Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Hesacon.8735


12-1 record, had to give up because the queues were consistently over 8 minutes long in sapphire and there’s nothing to do in heart of the mists. I’m on a game to play a game, not run in a big lap around the map doing nothing.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Hit legend in like 100 games playing mostly core power Engi/scrapper grenade Engi. A lot of games were played with absolutely the worst builds like shredder gyro condi Engi and power FT.

From my experience playing other games with ranking systems like CSGO and League of Legends, there are so many crybabies at the low tier divisions who believe themselves a higher rank than they actually are. Maybe the matchmaking wasn’t perfect, but let’s be honest here. If you are stuck in Ruby, you belong in Ruby. There is no shame in that. Practice the game, get better, and move on. I can’t tell you how many CSGO players I’ve met who have hundreds of matches and still in Silver 2, the second tier in the lowest division because CSGO doesn’t baby its players by withholding pip loss at the lower tiers, but tell me they belong in much higher tiers. Give me a break.

Build diversity is still awful. I feel like they gutted my class. My first love was condi Engi and I spent the first 2 and a half years playing it. I spent way too much time and money making HOPE and yet condi Engi is just godawful so I can’t even use it. I won’t be back for season 4.

You were playing core builds or bad builds in general and made it legend in 100 games?

This is what I’m talking about. I don’t care who you are or how good you are. The kind of competition I was in during S3 simply did not allow core builds or bad builds to even be in play at all. They would get chewed up in about 2s of engagement every time. So if this is serious and not a troll, it seems as yet another testimony towards the presence of account favoritism.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Fade to Black.7042

Fade to Black.7042

12-1 record, had to give up because the queues were consistently over 8 minutes long in sapphire and there’s nothing to do in heart of the mists. I’m on a game to play a game, not run in a big lap around the map doing nothing.

Would help a lot if you could queue from anywhere.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Urdfexe.9147


After my first significant loss streak I was getting someone afk from start about every 3rd game and overall godawful teams. Not fun. Eventually gave up on rankeds.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: UnSpokened.6035


my stats:
-started in sapphire
-got legendary
-played rev and ele
-only solo
-100games,around 75% win rate
-longest win streak = 15, longest lose streak = 2

honestly I did not think this season was that bad at all.

TC → BG → TC → DB → TC → Mag
s1/s2 Diamond/s3 Legend

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


Hit legend in like 100 games playing mostly core power Engi/scrapper grenade Engi. A lot of games were played with absolutely the worst builds like shredder gyro condi Engi and power FT.

From my experience playing other games with ranking systems like CSGO and League of Legends, there are so many crybabies at the low tier divisions who believe themselves a higher rank than they actually are. Maybe the matchmaking wasn’t perfect, but let’s be honest here. If you are stuck in Ruby, you belong in Ruby. There is no shame in that. Practice the game, get better, and move on. I can’t tell you how many CSGO players I’ve met who have hundreds of matches and still in Silver 2, the second tier in the lowest division because CSGO doesn’t baby its players by withholding pip loss at the lower tiers, but tell me they belong in much higher tiers. Give me a break.

Build diversity is still awful. I feel like they gutted my class. My first love was condi Engi and I spent the first 2 and a half years playing it. I spent way too much time and money making HOPE and yet condi Engi is just godawful so I can’t even use it. I won’t be back for season 4.

You were playing core builds or bad builds in general and made it legend in 100 games?

This is what I’m talking about. I don’t care who you are or how good you are. The kind of competition I was in during S3 simply did not allow core builds or bad builds to even be in play at all. They would get chewed up in about 2s of engagement every time. So if this is serious and not a troll, it seems as yet another testimony towards the presence of account favoritism.

Well said, I’ve met my share of people who coasted to legend without a hitch or real challenge. Do you really think you’re so good that every game you play you keep your competition under 100 points, or maybe you just sailed through with hand picked opponents that would have lost to ambers. Tired of people that rode win streaks thinking everyone who got stalled is bad when they themselves are probably bad.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Hit legend in like 100 games playing mostly core power Engi/scrapper grenade Engi. A lot of games were played with absolutely the worst builds like shredder gyro condi Engi and power FT.

From my experience playing other games with ranking systems like CSGO and League of Legends, there are so many crybabies at the low tier divisions who believe themselves a higher rank than they actually are. Maybe the matchmaking wasn’t perfect, but let’s be honest here. If you are stuck in Ruby, you belong in Ruby. There is no shame in that. Practice the game, get better, and move on. I can’t tell you how many CSGO players I’ve met who have hundreds of matches and still in Silver 2, the second tier in the lowest division because CSGO doesn’t baby its players by withholding pip loss at the lower tiers, but tell me they belong in much higher tiers. Give me a break.

Build diversity is still awful. I feel like they gutted my class. My first love was condi Engi and I spent the first 2 and a half years playing it. I spent way too much time and money making HOPE and yet condi Engi is just godawful so I can’t even use it. I won’t be back for season 4.

You were playing core builds or bad builds in general and made it legend in 100 games?

This is what I’m talking about. I don’t care who you are or how good you are. The kind of competition I was in during S3 simply did not allow core builds or bad builds to even be in play at all. They would get chewed up in about 2s of engagement every time. So if this is serious and not a troll, it seems as yet another testimony towards the presence of account favoritism.

For those of us who have felt the MM algorithm effect it’s plain obvious. This was always my #1 beef against the way the system works. The matches are not meant to be fair one second. And by fair I don’t mean 50/50 I mean you have an eual opportunity to get good teammates or bad ones.

When you can go straight to legendary in 100 matches on sub-optimal builds you more than likely aren’t so much that good then fed a lot of joke matches all the way to glory (the opposite for the poor sod with low/average MMR).

When you are in a team that even if we replaced you with your grand-mother you would still have won there is room to question just how much your “skill” was instrumental to the victory. Basically, they largely engineered self-fulfilling prophecies and might as well have send the badge and title via mail from the get-go if you had a high enough MMR.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Renkencen.6127


I started from amber (I was late playing in season 2 since I only did it cos they added unranked/ ranked play into dailies) and ended in ruby-

Total matched played- 316
Wins- 154 (combine above means I my win was like 38%? My math is not good when it come to percentage)
Played solo

Winning streak- 6
Losing streak- 9
My character rating-
Top tier- Ele (up until ruby when the other team were competant to kill my ele easily) , Engi, Necro and War
Middle tier- Rev, Mes (a few times I was good with it before Ruby, Guard (was good with it before Ruby) and Ranger
Bottom tier Thief (the only time when I win as a thief when the other team had one member dc and I stop playing as thief altogether midway into Ruby when I had a 9 losing streak!)

I had a pleasant time (I won most matched that it was 60% and most the time, I was able to reach the next tier despite the match was neck to neck!) from amber up until ruby.

Overall- Let put it this way, I am so frustrated being stuck in ruby to the point that I am completely put off from any other forms of competitve team verses related games like Overwatch, Team Fortress 2 and Battleborn. I only enjoyed Dead Star for not being too competitive (still get reward for losing).

What need to be change.
Unless they revamp the mmr (it’s no longer a case of putting in any classes together or pair up the matching classes like e.g. 2 wars vs 2 rev equal “balance”) so that it matches the team by same professions on both teams (e.g. 1 mes, 1 ele, 2 wars and 1 thief vs 1 mes, 1 ele, 2 wars and 1 thief) or at least reset the devision so I’m back into Amber, I have NO intention on playing season 4! I pretty much doing it for the backpack and trying to get pass ruby was impossible for me. There is nothing for me to try again now especially I finally got all of the achievements for playing ranked pvp 3 times per day (all the way up to Elite)!

(edited by Renkencen.6127)

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I had one of my best win percentages compared to all previous seasons and blew through the tiers relatively easily.

but I ended in diamond since I didn’t have as much time to PvP and got stuck in a 50/50 W/L for the last tier of diamond on the last day of the season.

Oh well. =P

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


start from sapphier and hit legend after 80 games, and i cant believe how many worse players are in end division
I think most ppl quit after getting wings … matchmaking is fine
some players have to accept truth they belong to lower divisions because of lack in skill and tactic knowledge
but was fun to test jalis ^^
also had some matches with thelordhelseht, I expected more from him with his chocolate friend … they both die on engi XD


Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Rest In Peace.2137

Rest In Peace.2137

started amber as i never played ranked pvp before like 5 days before season ended

played like 10 matches there won 5 and lost 5
things i experianced there is
a) you get kitten d due to stupid teammembers who are unable to play their class + donno what to do
b) or you kitten the enmies due to them be the naps and you have the good team
c) it was all the time good team – bad team – good team and so on so

if anet srsly try to have a ranked pvp they should do it like in csgo or lol due to them having a pretty nice ranking system
exampel for csgo matchmaking:

- you start with an elo of x.
- you need to win 10 games before you get ranked into a specific rank (silver 1 beeing the lowest and global elite the highest)
- you get elo points rewarded for every round won
- amount depends on elo points of enemie team and if you are supposed to win or not
- you also los elo points per lost round same like you win them

this would lead us in gw 2 to have high tear players who face over high tear players and dont have to fight with or against noobs who just ruin their game or make it borring as hell

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Adjust.6903


What did you guys think was the biggest PITA class/combo where your entered a game and went “fml, here we go…”

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: mrauls.6519


What did you guys think was the biggest PITA class/combo where your entered a game and went “fml, here we go…”

Any team with an engie, ele, and druid

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


What did you guys think was the biggest PITA class/combo where your entered a game and went “fml, here we go…”

>Daredevil (who knows how to decap/+1)
>Reaper/Herald (who’s almost always with their Tempest)

Pretty much an auto-win for the enemy if my team doesn’t have someone who can hold home and win the inevitable teamfight at mid.
Losing home means that you’ll likely have to content with the Engi bunkering down on it (with or without the Thief +1ing any attempt to take it back) and the Tempest/Necro/Berserker either hold mid or have one roam to secure fights between lulls of conflict on a secured point.

>Two Berserkers

(edited by Euthymias.7984)

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Allure.1249


Games played: 110
Games won: 70
Winrate: 63%
Starting Division: T1 Amber
Ending Division: T3 Ruby
Biggest streak: 4 losses in a row / 12 wins in a row
Class played: 100% Warrior, Self made Rifle build
Que Choice. Solo 100%

Overall Feeling.
Extreme Discontent not only for the future of Pvp (this was my first season) But for pvp in itself. 90% of matches came down to a a shouting match between not only players of the other team, but players of my own team. If we so much as got behind, everyone started yelling at other players for not performing. And if players afk’d to try and give the other team a faster win, they would be mass reported for not playing, even when the match was 50 / 450 in terms of points. Suggesting they were simply doing it out of spite, and to blame someone else for their failings.

Then we had people who I kid you not, would Que into our game on a f2p account, and afk in the starting zone. When asked why they were doing this, the response was "to ensure the MMR balances out for players who are still in the lower brackets. This guy, was a legend on his main account, and was purposefully trying to hinder players from reaching legend, so that he could have the prestige of having the wings, and prevent others from acquiring them.

The term toxic is not a good enough word to describe how I think pvp is in this game right now. The term I would use is Septic. It is a Septic wound, festering with boils and weeping sores. Be it people yelling at players with low scores, or hearing the classic #Rabbit being spammed in map chat by the winning team. This game oozes negativity, and it has made me seriously consider ever stepping into a pvp lobby again. Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who went to T3 ruby, Solo Que only, so I think I have a pretty fair grasp on the pvp, despite the incoming barrage of metalords who will spam me with their 90% win-rate screenshots, further highlighting the Septic nature of pvp in this game.

Then we have the “Meta” Which is a term used to lure people into playing a specific way, ensuring there is no growth or advent of challenge in maps. We have a term for this in a game called Dark souls 3, whenever we see a player with an Estoc or a Darksword, we call them Tryhards. Where players Use specific weapon setups because they are outright broken, ensuring bad players can bypass their inability to play the game, and playing anything that gives them an edge. I specifically went out of my way to avoid the Meta Bow / mace shield for warrior, because in my personal opinion, Meta’s are for players bereft of imagination. Take that as an insult if you prefer, but I refuse to let a Meta define me as a player.

The funny thing, is I know exactly how every single match beyond the middle of Ruby went for you all. It consisted of these four classes in some shape or other. Scrapper spamming reflects and his broken stomp which no other class has access to. Tempest negating all ranged damage effectively rendering O N E H A L F of the weapon setups utterly useless.DH setting traps like they are going out of style, before yanking everyone into them for half of their HP even with 2k Toughness. Reaper Filling your entire bar with Dots and withstanding TWO TO THREE full healthbars worth of damage, if you can even burn them. Oh and lets not forget the occasional Daredevil spamming his wonderful rotation of #5, Evade, #5, #5, Evade, #5, #5.

Do I have a suggestion to fixing this issue? It doesn’t matter what I think, I am so disheartened from my first season experience, that I am honestly not sure if I will play ever again. And ultimately I have to think to myself, if I feel this way, how do the players who have a 15-20% win rate feel about pvp right now? Do they feel “good” when legend players stroke their beards and write their passive aggressive / mockingly posts about “you found your place in the game, you should be happy.” do you really think they do? That’s all I guess.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Then we had people who I kid you not, would Que into our game on a f2p account, and afk in the starting zone. When asked why they were doing this, the response was "to ensure the MMR balances out for players who are still in the lower brackets. This guy, was a legend on his main account, and was purposefully trying to hinder players from reaching legend, so that he could have the prestige of having the wings, and prevent others from acquiring them.


Wow, that is a new low for me in pvp.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Don’t really care about wings or divisions, so this season I set out to play “counter meta builds” or just whatever. Everything went fine, pretty much as expected. Pretty much all matches were either a dominant team of good players, or an inferior team of weak players. The matchmaker was clearly at play this season.

I did some matches with Ithilwen, in those matches in particular I experienced the worst of the worst players compiled onto my team almost bar none. After that I noticed it had a dramatic impact on my MMR, the teams that I got, and the effect it had on my matches thereafter. Quite interesting stuff!

As far as I’m concerned, GW2 PvP is pretty much broken, unfun, and though I want it to be a cool player experience, it’s probably done for from this point onwards. Who knows what the future might hold! (Actually: For Honor, when that comes out )

@Ross Biddle

I’m a little hurt at the implication that I am among “the worst of the worst.” Nevertheless, thank you for seeing and acknowledging that the teams I’ve been matched into have been consistently very bad.

I couldn’t carry them and neither could you. The notion that one can resolve MMR by “getting gud” didn’t work out in reality, Did it?

Mesmerising Girl

(edited by Ithilwen.1529)

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


With season three drawing to a close, I’d be interested in hearing how people did and how the league system could be improved for season four. Please post your stats for the season and list a few of the key improvements that should be made.

If possible, please focus the feedback on the league system specifically. Leave stuff such as class balance to other threads.

My stats:

  • Started the season in Sapphire
  • Played only solo conquest
  • Alternated between Druid and Scrapper (about 70/30 split)
  • It took me 100 games to reach legend, won 72, lost 28
  • Win percentage 72%
  • Longest loss streak 3 games, longest win streak 17 games

Feedback & suggestions:

For me as a solo player, the match making did not seem substantially different from season two (whereas two was markedly different from season one). I think the biggest issue with the match maker continues to be the fact that the rating difference between players within an individual team is too high, and the match is decided by which team has the weakest player. Of course I have no actual data, but it feels as if most matches have a couple of good players, a couple of decent ones and then one or two lost souls who really should not be there and end up costing the game to their team. For season four, I would look to reduce the MMR gap in team formation, if it can be done without compromising queue times too heavily.

Another change I’d like to see for next season is to allow people to drop divisions. Keep Amber as a safety division, but after that, losing should allow people to drop down to lower divisions. This would be a small but important step towards an MMR-based ladder, as opposed to the grindable reward track we have now. I’m under no illusion that we will ever have a purely skill-based ladder, but at least we would have a bit more realistic player distribution across the divisions.

-started with a week left
-51 games played, got half way through Ruby
-44 wins, 7 losses
-longest win streak of 16, longest loss streak of 1

I’m okay with a grindable reward track. I’m not okay with it being as simple as it is (throw enough matches at it and wings in 1 season regardless how bad you are). A truly terrible player should not be able to grind to legendary, but should be able to get at least ruby. That means 2 seasons to the wings. Which would be a maximum of 20 weeks (8 week season, 4 week break in between, 8 week season), making it a long but not the longest grind.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


i got to ruby bit easy and suddenly stuck there
mostly play support mesmer because all the condi flying around and hardly and ele showing up.
till ruby i had about 80% win rate and with ruby i suddenly felt a fast changes in grouping. ppl dont want to change classes so i had 2 thieves no ele, 2 necros. some go afk at the start or when they saw we losing . ppl push far and die constantly etc…

my win rate drop to 50% and no matter what i did or change the outcome was the same . some fight the team gg me as i manage to carry them with lost of ress, decaping and lord killing all by myself (but rare ones)
i even play with legendary good players or diamond and they even state that our group contains noob ppl (who were also legendary or diamond)

so i stop taking it seriously and start testing builds with rev (healer, support, control… some did worked fyi)

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Ending division: Sapphire
starting division: Amber.
Games played: 87
Games won: 37

I don’t have any numbers on win streaks or loss streaks as I didn’t keep track of them.

My thoughts (without reading much of this topic)? I encountered very annoying streaks where I’d win a bunch of matches in a row then suddenly I lose an equal or greater amount in a row. This became the worst at the final week of the season (I missed ten days due to being out of town). Where I would win one match, then lose 2 or 3 in a row. Then one again (If I was lucky). This happened for basically the entire final week of the season, resulting in the last few days being me desperately trying to get the final one pip to reach Sapphire, only to see myself go to 3 or 4 pips away.

While I’m hardly a hardcore PVP person, mostly doing at least 3 matches a day for the daily participator achievement credit, the loss streaks, especially at the end, really hurt my desire to keep going. I had some awesome matches that were close, then suddenly I get stomped 30-500 points. Or my team stomps 500-120 or something. I developed a massive hate for thieves in general throughout the latter part of the season.

I saw somebody literally go and throw a match for the enemy because somebody dared to “double cap” home with him. I saw people kittening about double caps or other things, but luckily I also saw people who agreed with me that solo capping a point then suddenly being murdered in 3 seconds by a thief was far worse.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: ShadowMageAlpha.7580


I’m trying to do a survey of this sort of thing. I need as many responses to the survey as I can get, so if don’t mind, I would really appreciatd responses.


Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Solstace.2514


I started off terribly. Was won 8 times out of my first 32 matches. Whether that was just bad luck or MMR hell, i dont know. Never got roflstomped other than 2 of those losses, but teams just didnt seem to know map or rotations. They weren’t bad players in combat, just bad strategy.

Then started winning and winning. Ended up in diamond and finished with final record of 86-66. Played mostly necro, ele, and engineer. Could have gotten pvp wings but got so burned out in the end, i didnt want to grind out last wins/points.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: RedZebra.2345


@ shadow : maybe also promote a bit on @ and let us know the outcome

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: ShadowMageAlpha.7580


@ shadow : maybe also promote a bit on @ and let us know the outcome

I’ve already done that Zebra! Got a very good amount of responses as I hit front page for a decent amount of time. Still, I want a better variety of people other than just redditors.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Rukia.9860


Working 40hr/week and moving into new house did not give me much time to make the final push, but I finished the journey to legend an hour or two before end. (can’t remember daily reset)

Highest winstreak was 23, never lost more than 1 match in a row.

I had some good team mates and some bad ones, I solo q the whole way with DD while using druid when we were thief stacked.

I don’t know if the matchmaking is working correctly, but believe it or not a lot of my matches were extremely close games and literally every match I got into people greeted each other and strategized at the beginning.

I encountered only 1 match where my team had a couple rage monkeys that would put a salt mine to shame, funny thing is we won regardless..
