Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Could PvP’ers please be allowed to sell or forge their llamas?

I’ve got 3 but they don’t really do me any good… and with the llamas as rewards for top 100 in team/solo I will also be getting more llamas…

An example of forging llamas would be:
-put 2 llamas in the forge for a newer flaming llama or something ridiculous like that… something other than having to either /destroy them or see them nonsensically pile up…

Other thoughts on what could be done with llamas?


Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Ill collect an inventory full of llamas

does flaming llama taste good?

Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Where are you people getting all these llamas? Have there really been that many giveaways?

Won a give-away and then got to the final round in qualifiers twice.

Add the rewards for team/solo Q ladders and there just keeps being more and more useless ones : (


Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


yeah i have 4 llamas atm and I also got one from a give away although they never gave it to me for whatever reason. gonna get 2 from this next leaderboard thing as well.


Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Making them able to be sold on the TP would be the easiest option, and there would be plenty of PvErs salivating over being able to fill out their mini collection.


Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


^ Yep. Simplest solution, make the Mini Llamas tradable. There’s bound to be some good PvP players with more than they know what to do with (or who just don’t care about minis, considering they can’t be displayed in arenas at all), so why not let them earn some good money by selling them to mini collectors?

Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: slausty.1238


Step aside Caramel, I gotz this.

Make those who have multiple Llamas, the ability to show multiple pets at once. I.E. I have 3 or so, I can have 3 follow me around. Caramel has 4, he has a herd. Let us PvP’rs have our “ultimate pvp only” rewards for wining tourney games by showing off our leet pets. The more Llamas you have, the more street cred. PvE better recognize.


[SF] [zH] Ubnext

Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


While I think that idea is awesome, slausty, it would require a lot of code rewriting of the Minipet system, so I don’t think it will happen.

Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Step aside Caramel, I gotz this.

Make those who have multiple Llamas, the ability to show multiple pets at once. I.E. I have 3 or so, I can have 3 follow me around. Caramel has 4, he has a herd. Let us PvP’rs have our “ultimate pvp only” rewards for wining tourney games by showing off our leet pets. The more Llamas you have, the more street cred. PvE better recognize.


I’m down with this for sure.

Although let’s be realistic, they need to cap it. I think 80 out per person would be appropriate.


Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Or a mystic forge recipe for a super llama with multiple llamas!

Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Here’s a drawing of the preferred llamas based on a poll conducted in skyhammer matches.


Sellable or Forgeable Llamas please

in PvP

Posted by: slausty.1238


Mark, you are spot on.

Lux, you are even more impressive than I thought. If you weren’t married, I know someone that would be interested…..just saying. (it isn’t me, don’t get your hopes up).

Zax, I am pretty sure I was being sarcastic.

[SF] [zH] Ubnext