Saltybet Inspiration for tPvP - a concept:

Saltybet Inspiration for tPvP - a concept:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


For those who haven’t following the Saltybet twitch channel.

It’s a stream of a fighting game. They place two characters that are AI controlled in a match.

People go on to the website and bet using fake dollars ‘saltybucks’ on who wins the fight.

Using the shout casting system we have in place now that notifies casters that a game is taking place between two teams:

Have an NPC inside Lions Arch near the BLTC NPCs. When a match starts, the NPC announces it.

Players can be 1/5/10g on Team XX or Team YY.

When a match is over and they win, the player makes 85% of their money back.

For the teams that are playing. The winning team gets 10% of the total gold from bets players put down. Losing teams will get 5%.


10 PvE heros place a total bet of 90g each on Team XXX
90g Total

1 PvE Hero places a bet for 10g on Team YYY
10g Total

Total pot: 100g

Team XXX wins! Joy.

The single PvE Hero loses his money. Period. 10g down the drain, oh well you lost a bet.

The 10 PvE heros rejoice!

Their net income back is 153g.

Subtract 27g (15%).

The teams gain the 27g.

The winning team takes home 17.82g, split 5 ways (3.5g each).

The losing team takes home 9.18g

Now PvE / WvW players can get addicted making a buck off tPvP.

tPvP players get paid for playing well.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

Saltybet Inspiration for tPvP - a concept:

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


What A Splendid Idea!