Save your builds [PVP]

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Title says it all. I’m positive it has been posted before (how could it not?) but I looked 4 pages in, typed various keywords relating to this and all I find is either “Why warrior’s suck” or “blatenly op thieves” or w/e.

Memory does most of this but it’d be nice to just click a button, when out of a pvp match, and swap your build. Additionally, similar to how town clothes functions, you will have a seperate set of armor/weapons/trinkets in the hero panel to swap to (again, only when not in a pvp match). Takes away wasted inventory space, and makes loading up a profile much quicker. For example:

Profile[Gear]: armor, weapons, trinket with runes/sigils and the skins from the last profile you wore. Next to town clothes option, will be your other profile option for the other set of pvp gear complete with your runes, sigils, weapons, armor, trinkets and the skins associated with that profile.

Profile[traits]: In case the player wants to try gear X with trait Y, they can do so. So above or next to “refund traits” will be profile 1 and 2.


“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


When it’s ready.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


People have been asking for templates since day one..
Not sure it wasn’t in @ beta.

I’m willing to wait for it though even at a gem cost of 400~ per character.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


I want it but not yet..

there are other things i want more tbh

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I had a feeling it has been requested since day 1. Just didn’t see a post on the first like 4 pages so didn’t know if the thought died off or moderators shutting them down.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: produde.8092


Create new characters, I have 3 Necros and 4 Mesmers each for a different purpose. Problem solved don`t thank me.
No but seriously, as I see it it would take away precious programer time to make this thing happen, and there are things in this PvP that are way more important than something.


Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Absolutely. Allow us to save and switch builds PLEASE.
A tab in the pvp locker, that saves gear/spec. You just click and all your traits and gear are switched over.
Would be fantastic.

You could even monotize it, selling extra spec slots for gems. (though please not too expensive!).
But , while i disagree with the poster above (produde) that this is a trivial matter. (its a common complaint amonst casuals and high ranking pvpers ). its not a major priority either, hes right about that.

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: Herio.5890


Herio, Sylvari Guardian from Gandara.

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Create new characters, I have 3 Necros and 4 Mesmers each for a different purpose. Problem solved don`t thank me.
No but seriously, as I see it it would take away precious programer time to make this thing happen, and there are things in this PvP that are way more important than something.

I’m not only doing pvp, so wasting a character slot so that I can swap my build doesn’t seem reasonable. And I never said this should be a priority, so don’t say things like “precious programmer time”. There are more important things in pvp, I agree. But this should still be addressed if not already being worked on.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Save your builds [PVP]

in PvP

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


Create new characters, I have 3 Necros and 4 Mesmers each for a different purpose. Problem solved don`t thank me.
No but seriously, as I see it it would take away precious programer time to make this thing happen, and there are things in this PvP that are way more important than something.

I’m not only doing pvp, so wasting a character slot so that I can swap my build doesn’t seem reasonable. And I never said this should be a priority, so don’t say things like “precious programmer time”. There are more important things in pvp, I agree. But this should still be addressed if not already being worked on.

Agree 100% – the suggestion that we should buy more character slots in order to be able to save different builds/loadouts is pretty absurd considering the cost of an extra character slot.

Also, this is a simple quality of life enhancement request – obviously it is lower priority than other fundamental issues that need to be fixed but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be suggested.