Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Should Anet remove selfheal?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
lol sure lets go back to the Old Skool holy trinity which ANET specifically said they wanted to get AWAY from. HAHA
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
lol sure lets go back to the Old Skool holy trinity which ANET specifically said they wanted to get AWAY from. HAHA
What selfheal has to do with holy trinity? I dont get it.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Uhm jeah, class stacking is a problem righrt now but imagine if 4 heals are on one side and none on the other…
That would make ele and druids mandatory picks, teams without eles or druids would insta lose, sorry, but what you can ask is push further the healing poqer of other classes, not cut it off
lol sure lets go back to the Old Skool holy trinity which ANET specifically said they wanted to get AWAY from. HAHA
What selfheal has to do with holy trinity? I dont get it.
Nothing, did you not read his post? ANet made it so every class has a heal as an attempt to MOVE AWAY from the Holy Trinity. That’s the entire point.
lol sure lets go back to the Old Skool holy trinity which ANET specifically said they wanted to get AWAY from. HAHA
What selfheal has to do with holy trinity? I dont get it.
if you take away the ability of every class to have a selfheal (number 6 skill) then you go back to old style MMO where every team will need a dedicated healer/Dps/Tank whatever. The holy trinity.
Can you imagine solo q and you end up in a team full of DPS while other team managed to get 1 or 2 healers. Will be a disaster.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
The self heal is really good, the big mistake they did was make a pve aoe spam game with pvp, and not like they did GW1 that was a pvp game with pve.
All that Anet as to think of is that this is not a moba, and its a weak action pvp mmo, they could start reducing the power creep that one class can burst w/o teamplay, that is the only think they need atm port from GW1 since this is a AOE SPAM game, they need to reduce the damage output, and make players start thinking instead of macroing that easilly.
Anet needs to increase CD’s overall,
Reduce AOE, cleave skills.
burst targets in 2 seconds and be bursted in another 2 seconds is not a game based on player skills, there are to many factors for the victors besides player side skill.
Gw2 was not designing with pvp in its mind(was created for the players who want to be good with poor skill dedication) reason pvp isnt good. (its evgen ugly to observe)
@Spartacus.3192, rememmber when players ended with 4 dps classes in one side and 4 monks in the another team?
Long live RA class RNG lel
(edited by Aeolus.3615)