in PvP

Posted by: Amityel.5324


yup devs you should rename it till 10th of december….at least I hope.


in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Yeah CC used to be good in this game, coming from other MMOs. But then in evolved into an AoE spam-fest with much of this AoE being CC as well.

Targeted, telegraphed CC is fine.

But most CC in GW2 is not that type.


in PvP

Posted by: Phadde.7362


Yeah CC used to be good in this game, coming from other MMOs. But then in evolved into an AoE spam-fest with much of this AoE being CC as well.

Targeted, telegraphed CC is fine.

But most CC in GW2 is not that type.

I would really love it if they made more sensible telegraphed CCs! I think big(ger) CCs makes the game tenser and more exciting. If you’re focused enough, you should be able to dodge those (by design).

Love that concept.

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Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…


in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


I think tremor (warrior mace 5) is a well designed CC in this game. Well telegraphed on the character (shout + raising her hand upwards) and avoidable by outmanouvre’ing or dodging it since its cone shaped.

(edited by Locuz.2651)


in PvP

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Needless to say that people who can’t dodge hammer are terrible at the game. The only reason why hammer was OP is if you combine with longbow. The only real problem is skullcrack but they are changing it.


in PvP

Posted by: Zeon.8239


Even if you can dodge hammer (outside of hammer 4 which is too fast atm), you get two dodges every 20 seconds. Whereas, in the first 20 seconds, a hammer warrior gets two earthshakers, one knockdown and one knockback. And that’s barring Merciless Hammer.

But I still agree with you; hammer itself isn’t really a problem right now. Especially in 1v1 situations where you can clearly see what the warrior is doing.



in PvP

Posted by: Phadde.7362


Even if you can dodge hammer (outside of hammer 4 which is too fast atm), you get two dodges every 20 seconds. Whereas, in the first 20 seconds, a hammer warrior gets two earthshakers, one knockdown and one knockback. And that’s barring Merciless Hammer.

But I still agree with you; hammer itself isn’t really a problem right now. Especially in 1v1 situations where you can clearly see what the warrior is doing.

There are a lot of other forms of evade though.

Vote for/against <dueling>:
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…


in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


hammer is fine when dont do damage
but warrior hits like a truck with 50% crit vs stunned targets and 12 might from longbow

this have to be removed than hammer is good control for teamfights and thats enough to have a role – warrior dont need to do everything


in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


zoo fest and aoe cc spam…. so tired of seeing this

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>


in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


Hambow is overpowered


in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

you get two dodges every 20 seconds

This is wrong. If we skip the two (three for thief) initial dodges, this is the dodge rate:

  • Mesmer: permanent Vigor (Critical Infusion) = one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Guardian: permanent Vigor (Vigorous Precision) = one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Engineer: permanent Vigor (Speedy Kits + Invigorating Speed) = max one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Elementalist: permanent Vigor (Renewing Stamina) = one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Ranger = permanent “half-Vigor” (Natural Vigor) = one dodge every 6,66 seconds
  • Thief = 30% return of Endurance (Feline Grace) + 53,3% Vigor uptime (Vigorous Recovery) = average max dodge every ~5,5 seconds
  • Warrior = mainstream Hambow build has 16,6% Vigor uptime (Balanced Stance and Berserker Stance + Vigorous Focus) = max one dodge every ~8,58 seconds
  • Necromancer = nothing to improve it = one dodge every 10 seconds

And I did not mention ANY skill that includes evade frames, which would increase the evading rate even more.
It seems very clear to me that Necromancer has a serious issue :/ (never played it though, just guessing).

Oh, yes, I know that some of this traits will be chagned on Dec 10th but I wanted to make a list of current situation.

PS: I calculate the best possible dodge rate. In some cases it easy to reach (like “vigor on crit” traits), in some is harder (like Warrior stance usage and Engineer kit swap). In harder cases I wrote “max” to point this out.


in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


you get two dodges every 20 seconds

This is wrong. If we skip the two (three for thief) initial dodges, this is the dodge rate:

  • Mesmer: permanent Vigor (Critical Infusion) = one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Guardian: permanent Vigor (Vigorous Precision) = one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Engineer: permanent Vigor (Speedy Kits + Invigorating Speed) = max one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Elementalist: permanent Vigor (Renewing Stamina) = one dodge every 5 seconds
  • Ranger = permanent “half-Vigor” (Natural Vigor) = one dodge every 6,66 seconds
  • Thief = 30% return of Endurance (Feline Grace) + 53,3% Vigor uptime (Vigorous Recovery) = average max dodge every ~5,5 seconds
  • Warrior = mainstream Hambow build has 16,6% Vigor uptime (Balanced Stance and Berserker Stance + Vigorous Focus) = max one dodge every ~8,58 seconds
  • Necromancer = nothing to improve it = one dodge every 10 seconds

And I did not mention ANY skill that includes evade frames, which would increase the evading rate even more.
It seems very clear to me that Necromancer has a serious issue :/ (never played it though, just guessing).

Oh, yes, I know that some of this traits will be chagned on Dec 10th but I wanted to make a list of current situation.

PS: I calculate the best possible dodge rate. In some cases it easy to reach (like “vigor on crit” traits), in some is harder (like Warrior stance usage and Engineer kit swap). In harder cases I wrote “max” to point this out.

guardian is wrong. how many times do u think a bunker guard with ca. 5-11% crit chance proc the 5s on crit vigor? so your “easy to reach” isnt true in all cases.

the next error is asuming that only the cc are dodge worthy! so more dodges are needed.


in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

1) I should write “easier” rather than “easy”. My mistake. The lack of permanent Vigor can be compensated with Aegis though.
2) I didn’t assume anything. I never talked about when or what to dodge. I just wrote the dodge rate. Nothing more, nothing less.

Personal note: dodges/evades should be toned down, not up. Of course same goes for AOEs, CCs and whatever has a poor risk/reward coefficient.
Adding dodges would lower the skill floor even more. And that would mean the final blow to SPvP.

PS: I considered only class mechanics. It is worth mentioning that popular Sigil of Energy increases the dodge rate by a noticeable amount.

(edited by Oni Link.4621)


in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


1) …. Nothing more, nothing less.

not really. u did some evaluation. necromancer has life force to eat dmg as example


in PvP

Posted by: Amityel.5324


hooma you are nice troll…..even with full DS war can kill you in stuns….


in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


hooma you are nice troll…..even with full DS war can kill you in stuns….

and? did i said anything that he can/cant kill you while in DS?


in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

1) …. Nothing more, nothing less.

not really. u did some evaluation. necromancer has life force to eat dmg as example

You did like… the worst quote ever: taking point 1) with a sentence from point 2…

Anyway, what is your point? You are off-topic. I mentioned Aegis just as a side information, not as something to take into account, because I avoided evade frames from skills and Death Shroud too.
The only point was a list of dodging capabilities, not if they are balanced or not.

The Necromancer statement was personal as I wrote so you may argue with my opinion, not with the sense of the first post.
And seriously, you keep quoting and arguing without a goal or anything. Just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Personal note: I’m not a Necromancer user as I said above, but from experience do not every try to say to a Necro that he can compensate the lack of Vigor/evades with DS or he will insult you right on the place without thinking twice.
Currently DS is just a “skill to delay death”, not a damage reliever (common opinion which I feel correct).