Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please
Haha I’ve seen that same guy in the past raging in matches while he charged mid over and over. Then yelling at the team for not being there while they were on respawn.
If you are saying that you honestly don’t experience these impossible to win match streaks, this just further supports the idea of control group A and control group B. Because there is an overwhelming amount of players who are experiencing the exact same thing. Lose streaks that come in a wave like clockwork, predictably and well on time. Over the course of a season, the MMRs and ratings should be settling, not becoming more volatile. Nothing makes any sense with that. Anyone who tries to explain and legitimize the lose streaks, is a cop-out apologist in my honest opinion.
Actually i totally agree with you, and this happens in many games, not only guild wars. 10 consecutive wins, then x consecutive loses unexplained, then you start to wonder about the next consecutive wins, .. Mentality is probably an issue, but there is something else for sure.
What i meant is that this is harder to believe for Guild Wars. Surely, you can be totally biaised before the match starts, having a team that, in theory, should lose. But i had many matchs that could have been easily won if people did listen. And an algorithm cannot determine if people aren’t going to listen.
Now this is something I experience. I’ve been to platinum rank 1 or 2 for 3 seasons straight. Now for two weeks I am stuck in high gold, away from platinum by 2 or 3 matches. Few hours ago I gave myself the luxury to get into ranked, after all these hours I end up in the very same spot I started and it was like, 12 or 14 matches, I can’t quite recall now. so pretty much half of them was won and the rest lost. 5 of them were uncarriable blowouts that happened right after I won a match. There was one that I quite remember, where I did a horrible mistake in the end and let Svanir get stolen, so I deserved that one 100% to lose ; – ; and there was one lost because a dude went idle on respawn, trolling us that “he is eating his pizza and won’t play until he gets his first bite”, yeah I even have screenshots of that on one of the threads in here. There were 2 matches that burned in my mind with unbridled rage, as the matches were balanced. Why? Thief. Thief can carry a game but he can also be the one to screw things up. One match I had a thief who despite us telling him to stop rushing far when there is a bunker on the point, he did that anyway. Our fights were going well our whole team blamed the thief because pretty much due to his constant dying, the enemy won with a little gap of 50 points I guess. The other situation was in colosseum, where the thief was a good fighter for +1 but never bothered to grab any artifacts. Sadly the rest of us was kinda sluggish but sturdy so he was our mobility. Because of lack of artifacts, our enemy gained an upper hand, winning a close one. In the end these two matches were gg’s but still it feels so amazingly wrathful to see your rank loss because someone in your team kept on making the same mistake over and over.
However, matches that I won, 3 of them I think, were kind of challenging and we managed to pull it out in the middle of the game to cap and secure points for a safe win. About another 3 or 4 were insta blowouts where we just steamrolled the poor opponent.
Now I see a lot of people telling me to not worry about rating, but my inner try hard cannot agree to that and every match I give my all. I even manage to bait out two enemies to pretty much don’t fight them and still steal a point as a dragonhunter. I know I am capable and I pose a challange to those who play as good as me and are in platinum or low legend. Then how do some people get to have that platinum or legendary rank? Is it really all about how much luck your account has? Before HoT I had more won matches than lost ones. Now I observed an unusual thing. In the end of the last season I first experienced having the same ammount of won matches as lost, now I have a few more losses than wins, and I still keep on improving my personal skill. How am I supposed to understand what is happening?
Been playing bunker druid since start of season. First 50 games were played between 1500 and 1560 rating, solidly. For once, things felt balanced. Win 500 to 450 or lose 450 to 500, games were good. Suddenly upon the morning of 8/24/2017, there was a distinct shift in match quality. Went on a 15 game lose streak where losses were looking like 200 to 500 or worse. I 1v2 or sometimes 1v3 far, the entire game, usually never even die. Yet my team mates cannot cap/hold home OR mid in 4v3s and 4v2s.
Same, but i was used to run a “bunker” Reaper.
My suspicion is that matchmaking, is looking at stats like vitality. After the loss streak I started to test other builds, and whenever I used the 34k hp build on the necro, I was getting into very squish teams with 2 thievs almost times!!
In the previous seasons even with bots around, i have pattern of 3 loses 1 win, them 2 loses 1 win when i was getting better on skills, the 1 loss 1 win honing the build, u feel the progression. Suddenly, on this season, this weird pattern of 10 losses+ in a row.
I’ve seen loss streaks extending into the 60’s. Under the current circumstances, I suspect that it has more to do with lack of population.
The matchmaker doesn’t have a communist agenda to distribute wins according to each player’s emotional needs, one element you consistently leave out is skill.
- I lost 60 matches – matchmaker is rigged, game population is dead.
- Existence of pro players with 70% win rate SoloQ – gained by ‘premades’ (duo?) queuing at 3:00am, must be on an alt account facing easy enemies.
You’re living in the past a few of these comments:
- Re: Smurfing & alting comments. Once a good player gets through his placement matches, they’re already at 1700 matchmaking rating, you may stomp noobs for >/<5 placement matches if you buy a 2nd account. There’s no longer farming 100 games for pips through Amber-Ruby. You’ve been overblowing how often good players do this for close to 2 years now as well (there weren’t/aren’t many good players who care).
- Re: Premades affecting match outcome. You can’t premade in ranked, that word which you’re misusing means 5 players. If you’re trying to go from 1700 rating to 1800 rating, duo queuing is a no brainer, but before that, even someone without a single friend can attain that high with game knowledge.
I think of any of the solo queuers in NA, Magic Toker playing Power Revenant affects the match outcome more than any combination of profession and player. A player who has mastered a high map mobility, high DPS profession, you have insane ability to disproportionately affect match outcome by snowballing off of being just a little bit better (or a lot) than one other person.
Valid criticisms of the matchmaker only, please, IE: plat plat plat gold gold VS. gold gold gold gold gold or Two highly skilled duo queues vs. One highly skilled solo queue and 4 punching bags.
Pro players 70% queue solo? Proof please. Everyone I see claiming that kind of WR has been duoing on comms.
I’ve seen loss streaks extending into the 60’s. Under the current circumstances, I suspect that it has more to do with lack of population.
The matchmaker doesn’t have a communist agenda to distribute wins according to each player’s emotional needs, one element you consistently leave out is skill.
- I lost 60 matches – matchmaker is rigged, game population is dead.
- Existence of pro players with 70% win rate SoloQ – gained by ‘premades’ (duo?) queuing at 3:00am, must be on an alt account facing easy enemies.
You’re living in the past a few of these comments:
- Re: Smurfing & alting comments. Once a good player gets through his placement matches, they’re already at 1700 matchmaking rating, you may stomp noobs for >/<5 placement matches if you buy a 2nd account. There’s no longer farming 100 games for pips through Amber-Ruby. You’ve been overblowing how often good players do this for close to 2 years now as well (there weren’t/aren’t many good players who care).
- Re: Premades affecting match outcome. You can’t premade in ranked, that word which you’re misusing means 5 players. If you’re trying to go from 1700 rating to 1800 rating, duo queuing is a no brainer, but before that, even someone without a single friend can attain that high with game knowledge.
I think of any of the solo queuers in NA, Magic Toker playing Power Revenant affects the match outcome more than any combination of profession and player. A player who has mastered a high map mobility, high DPS profession, you have insane ability to disproportionately affect match outcome by snowballing off of being just a little bit better (or a lot) than one other person.
Valid criticisms of the matchmaker only, please, IE: plat plat plat gold gold VS. gold gold gold gold gold or Two highly skilled duo queues vs. One highly skilled solo queue and 4 punching bags.
Pro players 70% queue solo? Proof please. Everyone I see claiming that kind of WR has been duoing on comms.
66% season win rate give or take while solo is what i get on Scrapper.
I’ve done some duo matches but never on comms. Lost a fair share while duoing, duoing win rate is not broken unless doing so puts you at the 1st place spot in the matchmaker like what you see on the leaderboard. Two ESL players duoing on comms with two DPS classes, you’re looking at 95% win rate when there aren’t a few very specific rivals queuing, ie: the top 5 on leaderboard.
Edit: Tokers season solo win rate on Rev would probably be reasonably measured at 75%..
New Twitter: @chaithhh
(edited by Chaith.8256)
I’ve seen loss streaks extending into the 60’s. Under the current circumstances, I suspect that it has more to do with lack of population.
The matchmaker doesn’t have a communist agenda to distribute wins according to each player’s emotional needs, one element you consistently leave out is skill.
- I lost 60 matches – matchmaker is rigged, game population is dead.
- Existence of pro players with 70% win rate SoloQ – gained by ‘premades’ (duo?) queuing at 3:00am, must be on an alt account facing easy enemies.
You’re living in the past a few of these comments:
- Re: Smurfing & alting comments. Once a good player gets through his placement matches, they’re already at 1700 matchmaking rating, you may stomp noobs for >/<5 placement matches if you buy a 2nd account. There’s no longer farming 100 games for pips through Amber-Ruby. You’ve been overblowing how often good players do this for close to 2 years now as well (there weren’t/aren’t many good players who care).
- Re: Premades affecting match outcome. You can’t premade in ranked, that word which you’re misusing means 5 players. If you’re trying to go from 1700 rating to 1800 rating, duo queuing is a no brainer, but before that, even someone without a single friend can attain that high with game knowledge.
I think of any of the solo queuers in NA, Magic Toker playing Power Revenant affects the match outcome more than any combination of profession and player. A player who has mastered a high map mobility, high DPS profession, you have insane ability to disproportionately affect match outcome by snowballing off of being just a little bit better (or a lot) than one other person.
Valid criticisms of the matchmaker only, please, IE: plat plat plat gold gold VS. gold gold gold gold gold or Two highly skilled duo queues vs. One highly skilled solo queue and 4 punching bags.
Pro players 70% queue solo? Proof please. Everyone I see claiming that kind of WR has been duoing on comms.
66% season win rate give or take while solo is what i get on Scrapper.
I’ve done some duo matches but never on comms. Lost a fair share while duoing, duoing win rate is not broken unless doing so puts you at the 1st place spot in the matchmaker like what you see on the leaderboard. Two ESL players duoing on comms with two DPS classes, you’re looking at 95% win rate when there aren’t a few very specific rivals queuing, ie: the top 5 on leaderboard.
Edit: Tokers season solo win rate on Rev would probably be reasonably measured at 75%..
So, proof? Every other post says the entire top of the leaderboard duos. Mostly backed up by their own admission.
I’ve seen loss streaks extending into the 60’s. Under the current circumstances, I suspect that it has more to do with lack of population.
The matchmaker doesn’t have a communist agenda to distribute wins according to each player’s emotional needs, one element you consistently leave out is skill.
- I lost 60 matches – matchmaker is rigged, game population is dead.
- Existence of pro players with 70% win rate SoloQ – gained by ‘premades’ (duo?) queuing at 3:00am, must be on an alt account facing easy enemies.
You’re living in the past a few of these comments:
- Re: Smurfing & alting comments. Once a good player gets through his placement matches, they’re already at 1700 matchmaking rating, you may stomp noobs for >/<5 placement matches if you buy a 2nd account. There’s no longer farming 100 games for pips through Amber-Ruby. You’ve been overblowing how often good players do this for close to 2 years now as well (there weren’t/aren’t many good players who care).
- Re: Premades affecting match outcome. You can’t premade in ranked, that word which you’re misusing means 5 players. If you’re trying to go from 1700 rating to 1800 rating, duo queuing is a no brainer, but before that, even someone without a single friend can attain that high with game knowledge.
I think of any of the solo queuers in NA, Magic Toker playing Power Revenant affects the match outcome more than any combination of profession and player. A player who has mastered a high map mobility, high DPS profession, you have insane ability to disproportionately affect match outcome by snowballing off of being just a little bit better (or a lot) than one other person.
Valid criticisms of the matchmaker only, please, IE: plat plat plat gold gold VS. gold gold gold gold gold or Two highly skilled duo queues vs. One highly skilled solo queue and 4 punching bags.
Pro players 70% queue solo? Proof please. Everyone I see claiming that kind of WR has been duoing on comms.
66% season win rate give or take while solo is what i get on Scrapper.
I’ve done some duo matches but never on comms. Lost a fair share while duoing, duoing win rate is not broken unless doing so puts you at the 1st place spot in the matchmaker like what you see on the leaderboard. Two ESL players duoing on comms with two DPS classes, you’re looking at 95% win rate when there aren’t a few very specific rivals queuing, ie: the top 5 on leaderboard.
Edit: Tokers season solo win rate on Rev would probably be reasonably measured at 75%..
So, proof? Every other post says the entire top of the leaderboard duos. Mostly backed up by their own admission.
I’m telling you I have in the past many seasons and currently could maintain a 66% win rate from soloing. Multiple players on the ladder spots #20-50 do the same, all or nearly all solo games. I dunno what more to say when you repeatedly ask for proof, it’s not like you can run a full match history on a player. You just get to know some good players and realize they only solo. Not every player enjoys grouping with others, this is a gaming community.
We’re also talking about two different things, 66-70% winrate doesn’t put you on top of the leaderboard.. page 1 is the 85-92% win rate duos who grind 4 rating per game vs. often lower rated teams.
Why are you so skeptical to believe that a player can win two out of three games when executing games properly, watch a solo queue stream and pay attention when they pull up match history….
New Twitter: @chaithhh
This will be my final post in this thread. I figured it would be a good idea to end my part of the discussion with a bit of closure.
First, I’d like to point out that this perspective from stronger players that, “all the complainers posting are just bad players who think they should be higher ranked than they are”, couldn’t be further from the truth. Indeed there are players with this attitude but the large majority of players posting about experiencing this problem are just confused and want to know why in the hell they get 10-20 game lose streaks, which occur frequently, that are clearly not luck, but rather something scheduled. That doesn’t make the game feel good to play. It makes the game feel bad to play. These players hovering silver and low gold already know they are bellow the average skilled player. Of course they like to win but they aren’t trying to fame hunt a high rating because they know it isn’t going to happen. They just want reasonable match making.
Win 2, lose 1, lose 2, win 1, win 3, lose 2, win 1, lose 1. If the match making were actually balanced, that is what the records should be looking like and no one can complain about that. But they certainly can complain about 10-20 game lose streaks that occur once a week, scheduled like clockwork, that makes the game no fun to play.
Some of the stronger players out there are actually able to play through bad situations like this, most of the time anyway. But they need to understand that is because they are at the top of food chain within this community and have few rivals. They need to understand what it would feel like to be some Silver 3 player who’s goal is to reach Gold 1, who just bought the game and has less than 200 matches played, who has plenty of players above him that his experience is unable to contend with. Understand how bad it feels for these players to play as hard as they can for 50 matches or so as they vie back and forth between Silver 3 and Gold 1, then suddenly one day they begin a 20 bad match lose streak where every team they are against is full of Golds and every team they are on is full of Silvers and some Bronze guy. Then they find themselves reset back to Bronze 3 with a single day of play time. These are the types of experiences that make players say: “You know what? Something is wrong with this and it distinctly felt rigged. kitten this game, I’m out” and then they leave because it feels bad. No one wants a hobby that makes you feel bad. I’m not saying they are entitled to feeling good and always being on a win streak, no. But I am saying that they are entitled to balanced match making that doesn’t lose streak them for the purpose of expanding the margins of the Glicko regions, which is a low blow. I’m sure the community would be much larger if there weren’t this enormous discouragement when a player undergoes 10-20 game lose streaks, which if you haven’t noticed, is being reported by many players. For every 1 person that takes the time to post in this forum, there are a couple dozen others experiencing the same things, that aren’t posting at all. And stop with the “get good and carry” pretentious remarks. It’s a cop out response that avoids the core of the discussion, which is bad matching for all of us, despite how good or bad one may be. Everyone wants match making to feel good, not bad.
Read this thread here, my last big double post. This is the best sense that I can make of why the lose streaking occurs.
The part about some players being favored, sorry if it offends anyone but I do believe in some cases that it is happening.
Here is another post regarding the same discussion:
Streaks can be caused by a number of things.
For one, you’ll often play multiple matches in a row. This often means you are going to have some of the same players in multiple matches in a row (people end and immediately requeue often as not). If you happen to have a bad team (whether composition or bad players or whatever) once then you can get it again, or at least part of it.
Second, multiple losses leads to frustration which leads to mistakes. You could very well be playing worse on loss #5 than you were on loss #2. You are getting frustrated and desperate and starting to make mistakes. Or getting toxic to your teammates and now your teammates are more likely to play poorly or stop caring. I know I have NEVER played better due to toxic comments. I never quit over them but they never help, either.
Combine those two and you have a recipe for loss streaks.
And you really might just be ranked too high to start. I got placed into G3, I do not belong in G3. I was clearly playing against players better than I. I know nobody likes to think this is the case, and its not always obvious. But just as often as you are getting horrible teammates dragging you down you are probably getting good teammates holding you up. Its arrogant as anything to blame your win streaks on your own abilities but loss streaks on some nefarious matchmaking conspiracy.
And sometimes streaks just happen. Chance and randomness do not follow specific rules for how often they occur. While it isn’t probable that you will just get unlucky and get a 10 loss streak it is certainly possible. Especially if we assume the more losses you get more likely you are to continue getting losses due to the above points.
Best I can offer is if you find yourself in the middle of a loss streak then go take a break. Or play a couple rounds on unranked. Gives it time for the matchmaking to mix up a little more and maybe for you to cool off and get a bit more level headed.
Some of these people are not wrong. Most of us don’t care if we are low tier’ed players. However when the match maker just feeds us streaks of unwinnable matches. Most us that did care, about improving and wining, just stops caring. Thus turning people to bad behaviors and out of match METAs. To even making people leave GW2 completely.
I barely find myself clearing 20 matches for the past 3 seasons, this one will make 4 seasons. No fun being purposely set up to lose. More so not fun being set up to go on losing streaks, because match maker is design to stack teams with either good or bad players.
Also ANet and the community has to understand. That there are games out here. That values, and provide fair and competitive matches from bronze up. So even that excuse here is mute.
If matches was fun, fair, and competitive in this game’s sPvP Ranked. I would’ve never needed to go elsewhere to get this feature. I would be able to enjoy and play this game’s sPvP Ranked even while playing in bronze tier, until I improve to move up. I’ll say I’m a gold tier 2 player, by skill. However I not going to swim thru 100s of very crappy quality matches to reach my rank. If another game is going to give me mostly high quality matches from the door.
Then we need to speak on the other difference I’ve noticed between GW2 and other titles with PvP in them. THEY POLICE THEIR PVP MODE Meanwhile infamous AFKers, idlers, and match trolls go completely unchallenged in GW2. Thus on top of a very horrible match maker system, you now have people purposely trolling others trying to legally advance, in GW2’s Ranked sPvP. All of this is what precipitated, the current population crisis in GW2’s sPvP. And ANet’s unwillingness to try to correct some of it.
TL:DR A lot of the population would have not been chased off. If GW2 had decent match quality even for the lower tier of players. Meaning the match maker and the community would have way way more players to pull from now.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
I don’t understand how people come to the conclusion that MM is purposefully stacking teams. What are you basing this on? Because you lose?
150+ matches this season so far. Yet to get more than 1 AFKer or idler on my team. Most of the time I see people complain about AFKers it turns out that person was getting flamed for being bad. In my experience with ANY pvp game the quickest way to get someone to troll you or stop caring is to flame them. Be careful what you ask for about pvp police, as far as I can tell Anet does very little to punish toxic players but maybe they’ll start. I would love it if something actually happened when I report a player for being toxic.
Stacked MM in this game is not a problem, as far as I can tell. I’ve gone on win streaks and loss streaks and sit right around a total .500 win/loss rate (maybe a little lower but I had a really bad series of games earlier in the season, my fault mostly).
What is a problem in spvp is saltiness and toxicity. People see one mistake and then flame that person into the ground all game, ruining team cohesiveness and making that player less motivated to really try all that hard.
@ Omcrazy
What you’re posting is full of condescending, apologist response. It’s also very bold considering the month long history of forum activity that your account has. That month long history with a total of 36 postings ever, is mostly full of questions asking what builds you should play.
- 1 – For one, you’ll often play multiple matches in a row. This often means you are going to have some of the same players in multiple matches in a row. Yup, we all know that. It’s easy to figure out after the first week of buying the game. People do take breaks, sometimes for days at a time before que’ing ranked again, but the lose streak continues for a forced amounts of games over the span of many days and playing at different time intervals. You need to understand what players are actually reporting here.
- 2 – Multiple losses leads to frustration which leads to mistakes. Yeah that’s why people take breaks. Are you seriously discrediting the gross amount of players reporting this same match making activity, with a suggestion that people aren’t self aware enough to recognize when their mood is so off that it is effecting their gameplay? I’ll tell you what buddy, 99% of the time people definitely log off the discord, log off the game and go take breaks when they know they are on a lose streak. They say things like “Ok, sorry guys, I don’t want to lose any more rating today, gonna give it a break.” No one plays 20 games straight when they know they are on a lose streak. And I highly doubt that even 1/10th of the player base is actually bipolar enough to remain kittened off about a loss in GW2 for longer than about 2 minutes after it occurs. We don’t all behave like the young smurf god.
- 3 – But just as often as you are getting horrible teammates dragging you down you are probably getting good teammates holding you up. Its arrogant as anything to blame your win streaks on your own abilities but loss streaks on some nefarious matchmaking conspiracy. Not a single recent post on this topic has implied anything like that. We are discussing times when you have evidence of elongated streaks of bad match making. Such as: Leg Leg Plat Plat Plat vs. Plat Plat Gold Gold Gold. It happens often during the bad streaks and it is happening to many players. Also, it isn’t a conspiracy. It’s just a system within the algorithm that makes sure integers are reaching far enough between legend and bronze so that they touch the extreme bases, numerically. If it weren’t for this system, everyone’s ratings would implode into a median and ratings would be high enough to hit legend and they wouldn’t be low enough to touch bronze 1, by the end of the season. Go reread the link I posted about this, in my previous post.
- 4 – Best I can offer is if you find yourself in the middle of a loss streak then go take a break. Or play a couple rounds on unranked. Gives it time for the matchmaking to mix up a little more and maybe for you to cool off and get a bit more level headed. That’s just condescending man. As if everyone were a bipolar 12 year old child.
- 5 – I don’t understand how people come to the conclusion that MM is purposefully stacking teams. What are you basing this on? Because you lose? Because some of us have a couple hundred spvp players added to our contacts lists so that we can que dodge and view names/ratings later ~ Go figure.
- 6 – 150+ matches this season so far. Yet to get more than 1 AFKer or idler on my team.
That is either a bold lie or you are on the good list. Most people will confidently tell you that they experience some form of AFK or DC about 1/10 matches, at least.
Most of the people you are posting around in this discussion are players who have played since year 1, who have around 10,000 or more matches played. You have not yet undergone the lose streak activity because your account is still fresh in spvp “as you yourself even said in your first post in this forum, only 1 month ago.” New accounts, for years now are notorious for climbing too high and getting better match making than older accounts, due to how they inject new account MMRs into the system. But rest assured, you’re account will age and your total amount of games played will catch up and you will begin to experience the lose streaks. Enjoy it when it happens, remember this thread and all of the users who have posted within.
(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)
@Trevor Boyer
Your entire rant reads like an elitist that thinks because they’ve been playing the same game for x number of years that means only their opinion is valid. To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that you are one of the many many toxic players who verbally assaults teammates then wonders why they aren’t winning.
You are right that I’ve only been pvping in GW2 for a month or two now. I actually played a decent amount in year one so I am not exactly a new player, but I am relatively new to GW2 pvp and especially playing Guard. But I’ve been pvping in one form or another for a few decades now, and at the end of the day the behavior I see in GW2 pvp is much like similar behavior I see in any other pvp game. Namely, bad communication leading to losses. Toxic behavior leading to losses. Players who lose blaming outside influences and if it happens enough assuming there is something targeting them specifically because…. who knows. Unlucky I guess.
I think you grossly underestimate the number of players that will continue pushing themselves in a loss streak. “Can’t end on a loss” is a mentality I’ve seen a lot of people have. My comment to take a break was not meant to be condescending. I typically play in 5-15 game streaks as my free time allows. I will often see the same people play match after match and they get more and more aggressive with each successive loss. They start playing worse and then they start flaming their team worse. Then they come on forums and rant.
Not a lie about lack of AFKers and I seriously doubt the MM is advanced enough to say “Hey, that Omcrazy, we like him, lets not match him with AFKers.” But one thing I don’t do? Flame my team. How many times have you seen this scenario:
Player A is horrible and making you lose the game
Player B tells him he needs to L2P and is costing us the game
Player A tells his team he doesn’t care about winning and AFKs or trolls the rest of the match.
Yeah, every pvp game I’ve ever played I’ve seen something like this happen. GW2 isn’t unique. I have no proof but it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest that someone who rants on the forums about how unfair the spvp is and how the system is intentionally bringing their rank down will also likely be someone who flames teammates for every perceived mistake. Toxic players are much more likely to experience people throwing matches or AFKing.
Now, it could very well be that MM is spreading itself too far in an effort to shorten queue times. So your plat players are getting matched vs legends and golds. I seriously doubt there is some nefarious AI behind it that is targeting specific players to keep their rank from climbing too much. And yes, posts have 100% been making this accusation, yours as well, you even claimed I must be on some kind of “good list” which is a ridiculous statement. Honestly, that’s tin foil trash and if you honestly believe that I don’t know how you haven’t quit support a game like that. They would invest in that sort of system for a game mode half these forums claim they don’t care about? Its just crazy.
But, you could certainly be right about poor match making. The solution is to extend queue times before it opens up the search and to even cap how much rank distribution they will allow. But that will have the downside of dramatically increasing queue times.
And honestly, as a player with thousands of hours of experience, how much effort do you put into trying to be a leader for your team? 150+ matches and less than 10% have had teammates make helpful suggestions about tactics or strategy. The vast majority of suggestions I do see are filled with vitriol. That makes players less inclined to listen to you. You have been playing since year 1 and have thousands of hours in spvp. Are you communicating with your team and trying to direct the team as a more experienced player? Or are you just assuming everyone must know everything and if they don’t its the MM out to get you again?
This post got interrupted and I’ve lost track of my points so I’ll just end it there. I am not trying to say you are a bad player. I am not trying to say I know everything there is about GW2 pvp. But I have enough experience in pvp in general and some points remain constant across all team based pvp games. GW2 seems to have a lot less quality communication than I see in most.
Let’s just see how you feel after you’ve experienced your first mandatory 20 game lose streak. You’ve been playing almost a month now, it’ll happen soon.
(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)
Let’s just see how you feel after you’ve experienced your first mandatory 20 game lose streak. You’ve been playing almost a month now, it’ll happen soon.
I’ll report back if it does. I’ve already had a streak where I lost something like 15 out of 20, but I am well aware I played poorly in many of those losses. It was followed by an 8 game win streak in which I played as a scrapper and not a very good one for about half of them but was lucky enough to get carried.
Let’s just see how you feel after you’ve experienced your first mandatory 20 game lose streak. You’ve been playing almost a month now, it’ll happen soon.
I’ll report back if it does. I’ve already had a streak where I lost something like 15 out of 20, but I am well aware I played poorly in many of those losses. It was followed by an 8 game win streak in which I played as a scrapper and not a very good one for about half of them but was lucky enough to get carried.
Oh I think you already did report back.
- 15 game lose streak
- Turns into 8 games of getting carried win streak
- Took less than a month to see an anomaly occur within the match making
Let’s just see how you feel after you’ve experienced your first mandatory 20 game lose streak. You’ve been playing almost a month now, it’ll happen soon.
I’ll report back if it does. I’ve already had a streak where I lost something like 15 out of 20, but I am well aware I played poorly in many of those losses. It was followed by an 8 game win streak in which I played as a scrapper and not a very good one for about half of them but was lucky enough to get carried.
Oh I think you already did report back.
- 15 game lose streak
- Turns into 8 games of getting carried win streak
- Took less than a month to see an anomaly occur within the match making
You said it was your last post 4 posts ago, the lie detector determined that was a lie, Kappa
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Indeed it was a lie
Most of the people you are posting around in this discussion are players who have played since year 1, who have around 10,000 or more matches played. You have not yet undergone the lose streak activity because your account is still fresh in spvp “as you yourself even said in your first post in this forum, only 1 month ago.” New accounts, for years now are notorious for climbing too high and getting better match making than older accounts, due to how they inject new account MMRs into the system. But rest assured, you’re account will age and your total amount of games played will catch up and you will begin to experience the lose streaks. Enjoy it when it happens, remember this thread and all of the users who have posted within.
Its my case, i have near 1500 ranked matches summing this season and the previous season.
People like me who are posting about weird loss streaks, come from other seasons, where they have not been observing this, even when the build quality drops. Its my case i have a post about the first week of current season being fine.
And ppl like me farmed the ascension, and we played lower performing classes, and so we have an idea of when the streak is caused by poor performance or not.
Just adding my own experience. About 100 games in this season, nothing our of the ordinary. Go on a win streak earlier today, almost breaking into Platinum.
Lose a few, the matches are pretty close. Then the losses just jump of a cliff and the matches are terribad, you think you are playing with silver vs plat. Suddenly I’m playing with thieves running glass p/p builds as an example, while running into ppl with top 25 titles at the same time.
After 10 losses, finally won a match…
Granted this is the weekend. So I’d might chalk it up to that, as I know weekends are the worst time to play.
Let’s just see how you feel after you’ve experienced your first mandatory 20 game lose streak. You’ve been playing almost a month now, it’ll happen soon.
I’ll report back if it does. I’ve already had a streak where I lost something like 15 out of 20, but I am well aware I played poorly in many of those losses. It was followed by an 8 game win streak in which I played as a scrapper and not a very good one for about half of them but was lucky enough to get carried.
Oh I think you already did report back.
- 15 game lose streak
- Turns into 8 games of getting carried win streak
- Took less than a month to see an anomaly occur within the match making
Your argument is that Anet has something built into its MM that actually targets specific players to purposefully give them unfavorable chances so it can bring their rank down.
And you don’t think that sounds crazy?
Probability (luck) is often streaky. And my 15 weren’t a streak of 15 straight losses. Just a lot of losses. ANd my 8 wins weren’t 100% carries. A number of them I was probably the carry. But I definitely play worse as a power scrapper than a dh meditrapper.
Now, I am not saying the MM is perfect. I actually think it has a lot of problems. The range that it pulls from is way too large. Silver or low gold should never play with plat. There is also the issue of how you can reach one rank as one class then play a different class that you might be worse at in the same class. And the issue that the legendary backpack achievement forces you to do so.
Personally, I think most of this would be fine if the MM didn’t pull from such extremes. But your claim that the MM is actually targeting players in an attempt to bring down their ranks specifically is just tin foil crazy.
For the record, I went on multiple win streaks over the weekend. Some were quality matches, some it seemed like it was against a team with 1-2 bots (at least so went claims in chat). There are problems in spvp, nefariously evil match making is not one of them.
The MM is not balanced in any way, I just had a game last week where 3 of my teammates were in placements with me in Plat and a gold 3 person, up against 5 plats. If it’s equal, it should have spread the placements out equally with 3 Plat players per side.
As I understand it, the system has a specific rating it believes you should be at. If you are winning and go above that rating, instead of adjusting your rating upward it places you into sure loss matchest to bring it back down. Why on earth would it be so difficult to increase rating otherwise?
Matchmaking is on and off, depending how many players are online.
I’ve been T1 Gold at one stage and had T2 Platinum players in my opponent team, due to the fact that it was the off peak time and you can see it in the lengthy waiting period during ranked waiting queue.
It should be a warning popping up saying that your matchmaking got extended way beyond your own division in order to find a team fight.
Typical scenarios are that you end up in either, losing or wining matches, with 500-5 (or 50-100) scores. I both cases its not really helpful, to smash with that wide spread on skills your opponent in less than 5 min or waste your time with a very odd match making knowing that you will loose.
I had even a game with one DC in opponent team and we lost 500-290 (somewhere), we hd from silver to gold, and I asked the opponent team with two paired up each team ending up with 4 platinums vs our team of five (from silver to T3 gold).
Nothing is really better or worse to all the previous seasons. The population has yet a huge impact an any matchmaking systems in place.
Op has trained no one, ur name was never in circulation, or I would of heard about it. Stop trying to get fame over lies. Maybe you trained the bottom tier, but dont lie and say you trained “ESL” players.. when all those “ESL” players have 10x as much experience as you, and would of probably trained players like you, since your posts undeniably suggest you know nothing about the game. -Someone who has played pvp since launch in every tourney.
Op has trained no one, ur name was never in circulation, or I would of heard about it. Stop trying to get fame over lies. Maybe you trained the bottom tier, but dont lie and say you trained “ESL” players.. when all those “ESL” players have 10x as much experience as you, and would of probably trained players like you, since your posts undeniably suggest you know nothing about the game. -Someone who has played pvp since launch in every tourney.
A real forum warrior
Two quick questions:
Can you prove he hasn’t trained anyone?
If you can’t why you talk about that?
P.S You haven’t played in every tourney, stop lying. OP is better than you in duels or 5vs5 matches, end of story
I copy/past my answer
The win/lose depends a lot from mates.
I still don’t know how the game calculate it but what’s sure, there are moments where you match always with the best (and win 8 matches/10), and there are moments where you match always with the worst (and lost 8 matches/10).
And when you lose, it’s often 150 to 500. The difference of team power is just crazy, and it repeats as long that you are in the bad phase.
I rarely make 1 victory for 1 lose.
So my advise is, if you lose 2 matches in a row, just stop the game, and come back few hours later. It’s stupid because we don’t have all the time to play when we want.
And if you win, then continue :p Even with stupid builds like staff elem dps or dual gun thief i win in those winning phases. So no problem.
Otherwise, continue to lose and when you will have lost 15 games in a row, the game will be happy then you will gain the 15 next.
The second thing that ruins our game it’s the dual compo. They gives incredible power boost to the team. It’s often hard to finish because the other came to help, they come by 2 and you are alone. And it’s often 2 good players who assure 2 places in the group of 5.
(edited by Delweyn.1309)