See a quitter. Report a quitter.
Yes, but let’s be honest. What percentage of the time are such reports acted on? I’m not saying every report should necessarily result in punishment, we all know some people abuse the report feature also. But tbh reporting feels like an empty threat.
If they banned every person that went AFK because their team was beyond worthless there would be so few people left playing q times would be an hour. I’d love to see the results of that though.
Based on my observation, i think it is safe to assume the in game reports end up in the bin.
But let’s assume somewhere in the perfect world afkers do get some kind of punishment. There is no indication for it. Which leads to players ruining matches anyway (via afk, ragequitting, feeding etc.) because they assume nothing will happen.
I think all we can do is accept our fate and assume matches are a lottery – you get bad cards and there is nothing you can do about it.
[Teef] guild :>
The report button works like the pedestrian crossing buttons when they’ve been turned off. Doesn’t do anything but it makes people feel like they have some control to keep pressing a useless button.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure the report button doesn’t do anything.
I had a match where our fresh air ele complained about our power druid not healing him in a mid fight, and decided to afk even though we were around 110-102(us) at the time. Opposing team wasn’t even that great. I did my duty and reported :’^)
Agreed. I’ve been in many a match where comebacks have occurred for both my team and the enemy team. For a player to stifle that opportunity is extremely frustrating. Report them all.
There’s been a few situations where my entire team wanted to quit. That’s a different story entirely. I usually just ask the enemy team for 1v1s in those scenarios. Works out where I feel like I’m able to salvage a poor match.
I find the other posts to be a distraction from the core problem. Instead of telling others how “useless” it is to report idle players (this is like telling sexual assault victims to not report abuse because reporting it doesn’t usually lead to “justice”), you should be using those key strokes instead to urge Anet to action.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”