Rewards for solo queue need to be upped

Rewards for solo queue need to be upped

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Right now you have a bunch of people playing team arena that do not care whether they win or not most of the time because they are still getting better rewards then playing solo queue and winning half of the time just by winning in team queue at an abysmal percentage. It also leads to a very low quality of match more often then not. Am I the only person that thinks the idea of solo queueing for TEAM arena is a weird one to begin with? It is a total myth that people care more about winning and know the conquest format better in team arean precisely because of all these newbie pvp players queuing solo for team arena to get better rewards over time regardless of how good you are anyone can win 25% of there games or so.

Rewards for solo queue need to be upped

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


One thing the developers have mentioned is exploring higher rewards for higher-ranked matches. I think that would be really exciting. It could also solve some of the current problems with leaderboards/team arenas/etc.

For example, if there were a massive reward for winning matches from the top 10 leaderboard spots, people would be less likely to play as few games as possible to stay on the top, and we wouldn’t need super fast decay. Even if winning from the top 1000 gave just moderately higher rewards, it might still be more profitable to solo queue to win than to team queue.

I don’t know if this is even possible until leagues/ladders come in. But it would be pretty cool.

Rewards for solo queue need to be upped

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


I would also add, do something with the losing teams as well. Maybe they get double the score in glory (not rank, only winners get rank) as well as a small match participation bonus. That way, even a losing team that still plays well will get a better reward than a team that afks or has people leaving. In fact, you could even put in an average score system, so if someone clearly hasnt bothered playing, they do not get the losing bonus. I feel this would help with the games, and people could see that still trying would net them a higher reward than if they just sat it out and lost. Maybe then less people would just leave and ruin matches.

I know it can be exploited, but forget them people, design a system that is good for the good players, and to hell with the bads only in it for easy wins.

I think in terms of fun, most people would agree that matches go in this order of enjoyment.

Close win
Close defeat
Easy win
Utterly crushed

The close the match the more fun. When both teams sit around 400 the intensity can rack, the match is still boths teams to win, you start playing better than ever, your team comes together to hold those points and the other team throws all it can to take the mid, you hold out, hoping to keep that point JUST long enough to win, but the other team wants it too and they bring their A game, trying to knock you off that point, sometimes forgoing even defensive play in favour of all out attack.

All the fractal gear in the world means nothing to me compared to those solid match ups, they are when the PVP gods align and you walk away proud of a great victory or a valiant effort right down to the line……excuse me I need a wee moment with myself haha.

Rewards for solo queue need to be upped

in PvP

Posted by: Marcos.3690


I’d love to see some kind of system like wow’s where there is a weekly points flush depending of your rank position.

These points would be spend to buy the coolest skins in the game, ofc.

Rewards for solo queue need to be upped

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Are you sure they are doing it for the rewards? and not that they want to 2Q or 3Q

Rewards for solo queue need to be upped

in PvP

Posted by: Dhunis.9072


thanks to higher rewards the teamq isnt as dead as it was before, even though there are mostly soloers in it.

Ranked Arenas a.k.a. the New Hotjoin