Scrapper is definitely balanced
Could have done the same on thief. It was even a squsihy ele that pushed you of point and nearly capped it, because you had to run around stuff onm the map.
He decided to go for the cap instead of pressering you, thats the only reason you survived.
All your balanced posts are quite funny and make me smile about what you think happend there. but i am not impressed at all
#winner #tuxkittenuinisgoodatthisgame
I dont play high tier, but you dont either
And it was never a 3v2. The last player jumps into a very very stupid rez together with the other one. If ppl just commit to rezzes because they dont know when to stop its not your win but their loss. You didnt outplay anybody there and you did nothing a usual engi couldnt have done too.
(edited by Tux der Pinguin.3049)
Was never 3v2 was never even 2v1 but I get it, if you are trying to call stuff out about being over the top. Sure Scrappers traits are broken anyone with a brain can see that. Do you actually want to help with balance? Then give a real suggestion if you are going to start new threads constantly.
You didnt outplay anybody there and you did nothing a usual engi couldnt have done too.
Also the frequency at which you are starting new threads is starting to just look like a joke, we get it you record and stream.
(edited by HEDRO.2345)
You’re on to me! :O I think i made it clear from the get go that everything is balanced and everything is a joke
You’re pretty annoying now… All I see is your kittened sarcastic posts. Everyone can wreck everyone except thieves really. Scrappers are easy to kill if you’re not stupid. Hell I have no problem on my dh and rev. Also get wrecked by everything but that makes it fun
I’m more curious if he legitimately thinks these players in his videos are good or he thinks these are excellent plays.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
I thought his posts were all about driving traffic to his twitch channel, and his post titles are clickbait to help that.
you guys all caught me :o
Please guys make this thread about me and not how over powered Scrapper is right now.. That’s my main so as long as they don’t touch it i’m happy
Scrapper will be new dd ele. Stronger and more versatile. It will be the new meta^2 spec.
Please OP make one on Daredevil too. I would like to see the OPness of the thief elite.
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
I’m more curious if he legitimately thinks these players in his videos are good or he thinks these are excellent plays.
Question of the week.
Darth wtf you’re killing me man.
What happened to your DragonHunter is balanced thread?
That was my fave thread man.
More importantly, what happened to your video where you killed the scrapper in 3s on DH? (PROOOOOOOF THAT I WENT TO YOUR CHANNEL AND SAW THE VIDZ)
Anyways great videos.
Since I’m a huge fan of yours, can you make one with Daredevil and Berserker pls?
I will help you with the title. You should title the thread:
Daredevil is Definitely Balanced and Berserker is Definitely Balanced.
I know you play warrior the most and I remember you terrorizing people with your thief so this should be ez pz.
abc – A huge fan of your twitch channel and forum posts about expac elite balace
EU Scrub
(edited by abc.5790)
Darth wtf you’re killing me man.
What happened to your DragonHunter is balanced thread?
That was my fave thread man.
More importantly, what happened to your video where you killed the scrapper in 3s on DH? (PROOOOOOOF THAT I WENT TO YOUR CHANNEL AND SAW THE VIDZ)
Anyways great videos.
Since I’m a huge fan of yours, can you make one with Daredevil and Berserker pls?
I will help you with the title. You should title the thread:
Daredevil is Definitely Balanced and Berserker is Definitely Balanced.
I know you play warrior the most and I remember you terrorizing people with your thief so this should be ez pz.
abc – A huge fan of your twitch channel and forum posts about expac elite balace
Thank you baby <3 I had to remove the Dragon Hunter is Balanced post because of multiple complaints from my friends @morpheus (Apex) @MediumDamage (radioactive) and Arken.. considering they actually felt my thread might get the build nerfed (totally my intention, but i value friendships more than balance) i decided to take it down
Winning 1v2s – 2v3s are always possible in random queues because of players with different skill levels. These videos hardly mean anything imo, I used to 1v2 bad players all the time on ranger back when it wasn’t even a thing.
Here is an example!
(edited by Skullface.7293)
You kited down the hill when they outnumbered you, which was the correct play. You and your friend won the 2v2. The 3rd guy came in after you downed the 1st guy, and you guys basically just cleaved the corpse. Scrapper is OP, but this vid isn’t a good example. Any class could have done it.