Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015


We’re going to be disabling the newly implemented roster shuffling until the next hotfix. Some players were experiencing issues with the system and we want to make sure we get everything completely ironed out before we bring it back online.

You may continue to participate in Solo Queue – it will match you the same way that it did prior to the update.

I’ll keep you guys updated.


Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620



When will that be?


Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138



When will that be?

when its ready
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541



Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015


Looks like we’re going to be bringing it back up before the hotfix.

Should be coming back online…!

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Looks like we’re going to be bringing it back up before the hotfix.

Should be coming back online…!

Wow, that’s…really fast. Thanks for all the work you guys put into this, even if it had a few rough hours before becoming fully functional. Looking forward to testing it out.

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Just curious, what was the issue people experienced?

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


Just curious, what was the issue people experienced?

If a player was invited or kicked from a roster while another player was in the process of joining, and the latency was high enough, the joining player would get information about those roster changes before they finished joining.

We had code in place that assumed getting roster information could only happen if you had already joined the roster. That assumption was apparently incorrect.

Hard to find, easy to fix.

You can thank Evan for finding and fixing it quickly.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

(edited by Justin ODell.9517)

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015


The Lesh Prince!

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: rsq.3581


The Lesh Prince!

+1 for sure

Salphir | Salfir | Falana
jo0 Binder

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Just curious, what was the issue people experienced?

If a player was invited or kicked from a roster while another player was in the process of joining, and the latency was high enough, the joining player would get information about those roster changes before they finished joining.

We had code in place that assumed getting roster information could only happen if you had already joined the roster. That assumption was apparently incorrect.

Hard to find, easy to fix.

You can thank Evan for finding and fixing it quickly.

I like your style. A few months back, I wouldn’t even have asked that question because it would have been pointless. Between you and Grouch, I like the amount of feedback and discussion we have.

Keep up the good work gentleman. You have my heart <3

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


<Raises a glass to Josh and Evan and Justin!> You guys are establishing real credibility here…one issue at a time. Great job!

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

(edited by Silentshoes.1805)

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: docMed.7692


Nice to see the random shake up (definitely noticing a difference). Still a bit of an issue though when u get 3-4 thieves on one team vs a well balanced team. Any chance of adding a little more criteria there?

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015

Nice to see the random shake up (definitely noticing a difference). Still a bit of an issue though when u get 3-4 thieves on one team vs a well balanced team. Any chance of adding a little more criteria there?

Justin has been looking into adding additional parameters to solo queue like balancing professions between both teams. Every additional criteria we add increases the queue times, though. I don’t think we’ve decided on anything for sure, but we have been toying with the idea.

Glad to hear you’re enjoying the changes.

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


“Justin has been looking into adding additional parameters to solo queue like balancing professions between both teams.”

Maybe just look at matchups where several players would each have an opposing team player that their class naturally destroys easily. [Trying to think of an example here].

Because that’s an inherently unfair match.

Of course you can’t get into too much detail here because you can’t be checking builds, I don’t imagine.

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

(edited by Silentshoes.1805)

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: docMed.7692


Nice to see the random shake up (definitely noticing a difference). Still a bit of an issue though when u get 3-4 thieves on one team vs a well balanced team. Any chance of adding a little more criteria there?

Justin has been looking into adding additional parameters to solo queue like balancing professions between both teams. Every additional criteria we add increases the queue times, though. I don’t think we’ve decided on anything for sure, but we have been toying with the idea.

Glad to hear you’re enjoying the changes.

Yea, I guess it just depends what people are willing to wait for. I fall in anywhere from top 100 to 1000 in soloQ (somewhere over 40 matches or so played). I haven’t played much because of sync’ing, but again, latest fixes seem nice - seeing the same players, but the teams are definitely being shuffled. Matches go anywhere from 50 seconds to 5 min or so queue time, which is fine for me since I can just hot-join or do w/e I want otherwise. Well balanced teams (i.e. criteria of just 1-2 classes per queue) would definitely add to the times, but I would be absolutely fine with waiting 10-15 minutes for a match that was at least balanced better. Guess it all just depends on the person though. 5 minutes max is probably a good target queue time overall.

** edit ** one thing to consider is future benefit; even though it may be longer now, these changes encourage more players, which means ultimately less queues. For example myself, I barely soloq’d before because of sync/etc, but if the matches are truely randomized/balanced, you bet I would do it more and I’d imagine if word of this balance got out, more people would be interested. Kind of a ’if you build it, they will come’ scenario.

(edited by docMed.7692)

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Good work fixing it quickly then champs

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: kito.1827


may we get a more detailed view of what exactly was implemented to the system?

how does it work? are we teamed up then matched up and again mixed both teams or is it more like matching up 10 at once and mixing all up to teams?
also how is the shuffle working? is it like 1-3-5-7-9 vs 2-4-6-8-10 or 1-4-5-8-9 vs 2-3-6-7-10 or algorithmic random shuffle?

this would be awesome to add to patchnotes!!

Karl Otik
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Sudden.8729


Just curious, what was the issue people experienced?

If a player was invited or kicked from a roster while another player was in the process of joining, and the latency was high enough, the joining player would get information about those roster changes before they finished joining.

We had code in place that assumed getting roster information could only happen if you had already joined the roster. That assumption was apparently incorrect.

Hard to find, easy to fix.

You can thank Evan for finding and fixing it quickly.

I like your style. A few months back, I wouldn’t even have asked that question because it would have been pointless. Between you and Grouch, I like the amount of feedback and discussion we have.

Keep up the good work gentleman. You have my heart <3

Agreed. Thanks for the info guys!!!

Vandallias – Champion Hunter Too Seksi – Guardian – Random sPVP/WvW

Roster Shuffling Temporarily Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: Smiley.5376


Thanks you for doing this so fast

Profession balancing would be so nice.
Simple algorithm of max 2 guards + any other profession only once should do it.

If you are only left with the possibility of putting 2 players of the same profession in one team, make priorities.

This of coarse only for conquest mode… other algorithm needed if other modes added