Sample size of ranked games

Sample size of ranked games

in PvP

Posted by: ketchup.2783



How many games do you have to play in ranked in order to get a good matchup with your skill set and the perceived mmr that the game gives you? I’ve only played 5 games in ranked and I’m getting horrible matchups so much so that my teammates despise me.

(edited by ketchup.2783)

Sample size of ranked games

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I have only played 60ish games and floating 60%ish winrate. Most of my losses have come when duo queuing or team queuing. Those seem more mismatched when I just solo queue. Feel roughly 85% of my solo queue matches have been evenly distributed with player skill and most blow outs are coming from Temple and Foefire.