SPvP needs a lot of work. Here's a list of issues.

SPvP needs a lot of work. Here's a list of issues.

in PvP

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I’m going to start off with a laundry list of complaints about the structure of SPvP.

1. Sharks respawn too quickly in RotC. Most of the time, 2 skilled players will be outnumbered by sharks that they’ve killed thrice over trying to take that control point. It’s not a node that needs defending usually because of how reliable the shark respawn rate is – meaning it’s a first come first win node.

2. The cannon in RotC doesn’t function properly with the camera. I play an Asura, and 9 times out of 10 I can’t aim the cannon where I want to because the cannon won’t look that way, and instead auto-zooms me into the cannon itself.

3. Auto-Balance is a troll. This happens in two situations for me. Either I’m winning, and I get auto-balanced to the other team right before the end of the match – and am not compensated for it. Sometimes this happens more than once in the same match. It’s not rare for me to be on the winning team, switch teams – that team starts winning, and then I get swapped back to the other team before the end of the match so I lose.

4. Other players need to show up on the map at all times. I can’t tell whose on my team, or how many of them are on my team – because they don’t show up unless they are in a certain proximity.

5. The “how to play the match” notification doesn’t need to appear more than once the first time you ever play a certain type of match. It shows up multiple times in the same match – like whenever I die, or whenever I’m piloting a trebuchet.

6. Rounds don’t last long enough. The second one team gets 100 points over the other, it might as well be over. There’s almost no coming back – even if the losing team starts to heavily dominate.

7. There are many spvp rooms that just have too few people to function. I’ve been stuck in 1v2’s and 1v3’s due to hitting ‘Play Now’ and being thrown in the emptiest room. I look at the list of open rooms that are at 13/16, 14/16, 15/16 – and I can’t join one of those, even if I JUST hit refresh and I know there’s room. I don’t get a channel full message, or a queue notification – nothing happens and I’m forced to hit Play Now after a minute or two.

SPvP needs a lot of work. Here's a list of issues.

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


I was expecting some over-the-top childish whining, but these are all fair points

SPvP needs a lot of work. Here's a list of issues.

in PvP

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I’m glad you see them that way. I hope that your expectations weren’t something related to me personally though!