the person reset, reset at the same time, or burst down their outnumbered allies while the resetter is completely out of position.

Cyyrix | Marypoppins Deathsquad [mds] | Team Riot [RIOT] | Blackgate

Resetting combat and TDM

in PvP

Posted by: Phadde.7362


Due to health being rapidly regenerated outside of combat, I think you shouldn’t be able to leave combat if played as a last team standing w/o the ability to respawn.

However, if played with respawns I think that you should be able to leave combat as usual.

I absolutely agree, if it was accidental then fair enough

…There is however a lot of short sightedness on the issue;

SR isnt OP.

-Stealth has never been an issue

ive not seen one 5v5 yet that occurs where people try cheesy 1 sided tactics.

That’s people responding to how they don’t believe fight resetting would be an issue. TDM will be far easier to cheese than conquest, it depends largely on how harsh Anet would be willing to be with skill restrictions.

I think calling out people like this from outside the thread is uncalled for and quite frankly insulting.

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Resetting combat and TDM

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I think calling out people like this from outside the thread is uncalled for and quite frankly insulting.

I have zero sympathy based on how people tried to act in that thread tbh, uncalled for/insulting – you might want to direct that somewhere else. That and the fact that it’s directly related to the topic, this topic just isn’t circlejerking the idea of TDM, it’s actually looking at it critically.

Have you thought about your view critically? For example you are promoting fight resetting if TDM was respawn based, have you thought about what would happen to a team getting a small early lead and then evading combat with stealth/running until the timer dies and they win?

(edited by azuzephyr.7280)

Resetting combat and TDM

in PvP

Posted by: Moderator.6840


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