Season 4 Nerf Wish List
1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)
2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.
Yet, there’s no mention of how ludicrous conditions are at the moment in the current metagame…
>I’d like to see the meta without ele bunkering/supporting a point.
Their outgoing healing/cleansing just needs to be weakened a little. There’s nothing really wrong with their personal sustain since they often have to give up a lot of their offensive edge to play like this.
Scrappers still need a slight shave in their personal sustain since they can have their cake and eat it too by running an offensive build and still being fairly tanky. Nothing too excessive, though. I also think their Shrink Elixir and Mist Form shouldn’t allow Stomps while transformed.
>Rev staff mobile/knockback/insane DPS skill destroyed.
Staff 5 was weakened by 20% before. Its still good for CC and does OK damage, so it wasnt such a harsh decrease. I dont think they really need another set of nerfs on top of it. Certain aspects of their profession actually need fixes/buffs (or at least compromises) at this point.
(edited by Euthymias.7984)
Nerf all passive procs
Put an ICD on impacting disruption
And that’s it
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Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.
Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.
Please do not make it sound like “lets nerf everyone’s sustains” no one is saying that. Scrappers have a lot of sustain even on a dmg amulet. This is common knowledge by now.
Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.
This isnt your ask for s4 buffs wishlist, Ellie. You’re meant to wish for nerfs.
Geeze, some people.
Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.
This isnt your ask for s4 buffs wishlist, Ellie. You’re meant to wish for nerfs.
Geeze, some people.
I will never ask for nerfs( in a serious way) since nerfs is the reason I no longer have any builds that I enjoy and 1 of the reasons I don’t play anywhere near as much as I always did before. ( I’m from gw1 aka build wars so I love having many useful, fun builds to chose from, it helps prevent boredom)
But it would be interesting to see everything get nerfed even more, I mean most skills and traits are never used any more so I wanna see how it is when there’s even less to choose from. Or they could just premake our 1 build for each class and say here this is all you are allowed to use, that would work too.
Nerf Skull Grinder to 2 condis + interrupt
Shave adrenaline healing by 20%
Nerf Arc divider by 10%
Buff eviscerate + decapitate by 10%
Mesmer condi application needs shaving all around. Don’t even know where to start…
Remove unblockable from Corrupt boon and increase CD to 20 sec. They have got too many unblockables
Remove boon corruption from AA and add it to #3 scepter.
Reduce spectral armor CD to 35 sec.
All wells need a 1 sec duration increase IMO.
Dagger and axe dmg needs buff.
Make F2 an evade and reduce the healing by 20% (still way higher than guardian’s F2).
Reduce CD of F3 by another 5 sec or so.
Focus skills need CD reduction specially #5.
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE
Ancient Seeds.
Signet of Illusions.
Ele’s out going healing reduction somehow
Ele’s abundance of AoE projectile defense needs a shave somewhere…its even worse’s than scrapper’s personal projectile hate since those magnetic auras and swirling winds can deny projectile weapons for a very long time and it is not just a personal buff but a team wide one. Maybe then my DH team mates wont be such an eyesore to have on a team.
Warrior’s Adrenal Health needs a small ICD on the proc
Warrior’s Skullgrinder needs a 1-2 stack shave to confusion stacks and removal of the blind. To compensate this the skill can inflict additional confusion stacks/bleed stacks/vulnerability /whatever on interrupt
Thief’s Impacting disruption needs 1-2 seconds ICD
Thief’s Unhindered Combatant given a short ICD on removing the movement impairing conditions (3-4 seconds?). trivializing those conditions as long a dodge is available might not be so fun for the other side.
Scrapper’s Medic Gyro needs 0.5 second cast time since it is a heal skill still.Healing Turret’s cast time was increased so it could be interrupted in time so same treatment maybe?
Herald’s Sword 2 given a proper animation maybe? pretty please?
Herald’s Staff 5 murdered and buried in the dirt to be forgotten…does not matter how it is achieved as long as it finally happens…Equilibrium is bad enough
Reaper’s GS auto attack damage and speed reduction
GS 2 cast time increased to 3 seconds
Lich Form auto attack damage increase so they kill self faster
well my own personal nerf wishes but anything that increases build diversity that can be done by the wise devs is quite welcome at this point where everyone play the same builds. need more hippies coming up with fun odd builds would be a breeze of fresh air for the next season of queue simulator
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Ancient Seeds.
Signet of Illusions.
Lol, love it.
Warrior mace f1 when in berserker mode slightly nerfed (maybe less confusion?) but sustained condi pressure buffed in exchange for this. It would make warrior less focused on burst and have more sustained pressure at the same time.
Ele healing and support nerfed, but only if they make burst ele truly viable and competitive at the highest level. There is no point making the class almost useless if power ele does not get very significant buffs but I would much rather see power ele than support ele.
Ranger (my main) should probably get a nerf on condi clears when going into celestial avatar. Maybe make it remove 5 conditions only rather than every condi you have, CA has too short a cooldown for such a powerful effect and right now with signet of renewal, ranger can get away from 2 huge condi-bombs without taking much damage at all. Signet of stone should also get a nerf in my opinion. Reduce the duration of the invuln by maybe 2-3 seconds but also reduce its cooldown a bit, maybe to 60 seconds. In addition to this, buff the unused weapons like axe and shortbow to encourage a different playstyle.
Guardian should get huge buffs, mainly to sustain but also to damage because right now they are just way too easy to burst down and kill and they can’t deal enough damage to threaten many classes at all in a 1v1. I would also change back the nerf to longbow 5 so it traps the enemy even if they do dodge the last hit. This would make guard a lot more viable I think.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
Ranger (my main) should probably get a nerf on condi clears when going into celestial avatar. Maybe make it remove 5 conditions only rather than every condi you have, CA has too short a cooldown for such a powerful effect and right now with signet of renewal, ranger can get away from 2 huge condi-bombs without taking much damage at all. Signet of stone should also get a nerf in my opinion. Reduce the duration of the invuln by maybe 2-3 seconds but also reduce its cooldown a bit, maybe to 60 seconds. In addition to this, buff the unused weapons like axe and shortbow to encourage a different playstyle.
Guardian should get huge buffs, mainly to sustain but also to damage because right now they are just way too easy to burst down and kill and they can’t deal enough damage to threaten many classes at all in a 1v1. I would also change back the nerf to longbow 5 so it traps the enemy even if they do dodge the last hit. This would make guard a lot more viable I think.
I have no issue killing rangers when I run condition builds- having one big condi removal is much weaker than say a warrior that can clear several conditions every time they f1, or some ele builds being almost immune to conditions, or even thieves dropping conditions on evade.
Guards are fine, very nice hard defences, strong heals, good cc, massive damage- like a trap ranger on steroids.
All the other classes need to be looked at though- especially ele and engi. I don’t think a “shave” is needed more like a massive nerf.
A personal bit of cheese I would like to see gone is the auto-stomp gyro. Its not the most OP thing in the game but its just a stupid mechanic considering how important stomping is in GW2.
Ranger HoT pets needs hard nerf. They have insane dps and skills.. Or nerf druid survival skills-traits.
Necro needs rework. I dont know what they can do for it but it looks crap. Most useless and weak class for gw2 pvp.
Maybe just maybe you should check a bit mesmer block/invul things.
All other classes looks fine, of course there always be a small op/weak things but all of it in acceptable standards.
(I’m talking about high rank pvp players/games not for below the line..)
Stomp gyro being “interruptable” but not actually interrupting the stomp XD
Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
-reduced dmg
-reduced stealth application
-reduced evasion
-Unhindered Combat 30s CD
-Impacting destruction 25s CD, 35% dmg reduction
-gutted clones spamming
-reduced stealth application
-reduced dmg
-reduced block uptime
-Moa Form deleted
-Ancestral Grace kitten CD
-Base healing of skills nerfed by 70%, will now need round 800 healing power to get same numbers as now
-Celestial Shadow 30s CD
-Ancient Seed 20s CD
-Pet dmg nerfed by 25%
-Precision Strike dmg nerf by 60%
-Surge of the Mist 3s cast time
Dragon Hunter
-Monk Focus healing reduced by 70%, will now need 800 healing to get same numbers as now
-Wings of resolve healing reduced by 50%
-Removed trait that makes marks unblockable
-Reduced condi application
-Scepter 1 gutted
-Adrenaline heath gutted
-Healing signet base healing reduced by 45%
-Berserk F2 mace condi application gutted
-Head Butt now has 40s CD
-Hammer dmg reduced by 70%
-Stealth Gyro 120s CD
Overall professions like Ranger and Guardian have too high base healing, they can go full zerker and heal almost like a full cleric ele, a 2k healing with a min CD of 16s ( Guardian) or way shorted ( ranger) is crazy. Both classes must be forced to slot some healing gear to gain sustain..just like ele
Warrior base sustain is too high also, they need to invest heavily in ele
-reduced dmg
-reduced stealth application
-reduced evasion
-Unhindered Combat 30s CD
-Impacting destruction 25s CD, 35% dmg reductionMesmer
-gutted clones spamming
-reduced stealth application
-reduced dmg
-reduced block uptime
-Moa Form deletedDruid
-Ancestral Grace kitten CD
-Base healing of skills nerfed by 70%, will now need round 800 healing power to get same numbers as now
-Celestial Shadow 30s CD
-Ancient Seed 20s CD
-Pet dmg nerfed by 25%Herald
-Precision Strike dmg nerf by 60%
-Surge of the Mist 3s cast timeDragon Hunter
-Monk Focus healing reduced by 70%, will now need 800 healing to get same numbers as now
-Wings of resolve healing reduced by 50%Reaper
-Removed trait that makes marks unblockable
-Reduced condi application
-Scepter 1 guttedWarrior
-Adrenaline heath gutted
-Healing signet base healing reduced by 45%
-Berserk F2 mace condi application gutted
-Head Butt now has 40s CDScrapper
-Hammer dmg reduced by 70%
-Stealth Gyro 120s CDOverall professions like Ranger and Guardian have too high base healing, they can go full zerker and heal almost like a full cleric ele, a 2k healing with a min CD of 16s ( Guardian) or way shorted ( ranger) is crazy. Both classes must be forced to slot some healing gear to gain sustain..just like ele
Warrior base sustain is too high also, they need to invest heavily in ele
Really 30 sec Cd on celestial shadow? WOW. Might as well delete the trait.
-Surge of the Mist 3s cast time
This is comedy gold. Shows why these threads are absolutely pointless.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
-Surge of the Mist 3s cast timeThis is comedy gold. Shows why these threads are absolutely pointless.
Well the thing is, everyone wants to have all the professions/ builds that they do not play to be nerfed into uselessness so they can play what they like and beat everyone else very easily. And I do believe some one listens to them or at least some of them because all my favorite builds that I enjoyed playing over the years have been nerfed into uselessness, and never get used by anyone ever ( accept maybe an occasional new player who doesn’t know any better, but I’m sure they learn REAL quick that they can’t play whatever skills they want and be useful here)
Ross Biddle, reasoned arguments and zerkerberserker/valkzerker 2 stronk!
ANET asked the community’s opinion and added a healer class, ie auramancer ele and to a lesser extent Druid.
I’ve seen posts on this forum for years asking for the “holy trinity” to be brought to GW2. So I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask that it be removed.
Besides, the healer is the answer to overwhelming conditions. Hell, with time you might even see an Ele/zerk war or zerk Mesmer combo. I’ve seen it a couple of times in PvP and it’s deadly.
I’d like to see fewer interrupts, especially from MM pets and scrappers.
Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.
I’ve been in teamfights this season where a fight would last like forever due to ludicrous sustain. You want to get away from the druid + ele or scrapper + ele but aren’t on a class that can disengage and reach another node in a practical time (You’d also be on ele or druid).
As for my suggestions:
- Nerf Unload and Vault by 15%
- Nerf Ele sustain but give it more elsewhere making offensive builds viable
- Nerf scrapper hammer damage
- Nerf revenant autoattack by 10% but buff the AA speed by 15%
- Increase staff 2 speed, maybe reduce damage appropriately.
- Nerf warrior adrenaline regen, replace the passive proc that gives invulnerability.
ANET asked the community’s opinion and added a healer class, ie auramancer ele and to a lesser extent Druid.
I’ve seen posts on this forum for years asking for the “holy trinity” to be brought to GW2. So I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask that it be removed.
Besides, the healer is the answer to overwhelming conditions. Hell, with time you might even see an Ele/zerk war or zerk Mesmer combo. I’ve seen it a couple of times in PvP and it’s deadly.
I’d like to see fewer interrupts, especially from MM pets and scrappers.
please tell me which minions other than flesh golem is interrupting you…..
its a small minoirty of people looking for the holy trinity
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.
I’ve been in teamfights this season where a fight would last like forever due to ludicrous sustain. You want to get away from the druid + ele or scrapper + ele but aren’t on a class that can disengage and reach another node in a practical time (You’d also be on ele or druid).
As for my suggestions:
- Nerf Unload and Vault by 15%
- Nerf Ele sustain but give it more elsewhere making offensive builds viable
- Nerf scrapper hammer damage
- Nerf revenant autoattack by 10% but buff the AA speed by 15%
- Increase staff 2 speed, maybe reduce damage appropriately.
- Nerf warrior adrenaline regen, replace the passive proc that gives invulnerability.
The ele community has only been asking to play an elemental mage dpser….for the last 3 and 1/2 years since launch, it’s clear to me and others that anet won’t/can’t do that and the reasons are quite simple
What kind of burst/dps ele would be and how would it be its sustain respect to other dps builds?
The answer is…there is no dps role left, all taken:
-Stealth burst?- Thief/mesmer
-Evade burst?- Thief/revenant
-Blocking dps with teleport?-Mesmer/Guardian
-Mix of range/mele and condi? revenant
Sure you guys can keep asking for this and that the end of the day * a team will only pick 5 professions* so….how do you guys propose to create this dps role for ele? give them blocks? stealth? evades?
Anything less than what other dps builds offer and the buffs would be pointless, now unless you guys want to play the same build but different skin( class ) then the only way to make something “meta” is to overbuff it or overnerf something else
To sum it up you forum folks want a game with 5 dpsers vs5 dpsers that don’t die too fast and don’t do too much dmg…so have all 9 professions with a dps build.
Are you guys sure that a MMO is for you?
ANET asked the community’s opinion and added a healer class, ie auramancer ele and to a lesser extent Druid.
I’ve seen posts on this forum for years asking for the “holy trinity” to be brought to GW2. So I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask that it be removed.
Besides, the healer is the answer to overwhelming conditions. Hell, with time you might even see an Ele/zerk war or zerk Mesmer combo. I’ve seen it a couple of times in PvP and it’s deadly.
I’d like to see fewer interrupts, especially from MM pets and scrappers.
please tell me which minions other than flesh golem is interrupting you…..
its a small minoirty of people looking for the holy trinity
Just because a few people on the forums who are VERY vocal want a game where there’s no healing or damage mitigation whatsoever, doesn’t mean you speak for the majority. So don’t pretend like the majority wants their game like that because I’m sure they don’t. I find it very boring when all my teammates run in die in seconds rez and repeat, I find myself going afk sometimes in those kinds of matches.
ANET asked the community’s opinion and added a healer class, ie auramancer ele and to a lesser extent Druid.
I’ve seen posts on this forum for years asking for the “holy trinity” to be brought to GW2. So I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask that it be removed.
Besides, the healer is the answer to overwhelming conditions. Hell, with time you might even see an Ele/zerk war or zerk Mesmer combo. I’ve seen it a couple of times in PvP and it’s deadly.
I’d like to see fewer interrupts, especially from MM pets and scrappers.
please tell me which minions other than flesh golem is interrupting you…..
its a small minoirty of people looking for the holy trinity
Just because a few people on the forums who are VERY vocal want a game where there’s no healing or damage mitigation whatsoever, doesn’t mean you speak for the majority. So don’t pretend like the majority wants their game like that because I’m sure they don’t. I find it very boring when all my teammates run in die in seconds rez and repeat, I find myself going afk sometimes in those kinds of matches.
uhh what…
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
ANET asked the community’s opinion and added a healer class, ie auramancer ele and to a lesser extent Druid.
I’ve seen posts on this forum for years asking for the “holy trinity” to be brought to GW2. So I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask that it be removed.
Besides, the healer is the answer to overwhelming conditions. Hell, with time you might even see an Ele/zerk war or zerk Mesmer combo. I’ve seen it a couple of times in PvP and it’s deadly.
I’d like to see fewer interrupts, especially from MM pets and scrappers.
please tell me which minions other than flesh golem is interrupting you…..
its a small minoirty of people looking for the holy trinity
Just because a few people on the forums who are VERY vocal and play stealth/block classes want a game where there’s no healing or damage mitigation whatsoever, doesn’t mean you speak for the majority. So don’t pretend like the majority wants their game like that because I’m sure they don’t. I find it very boring when all my teammates run in die in seconds rez and repeat, I find myself going afk sometimes in those kinds of matches.
Fixed for you, an addition, an important one because if you notice there is never mention of nerfing high stealth uptime or huge evade/blocking frames.
Apparently following an unknown and clearly alien form of logic, the stealth and evade/block mechanics are not considered forms of sustain, only healing is considered sustain therefore..people ask to nerf sustain and boons which are the main ( and only ) forms of sustain for some classes, where others instead have access to stealth/blocks and evade as form of sustain…
Funny isn’kitten
55% of Nerf threads are started by thieves, 25% by Mesmers..remaining part is ranger who in this equation have access to stealth/range and insane base healing skills in druid
Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.
I’ve been in teamfights this season where a fight would last like forever due to ludicrous sustain. You want to get away from the druid + ele or scrapper + ele but aren’t on a class that can disengage and reach another node in a practical time (You’d also be on ele or druid).
As for my suggestions:
- Nerf Unload and Vault by 15%
- Nerf Ele sustain but give it more elsewhere making offensive builds viable
- Nerf scrapper hammer damage
- Nerf revenant autoattack by 10% but buff the AA speed by 15%
- Increase staff 2 speed, maybe reduce damage appropriately.
- Nerf warrior adrenaline regen, replace the passive proc that gives invulnerability.
The ele community has only been asking to play an elemental mage dpser….for the last 3 and 1/2 years since launch, it’s clear to me and others that anet won’t/can’t do that and the reasons are quite simple
What kind of burst/dps ele would be and how would it be its sustain respect to other dps builds?
The answer is…there is no dps role left, all taken:
-Stealth burst?- Thief/mesmer
-Evade burst?- Thief/revenant
-Blocking dps with teleport?-Mesmer/Guardian
-Mix of range/mele and condi? revenantSure you guys can keep asking for this and that the end of the day * a team will only pick 5 professions* so….how do you guys propose to create this dps role for ele? give them blocks? stealth? evades?
Anything less than what other dps builds offer and the buffs would be pointless, now unless you guys want to play the same build but different skin( class ) then the only way to make something “meta” is to overbuff it or overnerf something else
To sum it up you forum folks want a game with 5 dpsers vs5 dpsers that don’t die too fast and don’t do too much dmg…so have all 9 professions with a dps build.
Are you guys sure that a MMO is for you?
How about the reason I picked the class since near launch and be willing to trade off passive defenses (HP and toughness) for good charged ranged damage, some CC, decent utility, and big AoE nukes that can be used at pivotal strategic moments where the skilled usage comes from its timing? The damage doesn’t have to be as high as thief or revenant but more spread out for zoning purposes.’re talking about staff zerker ele..oh well it simply never worked..since launch?
So what kind of “sustain” you would give to this glassy ranged caster? Given how easily anybody can close distance in an instant and short CD, I’m really curious to see what you come up with.
And about this “skilled” usage of this ranged dmg, how much skill would be required? because certainly it takes zero skill or practice to close distance on a rev or thief, even dragon hunters can easily close distance from 1200 range and all it takes is one skill’re talking about staff zerker ele..oh well it simply never worked..since launch?
So what kind of “sustain” you would give to this glassy ranged caster? Given how easily anybody can close distance in an instant and short CD, I’m really curious to see what you come up with.
And about this “skilled” usage of this ranged dmg, how much skill would be required? because certainly it takes zero skill or practice to close distance on a rev or thief, even dragon hunters can easily close distance from 1200 range and all it takes is one skill
Different blocks and invulns, disengage, CC, and damage fields where to be near you they’d eat damage. Skilled usage of a big nuke would be knowing you can be interrupted so you see an opening to use the skill, use it, then the other team feels despair since the skill was used when the caster knew they couldn’t do anything about it (stunned, evades on CD, etc., but in bigger fights can be harder to keep track of, and a reflect could be put up to avoid a surprise interrupt). Air overload would qualify but its damage is too low and cooldown not much, but Mender’s isn’t a full offense amulet so it might hit hard with Marauder.
For Steal the skill comes into play with the timing. If you steal when they have no boons and aren’t casting anything then it’s a waste since you’re wasting the skill’s potential. Phase Traversal has a caste time so your target could be out of range (you’d still be spending the energy of course) and isn’t really that great of a gap closer.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)’re talking about staff zerker ele..oh well it simply never worked..since launch?
So what kind of “sustain” you would give to this glassy ranged caster? Given how easily anybody can close distance in an instant and short CD, I’m really curious to see what you come up with.
And about this “skilled” usage of this ranged dmg, how much skill would be required? because certainly it takes zero skill or practice to close distance on a rev or thief, even dragon hunters can easily close distance from 1200 range and all it takes is one skill
Different blocks and invulns, disengage, CC, and damage fields where to be near you they’d eat damage. Skilled usage of a big nuke would be knowing you can be interrupted so you see an opening to use the skill, use it, then the other team feels despair since the skill was used when the caster knew they couldn’t do anything about it (stunned, evades on CD, etc., but in bigger fights can be harder to keep track of, and a reflect could be put up to avoid a surprise interrupt). Air overload would qualify but its damage is too low and cooldown not much, but Mender’s isn’t a full offense amulet so it might hit hard with Marauder.
For Steal the skill comes into play with the timing. If you steal when they have no boons and aren’t casting anything then it’s a waste since you’re wasting the skill’s potential. Phase Traversal has a caste time so your target could be out of range (you’d still be spending the energy of course) and isn’t really that great of a gap closer.
The fact is that huge aoes with long cast times are too easy to interrupt and reason why nobody ever played a staff zerker. All the blocks in the worlds on ele will have cd that thieves/revs can easily wait out from safe distance
In bigger fights it’s not hard at all to keep track of somebody using large animation from distance, put a target on him and it’s done for
Dragon Hunters have proved to us all that blocks and invulnerability means squat against energy based specs with access to stealth and teleports, it has been proved time and time again that blocks/invulnerability on non energy based specs, do require a certain amount of toughness
Unless you give the chance to chain blocks/disengage at will ( it means low CD and casting time)…you can’t use zerker or marauder for certain
To answer the question, I seem to be getting interrupted by the minions summoned with [“Rise”]. Sometimes it’s enough that any non instant cast isn’t available for several seconds at a time.
-reduced dmg
-reduced stealth application
-reduced evasion
-Unhindered Combat 30s CD
-Impacting destruction 25s CD, 35% dmg reductionMesmer
-gutted clones spamming
-reduced stealth application
-reduced dmg
-reduced block uptime
-Moa Form deletedDruid
-Ancestral Grace kitten CD
-Base healing of skills nerfed by 70%, will now need round 800 healing power to get same numbers as now
-Celestial Shadow 30s CD
-Ancient Seed 20s CD
-Pet dmg nerfed by 25%Herald
-Precision Strike dmg nerf by 60%
-Surge of the Mist 3s cast timeDragon Hunter
-Monk Focus healing reduced by 70%, will now need 800 healing to get same numbers as now
-Wings of resolve healing reduced by 50%Reaper
-Removed trait that makes marks unblockable
-Reduced condi application
-Scepter 1 guttedWarrior
-Adrenaline heath gutted
-Healing signet base healing reduced by 45%
-Berserk F2 mace condi application gutted
-Head Butt now has 40s CDScrapper
-Hammer dmg reduced by 70%
-Stealth Gyro 120s CDOverall professions like Ranger and Guardian have too high base healing, they can go full zerker and heal almost like a full cleric ele, a 2k healing with a min CD of 16s ( Guardian) or way shorted ( ranger) is crazy. Both classes must be forced to slot some healing gear to gain sustain..just like ele
Warrior base sustain is too high also, they need to invest heavily in ele
And Ele? You basically called all classes but Ele.
If you’re gonna nerf sustain across the board, might aswel take Ele with it.
And Ele? You basically called all classes but Ele.
If you’re gonna nerf sustain across the board, might aswel take Ele with it.
Why ? He mains ele.
Well, since skill splits between game modes ain’t Anets thing my main wish has kitten all to do with PvP. I’d like to see Elementalist damage brought down to the levels of other professions simply because of raids. Thief would fit better as the new top raw dps class. If we’re thinking of stuff that applies to PvP I’d settle with having core classes be as viable as the especs. Whether this is achieved through nerfing the especs or buffing the core specs don’t matter none to me, tho nerfed especs would be preferable.
-reduced dmg
-reduced stealth application
-reduced evasion
-Unhindered Combat 30s CD
-Impacting destruction 25s CD, 35% dmg reductionMesmer
-gutted clones spamming
-reduced stealth application
-reduced dmg
-reduced block uptime
-Moa Form deletedDruid
-Ancestral Grace kitten CD
-Base healing of skills nerfed by 70%, will now need round 800 healing power to get same numbers as now
-Celestial Shadow 30s CD
-Ancient Seed 20s CD
-Pet dmg nerfed by 25%Herald
-Precision Strike dmg nerf by 60%
-Surge of the Mist 3s cast timeDragon Hunter
-Monk Focus healing reduced by 70%, will now need 800 healing to get same numbers as now
-Wings of resolve healing reduced by 50%Reaper
-Removed trait that makes marks unblockable
-Reduced condi application
-Scepter 1 guttedWarrior
-Adrenaline heath gutted
-Healing signet base healing reduced by 45%
-Berserk F2 mace condi application gutted
-Head Butt now has 40s CDScrapper
-Hammer dmg reduced by 70%
-Stealth Gyro 120s CDOverall professions like Ranger and Guardian have too high base healing, they can go full zerker and heal almost like a full cleric ele, a 2k healing with a min CD of 16s ( Guardian) or way shorted ( ranger) is crazy. Both classes must be forced to slot some healing gear to gain sustain..just like ele
Warrior base sustain is too high also, they need to invest heavily in ele
This dude has completely lost it.
Remember, you have 6 ish hours until the mods realize they should at the attatchment. Black out the Name in that time.
Remember, you have 6 ish hours until the mods realize they should at the attatchment. Black out the Name in that time.
Oh fine, here you go then XD
I’d like to retract any former statements about Rev. Rev isnt OP. In fact it’s probably UP.
Instead I’d like to nerf forum salt. It’s causing so many tears they’re overflowing into PM’s.
Remember, you have 6 ish hours until the mods realize they should at the attatchment. Black out the Name in that time.
Oh fine, here you go then XD
I’d like to retract any former statements about Rev. Rev isnt OP. In fact it’s probably UP.
Instead I’d like to nerf forum salt. It’s causing so many tears they’re overflowing into PM’s.
I heavyly invested into vials of Salt. Noooooo.
I will have to pm about nerfing condi Salt.
Remember, you have 6 ish hours until the mods realize they should at the attatchment. Black out the Name in that time.
Oh fine, here you go then XD
I’d like to retract any former statements about Rev. Rev isnt OP. In fact it’s probably UP.
Instead I’d like to nerf forum salt. It’s causing so many tears they’re overflowing into PM’s.
You know, that guy sounds an awful lot like this person BeepBoopBop.5403 from this thread:
Just a random observation I made while checking out the screenshot!
This thread is so ridiculous. But a good example why developers usually ignoring player opinions on balance.
25 charracters
And Ele? You basically called all classes but Ele.
If you’re gonna nerf sustain across the board, might aswel take Ele with it.Why ? He mains ele.
Actually from a PvE/PvP PoW I have a lv 80: Tempest-Herald-DragonHunter-Berseker-Scrapper; fully geared, 3 fully ascended geared, 3 legendaries shared.
In truth, nerfs in GW2 have stopped affecting me like…months ago, this day I simply switch between my 5 main as I have good knowledge on them all.
My list is mostly a joke…suited for this joke of a thread after all
My short wish-list:
Ele/Tempest: “Rebound” and Sandsquall should not grant magnetic aura. This may mean reworking Rebound, but eles have way too much access to projectile reflect as is.
Engi/Scrapper: Change the toolbelt skill of Bulwark gyro to a projectile destroy instead of reflect. Increase cd by 5 seconds, add a light field to it.
Completely gut the damage on hammer #4, add the damage to the auto chain. Remove all or most of the evade from hammer 3. The evade, if any, should only come during the first leap, but please keep the leap finishers.
Warrior: Decrease total healing on Adrenal health by 25%, decrease the total interval to 10 seconds with 2s ticks (overall higher hp/s) and add a 9s icd. Warriors deserve to be punished for missing a burst.
Delete guardian would be a nice fix, besides poop traps on bad players…
Tempest has very little access to ranged attacks. Projectile reflect balances that. Otherwise you could just stand out of range and plink. The Tempest wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it without leaving comrades or a point.
1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)
2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.
I make PvP & WvW videos
1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)
2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.
If you nerf projectile hate…then you need to give away ways to close gap to those professions who can’t, as balance dictates reflect is prevalent on professions that lack close gap on short CD….without reflect, people would just pew pew from safety without you being able to do anything
You want reflect on ele nerfed? I want 15s CD RTl and 25s CD Lightning flash(base CD before trait), instant magnetic grasp and unblockable status on top, lower CD on gale, earthquake…how that sound?
(edited by Supreme.3164)
1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)
2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.
If you nerf projectile hate…then you need to give away ways to close gap to those professions who can’t, as balance dictates reflect is prevalent on professions that lack close gap on short CD….without reflect, people would just pew pew from safety without you being able to do anything
You want reflect on ele nerfed? I want 15s CD RTl and 25s CD Lightning flash(base CD before trait), instant magnetic grasp and unblockable status on top, lower CD on gale, earthquake…how that sound?
Dude I would take you seriously if you werent so biased.
So take in example DH, an entire elite spec based on LB is completely useless because there is too much reflects that you can spam them
Overload Earth
Magnetic Aura
Swirling Winds
4 Reflects on 1 build. On top of Protection spam and massive sustain. And you are telling me this is okay?
Again do not tell me we can melee, we all know that ele boon farts prot, regen, massive sustain.
Rangers are supposed to be masters of the bow, do you even see LB or SB rangers? NO
Scrapper is the same issue.
Hammer Reflects
Toolbelt Reflects
on top of that massive sustain
So do not tell me to melee a scrapper.
PS: there are only 2 classes in the game that can use SB.
2 classes that can use LB that can actually burst.
What are you so afraid of?
I’m holding true to the promise that I wont play till S4. But I do check the forums to see how silly this season is. Sustain is still broken. To highlight how ridiculous it is, besides the stalemates on point that often happen, something strange has happened to the classes.
The heavy armor classes like warrior, guardian have to play burst while the mages are the bunkers lol. They tried a bit too hard to break the norms.