Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Luna.9640


4/5 eles = 100% win rate.

Calling it just few hours after the season started.

Literally wasn’t suprisez after what Balance team has surves us past 4-5 years – INBALANCE in favour or fraction of devs.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark!

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


And here we go…

Predicting massive Ele nerf for season 7 (it always takes them a couple seasons to harshly nerf something, except rev which took 4 seasons to bring them in line with most other professions)

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Luna.9640


What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Oh so it was you who lobbied so hard for elementalist overbuffing ?

My sample size is the size of EU PvP lobby mapchat which is still smaller then your scattered EGO that required to overbuff 1 class and make it FoTM (like DH and Necro previous one)

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Jhoul.6923


What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Evan… I have never seen any of your post before today…

But I will let you know right now….

…I love you.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Thank you for the giggle. Completely needed today.

Its very refreshing to see some valid snark from a dev once in a while.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Oh so it was you who lobbied so hard for elementalist overbuffing ?

My sample size is the size of EU PvP lobby mapchat which is still smaller then your scattered EGO that required to overbuff 1 class and make it FoTM (like DH and Necro previous one)

Lol please link this miracle ele build that’s killing people so hard. DPS ele is still trash.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Oh so it was you who lobbied so hard for elementalist overbuffing ?

My sample size is the size of EU PvP lobby mapchat which is still smaller then your scattered EGO that required to overbuff 1 class and make it FoTM (like DH and Necro previous one)

Normally I’d put “u mad?” but it’s not really a question in this case.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


It’s a reflection of what happened in S4.

Ele was bad, people jump ship to DH = a dh surplus
Rev is nerfed, people jump ship to Ele = a ele surplus

Differences? Ele is still bad and don’t stack as well as DH can… nothing to see here, move along.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Bezerker.2379


Stacking ele will not provide much benefit. DPS ele without being able to use multiple gear stats leaves you with fresh air focus or support ele with dagger/focus/warhorn.

4 support ele will be tough to kill but not the be all end all.
fresh air ele have some fairly easy counters such as stealthing etc.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

Wait, I thought DH was OP,
or was it Condi Mesmer?
No,no, that’s not right, it’s Warrior.
Now that i think about it, Druid’s pet makes it waaay too OP.
Engi is so cheap it’s OP. How many “F” skills does one class need?!
Reaper is OP, always going into shroud right before he’s down.
Thief is horribly OP, always sneaking up on me when I’m about to kill that OP DH.
Rev has always been OP, cause Anet wants to sell HOT, can you believe that??

But most of all…
Ele is OP because it heals everyone and hates projectiles, Soooo unfair!!

(edited by R O C.6574)

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


Wait, I thought DH was OP,
or was it Condi Mesmer?
No,no, that’s not right, it’s Warrior.
Now that i think about it, Druid’s pet makes it waaay too OP.
Engi is so cheap it’s OP. How many “F” skills does one class need?!
Reaper is OP, always going into shroud right before he’s down.
Thief is horribly OP, always sneaking up on me when I’m about to kill that OP DH.
Rev has always been OP, cause Anet wants to sell HOT, can you believe that??

But most of all…
Ele is OP because it heals everyone and hates projectiles, Soooo unfair!!

LOL…..awesome….love it.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Lucentfir.7430


Wait, I thought DH was OP,
or was it Condi Mesmer?
No,no, that’s not right, it’s Warrior.
Now that i think about it, Druid’s pet makes it waaay too OP.
Engi is so cheap it’s OP. How many “F” skills does one class need?!
Reaper is OP, always going into shroud right before he’s down.
Thief is horribly OP, always sneaking up on me when I’m about to kill that OP DH.
Rev has always been OP, cause Anet wants to sell HOT, can you believe that??

But most of all…
Ele is OP because it heals everyone and hates projectiles, Soooo unfair!!

The Reaper one reminded me of this classic.

Reth Grimrazor – Charr Guardian – [GWB]Grim Warband – Tarnished Coast
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: duster.7013


Lmao at these war are op threads. Try playing faceroll guard instead of faceroll ele.

Nobody knows what the actually op builds are.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sykper.6583


What’s your sample set? 1 game?

Were you responsible for Burn Guard buffs?

I think you were.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dixie Cougar.2415

Dixie Cougar.2415

Ele was already so strong that I’m kind of baffled that it got a buff. But then I don’t have all the data.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: apharma.3741


Ele is so abjurdly OP that it’s bent time and space and gone all the way back to UP, but we all know it’s super OP it only just registers on the OP scale because it’s actually OP+1 level.

If you don’t agree with me then you’re not allowed to disprove my opinion because everyone is entitled to an impervious factually correct opinion free of judgement and criticism.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Emdrix.6124


ele is a broken class. being able to sustain an entire team even when outnumbered is really broken. It can also keep alive a necro with 0 sustain on its own . Team with ele automatically wins if the other one dosent have one.

Season 5 = Elementalist Meta

in PvP

Posted by: ArthurDent.9538


Ele was already so strong that I’m kind of baffled that it got a buff. But then I don’t have all the data.

The summary of the data would be that the things that were buffed were not used by its strong build, and will still not be used in its meta build after the patch.

14 Dungeon paths soloed
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA