Scoreboard Changes

Scoreboard Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Ghanim.3049


I’m personally the type of person who likes to compete, not only against my enemies, but along side my friends as well. This competitiveness of my’n is what makes me a pvp’er and i believe any true pvp’er would share this same view as me.

In Spvp however (or any pvp game for that matter), the only real way to compete with friends is to be able to view the end match results; and quite frankly GW2 Scoreboard does a very bad job of this imo.

Have you ever felt like you’ve accomplished so much in a tpvp match, but had nothing to show for because the scoreboard isn’t even worth SS’ing (screen shot). It would be nice if the scoreboard showed a little more then what it shows, but more importantly if it showed it differently. I understand you can view your kills, decaps, caps, rez, etc… all at the bottom, but you cannot compare it with other fellow teammates, and no one can really see your top achievements.

A little idea i had to help the spvp community out is to remake the scoreboard, make it more “fun,” enjoyable to view, and worth taking screen shots of so that you can gloat to your friends, or even use the screen shots to “apply” to a guild you’re interested in.

The new Scoreboard should be able to show:
- Kills
- Deaths
- Caps
- Decaps
- Defends (successful defending of a point)
- Revives
- A small Trophy icon beside the players name for the Top Awards they achieved in that match (every top award should have its own icon, but if you hover mouse over the icon it should tell you specifically what that award was for)
- And obviously points gained.

By clicking the top category, it should also organize the players from highest to lowest according to that category, Example: if i were to click “Kills” it would organize the Scoreboard to display the players with the top kills on top and lowest at the bottom.

Some scoreboards i’ve seen even go so far as to showing you the ping of other players so that you know exactly who to blame for your failures.

I really do hope this catches the eyes of some devs or even the GW2 community, i have for a long time now been a pvp only gamer, so scoreboards mean everything to me. I’d like to know what you guys think/ how you feel about this. All ideas are welcomed so don’t forget to leave a comment on your opinion and thanks for the read.

-Edited to add Revives on the list and fixed some spelling errors for you grammer kitten’s (english isn’t my first language and i know its still not perfect, but cut me some slack).

(edited by Ghanim.3049)

Scoreboard Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer


We know all about how cool the scoreboard could be. Though as I’ve said before, it’s just not a high priority at the moment :/ I’d really like to see a live scoreboard for spectators like you see in other competitive games.

I also want to bring something up that is related as I’d like to see some discussion about it. We intentionally shipped the scoreboard without showing things like k:d ratios because it put unnecessary emphasis on certain aspects of the game and can lead to ridicule from other players. Just look at what putting ranks on the scoreboard at the end of the match has done. Almost every day there are posts about bad matchmaking where the complaint is purely speculation based on rank numbers when we know for a fact that it has nothing to do with matchmaking. I’m not taking a stance for or against showing more information, but I would like to hear some feedback on the subject.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Scoreboard Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Ghanim.3049


Thank you Evan for the swift reply, much appreciated.

As for your related discussion, i understand why you and anet might feel that enhancing the scoreboard might bring out more complaints, ridicule, and all around negativity. And to be honest, when i imagine the scoreboard enhancement thats exactly what i see happening as well. People arguing and pointing the finger of blame on other people based on what the scoreboard shows; but what you have to realize is that, that negativity is going to happen with or with out a “better” scoreboard. Negativity and soar losers are a part of pvp, its apart of the competitiveness of human nature. To say “we are not going to improve* a feature in this game because people are going to use it as a tool to complain about” is a pretty bad excuse to sell yourself and your community short.

Now that being said, I’m not entirely straying away from your original related discussion. I understand that an enhanced scoreboard would also put great emphasis on certain aspects of the game that aren’t meant to be… emphasized (couldn’t think of a better word :\ ). But i ask you, is what a scoreboard shows a player really that unrelated to the game? Maybe in GW2 conquest style who kills more people or who revived more people doesn’t really matter, but in the sense of the pvp gamer it is very important and i do believe it is one of the features holding us back from Esports (personal opinion). Who killed more and who revived more are all relevant when it comes to pvp, because to be better than one another is the sole reason we all play pvp (other than fun…fun comes second).

As for the comment about the rankings as an example of what scoreboards can do. I believe the two cannot be compared. My reason for this is because when higher ranked players see other lower ranks they will blame them for the loss, and if they win with a lower ranked then they will brag about winning with a lower ranked. Rankings identify a players skill level to other players. Scoreboard results are what was produced purely based on that match itself. In this case higher ranked players can be out preformed by lower ranks. This could even put an end to most arguments against the ranking structure.

Scoreboard Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh


Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

The comment I like most from what you said is that the scoreboard would only show a single match, while rank is a stat that comes from outside the match. It’s a worthwhile distinction.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Scoreboard Changes

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Here’s my thought, to remove the “ridicule”-problem:

Only show the two players with the most points on the Scoreboard (for each team).

If possible, every player could also see their own points in addition to that.

Scoreboard Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Tamasan.6457


We intentionally shipped the scoreboard without showing things like k:d ratios because it put unnecessary emphasis on certain aspects of the game and can lead to ridicule from other players.

Evan, that’s a really good point. The problem is that the scoreboard we have now is the same as what we had at launch, but the scoring system is completely different than what we had at launch.

Rank points and rewards are awarded team-wise based on whether the team wins or loses, but the scoreboard (and the big 5/10/etc numbers that flash up on kills/caps/etc) still shows individual performance as if it was more important than winning.

I can’t be the only one that regularly sees multiple people capping a completely uncontested point in solo queue when they could be doing something useful, or piling up and getting tags on downed players about to be spiked instead of moving to the next guy. It’s a learning issue, but the indicators are countering teaching good team-play over individual “I see big numbers so must be doing it right” feelings.