Save glory points?
I advice you to find a thread about the PvP Mystic Forge. See what items you can get for your rank, then preview them in the pvp locker. See what you want then buy chests appropriatly. People say that gold chests give the most chance of slivers, personally i have found 3 of them from silver chests multiple times and from rank up chests, but none from gold yet.
Theres 3 tier of items per 10 ranks you can craft (plus the tournament tokens you can use at any rank). As you might expect, copper gives most of the tier 1 of items, silver tier 2, and gold tier 3. But that doesnt have to mean that the higher tier items are better looking, so check out the locker. The arcane items are tiered as well, and drop from their respective chest. dust = copper crystal = silver sliver = gold. (over many, many chests, results may vary as if you’re lucky you can get higher tier items or mats from a chest)
A personal favorite of mine that i dont see many people talk about is buying copper chests to get a big stack of dusts. Then craft glory boosters with them as they take 10 arcane dusts but only 1 orb and 1 crystal. In that 1 hour of +50% glory you can buy many copper chests again.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
all gold chests on all ranks cost 1000 glory as i know… so you will have enough glory later to buy them when you reach new rank so feel free to buy them on your rank
at least my opinion
As mentioned above, it’s not all about getting the highest tier items. Since they’re only for show, you should try to find a set of items that you like and look up the required reagents, no matter what tier it is. I bet some people will go for the highest tiered items just for bragging, but some of the best looking sets (in my opinion) are not too hard to obtain.
Thanks guys,
I wasn’t sure if I should save my glory or not
The Nature Boys [nb]
I spent mine, unfortunately I only got a few pieces I could use, but u can always salvage items and use mystic forge or put away for other toons you might roll. It’s fun clicking on chest so go with it.