Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
These two make me think “what the heck” …
So the Warrior loses all their adrenaline and gets nothing from either of their two GM traits … but the Thief isn’t revealed if they miss their backstab?
Why is it that Warriors (and everyone else) are punished for missing their attack but Thieves are not? I don’t understand why Steal gets to be a special exception to this rule.
But then you have Backstab.
It just seems silly to me that in the same patch notes we’d have ArenaNet making sure the Warrior has to worry more about missing while making it so the Thief doesn’t have to worry as much about missing.
I have to agree with this one. Miss your burst and you are out of luck, otherwise there is no counter play to backstab if it can just be spammed till it lands.
I’m sure someone could explain otherwise, expecting an adverse response actually.
Honestly, if it was explained just once in a logical manner by ArenaNet, I figure many of us would leave it alone … it just never has been and it seems to be this “special exception to the rule” that we all see and have no real reason to think the exception is needed. Heck, if I could re-shatter on my mesmer when I missed … hot dog :-)
I enjoy these threads where players act dumb to logic because they do not like changes. There is times where equivalence matters and times where it doesn’t. Now to play devils advocate, missing a burst skill is supposed to be more punishing as it applies a huge reward as well. Stealth on the other hand also applies a larger hit but the thief is already innately more squishy and has to rely on evade frames and re positioning to not die to 2 skill combos. A large damage 2 second stun is always better than a large damage boost alone. Quit looking at mechanics in a vacuum.
I have to agree with the OP. I was really happy to see the change to burst skills back in the April patch. No reason why all classes shouldn’t recieve the same treatment.
Players should be punished for missing their skills.
Using a skill in stealth should reveal you. Problem solved.
I have to agree with the OP. I was really happy to see the change to burst skills back in the April patch. No reason why all classes shouldn’t recieve the same treatment.
Players should be punished for missing their skills.
I agree with this. All the people I played with yesterday were really happy with this bug. Even when I played as thief, I thought this felt sort of fair! Definitely didn’t wreck the build by any means. Thieves still absolutely dominate almost every berserker build.
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