Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Been playing bunker druid since start of season. First 50 games were played between 1500 and 1560 rating, solidly. For once, things felt balanced. Win 500 to 450 or lose 450 to 500, games were good. Suddenly upon the morning of 8/24/2017, there was a distinct shift in match quality. Went on a 15 game lose streak where losses were looking like 200 to 500 or worse. I 1v2 or sometimes 1v3 far, the entire game, usually never even die. Yet my team mates cannot cap/hold home OR mid in 4v3s and 4v2s.
This is no embellishment, my matches are complete kitten every single time I que.

I saw the same thing happen to Chaith on day one. He was put on a team that simply couldn’t do anything to our team. Chaith carried hard but it didn’t matter because his teammates were exploding on contact. So I don’t want to hear anything about “getting good” because it is true that bad enough match making can create impossible to win situations for even the best players.

Furthermore, I find it odd that during the first three days, the matches felt real. Every player was communicating and trying hard. It felt like an inhouse or scrim. I could tell the players were real and every match was try hard balanced scores between 500/450 for wins or losses. Then suddenly… 15 games in a row of questionably real players. Where people never communicate, they almost seem like bots at times and I wonder if they are throwing or if they are handicapped one armed players. They aren’t just losing matches no, they do questionable things:

  • Example A: I am far point 1v1ing an enemy bunker druid on my team’s color. My thief comes to + me but instead of actually DPSing the bunker druid “which has no damage to threaten the thief” he dances around, dodging and only striking once every 3 or 4 seconds with #1 auto then goes back to random dodging and won’t leave when I tell him to. Is he making it look like he is doing something but in actuality is just throwing? He is either throwing or he is actually a handicapped player with one arm.
  • Example B: I am literally “1v3ing the far point while holding it neutral for 4 minutes or more”, I look at the mini map and see home and mid as the enemy color and 4 of my teammates on respawn. Yes, that has happened multiple times during this 15 game loss streak. How is that even possible? I’ve been training new players for years now and I can say that 4 intermediate or even new players can kill 2 veteran players rather easily in 9/10 situations. So what the hell is going on here? Is there still UBER mass amounts of match manipulation going on or do anet devs secret play in matches and like to screw with certain players? Because let me tell ya, Always seeing 4 players lose to 2 players, has got to be throwing or purposeful placement with handicapped players who only have one arm, but the match making cannot possibly be that bad. I don’t believe it. Either way you look at it, something is up that isn’t being talked about.
  • Example C: Having the same exact people on my team over and over and over and over, yet the enemy teams are always different players. What is that and how is it even possible? It often feels like these players are being put with me to make 100% sure, that I lose the match every time.

My question is, why is this suddenly happening to me for 15 games in a row? Why do other players I talk to always tell me that their full season experience is more like my first 50 matches?

If anyone in that anet office cares to figure out what is wrong with this, please sit in and view my matches. I know you can do it and I think you should see this. Because when you see that I am not over-exaggerating the stories of 1v3ing far while my team losses 4v2s at home and mid, it just may inspire you to figure out what is going on here.

But, maybe you already know why. Maybe I’m just being screwed with. Sometimes I really do question it. Don’t take this as the usual idle rant about losing. I’ve played 10,000 matches and have personally trained 100s of players, some of which who went on to form ESL teams. I know the difference between players who are trying and theatrics.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Darrio.6098


I’m was playing 8/24/2017 too, have 30 normal games before, was druid too and yes, have 10 game lose streak too.
Dev can check my account data. 1490-1550 Rating. Always was platinum 1 in pvp seasons.

I’m not that good player, but i always have 60% wr at all seasons, i think it was pretty fair.
But that day game constantly give setups like 2 druids in my team vs their 2 thiefs in their team, same people 4-5 games in row in my team and so on.
I really can tell that people in my team not that good, it’s not bias or toxic, usually it was 1-2 players, sometimes 3. And druid class is not that good with bad team, you know, he’s not that playmaker.
Were was 3 fair close games, where we lose because we lose, like 450-500, but all others was stomps with 250-300/500 without single ray of hope.
People don’t know how to kill dead people, don’t know rotations, don’t know map objectives, which poped at right corner of monitor.
I’m on support druid have medal for most kills and offence in one losed match!

Some games we lead first 3 minutes, when something happen and people just stop play and start die.

3/4 thiefs in my games were Caltrops-traps (?) thief builds, they really feel broken, he just came to any point and spam dagger 3 and stack tons of conditions. And most importantly – tons of Immobolise, like what?!
I’m as mender druid can’t die, but he cant too and all his evades dosn’t prevent point capture, like block and invurability skills. As druid i’m use Stealth often so in any cases i lost point.
3/4 of time anyone coming to help me with that thief just die. Just stand in all his small aoe and die.
And killing that type of thief is problematic, because he is on constant evade frame without window to catch him. Only with 2-3 people with mass of CC we can deal with him, but he have his team too!

It was most terribe pvp experience at all time i was play in pvp.
And Queue Time between games was very strange. Sometime it was 1-2 minutes, sometimes in pops like in next 10 seconds after game ends and take me with same 1-2 people again.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Abraxxus.8971


That thief OP talks about sounds like the one I had in one of my matches recently. Didn’t seem to do much. Just run around the map near points but not really take them. I cought them dancing around enemy colored far and not actually standing on the point, and during fights, they ran around and occasionally attacked with #1 attack.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Ajax of Telamona.6974

Ajax of Telamona.6974

I started and i was platt almost all seasons . This one i lost 3-4 times in a row same style 4 different accounts !!
I stopped and i come to check forums . As i see i am not the only one!
What u were thinking on Anet Team? HuH?
kitten Do something tired all this kitten

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: AshinDreidon.3861


I had a shaky start this season due to 3 matches with a player going AFK and that definitely impacted my placement. I’ve seen similar behavior in silver/gold tiers – I was super skeptical about the whole bot thing (I took the last 2 seasons off) but I’m starting to really notice odd movement.

I’ve observed similar things as you – holding 2 at far and teammates somehow all wiped. If it’s a skill thing that’s totally understandable and excusable, but it actually seems more like scripted behavior.

My biggest issue with it is the AFK thing – I’ve observed the same player going AFK at nearly the same point in every match. If the team isn’t winning at about 2 minutes in, they go AFK and sit at spawn. I’ve reported it several times since I’ve personally seen this same account do it 3 games over a 24 hour period. I’m actually starting to wonder if some of the AFK grief is scripted.

shadow, magus, hunter (progress: ritualist, paragon)
soloQing my way through leagues…

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: ima kong fu ninja.3052

ima kong fu ninja.3052

I rarely make a forum post, but here are my thoughts – The PvP MMing can not be fixed, nor will it ever be. Why you ask? Because its a dying game (yes it is, like it or not). The latest Expansion won’t save it either. Yes the new elite specs will be nice, but after a month or two, the players that did return, will leave, and we’ll be back in the same boat we are in now.

No matter how good you are, you just can not carry some matches, argue this all you want, but it’s the truth. There is little to none good players left in this game; most won’t return either. Why? Because there is ZERO competition or reason to even try to work on upping mechanical skill or personal performance. Currently the only reason to try and get “gud” is for Ranked and a lame Title that means nothing, and really the only way to get it is if you grind duo queue at 3:00 AM.


GW2 is Dying, argue all you want, but it is. Compared to even a year ago, so many players have left the game and will NOT be returning. MatchMaking will NEVER get fixed, match quality will NEVER improve. It’s time to move on…

- HanyuCanyu

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Abraxxus.8971


In regards to the afk’ing. I had a player go afk in one of my placement matches, after coming of losses due to afks/dc’s and teammates acting non-teammatey. Once I noticed the player was afk, I announced in map “AFK All Stars will be reported immediately.” Suddenly that player started moving. Maybe it was coincidence, or maybe I scared them into playing and finishing the match. We ended up losing anyway.

But I have seen matches where my team is solidly winning, then one of my teammates goes afk until the other team gets to the point where they take the lead and they have a sure win, then the afk player starts playing again. I’ve seen that happen too numerous times for it to be coincidence.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


The farming, the smurfing, the deliberately heavily unbalanced matches to win-streak favored players… Long seasons of match throwing by alts. All of these things have been condoned as “competitive.”

These and other problems have made pvp an environment with just a very few people willing to play. At this point.. I don’t even honestly think Legendary armor is enough of an inducement to bring people back.

On one of my placement matches last night, I watched with a feeling of impending doom as our DH and Rev ran for home together out of the gate, leaving the 3 light armors to try for mid. We were crushed by something over 300 points if memory serves.

A strict SOLO ranked queue and carefully even matchmaking might patch things in the long run. For the short term, I think we’re stuck with the matches.

Mesmerising Girl

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


This happens to all, it varies between close fights n 200-500ish fights

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


Then how to explain top players? If it was pure solo queue, would they still keep at it? It makes me wonder because for majority of players the ammount of lopsided games is sometimes keeping them at 50% win streaks while their personal skill is really good. How to understand that incredibly huge gap between win/loss of top players? that there are about 1XX wins and 4X/5X losses. If it sucks so bad, how do they do it? Are they on completely different level or are they boosted by something?

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Then how to explain top players? If it was pure solo queue, would they still keep at it? It makes me wonder because for majority of players the ammount of lopsided games is sometimes keeping them at 50% win streaks while their personal skill is really good. How to understand that incredibly huge gap between win/loss of top players? that there are about 1XX wins and 4X/5X losses. If it sucks so bad, how do they do it? Are they on completely different level or are they boosted by something?

This question is somewhat convoluted but I’ll try to answer it.

These “pro” players who have exhibited exceptional climbs have pretty much fallen into one or more of these 4 categories;

Playing with a premade and/or smurfing.

Playing at odd hours to get easy matches.

Win trading.

Playing on an alt. By so doing, they come into the game very underrated and so have an easy climb.

Mesmerising Girl

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


Honestly the only reason i see soloq ppl pushing legendary is if they play flawlessly and carry every single match, but sometimes u do a fkup along the way that heavily influences the game cuz sometimes u are teamed up with ppl u shouldnt be, and that pushes u further down the ladder. When i got my legendary title in s1 it was just that, i had to grind hardcore cuz sometimes i was on winning streaks with balanced teams, and othe times it was pure losses chaos unfair.

I just cant see the higher end players reaching those titles without duo+ queue, unless the soloq leg guy is grinding hardcore.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


Then how to explain top players? If it was pure solo queue, would they still keep at it? It makes me wonder because for majority of players the ammount of lopsided games is sometimes keeping them at 50% win streaks while their personal skill is really good. How to understand that incredibly huge gap between win/loss of top players? that there are about 1XX wins and 4X/5X losses. If it sucks so bad, how do they do it? Are they on completely different level or are they boosted by something?

This question is somewhat convoluted but I’ll try to answer it.

These “pro” players who have exhibited exceptional climbs have pretty much fallen into one or more of these 4 categories;

Playing with a premade and/or smurfing.

Playing at odd hours to get easy matches.

Win trading.

Playing on an alt. By so doing, they come into the game very underrated and so have an easy climb.

So why won’t everyone else do it? If the MMR screws us over, then those “pro” players have to screw the MMR by themselves to keep on high ranks. It appears that nobody would be safe if there was pure solo que due to how dice-tossy it feels.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


What is the premise here? You think you’re being targeted? I don’t get it. I mean I had a 10+ game losing streak 2 days before the end of the season, immediately following reaching a season high.

You want to talk about disappointment? There I was, 2-3 wins away from top 250 in my first season playing PvP with just a couple of days to go, higher in rating than I had been all season and I suddenly drop over 100 rating points on a massive losing streak.

The thing is, prior to that I was on a 9 game win streak. I fought my way up from a 1207 placement to platinum and I finished in platinum. Honestly, I finished right where I belonged based upon my last month’s performance (1509). I had ups and downs, fair matches and unfair matches, but the fact is I spent that last month repeatedly pushing into platinum 1 and falling back to gold 3. Over and over again. If I were good enough to be plat 2, I wouldn’t have had to struggle to stay in plat 1.

Yeah, I had a shining moment where a win streak brought me within range of the top 250 just before the end of the season, but I didn’t really deserve to be there and that crushing loss streak was only slightly worse than the win streak that brought me to my season high.

I wish every match felt competitive. I wish massive losing streaks never happened. But how can I honestly argue that the system doesn’t work? It’s the same system everyone else is using and overall most of us reach a point where we are really fighting for those wins and, more often than not, losing when we exceed our skill level.

I don’t know how the best of the best maintain awesome win ratios. I’ve heard there are tactics they use. Whatever. When I look at the leaderboard for my friends and guild list ranging from bronze to top 250 players, I see the vast majority have very close to a 50% win ratio. How unfair can that really be? It’s exactly what I expect to see in a proper matchmaking system. Players falling below 40% or above 60% win rates are exceedingly rare by the end of the season, yet we all have those massive win or loss streaks. What can you do?

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Every season I’ve had win and loss streaks. Not sure what to say about that. Could be a surge of people because of the weekend. Could also be placements getting bad people rated higher than they should temporarily.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: duster.7013


Once you dip into gold, playing bunker druid is a lot worse. You have to cheese because gold players will always be cheesing and getting cheesed. It doesn’t matter if you can bunker if your elementalist gets instakilled by a burning dh.

High gold and low plat is the difference between bot matches and ranked. and I always have some high damage/mobility characters to play if I dip below plat.

(edited by duster.7013)

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Yes, I do believe I am being targeted but I’m not exactly sure by what. I don’t necessarily think it is a group of people sniping or anet messing with me. I think more realistically there is something within the algorithm that uses players within my demographic of, “total matches played” “actual MMR” that likes to use us as stepping stones for other players. I also want to point out that the problem -always- happens to me exactly when I reach 1550 rating. It’s done this to me every season. Let me explain this:

  • I’m que’ing all night
  • I keep getting basically the same 10 players in matches all night.
  • There are four decent players during these ques that are capable of carrying. Some good Daredevil, some good Chrono, some good Tempest and myself on a Bunker Druid.
  • The majority of matches will be split fairly where it tosses different splits that put two good players on each team, with various randoms. Sometimes I’ll see six to eight to ten games in a row that make sense concerning average MMR vs. average MMR. Matches will be won or lost with scores like 500 to 450. Good balanced real matches.
  • Then immediately as I hit the 1550 mark, I begin receiving splits where I am the only person on my team capable of playing at all, then the three other good players are stacked on the other team, creating 500 to 200ish blowout or worse. This will usually go on until I am dropped well down into Gold 2. Why would it begin to aggressively stack many strong players against you, every match, for a 15 match lose streak down into Gold 2, when it was just previously giving obviously balanced match making in Plat 1 and Plat 2?

So the real big question is, if the algorithm works the way it says it does for balanced match making, why does it allow balanced match making for the -climb- from Gold 2 into Plat 2, where matches are won or lost with scores that look like 500 to 450. But then it distinctly creates a -fall- , where it hands out 10-15 game lose streaks of impossible to carry matches that look 500 to 200ish or worse. My good dudes, that is not the behavior of MMR settling, that is a win/lose switch being flipped – Clearly. How often do you hear people talk about winning 1, losing 1, winning 1, losing 1 or winning 2, losing 2 as compared to how often you hear people say they won 10 and they lost 10? I believe at this point, not in the good and the bad list, but the good and the bad switch I’m just trying to figure out what declares when your account goes on the good and the bad switch because there are some players that I know, who never seem to the get the bad switch. The large majority of player’s ratings will fluctuate heavily due to these win streaks and lose streaks. Though… some players just climb right into whatever rating demographic they obtain and stay there, only fluctuating within 50 rating or so, the entire season, as if they are omitted from the lose streak entirely. It’s as if their MMR is allowed to settle while others are not allowed to settle and are given the switch if they climb too high. It’s as if someone or something is watching certain accounts to make sure they don’t rise too high. What motive would there be behind this? No idea but it definitely feels like this is happening and it’s starting to look like it too, when you pay attention to the fact that certain accounts never go on forced lose streaks. I’m not just talking about top 250 players here, I’m talking people down in Gold 1 or Silver, who play hundreds of matches in a season but maintain a tight position that never fluctuates. Explain that to me, when the majority of players report clearly receiving large doses of win streaks and lose streaks. These patterns don’t add up and they don’t make sense outside of the idea that certain players are omitted from lose streaks.

I don’t want to hear any responses regarding “getting good” because there is an aspect here that people are overlooking:

  • Say a top 10 player who has a record of 50 and 4 ends up at the far point during the end of a match, the game score is 420 to 420. Three players come to kill the top 10 player at the far point and he is forced to defend that node while pulling three players. He knows he can survive and that this will allow his team an easy 4v2 between home and mid, which will be enough of a clutch play to win the game, even if the three opponents are only distracted for a matter of 30s. This is something he does often to pull wins. 9/10 times, his team mates are able to easily take advantage of the 4v2 and easily win.
  • I am in Plat 1 and the exact same thing happens to me, with all of the exact same circumstances. But for some kitten reason, 9/10 times, my team will somehow lose the 4v2 and I will still lose the game. Because the PUGs given to me were either throwing or actually that bad of players.

The aspect that people overlook, is that there are players down in Plat 1ish who are capable of and do the very exact same things to carry games as top 50 players but for whatever reason, their match making is so much worse than the top 50 players, that it doesn’t matter at all how hard they play. How can one person’s match making quality -always- be that much better in terms of PUGs picked up than someone elses? How could one person carry like that for 10 games in a row and receive no success from it? Yet another person generally always receives success from such plays?

It’s a really good question that people should start asking. I mean this season I’m repeatedly being thrown matches during lose streaks, that could only possibly be won if I could somehow simultaneously be on two nodes at the same time and 1v4, while allowing my one armed PUGs to 4v1 some other opponent somewhere else. You think this is am embellishment? The sad thing is that it is not. I’m just wondering how top players are somehow avoiding matches like this or why they aren’t being given matches like this to begin with.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


The aspect that people overlook, is that there are players down in Plat 1ish who are capable of and do the very exact same things to carry games as top 50 players but for whatever reason, their match making is so much worse than the top 50 players, that it doesn’t matter at all how hard they play. How can one person’s match making quality -always- be that much better in terms of PUGs picked up than someone elses? How could one person carry like that for 10 games in a row and receive no success from it? Yet another person generally always receives success from such plays?

It’s a really good question that people should start asking. I mean this season I’m repeatedly being thrown matches during lose streaks, that could only possibly be won if I could somehow simultaneously be on two nodes at the same time and 1v4, while allowing my one armed PUGs to 4v1 some other opponent somewhere else. You think this is am embellishment? The sad thing is that it is not. I’m just wondering how top players are somehow avoiding matches like this or why they aren’t being given matches like this to begin with.

This is a good sum up.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: creature.5120


I know how u feel.
Same happened to me yesterday. I was Plat 3 last S all done via SoloQ now i got thrown into Gold 3.
Got Plat 1 after placement matches and the 4 games after this were all loss.
-27 etc so basically got mixed up witch bronze guys.
And the games were uncarryable i mean 100 : 500 and so stuff.
people were not able to win +1 fights,
If MMR is kittenty like this pls give me 10min Q so i go unranked instead if there are no people with same skilllvl playing.
And TOP Players most of the time play Duo Q so the kitten such games kinda easily.

Créature – Dr00d, Nebulâk – Nec
Kämpfe stehts fanatisch, denn du bist ein Menschenjäger!

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Dragisnaj.2053


Hello, seen the same as most of you writting i am also not a op player i would say i am a mid Tier player but as the season started i had wonderfull games in pvp loike 450/500 even a 490/500 …. and suddenly the last days i got afkler in team people hwo plays as if they would be hitting the table with their keyboard and looking what than hapens on screen ……
and last 10 games or so always lose with 50/500 or 100/500 wtf?? whee is the balance what happend suddenly.
and if a win occurs its the same suddenly you have players as enemys where i think wtf? how can it be that i kill solo 3 players … playng mainly as scraper and normaly can hold points against 2 or more people but still losing the game why? when it is 4vs2 at the rest of the map …. realy anet make something or soon the game is realy dead as here in the forum was said i would like to zitate that:


GW2 is Dying, argue all you want, but it is. Compared to even a year ago, so many players have left the game and will NOT be returning. MatchMaking will NEVER get fixed, match quality will NEVER improve. It’s time to move on…

- HanyuCanyu"

so fix it make soemthing to atract palyers again or you will lose even more.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Rigid.2938


Something I’m curious about is the matchmaking for the placement games. Without sounding overbearing, but I see myself definitely as platinum player.
The problem is: I always start with 2 wins and 8 losses which places me in bronze. There’s no chance to win more than 2 games with teams like that. I tried playing at better times, stopping to play as soon as I got a loss, … Nothing changed, after two wins I only experience very bad games. I even play against the same people that tend to be in very good teams (at least gold level) while I’m stuck with teammates that don’t even know the mechanic of a capture the point game.
I end up explaining 1 minute in the beginning what everyone has to do in order to even have the chance to win. What’s the result? Mesmer not using portals and blindly perma shattering; thiefs not capping at all, staying in mid the whole game; Druids being insta kills because they don’t know how to stay alive; guards spamming traps then wipe;…
I may sound like another whining pvp player, but the fact that so many players are expieriencing the same problem over the last few seasons is the evidence that something is not working how it should be!

I usually end up in t2/t3 bronze, fight my way up to t1/2 gold, then have a huge lose streak, fall back to t2 silver. Get back to gold, fall back to silver and quit the season. I wouldn’t mind if I fall back because I always have competitive matches but can’t win because the other team was slightly better or had better tactics, whatever. But the fact that you have 10 easy matches, then 10 impossible matches is just weird.

I’m happy this thread was created to see how many are actually having the same problem. Throughout my matches I often see players that more or less solo the match because his teammates are extremely bad. I usually whisper them and they tell me the same problem everyone here is expieriencing.

My question is, how is it possible to release new LW Seasons, a whole new Expansion, Weapon skins, story lines, new raids, new fractals,… but anet is not able to change the pvp system after a year of complaints. Since I play pvp I’m not interested in doing fractals along with sheep that spam the dps rotation they’ve looked up on metabattle. It’s not challenging, but still fractals/pve meta events is the game type anet is mainly focusing on, rather than fixing one of the 3 main game types, pvp.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


I don’t want to hear any responses regarding “getting good” because there is an aspect here that people are overlooking:

  • Say a top 10 player who has a record of 50 and 4 ends up at the far point during the end of a match, the game score is 420 to 420. Three players come to kill the top 10 player at the far point and he is forced to defend that node while pulling three players. He knows he can survive and that this will allow his team an easy 4v2 between home and mid, which will be enough of a clutch play to win the game, even if the three opponents are only distracted for a matter of 30s. This is something he does often to pull wins. 9/10 times, his team mates are able to easily take advantage of the 4v2 and easily win.
  • I am in Plat 1 and the exact same thing happens to me, with all of the exact same circumstances. But for some kitten reason, 9/10 times, my team will somehow lose the 4v2 and I will still lose the game. Because the PUGs given to me were either throwing or actually that bad of players.

I totally agree with you, and also with the chain win and chain lose system( and this happens in many games, i’m pretty sure this isn’t only mentality, which also probably makes people play poorly unintentionnaly), but you’re not analyzing the problem very well to me.

Say you’re holding the point 1v3, and the rest of your team is failing at killing/holding nodes 4v2. You can also view the problem in the other side : the 3 players against 1 on the node are failing too if he looks like he would hold 30 seconds, since it would have been noticed earlier in the match. Both teams look like they have " 1 good player and incompetent allies " , so this seems fair. The top10 player had non smart opponents, and you had non smart allies.

The real question here is how did these players reach plat1 or top250 range ? That is where the problem lies and is probably due to :
- Some builds/setups winning too easily against the average solo queue team( condi spam necro or DH as example)
- Seasons restating too quickly

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Hey Trevor, I am in the same boat as you. I have 13 000 or so games, I did train 100’s of new players, some did played ESL pro league.

I don’t know why it happens, but it’s painful to play.

Playing on a second account make that pain goes away.

This could give some more thoughts on your reasoning:

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Urmomzbf.2640


The same thing happened to me this season. My placement brought me to low Gold 2. I climbed up to Gold 3. Everything was great, close games as you stated. Then since 8/24 I have had nothing but losing teams. I am now Gold 1, almost Silver 3 and every team I get loses by at least 150 or more. Also, I now have way more losses than wins. I went from winning about 60% maybe a little more to losing the last 7 out of 10 matches.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


Yes, I do believe I am being targeted but I’m not exactly sure by what. I don’t necessarily think it is a group of people sniping or anet messing with me. I think more realistically there is something within the algorithm that uses players within my demographic of, “total matches played” “actual MMR” that likes to use us as stepping stones for other players. I also want to point out that the problem -always- happens to me exactly when I reach 1550 rating. It’s done this to me every season. Let me explain this:

<post snipped to meet 6000 character limit>

Honestly, that doesn’t sound all that different from my experience. However, I had a different take on what was happening.

If I repeatedly hit a certain rating and start dropping and never seem to be able to get past that, I figure I have exceeded my skill ceiling. Yeah, some of those games are unwinnable through no fault of my own. But it isn’t the losing streaks or unwinnable matches that indicate where I belong so much as the fact that regardless of win/loss streaks, I never seem to be able to break into a certain rating level and stay there.

I mean I had those unwinnable games in streaks at lower tiers as well, but despite that the more games I played the more I moved up…until I hit that ceiling. For me, it also happened at somewhere about 1550. I’d fall back to gold 3, move up to plat 1, fall back, over and over again.

That’s why I felt that my placement last season at 1509 was appropriate. If I belonged in plat 2, I would have been able to break into it over and over the way I did with plat 1. By the same logic, if I belonged in a lower tier I would have had trouble advancing beyond that tier. But over hundreds of games played, I didn’t have trouble staying in upper gold 3. It was only in plat 1 that I’d inevitably start losing more than I won, unable to advance to plat 2 even for a short time.

Those losing streaks HURT, but it’s the bigger picture that makes me think matchmaking works (at least in my experience through gold 1-plat 1) over time.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

I see what you’re saying but I can’t agree that the massive lose streaks are part of anything to do with MMR settling and putting you where you belong.

If our peaks were 1550, don’t you think that MMR settling over the course of a season should provide us with an experience that looks more like: lose, win, lose, win, lose, lose, win, win, lose, win, win, lose, ect.. ect.. Especially considering that the climb to 1550 was rendering a similar experience to get there. When we climb to 1550 with a relatively balanced feel of match making, where every match is won or lost by 500 to 450, where players are being pushed to limits to evolve quickly to figure out how to win the match, that feels like where we belong. But when we “suddenly” get placed on a lose streak, immediately as we hit 1550, and lose 10 to 15 games in a row, not by 500 to 450 but more like 500 to 200 or worse, that certainly doesn’t feel like MMR settling to put us where we belong. It feels like a lose switch being pushed.

It’s also very strange that at that exact point of 1550, there is this ridiculous shift in match making quality. No, not a small one. It’s not that you feel your PUGs get a bit worse and your enemies get a tad harder, no. It’s this ridiculous switch that gets turned on, where the algorithm “tries its hardest” to find THE WORST players que’ing at the time to give you and find a team of people your rating or higher to stack on a team together, to make sure that you lose rating.

This is definitely happening but yet it shouldn’t be. There is no reason, with all the different demographics of rated players and actual MMRs out there, that at certain exact point in the rankings, you automatically pull the worst players possible vs. stacked teams of people who are the same rating as you or better. That in no way makes any sense for how the algorithm is supposed to work.

So why does this happen to some players but not others? It’s easy to see who it is happening to. It happens to those players that you see in plat 2 one day, then down in gold 2 the next, then the day after that they’re back in plat 2 again. Yet other players place plat 1, climb to plat 2 and then stay there for 200 games, only ever fluctuating up or down about 50 points or so. There are two extremes happening here with no in-betweens. One group of players have extreme fluctuation, all season, with no evidence of any MMR settling. The other group of players will take a rating and hover right in that rating the entire season, giving evidence of settled MMR. What the hell is going on here?

Kinda seems like rats in a laboratory where you have group A and control group B.

I dunno boys, just pointing out the patterns I’ve noticed.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I think everyone that plays has the same issue. I think it is the difference between being the best player on a team vs. The lower rated player on a team. Combine that with the wide MMR band that is allowed and you can end up with some pretty large skill gaps.

helseth played as kittymeaomaeo (sp) he did not have a 100% win rate. thought it was more in the 70% range. That was arguably the beat player in the game playing on a class that has the most carry potential. So you need to accept you are going to get matches that are not winable.

If you are truly 1v3 and your team is losing, maybe it would be better to find the strong player on the other team and neutralize them so the weak players on your team can face the 3 bad players on their team.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


I see what you’re saying but I can’t agree that the massive lose streaks are part of anything to do with MMR settling and putting you where you belong.

If our peaks were 1550, don’t you think that MMR settling over the course of a season should provide us with an experience that looks more like: lose, win, lose, win, lose, lose, win, win, lose, win, win, lose, ect.. ect.. Especially considering that the climb to 1550 was rendering a similar experience to get there. When we climb to 1550 with a relatively balanced feel of match making, where every match is won or lost by 500 to 450, where players are being pushed to limits to evolve quickly to figure out how to win the match, that feels like where we belong. But when we “suddenly” get placed on a lose streak, immediately as we hit 1550, and lose 10 to 15 games in a row, not by 500 to 450 but more like 500 to 200 or worse, that certainly doesn’t feel like MMR settling to put us where we belong. It feels like a lose switch being pushed.

It’s also very strange that at that exact point of 1550, there is this ridiculous shift in match making quality. No, not a small one. It’s not that you feel your PUGs get a bit worse and your enemies get a tad harder, no. It’s this ridiculous switch that gets turned on, where the algorithm “tries its hardest” to find THE WORST players que’ing at the time to give you and find a team of people your rating or higher to stack on a team together, to make sure that you lose rating.

This is definitely happening but yet it shouldn’t be. There is no reason, with all the different demographics of rated players and actual MMRs out there, that at certain exact point in the rankings, you automatically pull the worst players possible vs. stacked teams of people who are the same rating as you or better. That in no way makes any sense for how the algorithm is supposed to work.

So why does this happen to some players but not others? It’s easy to see who it is happening to. It happens to those players that you see in plat 2 one day, then down in gold 2 the next, then the day after that they’re back in plat 2 again. Yet other players place plat 1, climb to plat 2 and then stay there for 200 games, only ever fluctuating up or down about 50 points or so. There are two extremes happening here with no in-betweens. One group of players have extreme fluctuation, all season, with no evidence of any MMR settling. The other group of players will take a rating and hover right in that rating the entire season, giving evidence of settled MMR. What the hell is going on here?

Kinda seems like rats in a laboratory where you have group A and control group B.

I dunno boys, just pointing out the patterns I’ve noticed.

I’m not saying they’re intended at all. The big win/loss streaks aren’t intended. That’s just chance. And certainly the system isn’t perfect or you’d always get a fairly even match. For that matter, placement would be perfect, too. And you’d never expect to move significantly up or down in rating from where you were placed due to a near-perfect matching system that gives you almost exactly a 50/50 win rate.

What I’m saying is that you can factor those win/loss streaks out under the assumption that we all get them (apparently with the exception of players who are either THAT bad/good or have found some way to game the system) and observe the overall trend. Sure, a bad loss streak might take you down to gold 2, but do you stay at gold 2? Likewise, do you hit 1550 and stay there? Look beyond the outliers (win/loss streaks) and what does the overall trend show?

As it pertains to my own experience, like I said, I didn’t just hit a loss streak every time I reached 1550. I hit loss streaks at lower ratings, too. I also hit win streaks. But what was consistent was that I moved up at 1450 and not at 1550. I was never able to maintain a rating above that level where I was generally able to at 1450, even if a loss streak could drop me below 1450 from time to time. Hence my belief that my final season rating of 1509 was right about where it should have been.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


Y’all realise that nothing will be done about it? I am hardly convinced that even PoF will bring any change. The PvP matchmaking quality in this game is long dead and burried. Just farm them shards for lege armour and be done with it.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Aliam, I see what you’re saying but I don’t think you see what I am saying.

When the lose streaks come and go like clockwork, to that point that one can timely read when they are starting and when they are ending, that is not chance that is a routine scheduled switch being flipped.

To Rod:
At this point it isn’t even about wanting it fixed, it’s just public discussion in the fascination of what is going on that isn’t being talked about, within this match making.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Zenral.3958


So I’m not the only one. I stopped 2 losses as well suspecting something strange. Coming here proves I wasn’t wrong lol.

Good job Anet, after Season 2 I wanted to give this a 2nd try but nope, no go for me.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Zodi.8932


I have been platinum every season since the league changes. This season I had 7 wins and 3 losses in placement which is the same as my other seasons but got placed for some reason in mid gold?! Ever since I have been in gold I have noticed completely bizarre things that haven’t happened last seasons.

My last 20 games have been win/loss/win/loss without fail and when in my last game we were winning 400 – 100 to break that cycle 2 players in our team dc’d and the enemy team came back to win 450 – 500. That is just way too big a coincidence.

There is something very weird about Gold or this season. I never experienced this in previous seasons when I was in platinum.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


Well, if we are at sharing stories I might as well share mine. First few seasons I wasn’t really focused on playing pvp but from season 4 or 5 I’ve always been somewhere near high ruby/diamond and later on high gold/low plat. Last season I did my placement in the middle of the season where I had 8 wins and 2 losses. The funny thing is that about 6 or 7 of those matches were straight out bound to win because enemy was clueless to how to fight and do the objective. That got me to plat 2 and I even reached top 250 but it didn’t register due to not having the minimum games played yet. Once I got the mini games, I was hindered from going back to 250 by some really strange games in which I met a few lads that straight out threw my team’s games even though we all played well, they just left us to 4v5. However, after that I’ve experienced pretty much what you guys. I had to struggle and play only once every 3 days (to prevent decay) because my duo partner at that time wasn’t online most of the time (even duos didn’t change much). Anyway, my ratio seems to be 55% but it felt like 50% , playing games not to climb the ladder, but not to fall from decay. At this point it was a chore, a rather unpleasant experience. Now I am in gold 3 and I had a win-loss-win-loss-win-loss-win-loss&-win-loss-loss so far, being 1 or two matches away from plat 1
I wouldn’t be that surprised if I couldn’t get to plat by losing matches that are relatively balanced (of course it is rare but still) matches that feel like you can win them but it needs cooperation. Becuase that is what some people lack. You sometimes get people who are great fighters, winning 1v1’s most of the time, but their cooperativeness is crippled by their ego or something. So even if you give tips, despite their combat skill their rotation sucks bad, preventing a win. But you can’t state someone’s knowledge of rotation by MMR sadly. Anyway, every single game I lost that didn’t let me get to plat was just a simple roflstomp by enemy team. There were a few situations that could be grasped to win, but it ended up me tanking two people on bell in Capricorn and the rest of the team losing every single point to the enemy team. They were not dead, they were not on bell. They just fought somewhere off point, 2 of them chasing a thief and the rest fighting someone who kept them busy while a mesmer recapped the points. This kind of situation happened. Because of that I lost all sense of value to ranks, I don’t even see legendary players as achievers, but rather bearers of straight luck or exploits. I wouldn’t think like that if it also wasn’t for the fact that I can stalemate or beat some of them on a bunker guard. I watch twitch from time to time, I learn how others plays, what are their behaviour patterns, but sometimes you can’t win. And sometimes it is more than "sometimes" but rather "the usual".

Still, gotta farm that lege armour and screw all that. I hope for some better PvE content and start up some raids. At least there you can choose a team and play for serious without any hints of luck hidden in there. If some of you want some better PvP, look for WoW, at least they got it better.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

(edited by Rodzynald.5897)

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


I think everyone that plays has the same issue. I think it is the difference between being the best player on a team vs. The lower rated player on a team. Combine that with the wide MMR band that is allowed and you can end up with some pretty large skill gaps.

helseth played as kittymeaomaeo (sp) he did not have a 100% win rate. thought it was more in the 70% range. That was arguably the beat player in the game playing on a class that has the most carry potential. So you need to accept you are going to get matches that are not winable.

If you are truly 1v3 and your team is losing, maybe it would be better to find the strong player on the other team and neutralize them so the weak players on your team can face the 3 bad players on their team.

I don’t think anyone wants to go into a RANKED match and feel like they have 0 chance at winning. I shouldn’t have to accept that, and is the reason for so much salt. What anyone wants is a system that consistently pairs them up with folks of their skill level. That’s how matchmaking should work.
I expect unranked to be a kittenshow, ranked shouldn’t be.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


I don’t think anyone wants to go into a RANKED match and feel like they have 0 chance at winning. I shouldn’t have to accept that, and is the reason for so much salt. What anyone wants is a system that consistently pairs them up with folks of their skill level. That’s how matchmaking should work.
I expect unranked to be a kittenshow, ranked shouldn’t be.

And this is where class balance comes in. There are plenty of low risk high reward builds that are easy to play but hard to master. For example trap dragonhunter. The trap mechanic is strong, but to make it less low risk, there are two options. Either change the traps and give them other utility (which won’t happen), or nerf it so hard that nobody will play it, forcing people to roll something else. Because of such strong builds, some people get carried by metabuilds to a level that once they meet up with those who know how to counter it, they get evaporated in seconds. So this is what Anet means by telling us "matchmaking works as intented" because it kind of works as intended. People on your team that are inefficient got to that point because of easy to play builds that are also easy to counter once you know the weak points and how to exploit them.
So in terms of numbers and system they are on your level. But in terms of real combat experience they are bronze or silver at best. This is, I think, where the real issue takes its root.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

I see what you mean, Rod. But we are discussing why the algorithm will at times stack teams of 1600 and 1700 players against an opposing team of 1400 and 1500 players. This thread is a great documentation of this:

So the problem is that it will choose to stack a team of high rated player and feed them low rated players. When the algorithm could easily swap 2 of the highs off the good team and put them on the lesser team for a more balanced match. There is no reason for such feeding within a system that tells us “it creates balanced match making”.

Just earlier this morning, my duo partner and I, who are playing between plat 1 and plat 2, had that good old fashioned feeding experience again. We tried to que 3 matches and lost each one like 500 to 200. the worst was 500 to 43. That last 500 to 43 match consisted of us two, hovering plat 1 and plat 2 with a bunch of guys down in mid to low gold who were solo. We were put against Jeff’s duo who are players in the top 20 and they had solos with them that were ranked anywhere between 1500 and 1600. So you explain to me why the system would put 2 players who are close to legendary ranking, with 3 plat solo ques vs. plat duo with 3x guys in gold.

That is nothing but a feeding switch being pushed where we were set to lose and these already higher ranking players were being set to win. That is terrible match making and in no way competitive or balanced. You tell me, if these higher ranked players are so good, why do they need near legend stacked teams to go against 3 solo golds and a single plat duo? It makes the top 50 look like they’re being handed wins. It honestly does. Considering that to even hold plat 1 – plat 2ish, every match I play is some herculeic struggle against players of my same rating or higher. I certainly do not get situations where I am on an all plat team vs. a bunch of guys in gold and silver. But apparently top 50 players get to benefit this effect. Again, my question is why is that happening? And why do I occasionally have days where I rock teams of silver/gold PUGs vs. plat and legends only?

I mean during that particular match, there is no reason why the algorithm couldn’t have taken 2 of Jeff’s higher PUGs and swapped them with 2 of our low PUGs. That would have better balanced out the MMR split. But it chose not to do it. It purposely gave our team all of the much lower rated players.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I see what you mean, Rod. But we are discussing why the algorithm will at times stack teams of 1600 and 1700 players against an opposing team of 1400 and 1500 players. This thread is a great documentation of this:

So the problem is that it will choose to stack a team of high rated player and feed them low rated players. When the algorithm could easily swap 2 of the highs off the good team and put them on the lesser team for a more balanced match. There is no reason for such feeding within a system that tells us “it creates balanced match making”.

Just earlier this morning, my duo partner and I, who are playing between plat 1 and plat 2, had that good old fashioned feeding experience again. We tried to que 3 matches and lost each one like 500 to 200. the worst was 500 to 43. That last 500 to 43 match consisted of us two, hovering plat 1 and plat 2 with a bunch of guys down in mid to low gold who were solo. We were put against Jeff’s duo who are players in the top 20 and they had solos with them that were ranked anywhere between 1500 and 1600. So you explain to me why the system would put 2 players who are close to legendary ranking, with 3 plat solo ques vs. plat duo with 3x guys in gold.

That is nothing but a feeding switch being pushed where we were set to lose and these already higher ranking players were being set to win. That is terrible match making and in no way competitive or balanced. You tell me, if these higher ranked players are so good, why do they need near legend stacked teams to go against 3 solo golds and a single plat duo? It makes the top 50 look like they’re being handed wins. It honestly does. Considering that to even hold plat 1 – plat 2ish, every match I play is some herculeic struggle against players of my same rating or higher. I certainly do not get situations where I am on an all plat team vs. a bunch of guys in gold and silver. But apparently top 50 players get to benefit this effect. Again, my question is why is that happening? And why do I occasionally have days where I rock teams of silver/gold PUGs vs. plat and legends only?

I mean during that particular match, there is no reason why the algorithm couldn’t have taken 2 of Jeff’s higher PUGs and swapped them with 2 of our low PUGs. That would have better balanced out the MMR split. But it chose not to do it. It purposely gave our team all of the much lower rated players.

Teams should not be MMR balanced. What that will do is drive people to the same MMR rating. What shouldn’t be happening is having people on the same team that are 700+ mmr points different. The last two seasons I’ve had the god of PvP on my team. Once as a tier 3 silver and once as a tier 2/3 gold. While these were outlier matches, it was not very fair for the other team. They ended up getting a much harsher punishment for losing than if they had someone closer to their rating vs me on the opposing team.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


And this is where class balance comes in. There are plenty of low risk high reward builds that are easy to play but hard to master. For example trap dragonhunter. The trap mechanic is strong, but to make it less low risk, there are two options. Either change the traps and give them other utility (which won’t happen), or nerf it so hard that nobody will play it, forcing people to roll something else. Because of such strong builds, some people get carried by metabuilds to a level that once they meet up with those who know how to counter it, they get evaporated in seconds. So this is what Anet means by telling us “matchmaking works as intented” because it kind of works as intended. People on your team that are inefficient got to that point because of easy to play builds that are also easy to counter once you know the weak points and how to exploit them.
So in terms of numbers and system they are on your level. But in terms of real combat experience they are bronze or silver at best. This is, I think, where the real issue takes its root.

This is unfortunately the point. Many fights are decided by the condi spam on mid point, because of solo queue issues where people keep running in, leading to others getting zerged, leading to chaos split . It is actually the same argument about the guy handling 1v3 : is it because he is good, or because he plays exploting the fact that opponents aren’t good ?

Algorithms canot be fixed, you will always have individual cases that won’t satisfy everyone, the point is to make it the most acceptable, and i believe it is ok. Queue times are correct, even on dead hours. Matchs aren’t that unbalanced. This has to do with players skills

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

No, class balance isn’t the point. The point of this thread discussion is how the algorithm is purposely creating obviously mega lopsided blow out matches for the sake of the win and lose switch which some players are seemingly omitted from, as pattern or no pattern would indicate. You can tell when it has less to do with class balance and a lot more to do with platinums vs. silvers.

And yes, the matches are definitely imbalanced, at least for those of us experiencing the lose switch. That level of purposeful lopsided nonsense: leg leg plat plat plat vs. plat plat gold gold gold, only happens when the lose switch is turned on and it continues for 10 games or so, always. Then it ends and everything goes back to normal. That isn’t luck or coincidence when it runs like clockwork, it’s something automated and scheduled.

About the guy 1v3ing at far and is he good or is he exploiting that others aren’t good?
That’s like asking if a coin is a penny or a dime based on the fact that it has a heads and a tails side. It’s a loaded question. Of course a player is good if he can 1v3 hold a node and not die. That is the direct goal of a good player and the purpose of conquest node holding. These kind of plays are the exact material that players use to judge who is good and who is bad. The player 1v3ing and keeping node his color is making a good play. The players 3v1ing on enemy node and failing are making a bad play. Not hard to understand, don’t convolute something simple.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


I more likely think that the matchmaker tries to find 5 players from the closest rank, then matchs 2 teams instead of finding 10 players from similar rank and shuffling them considering average team ranks.
Basically, the 2 legendary players register. No other legendary player is available, they’re teamed with platinums. Since there is no legendary, opponents are going to be 5 platinums or worse if no available, like you had.

That being said, i am convinced the problem lies more likely in the reasons of losing 500-43 without that big level difference. Considering players listening and reading chat, and not giving up, you cannot have 5-10 consecutive blowouts.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: SneakyTouchy.6043


This kind of stuff should only be happening to someone who has the highest MMR in the entire match, so that they can prove their rank through their carry potential.

However this rarely seems to be the case and I think that’s why the matches turn into blowouts. Some guy in gold ends up being expected to carry platinums against a group of other golds because for whatever reason, those platinums are constantly put on teams with lower ranked players who can carry. It doesn’t make sense. We can clearly see massive differences in skill level that their MMR does not reflect even closely.

From an algorithm development point of view, there are two problems that are obvious to me. MMR between teams isn’t being balanced on match creation, and MMR rewards are improperly varied at the end of the match based on the split internal to only the team itself. They did this thinking it would prevent duo q carries but the method instead had alternate consequences of disrupting the rating process entirely because it affects everyone. As a result, the environment needed to create such a situation where the highest ranking player has to prove their carry potential is never established in reality. Wins and losses are more often simply awarded to the team with higher overall MMR until the inaccuracy of ratings are so bad that it continuously trips over itself creating these matches that don’t make any sense.

(edited by SneakyTouchy.6043)

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

@ Abazigal
You most certainly can have 10+ blowout games that are impossible to carry. It happens to me about every 15 – 20 games that I play, the mandatory lose streak begins. Notice how many other players have posted in just this thread, that they are experiencing the exact same thing, which comes in predictable waves that run like clockwork on a schedule.

If the match making works the way you suggest, then why is it that I can play 10 games within a 2 to 3 hour time frame, and always have to be one of the guys who goes against the leg leg plat plat plat with my plat plat gold gold gold team, but then never get rolled to be one of the plats that is with the good stacked team? Again, more historical pattern that suggest the idea of a control group A and a control group B. Some people get better match making than others.

If you want to talk about higher MMRs being given the luxury of being stacked together, then how is a player like myself “plat 1ish plat 2ish” ever supposed to rise in MMR/Rating when I am repeatedly set into the control group B and forced to try and carry golds vs. plats and legends, through a mandatory lose streak? Why do I never see these high MMR players being forced to carry gold against my platinum? No, everytime I see them, their team is stacked 1600+ whilst I am fed to them alongside my obviously gold 2 or worse players as they explode on contact during each combat engagement, trip over themselves during rotations and fail to win 4v2s while I am 1v3 somewhere for 4 minutes or some ridiculous kitten that I’m sadly not even exaggerating.The match making is neither fair or balanced when an algorithm creates match favoritism like this.

Do you have any idea how much this effects the success of a player climbing the leaderboards? I’ll use myself in these two different control group situations:

  • Group A – I play 10 games out of placement, get placed Plat 1. Play 5 more games and hit Plat 2. The games are balanced, matches are won 500 to 450 or lost in the same way. Then suddenly, the mandatory 10 game lose streak hits. Each of those 10 games are lost like 500 to 200 or worse, sometimes like 500 to 40. The matches are distinct rigged so my team is far weaker than the opponents we are against. Now I’m kitten near down into Gold 2. After the clockwork lose streak ends, the matches begin to feel balanced again. I am able to slowly climb back to Plat 1-2ish with my 15 game leniency before it happens again. I’m never able to transcend Plat 1-2ish due to the scheduled Gold reset of automated lose streaks. Hey, I might even place as low as Gold 3 if the lose streak hits and ends on a bad day near closing time.
  • Group B – I play 10 games out of placement and then 5 after that. I end up in Plat 2. No obvious lose streak hits. I never get matches where I am a Plat 2 forced to carry gold gold gold silver against a team of fellow plat 1s and plat 2s. Due to this, my win rate is significantly higher. My rating placement only ever fluctuates within about 50 points up or down. ALL of the matches are generally won or lost within 500 to 450ish type situations. I often que and find myself on the same team as top players. Many of matches feel dominant, where we win 500 to 100. I finish the end of the season in legend or kitten near legend.

~ I am the same player with the same skill level/knowledge in the above two examples, but due to different treatment within the algorithm, it heavily dictates my success.

If you are saying that you honestly don’t experience these impossible to win match streaks, this just further supports the idea of control group A and control group B. Because there is an overwhelming amount of players who are experiencing the exact same thing. Lose streaks that come in a wave like clockwork, predictably and well on time. Over the course of a season, the MMRs and ratings should be settling, not becoming more volatile. Nothing makes any sense with that. Anyone who tries to explain and legitimize the lose streaks, is a cop-out apologist in my honest opinion.

But it’s all ranting & raving until I provide evidence of my experience right? I’ve thought about doing it you know. If I were to win 10 record all of my matches during a season so that users could SEE what I’m talking about. But if I did, would anyone even watch 120 games played during a season on some guy’s youtube channel? Because I just might do if there were enough demand.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


If you are saying that you honestly don’t experience these impossible to win match streaks, this just further supports the idea of control group A and control group B. Because there is an overwhelming amount of players who are experiencing the exact same thing. Lose streaks that come in a wave like clockwork, predictably and well on time. Over the course of a season, the MMRs and ratings should be settling, not becoming more volatile. Nothing makes any sense with that. Anyone who tries to explain and legitimize the lose streaks, is a cop-out apologist in my honest opinion.

Actually i totally agree with you, and this happens in many games, not only guild wars. 10 consecutive wins, then x consecutive loses unexplained, then you start to wonder about the next consecutive wins, .. Mentality is probably an issue, but there is something else for sure.

What i meant is that this is harder to believe for Guild Wars. Surely, you can be totally biaised before the match starts, having a team that, in theory, should lose. But i had many matchs that could have been easily won if people did listen. And an algorithm cannot determine if people aren’t going to listen.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: ButterPeanut.9746


Its kind of sad, but for me the best thing I’ve learned throughout all of these seasons is when to STOP playing. If I lose 2 in a row, I’m done for the night.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: MichalAniol.5807


Well, being on a loss streak half the last season, just to climb back at the same place I started. Looks like I’m getting bombed now again (reached platinum for the first time, had a few nice matches then it went down straightforward – constant blowouts like 50-500 or 200-500). So I just came back to farm gold in chests and doing dailies fast. Ranked sPvP is just not worth anyone nerves. My advice is – stop caring about rank and just farm. Call me toxic kitten but at this point in game I even encourage faster loose if we are 50-300 after first few minutes so I can go back and have that last tiny tiny tiny bit of hope for a good match. And I heard it all “git gut”, “just practice more”, “learn to carry” etc. Guess what – I don’t care anymore.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Ramoth.9064


I know how u feel.
Same happened to me yesterday. I was Plat 3 last S all done via SoloQ now i got thrown into Gold 3.
Got Plat 1 after placement matches and the 4 games after this were all loss.
-27 etc so basically got mixed up witch bronze guys.
And the games were uncarryable i mean 100 : 500 and so stuff.
people were not able to win +1 fights,
If MMR is kittenty like this pls give me 10min Q so i go unranked instead if there are no people with same skilllvl playing.
And TOP Players most of the time play Duo Q so the kitten such games kinda easily.

Same thing here, for into gold 3 after placements then 5 completely blow out games. -30s.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Avesto.4280


Wow! This is all about me! These 10 win, 10 losses. Shady business.

Then again, the season starts, people play a few matches.

Then, they stop and only play when they think they can win.

Those of us who love to play ranked all the time suffer.

Here is a simple fix: Increase Required PVP Rank to join RANKED to 50! Done and Done.

You will always get decent players, or at least those that know what the Bell does.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: bOTEB.1573


For the people complaining about getting beginners in their teams: they are good for the game but they are spread in both teams and not just yours – sometimes you play against them, sometimes you play with them. As op said sometimes he plays 1vs2/1vs3, why not the enemy team to play 2vs4 then? Nothing wrong with the system.

P.S You want balance in matchmaking? Let’s start from the point where teams are matched against teams and pugs against pugs because it is obvious that team against pug is a match with handicap and is not fair, especially since the game doesn’t offer voice chat in the team.

(edited by bOTEB.1573)

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

bOTEB, no one is complaining about beginners in general they are complaining about lopsided distribution of beginners. Those times when a team has gold gold gold silver silver but is for some reason against plat plat gold gold gold. These kinds of situations happen frequently and come in waves of lose streaks. It isn’t an accident and it isn’t dumb luck. The algorithm would seem to be picking and choosing when players lose and when others are fed. This has nothing to do with balanced match making.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Aza.2105


I have the same experience as the OP. The losses are usually by blow out, 500 -100. And the wins are generally by blow out. As always I lose more points from losing than winning. Which makes progression impossible.

Over the last several seasons I noticed a pattern with the quality of matches. It usually goes something like this:

Wins: Everyone is in sync, excellent rotations and communication, respectable builds that can perform their role adequately.

Loses: Everyone out of sync, non existing rotations, little to no communications, questionable builds that can not perform adequately.

In nearly all the loses I observed, team mates can not win when they are even +1 or +2. Making one or two of the opponents able to roam free unchecked. Just this last match I did, I watched my team mates repeatedly lose 2 vs 3 fights or at the very list stalemate. It shows that something is wrong with someone/s on the team.

This happens nearly every since loss. My guess is that despite what Anet says, matchmaker doesn’t provide balanced matches but pendulum swing matches aka extreme matches. You are either winning with no competition or you are getting blown out. Very rarely I encounter a match that is competitive, were its like 500 -450.

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