S/Tpvp needs more rewards

S/Tpvp needs more rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Kheops.3081


So as the title says, if you guys are planning to make this an Esport we must get rewards for winning tourneys or simple spvp games
Adding Gold or Gems rewards would just be perfect , so that everybody can rent a server and practice with friends.
What do you think about this guys ?

S/Tpvp needs more rewards

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


Or maybe Custom Arenakits. Totally agree with you… Adding Gems to PvP or some PvP currency would be really awesome. The crafting is quiet boring after a few ranks already…

S/Tpvp needs more rewards

in PvP

Posted by: LeGi.3921


take a look in the suggestionboard and maybe support my idea if you really want it.


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