S/F, in pure theory, should be a top build at the moment. It has okay sustain (terrible in any meta game), pretty good cleanse, and no damage. Every meta build in the game that does any kind of damage can beat it, it is outmatched by every single damage build in the game in the damage department, and it has 1 burst, which is phoenix. The fact that out of s/f’s 16 weapon skills, 6 of them are instant casts. Only two of which are offensive.
Thief, on the other hand, has no classes that counter it in the sense that it can kill a thief consistently and in a reasonable time (like Druid countering DH, or DH countering Mesmer). Every class has a counter, and every class counters(except meta ele, which counters nothing and thief, which has no counters). Why S/F buffs would be good is that it can counter thief if it were properly buffed. A good ele would be able to spike a thief sufficiently enough during one of the thief’s burst to make the thief flee or die. The S/F buffs would give ele a damage build, and give them the ability to 1v1. It’s been over a year since ele could do any damage, before S6 would be as good a time as any to let them do something other than auramancing.
The buffs I propose:
-Shatterstone also applies chill (so it can actually be apart of any type of rotation)
-Lightning Strike, both the trait and skill do the same amount of damage, and the damage of each is increased by 50%. (so we’d have more than 1 spike)
-Dust Devil would now work more similarly to Cyclone where it doesn’t simply disappear when it hits it object, but it actually goes through them and apply another blind to the enemy behind it.
-Water Trident’s cast time is now 1/4th second
-Dragon’s Tooth’s cast time is now 1/2 second and the after cast is reduced by 30% (this time it can actually EXIST to an ele)
-Magnetic Wave’s cooldown is decreased to 20 seconds and the damage it does is increased 20%.
-Phoenix removes 2 condis
-Weak Spot’s chance on crit is increased to 75%
-Lightning Flash is now a stun break
-Elemental Surge now also increases the effects of all arcane skills Arcane Brilliance) 30% healing increase per target, Arcane Blast is now unblockable, Arcane Power now has 7 charges, Arcane Shield now has 5 charges, Arcane Wave now has a radius of 450 and a range of 1200
-Signet of Earth now has a 1/4 second cast time and applies 1 stack of stability on activation
-Signet of Fire is now in a 240 AoE
-Signet of Water now additionally heals and applies regen on activation
-Rock Solid now applies 1 stack of stability for 5 seconds
-Soothing Mist’s base healing is increasedto around 130 heal per second and the healing power contribution is decreased (to stop from buffing the meta build)
-Arc Lightning no longer has such a long break between auto attacks, it’s a more continuous stream
-Ice Shards works similarly to Arc Lightning (after my proposed buffs)
-Conjure Fiery Greatsword now has a cooldown of 60 seconds