(edited by Krayiss.4926)
SYNC's gotta go! Pictures
WOW. Why are those top players ALL on the same team???
The matching function is obviously naive.
Fix this or people are going to bail on SoloQ.
It has to have credibility, or people will leave it as they did the “premade soloQ”.
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)
WOW. Why are those top players ALL on the same team???
The matching function is obviously naive.
Fix this or people are going to bail on SoloQ.
It has to have credibility, or people will leave it as they did the “premade soloQ”.
Syncing is a problem, but I’m much more offended about people saying they aren’t syncing, when they really are. lol (a different thread issue tho :P). I say down with the insta-matchmaking and randomize it with a pool of players over a course of maybe 2-4 minutes.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
None of those players play together on a regular basis. However, here is my thought process:
“Hey I just queued with a really good team. Maybe they’ll queue again. I should go queue!”
If those 5 players just left a game, odds are they’re queuing right around the same time. This is a fault for queuing not syncing.
Quit your kittening already people solo queue has been here for 1 day Jesus
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Nice trolling lol. And the other 5 who just left the match are also Qing (funny they don’t get on their team). Its simple but I guess you didnt know. Wait 10-20 seconds, then all at the same time Q. You just let the other 5 players who lost Q back up and your on teamspeak owning it up with your team of 5.
But your post makes so much sense all this is QQ
Nice try DXIEdge.
None of those players play together on a regular basis. However, here is my thought process:
“Hey I just queued with a really good team. Maybe they’ll queue again. I should go queue!”
If those 5 players just left a game, odds are they’re queuing right around the same time. This is a fault for queuing not syncing.
Quit your kittening already people solo queue has been here for 1 day Jesus
Keep your head in the sand if you want. I’m also glad you have encyclopekittennowledge of every player in North America and who they play with. We are complaining because its obvious that synching is going. Denying it makes you part of the problem. There is tons of proof that synching going on from mathematically impossible w-l ratings in a true random environment to stuff like this. Of course people are going to complain the loudest right away we were promised a true solo q and its already rife with abuse. Why does this bother you? Have you been synching or having friends that have been synching? I would bet on one of those things. Why don’t you stay in your little premades and allow us more casual players to enjoy the kitten game!
Ok. Somebody really needs to shed light on something for me.
Are the ""top players"" (note the double quotation-marks) syncing the Solo-Q to facestomp PUGs instead of actually team-queueing?
Holy kittening kitten. Sorry for my wording here, but It’s the most kittened thing I’ve ever seen.
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian
I hope Anet can answer that 1 ^ Cause they said the rosters were hidden and it wouldnt happen.
I hope Anet can answer that 1 ^ Cause they said the rosters were hidden and it wouldnt happen.
The rosters are hidden. SYNC is a timing variable players are using not an addition and deletion from a roster.
Meh, we beat them when we were up against them yesterday. Sucks anyway and shows how ridiculous people can become in a competitive environment.
Edit: Ok not that exact same set-up but the Engi and the ranger were there at least.
When the “competitive” PvP population is only ~40-50 players in an MMO, and they all happen to use the same communal Teamspeak, there can be no such thing as a true solo queue.
This is no fault of the infrastructure. No, the solo queue is built correctly and it’s working properly. This is a population issue.
I noticed when I re-qued immediately after a match I would get some of the same teammates I had before.
None of us knew each other or were coordinating anything, but I suspect it mimicked the same thing that these guys may be doing.
Whether they are doing it intentionally or not is debatable, but it doesn’t take a lot of intuition to think super experienced players know how to “game the system”.
What’s more confusing though is how they get such a high rank if they are consistently over-loaded compared to the other team???
I’m not even in a guild right now, and I solo que’d totally un-synced with a 20-10 record…yet I’m not even in the top 100 of the leaderboard. (I lost 2 game by being shorthanded and won 2 game being 5v4, so it’s not like I have a lot of bad wins/losses.)
Releasing a leaderboard seems to be a catch-22 this early because you have the natural time needed for it to stabilize, plus you always have a few clowns gaming whatever little exploit is available so they can validate their virtual world ego.
When the “competitive” PvP population is only ~40-50 players in an MMO, and they all happen to use the same communal Teamspeak, there can be no such thing as a true solo queue.
This is no fault of the infrastructure. No, the solo queue is built correctly and it’s working properly. This is a population issue.
Working correctly, pairing the top 5 guys together?
Doesn’t matter if only 10 people were Qing, you don’t put the top 5 against the 5 weaker. You mix it up.
Your population theory is wrong.
Edge has it on the spot. None of us play together…really ever. Your pictures show nothing.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
Lol syncing is very possible my team tested this just to make sure and it fully works. Landed 4people (only 4 of us que’d) on same team. Hardly fair?
Fix this A-net there are several threads with easy fixes, including the 10-20 people q’d then randomize.
I for one won’t be q’ing again as I don’t want to abuse this nor face a premade as a solo. Defeats the purpose….
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.
Edge has it on the spot. None of us play together…really ever. Your pictures show nothing.
Pictures show that your all 5 on a team then 3 hours later again same team
Keep denying but your not playing anymore till they get online huh?
When the “competitive” PvP population is only ~40-50 players in an MMO, and they all happen to use the same communal Teamspeak, there can be no such thing as a true solo queue.
Pop was definitely high during prime-time because the queue was popping nigh-instantly and I had the same player all of once on my team but never saw repeat names else where.
The problem starts when you get into the wee-hours of the night and people, obviously NA for me as I play on an NA server, start going to bed, and I started to see sync’s or at least oddities of same team, same guild.
[Eon] – Blackgate
When the “competitive” PvP population is only ~40-50 players in an MMO, and they all happen to use the same communal Teamspeak, there can be no such thing as a true solo queue.
This is no fault of the infrastructure. No, the solo queue is built correctly and it’s working properly. This is a population issue.
Population certainly is an issue, but its not the issue. Anet was aware of their population when they started designing soloq – here’s a solution I literally put 8 seconds of thought into – when you have 10 people ready, randomly assign them to a team, rather than doing so by q order. It’s not perfect, but it counters Sync queueing almost completely, should not be hard to implement, and isn’t unfair to anyone.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
Edge has it on the spot. None of us play together…really ever. Your pictures show nothing.
Pictures show that your all 5 on a team then 3 hours later again same team
Keep denying but your not playing anymore till they get online huh?
You make me laugh. We’re hardcore PvPers..meaning we play for more than 30 minutes a day.
Anyways…the only one of those guys I’d ever spoken to was Eurantein.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
They aint syncing… well maybe but highly doubtful because I seen euratien with couple nobodies as well… just once. I see cruuk leading a bunch of nobodies all the time though.
Like I said, hotjoins is all about luck, some of those celebrity players are getting it while others aren’t. Also if your going against celeb player it pretty much means game over because a lot of people feel defeated at the start of the game, unless you have a celeb player on your team as well then you know its good game.
At least you didn’t have to 3v5 this.
Solo que is fine, but matchmaking they need improvement on, like I said a million times before.
I guess that means I’m syncing queues with guys I have never even spoken a word to before.
Competency is hard to find around here at times..
That last line is so funny now Im laughing with you. You lie once and who says you are not lying about syncing?
@uberking thats 12:07 am tich is at work and the others don’t care about their perfect 0 loss rating
(edited by Krayiss.4926)
Edge has it on the spot. None of us play together…really ever. Your pictures show nothing.
Pictures show that your all 5 on a team then 3 hours later again same team
Keep denying but your not playing anymore till they get online huh?You make me laugh. We’re hardcore PvPers..meaning we play for more than 30 minutes a day.
Anyways…the only one of those guys I’d ever spoken to was Eurantein.
Let’s start off with the assumption that your being completely honest.
Even so, the solo q still has a big design flaw – people shouldn’t be put into teams in the order in which they q’d. It leads to people purposefully And accidentally absuing the system. It leads to silly psuedo-teams.
Anet, just take 10 ready players, and randomly assign them to their teams.
Lets also note that out of 466 players, you are the only one with 0 losses. While that doesn’t definitively prove anything, it’s certainly raises eyebrows.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)
I guess that means I’m syncing queues with guys I have never even spoken a word to before.
Competency is hard to find around here at times..
That last line is so funny now Im laughing with you. You lie once and who says you are not lying about syncing?
@uberking thats 12:07 am tich is at work and the others don’t care about their perfect 0 loss rating
I’m confused. When I queue…I’m not at work. But 12:00pm? Yes…
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
Not sure what you are asking but you dodged the part directed at you about blatantly lying on the forums. So its very possible that your solo arena rank was synced.
possible solutions: when there are rdy 10, randomly assigning to both teams
min 20-30 rank requirement
and real punishments to the leavers
btw its imspoible to control the wintrade in a game played by 100-200 real pvpers
many ve 2nd acc.. he would can enter to a game just to help a friend.. if they are in same team he do his best, if he is in the opposite , going off….
Not sure what you are asking but you dodged the part directed at you about blatantly lying on the forums. So its very possible that your solo arena rank was synced.
Prove I lied. Thanks. GG. Don’t get too mad.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
I guess that means I’m syncing queues with guys I have never even spoken a word to before.
Competency is hard to find around here at times..
Anyways…the only one of those guys I’d ever spoken to was Eurantein.
GG kid and everyone knows you were syncing I dont need to prove anything. You cant even keep a story straight with your team. Lying about knowing them and about syncing.
You keep saying everyone is bitter and mad oh and now you think I am mad as well. Interesting,,, it says alot about your character….
I guess that means I’m syncing queues with guys I have never even spoken a word to before.
Competency is hard to find around here at times..
Anyways…the only one of those guys I’d ever spoken to was Eurantein.
GG kid and everyone knows you were syncing I dont need to prove anything
. You cant even keep a story straight with your team. Lying about knowing them and about syncing.
You keep saying everyone is bitter and mad oh and now you think I am mad as well. Interesting,,, it says alot about your character….
Lol I’ve never seen someone get so mad over solo queue aside from when Davinci had a 100 point lead over the team I was on and lost >.<
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
Pursuing this absurd witch hunt says a lot about your character, Krayiss.
He asked, So I delivered
But again he denies what he says and just says someone is mad….
Oh and Socram I don’t have a torch or anything. I just posted some pictures of a team syncing. Not even calling anyone out of the group and then he came to troll lol but my bad for feeding :/
Just hope this Sync thing gets outa here quick and the top 7 players play more than 10 games lol
(edited by Krayiss.4926)
Give it a few more days and we will know who is cheating for sure just by looking at w-l percentages on the leaderboard. We are not as kittenome of you cheaters think we are. The laws of probabilty do not support some of the ridiculous winning percentages we already are starting to see in a so called solo queue. Whether or not A-net can really do anything about it is another matter because unfortunately this game has a pathectic sized player base for tpvp considering the millions of copies of GW2 sold and there is a limited ammount of players in the queue in any couple minute time period. I was getting 5-10 minute queues at time last night which is ridiculous. Someone that queued at the exact same times as me would have had an extremly high chance of getting on my team.
I guess that means I’m syncing queues with guys I have never even spoken a word to before.
Competency is hard to find around here at times..
Anyways…the only one of those guys I’d ever spoken to was Eurantein.
GG kid and everyone knows you were syncing I dont need to prove anything
. You cant even keep a story straight with your team. Lying about knowing them and about syncing.
You keep saying everyone is bitter and mad oh and now you think I am mad as well. Interesting,,, it says alot about your character….Lol I’ve never seen someone get so mad over solo queue aside from when Davinci had a 100 point lead over the team I was on and lost >.<
Thou dost protest too much. You were the latest poster in most of the threads about this subject at some point today. I have no clue whether or not you are a synch queuer or not Im really not interested in pointing fingers but in getting a solution to the problem. But if you are one of those people that thinks this is not happening at all you are delusional I will say that.
(edited by Kwll.1468)
Ya I wonder how or if they will even address it. Then ya I’ve been getting the timer going to 8 and 9 minutes every time. Played whole hotjoin games while waiting.
The syncing is making anyone who wanted soloQ leave :/ now we are left with new people trying out pvp XD
Meh, we beat them when we were up against them yesterday. Sucks anyway and shows how ridiculous people can become in a competitive environment.
Edit: Ok not that exact same set-up but the Engi and the ranger were there at least.
yes to these ppl the game is finding the cheat and abusing it – the ACTUAL game is probably pretty boring to them (read – teamwork and growth), lol.
(edited by bud.9246)
Syncing killed team arenas in GW1, as it worked so well and so often that very few players went to TA.
They thinking was: “Why would I play in a team against others who also have a team, when I can go in a team against those who are not in a team, and have that way an advantage over them?”
So people just synced in hopes of getting a less synced team, and when they go to Team Arenas after 25 RA fights, they left and went back to RA to sync again.
If Sync works in GW2, it something that MUST stop.
Even if it means having people wait longer or not get into teams at all until 4 other different people that were not in their previous 1-4 matches appear.
At least teams are fixed here. In GW1 some will even harass players until they leave if they were not their fifth, so they may get their own 5th in the remaining join time.
Syncing, one of the most hated and abused parts of GW1 pvp, makes its triumphant return to Gw2!!! Well, that’s what us Gw1 players get for complaining about the lack of Gw1 features in Gw2.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
They aint syncing… well maybe but highly doubtful because I seen euratien with couple nobodies as well… just once. I see cruuk leading a bunch of nobodies all the time though.
Like I said, hotjoins is all about luck, some of those celebrity players are getting it while others aren’t. Also if your going against celeb player it pretty much means game over because a lot of people feel defeated at the start of the game, unless you have a celeb player on your team as well then you know its good game.
At least you didn’t have to 3v5 this.
Solo que is fine, but matchmaking they need improvement on, like I said a million times before.
Aww man people are such dullards….if it was me i would be wanting to beat the celeb player! I watched a few of Ostrich Eggs videos when i was struggling on my engineer…would love to kick his butt to say thanks!
If you played wow…once seen Vurtne in AV and killed him…although very nearly lost even though he had no mana lol.
dullards lol . I just Wish this GW2 community that everyone says is so great would own up along with the devs.
And can’t believe it carried over from GW1 lol
Just to add some people’s ranks on that screenshot:
2 tichorum.2415 Mila Storm 11 0 100.00% Fort Aspenwood
12 Eurantien.4632 Eurantien 45 13 77.59% Stormbluff Isle
13 SeasonedBro.3849 Puff The Cocoa 20 6 76.92% Ferguson’s Crossing
25 QtHman.9510 H Necro 28 8 77.78% Anvil Rock
29 Sivvy.4985 Sivvy Andretti 25 8 75.76% Blackgate
I’ve also faced the same team more than once on sPvP. It seems pretty obvious by now that syncing can be done and is a very easy exploit. It also explains why sometimes people instanlty disconnect from a game after just entering it. They probably landed on the wrong game from the rest of the team.
It should be very, very hard to have anything close to 80% victory with a large number of games. One player should not be able to make such a drastic difference in team victory given a no exploit game.
Just put a random 1-60 seconds (That you can’t see) delay when you press join button.
Btw got same 4 ppl + 1 pug like 4 times in a row last night, but even being on ts (And from the same guild) they were still bad as kitten..
@archaon 60 secs is a nice idea. Ya using teamspeak is pretty lame Ill make a topic about that
Unintentional syncing happens as well. When I tested solo que, I found that 9/10 times when you join right after finishing the match, you will end up with some combination of the same people on your team again.
Algorithm must just be first come first served.
Title says it all. Pls don’t delete this thread
In relation to Spvp forums -Spvpers are lying and this is proof & Solo Arena is being SYNC’d.pic 715 6:56 PM “Ok in this screenshot you will see that it is 6:56 or so and we fought that team” -Sis O Dhuum
pic 722 9:11 PM “In this one the ele is saying he fought the same team 4 times in a row”-Sis O Dhuum“You don’t just have the same team over and over, and then 3 hours
later get the same team again, that just doesn’t happen that is
obvious syncing.” -Sis O Dhuum4+ games while in the same group 3 hours later? Its a joke
ArcTheFallen is much more offened at the liars “I’m much more offended about people saying they aren’t syncing, when they really are.” -ATF
LOL. Why are you posting a thread about your own team syncing?
… and it not working?
Am I good?… I’m good.
Even if I did. I wouldnt be the problem lol look at my w/l . Ive lost to a sync 15 times and had 7 afk losses outa my 22 games lost.
This is getting to be a bit of a witch hunt. I know that Stuningstyles isn’t syncing because I just got him in my random group with 3 r20-40s. I’m pretty surprised that he is maintaining an 85% winrate after 60 games, but there it is.
Maybe you should be blanking those names rather than randomly accusing people.
(edited by Mammoth.1975)
Looks like syncing. But it could just be something wrong with match making and they’re able to get the same team again. I find it strange all of those high level well known players end up on the same team together. Too many coincidences.
Is stunningstyles in the picture? And alot of the sync’ers played a few games without their full team after the 1st day and dropped down from their 90%s lol. And ya the top couple player will easily have a 75% win ratio. Some are using teamspeak Where stunning just carries people with bunker or w/e other class if he plays any and the team needs it.
Is stunningstyles in the picture? And alot of the sync’ers played a few games without their full team after the 1st day and dropped down from their 90%s lol. And ya the top couple player will easily have a 75% win ratio. Some are using teamspeak Where stunning just carries people with bunker or w/e other class if he plays any and the team needs it.
Yeah he’s in one of the ones posted up the page a bit. I’ve also seen Ostrich in random teams both with and against me, there are a few ‘syncers’ being posted who are definitely legit queuing. I don’t think Vyndetta has been posted, but he’s on page 1 with 85% and I’ve seen him in a pretty bad group too.
The 90% winrates could be pure luck, but seeing how some of these guys are pulling 85% even in the top brackets, I don’t actually see why they couldn’t manage 90% or even 100% in the opening brackets.
They should start vsing each other more often now, and you’ll see those winrates drop. It’s not because they were syncing and now they’re not, because if there was a good time to sync, it would be when you’re getting matched against top 50 players. Why would they stop now?
(edited by Mammoth.1975)