Shroud deplete faster but block all attacks
This is really kittening stupid.
lol ikr
I think it just goes to show like
When anyone reads this they go “holy kitten noway. That would be broken af”
Yet its perfectly okay for DH to block for ridiculously long
If your life is so vexed by guardian blocking, just play a power rev or gunflame warrior.
Another reason why Devs don’t like necromancers
no blocks, invuln or evades
if somebody decides to focus you and use their 20 second invulnerable rotation on you, as a necromancer, you either die or you wurm or you die. you can’t do anything about it.
You popped your heal
You popped DS
You used everything just to survive that span of burst damage. Afterward they just kill you anyways because you have nothing left.
Why did Anet design the necromancers this way?
Can I get a legitimate answer. Like a legitimate reason as to why necromancers are designed as being perfect focus fire?
Probably the answer will look something like “conditions conditions bler bleh”
You still on that DH phallus?
“only dh’s are balanced everything else needs a nerf”
You still on that DH phallus?
You still defending that DH phallus?
Actually, can somebody tell me how this idea wouldn’t be fair on a necro lol.
The more i look at it, the more it makes sense. Like yeah. Just let us block everything.
I’m glad anet’s balance team isn’t made of people who can’t think of consequences more than 20 minutes into the future.
Actually, can somebody tell me how this idea wouldn’t be fair on a necro lol.
The more i look at it, the more it makes sense. Like yeah. Just let us block everything.
It’s weird thinking.
All he’s asking for is to replace X with Y, where Y is the value in blocks equal to shroud HP, or X.
Effectively it’d change nothing. Except that instead of attacking the necro while his shroud depletes he’d be ignored. Then his HP would be burned down under focus fire (neco has gained no additional sustain).
Now you could make shroud hp = aegis, but that’d just mean hitting the necro more often in shroud would deplete him faster (as opposed to hitting him with a cumulative net of damage like now). So if 100 shroud HP = 1 Block, then you’d spam your fastest AA’s on him until all those blocks were gone, then nuke him with your heavy hitting cd’s. This would be even worse.
All the OP is really asking for is a transform skill, requiring generation before activation, that blocks all incoming attacks (including CC’s) except unblockables. It’s an endure pain setup on steriods. The counter plays out the same way, you avoid the endure pain till it expires (unless you have something that works around it) then re-engage.
The Block Shroud pretty much = most CC immunity, most hit application immunity (direct attacks, condition application) but won’t stop previously applied condi’s from ticking. It’s incredibly powerful considering what it will mitigate. And in fact, if you think about it, it’s exactly what you’re seeing people complain about with DH’s right now. “To much blocks. To much invulns. Can’t land anything for long periods of combat. And they can cast while they’re activating X Y Z blockable effects”.
So if it’s bad on DH, why would it be good on Necro?
I guess that’s one way to look at it.
Actually, can somebody tell me how this idea wouldn’t be fair on a necro lol.
The more i look at it, the more it makes sense. Like yeah. Just let us block everything.
It’s weird thinking.
All he’s asking for is to replace X with Y, where Y is the value in blocks equal to shroud HP, or X.
Effectively it’d change nothing. Except that instead of attacking the necro while his shroud depletes he’d be ignored. Then his HP would be burned down under focus fire (neco has gained no additional sustain).
Now you could make shroud hp = aegis, but that’d just mean hitting the necro more often in shroud would deplete him faster (as opposed to hitting him with a cumulative net of damage like now). So if 100 shroud HP = 1 Block, then you’d spam your fastest AA’s on him until all those blocks were gone, then nuke him with your heavy hitting cd’s. This would be even worse.
All the OP is really asking for is a transform skill, requiring generation before activation, that blocks all incoming attacks (including CC’s) except unblockables. It’s an endure pain setup on steriods. The counter plays out the same way, you avoid the endure pain till it expires (unless you have something that works around it) then re-engage.
The Block Shroud pretty much = most CC immunity, most hit application immunity (direct attacks, condition application) but won’t stop previously applied condi’s from ticking. It’s incredibly powerful considering what it will mitigate. And in fact, if you think about it, it’s exactly what you’re seeing people complain about with DH’s right now. “To much blocks. To much invulns. Can’t land anything for long periods of combat. And they can cast while they’re activating X Y Z blockable effects”.
So if it’s bad on DH, why would it be good on Necro?
I guess that’s one way to look at it.
Because, dear sir, to admit it would be too powerful on a necro would admit how broken it is on a guard.
Just like how everyone in this thread is quick to point out when you compare the DH block to other profession’s block abilities, “it’s like comparing apples to oranges”.
And just like how I pointed out in this thread there’s a few very specific reasons why guardian feels unbalanced and I proposed some changes to fix this.
If you’re going to go on a crusade against DH, at least make some actual good points rather than bringing out the superstitious mobs and pitchforks and hoping you catch a real witch on the way.
In case that metaphor flew over your head, stop making these silly threads. All you’re doing is drowning out the real discussions that SHOULD be taking place towards making the game balanced properly – and not around the opinions of people who don’t know what they’re going on about.
(edited by Opc.4718)
ok, make shroud block – but only attacks from the front and shroud cd gets increased to 60 seconds, np
If you want to have an immune window, play a Warrior.
If necromancer is so bad, play something else. ANet have metrics.
Does anybody remember S2 when Necro was broken as kitten and there would be 3 necros on every team?
im ok with that as a DH, just drop necro health to the guardian base health, and buff guardian to warrior health.
Note: guardian has 10k HP base, and being heavy is like 10% damage reducing, the block are there to cover the health gap, since outside meditraper class dont make damage and dont have surviability.
Note: ive been using Spirit weapon against necros and ive tanked and won some, does that means Spirit weapon are op to?
im ok with that as a DH, just drop necro health to the guardian base health, and buff guardian to warrior health.
Note: guardian has 10k HP base, and being heavy is like 10% damage reducing, the block are there to cover the health gap, since outside meditraper class dont make damage and dont have surviability.
Note: ive been using Spirit weapon against necros and ive tanked and won some, does that means Spirit weapon are op to?
my gaurdian using the meta build has 17k hp. which might as well be tripled considering all the blocks and heals. doesnt matter how low the hp is when you can block for a really long time.
In the history of MMOs, no class has ever been created weaker at the start of a match than a necro.
Virtually all of their defenses, traits, etc are not usable at the start of a match. Not only that…the only defenses they have are related to being a sponge which doesn’t scale like all other defenses. They also have no mobility or stealth to even kite or escape the damage. They even nerfed the very little stability necros had once they took the time to build some life force.
If they were hell bent on keeping things this way for lore purposes, then the necro need to be able to beat more than 2-3 players easily with full life force just to compensate for being so weak without life force. However, with full life they aren’t even equal to many others.
You’re supposed to be scared of a being in melee of a Reaper, but, even with full life force, virtually no melee build is scared to go in melee range of a reaper. Those that are scared can easily kite or escape.
As a result, they created total misery for necros, especially at the start of every match. The only option is to run with an OP spec as a heal/rez bot like a scrapper to constantly keep them up. For a solo player, it’s total misery compared to playing other professions.
Necros are good for boon corrupts and being well bots in WvW.
The focus fire / chain-stun is real.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
Why did Anet design the necromancers this way?
Can I get a legitimate answer. Like a legitimate reason as to why necromancers are designed as being perfect focus fire?
Probably the answer will look something like “conditions conditions bler bleh”
Honestly, “conditions conditions bler bleh” is the best answer there is. Reapers can pump out kittened amounts of condition damage. But if it was nerfed, they would be absolute kitten. A single Berserker can stay on you indefinitely with almost no problem whatsoever simply because you have no good escape. Flesh Wurm’s cast time is way too long, and it’s CD is also pretty long compared to catch up methods and other escapes on other professions. Shroud 2 only goes 600 range and a single cripple is enough to let you catch back up. With all the ways to kite now too, Reapers are easy to kite. So not only can they not kite themselves, but they cannot prevent kiting.
But because they do massive condi bombs when freecasting, they won’t buff defences. And to be honest, that’s a good thing. Reapers are a great example of the game’s powercreep situation and why you can’t make good balance from it. Their damage is too high, so they need weaker defences to “balance” it out. (I put “balance” in quotes because it’s not a real balance). If they buffed Reaper/Necro defences, they would be too OP.
I think one of the best solutions is actually nerfing the Soul Reaping line so they aren’t dependant on it (as well as making a couple things baseline like unblockable staff marks). This will open up the option to use the Death Magic or Blood Magic lines, with slight buffs to Death Magic to suit conditions specs a little better. This would be a good start because this needs to happen anyway, regardless of Necro’s state.
Why did Anet design the necromancers this way?
Can I get a legitimate answer. Like a legitimate reason as to why necromancers are designed as being perfect focus fire?
Probably the answer will look something like “conditions conditions bler bleh”
Honestly, “conditions conditions bler bleh” is the best answer there is. Reapers can pump out kittened amounts of condition damage. But if it was nerfed, they would be absolute kitten. A single Berserker can stay on you indefinitely with almost no problem whatsoever simply because you have no good escape. Flesh Wurm’s cast time is way too long, and it’s CD is also pretty long compared to catch up methods and other escapes on other professions. Shroud 2 only goes 600 range and a single cripple is enough to let you catch back up. With all the ways to kite now too, Reapers are easy to kite. So not only can they not kite themselves, but they cannot prevent kiting.
But because they do massive condi bombs when freecasting, they won’t buff defences. And to be honest, that’s a good thing. Reapers are a great example of the game’s powercreep situation and why you can’t make good balance from it. Their damage is too high, so they need weaker defences to “balance” it out. (I put “balance” in quotes because it’s not a real balance). If they buffed Reaper/Necro defences, they would be too OP.
I think one of the best solutions is actually nerfing the Soul Reaping line so they aren’t dependant on it (as well as making a couple things baseline like unblockable staff marks). This will open up the option to use the Death Magic or Blood Magic lines, with slight buffs to Death Magic to suit conditions specs a little better. This would be a good start because this needs to happen anyway, regardless of Necro’s state.
Can you give an example of these huge condi bombs full of damage or this massive amount of condition damage? I always love these condition statements. Also nerfing soul reaping will not magically open blood magic nor death magic because the trait lines are just plain bad. Nor will it change necro’s status as focus fire target #1. Another thing you talk is powercreep an then you say things like making things baseline which creates power creep.
In the history of MMOs, no class has ever been created weaker at the start of a match than a necro.
Virtually all of their defenses, traits, etc are not usable at the start of a match. Not only that…the only defenses they have are related to being a sponge which doesn’t scale like all other defenses. They also have no mobility or stealth to even kite or escape the damage. They even nerfed the very little stability necros had once they took the time to build some life force.
If they were hell bent on keeping things this way for lore purposes, then the necro need to be able to beat more than 2-3 players easily with full life force just to compensate for being so weak without life force. However, with full life they aren’t even equal to many others.
You’re supposed to be scared of a being in melee of a Reaper, but, even with full life force, virtually no melee build is scared to go in melee range of a reaper. Those that are scared can easily kite or escape.
As a result, they created total misery for necros, especially at the start of every match. The only option is to run with an OP spec as a heal/rez bot like a scrapper to constantly keep them up. For a solo player, it’s total misery compared to playing other professions.
This pretty much sums it up.
Devs pretend like Necromancers will be this unstoppable force if left alone too long only they can’t think outside of conditions. If you ever talk to a dev about Necromancers their reply will sound something like “conditions blah blah blah conditions”. Thats it. Should have been necros description also lol.
We have the weakest access to stability.
We have zero access to blocks
We have zero access to invuln.
We have the most telegraphed skill in the game
We are the slowest class in the game
Anet doesn’t like necromancers. I dont know how this isn’t already commonly known.
Every time I read these garbage QQ threads about DH’s, it just makes me log in to kill most of you.
Though I will agree the Dev’s do seem to dislike Necro’s. GS Reaper is just “what were you thinking???” bad.
Though warrented considering the amount of unblockable skills now, first thing about DH that I didn’t like was F3. I didn’t say anything because these mechanics were already set in stone during beta and we really needed F3 to survive the HoT power creep.
I truly hope Devs realize how much we disklike passives because that’s what it all boils down to.
Every single class have 10 passive procs, either through traits, weapons or abilities. LB#3 is one of the only skillshot skills in the game and it’s sad there isn’t more.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
… Necro shroud granting a modified, continuous stability (With the trait changed to grant stability on leaving shroud) might not be a bad idea. However – the shroud already otherwise blocks all attacks, up to a certain amount of damage.
Give shroud protection pulse, stability would be too op.
There are already too much passives.
But if you dont know hot to play vs DH, make one and learn how it works.
Condi bomb? From a Necromancer? O_O
The only “condi bomb” combo we have is RS5+RS4, that is the most thelegraphed and easy to avoid skill of all the game. There was never been a skill so easy to see: a big black/green pg that take up his weapon for a insanely long duration that make every enemy in the range clearly see that skill and able to just dodge it, then he that whirl in it to stack chill+bleed (by trait). I don’t know any good player that in the exact time he see that put on a block/invul/resistance/blind/teleport/evade/dodge to just protect from the only dangerous skill of the necromancer.
oyt of that, there’s not a single skill or combo that grant us a good damage. We’re Forced to play with the staff and scepter+warhorn. The staff is the worst weapon ever to inflict damage. We are forced to it because that weapon grant us the only good LF generation weapon skills, fear and condi-transfer, that’s all. The scepter why is the only condition weapon we have but, compared to Any other condition weapon of the game, is the worst weapon to inflict condi damage. It’s barely good only why have a corruption ability on the 3AA skill, that is only a mere funny thing compared to all the boon spam in the game and don’t even grant us condition damage.
The only condition damage we’re able to inflict is by send back conditions. That’s the only way we’re able to truly fight with condition, but we need an enemy that spam conditions to active it. Then, we have the warrior, but we can Not fight him why still if we send back conditions to him the amount of condi and stun he can stack is insane and also is Resistant to condition damage/effect, making us able to send back conditions but unable to kill him anyway.
Directily, if an enemy don’t inflict conditions we have the weakest condition damage of the game. That’s why we’re unable to fight in this direct damage meta.
About Shroud, all the players that don’t play a necromancer say “you have not defensive skills but you can use RS as a shield!” and that make me sad, really really sad.
RS is our Only Defensive ability and also our Only Offensive ability. If you strip away a necromancer from his Shroud you’re shure at 100% that he will not inflict you any good damage why simply the only condi combo we have ti inflict condi damage is RS5+RS4. if we can’t use it we’re unable to inflict damage.
That’s why frequently I prefer to die faster than use my LF, to be able to inflict a little better damage in the next fight. that was “ok” during the bunker meta, when we was able to recharge a little our LF also during a fight, but now we’re killed in few seconds and we can’t waste our only damage and stability source to adsorb few hits and die anyway.
There’s not a single way to grant to a necromancer any way to survive in this meta, unless restore his damage and his low survavibility. Chill was our main condition damage, the only thing we was able to use by ourselves to inflict condition damage, and was nerfed to the ground, making us able to inflict damage only with RS5+RS4. Rise! was nerfed, making it barely viable. At the same time all the other classes built up a insanely offensive style with also high defensive abilities, making us unable to fight them why they inflict 3 times our damage and survive 3 times better and easier.
Also grant full stability while in shroud will not let us survive for so much longer. We was harder to CC but that don’t make the enemy unable to burst us down.
The only way to make us Viable in this meta to fight in 1vs1 or even to survive to a focus is to increase by a Lot our Damage. We have nothing more than damage to survive to a fight. We can’t flee, we can’t protect ourselves, we can’t kill our enemy, and frequently we die in few seconds, not enough to make anothe rplayer come to save us.
Make us Able to kill someone in 1vs1 is the only way to make us “good”. We can’t survive a focus, then we have to at last be able to kill someone in 1vs1. Unless, we’re totally useless. Only a +1 freekill.
Silv.9207, just wait then, next specialization will be a shield.
players receive random condis while atacking, a necro in defensive stance, and it could work with blocks how it work on guardian, but would increase condi damage and duration instead of healing power(guardian version).
And traited would increase the gauge of Shourd for X%.
Necros might be in need of defensive skills/gameplay, but that is not what devs migh have envisioned with what has been done so far.
As Guardian blocks, we cant run, not everyone plays meditrapper(i feel carried with those traps..), if people wan to focus fire con some guy that is blocking, instead of do something clever that is their fault.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I don’t belive in “shields” for necromancers.
At last it will be "when you hit a necro, gain a random condi, 1s CD(but we’ll not obtain burn or good condi, at last bleed, vulnerability adn weakness, that fits our design, torment if lucky). Then the enemy say “oh my, the necro can stack condis on me if I hit him!”, then he burst we down with perma Resistance and we die anyway fast as ever.
We don’t need to inflict condis when hitted, we need to block enemy attacks. But we have “2 Hp bar!” and “corruption skills” to protect us, then ANet will not grant us anything better than what we actually have. They gave us Rise!, that is good, but they looked at it and chose to reduce both our condi damage nerfing chill to the ground and also reduce our survavibility making Rise! barely useless (it’s good only against revenants with swords why they don’t hit only us but also the minions, spreading the damage, nothing more).
I hope in much more damage, making a true reason for our lack of defensive abilityes, or at last a invisibility skill set, to be able to still be hitted by AoE but also hide from the enemy and be able to flee from a fight as all the other classes are able to, in different ways (finally)
The concept i had, was condi on block with shield, it doesnt even have to be with aegis, warrior blocks for 3sec with the shield (aegis would block just 1 auto atack), i did not talk about stacks gainned that is for the tester and devs, it should have oon counter burst skill, like guardian/DH blocks skill need to be timed, players need to time well their bursts, msotly just want to spam to win, and this necro would punish those who dont time well their burst, i thnk game would become much more skilled.
The point is if necro players feel necro should have a more defensive utilities/gameplay you guys should make loud on forum, look at guardian, alot of people asked for LB cause ranger LB amage was increased at that time, well guardian received a bow, an we received even aoe traps, that later received boons, and had a 0.5sec? daze nerf.
And btw Shroud imo, shoudl have 1 or 2 seconds of invunerability when enters and exits that mode, i think it fits on the class.
Anet actually listens the players, if you guys think that Necro needs a few blocks like warrior have, you guys might receive it on the next specialization/trait.
Just make it loud, so Anet hears it and thinks about it.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
Guy, we ask for a QoL improvement from Years. And we tried a lot to make ANet hear us.
All they gave us is a Melee Speciallization that grant us good skills but is also easy to kite, the skills are seriously thelegraphed to the enemy and the easier to see in all the game, withonly one defensive skill that had also been nerfed by a lot, making it barely good.
The same for the Guardian: They never had a good ranged option as weapon or skills. Then, they obtained the LB, why is the only kind of weapon they needed to be able to fight in every situation.
We asked for a good condi weapon, they gave us two rework to the scepter: the first is 4 sec of Torment on the 3 hit, that is not bad, alsomaking the LF generation more viable, then they granted us the 3AA skill that coorupt boons, making it viable (stil if the worst condi weapon of the game). But they also made us the most hated class in the game with that buff, granting us a nerfs on damaging abilityes.
But we obtained it simply because we totally lacked of a Condition Damage Weapon (it was only a Hybrid weapon and the Staff is the worst weapon ever to inflict damage) and they wanted to grant to the necro a GS in the specializzation, that is not a condi weapon.
Also, more or less everything we asked to ANet was used to make the Mallyx Legend of the Revenant.
Seriously, to make it they used all our suggestions, without any exeption: Really able to spam conditions. check. stronger for every conditions on him. check. Able to resist to conditions. check. mobility skills. check. A finally good condi weapon. Ceck. Blast finisher skills. Check. Able to increase his stats entering “shroud” (elite skill, in his way). check. A CC different than Fear on any weapon of they’re choice. check. “LF” fixed at a certain % that is recharged/reduced while out of combat. Check.
We’re asking for different kind of more or less always viable changes on our skills to obtain defensive skills, or even more defensive abilities, to just not be slaughtered by any reve/thief/war that we found. nothing has changed. ANet never listened, adn every good defensive skills was nerfed in the exact moment they noticed that we was able to survive a better than before (Rise!)
We’re asking for a rework on the Shroud from years, nothing happen. Not even truly with the Reaper.
Our gameplay is Broken, just why totally depend on LF. Nothing will change.
Expecially because we can’t stay without it. We’re Doomed to a Shroud gameplay, just because without it we’re totally UNABLE to Fight, or even Survive more than 10 seconds in sPvP, expecially in this meta.
IIf ANet grant us defensive skills in a future specializzation, they will nerf to the ground the Shroud, making half of our best traits totally useless, and they will not replace them with something better, I bit on it.
I don’t see a so splendid future for a Necromancer. Not if the meta will remain this one and we obtain adcess to more damage abilityes, seriously much more damage ability.
And, to be honest, that’s finally a good meta. “No more” bunkers, more action, more fun, more skillbased gameplay.
ANet will not change that. We can only hope to not turn back to be the last tier class like in the 3 years before HoT.
How about this idea. That reaper greatsword is currently a bad weapon is something, i think, we all can agree on. But since Anet wants GS to be a slow weapon, why not give it a defensive buff in form of evades or blocks on some of the skills?
ANet idea of Necromancer Defense:
Debuff the enemy corrupting they’re boons and making killable with high damage by Shroud and eventually GS with the Specializzation, obtaining by the way LF to stay more as possible in Shroud and protect your HP.
That work really good in PvE, making the necromancer/reaper able to survive in situations where no other classes can and slay by himself enemies no one can kill alone. That’s true.
And that also worked into a Bunker meta, where the damage was low, there was not such great defensive skills like nowadays and our ability to corrupt boons was useful to corrupt protection, might and stability, making us able to kill someone before he killed us (not granting us more survavibility, only granting the enemy Lesser survavibility).
Now the boons are useful but tehy’re no more what keep a class up. There’s so fast and high direct damage and the warrior and mesmer can inflict so high burst condi that there’s not even the big difference in survavibility to have or not protection up. If you’re a necro, you can have protection up all the time, you’ll die anyway, without any mercy, just why you have not enough time to build up enough LF to stay alyve after a burst melted your Shroud in 5 seconds, leaving you without defensive or defensive skills.
We don’t need a Single defensive skill to survive in this meta, we need more Damage and More than 3 defensive skills to protect us, as any other class have (it can be in big heal skills, immunity, prolunged block, and more), but no one will grant us that why a necromancer is not designet to have defensive skills, only the biggest HP pool of the game and the bigger kitten nal of Attrition skills, that anyway don’t grant us any sort of way to kill someone.
Also, the GS already have a “defensive” skill, also a “good” one: Blind. With GS4 you make a Blind AoE skill that blind 3 or 4 times. That’s good, but more or less no one use it why that’s the only good skill on that bad sPvP weapon, making it useless. It’s good and funny to use in PvE, but in sPvP it’s really Bad. And a class like a warrior will laugh on our Blind and kill us anyway with tons of Resistance.
Also, the GS already have a “defensive” skill, also a “good” one: Blind. With GS4 you make a Blind AoE skill that blind 3 or 4 times. That’s good, but more or less no one use it why that’s the only good skill on that bad sPvP weapon, making it useless. It’s good and funny to use in PvE, but in sPvP it’s really Bad. And a class like a warrior will laugh on our Blind and kill us anyway with tons of Resistance.
I wouldnt call nightfall good as a defensive skill (it is a good skill overall though because it does more then just blind). As defensive skill it isnt really reliable. Avoiding the aoe is not hard. And if you avoid the aoe there is no defense. Not to mention the other way to deal with blind (resistance, condi removel etc.). Things like blocks, evades, invulerabilites and even stealth are more reliable as defensive optiones then condtions like blind and weakness are.
I think thats not hard to pull one block and increase healing to the class while keep them out of being op.
About necro direct damage i think it is ok, what necro lacks is tools to punish the target while ataked, asking for more damage is the same has ask for more brainless fights, theres already alot of easy damge in game, people need to play as a team in some situations, and cant expect their solo high damage or aoe to wipe an entire group.
- Lets say instead of adding damage why cant necro punish those who block has example and that also makes reaper increase their life force?
Reaper needs to get life force increased by combat, imo that is a decent way to get damage boosted.
it is the same way that guardian uses active blocks to increase healing power.
- Spectral armor, could be boosted, add a 2second block(same has shelter w/o heals) to a more spectral armor feel.
CD imo needs to be dropped a bit.
And yeah warriors hurt allot while they are almost as sturdy as full bunker guards(wet noodles) while warrior still using stats for damage output :\.
^that is why bunker guards have alot of damage, doing 800 damage with mace…..they need the blocks ~since they cant kill, they are designed to hold and force some 2 vs 1.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
It’s quite interesting that everyone want to have a function GS in spvp and yet warrior don’t have a staff, focus , shortbow and the list goes on and on. How many necros irl uses GS?? Would Dracula chose a GS over his crow or whatever skill he is wont to? Uhm..
It’s quite interesting that everyone want to have a function GS in spvp and yet warrior don’t have a staff, focus , shortbow and the list goes on and on. How many necros irl uses GS?? Would Dracula chose a GS over his crow or whatever skill he is wont to? Uhm..
Well since in irl necros dont exist (atleast to my knowledge) i would say all of them.^^
Also daggers which would fit the theme you are after are also dont see much use in spvp. Though i would say they are the best power option necros have currently (well main hand dagger is, offhand dagger is sadly more a condition weapon).
I thought witches could be classified as necromancer? ? And they all use staffs or canes, but I have yet to see on with a GS.
The warrior have the biggest amount of different weapons of the game and you ask for more when the necromancer is struck in sPvP with only a single viable option?
Also in sPvP the warrior have two different and powerfull builds (one direct and one condi), that uses 2 different sets of weapons.
The necro is forced to use only the Staff+Scepter/warhorn set.
Anyway I really want to see Dracula with a Greatsword -
(And in Dracula Untold he use a GS u.u)
About the defensive skill, yes, a block is much more viable than a blind, but for ANet is more or less the same thing, making us offensively defensive instead of grant us true defensive skills.
Try using Locust Swarm, Spectral Armour, and then go into shroud. Easy 10+ secs of “invuln” in teamfights while you sit comfortably in shroud, sippin’ on coffee.
You gain about 3% LF from each enemy hit with Locust Swarm+Chilling Victory and 8.8% LF from Spectral Armour.
Also recently I’ve been using spots in teamfights where enemies can’t easily get to you (or can’t even port to you) in some cases (revs, thieves, guardians). Almost every mid point (and many side points) have those spots and I rarely see anyone (especially Necros) use them.
Edit: by lap I mean lamp woops
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(edited by MethaneGas.8357)
Try using Locust Swarm, Spectral Armour, and then go into shroud. Easy 10+ secs of “invuln” in teamfights while you sit comfortably in shroud, sippin’ on coffee.
You gain about 3% LF from each enemy hit with Locust Swarm+Chilling Victory and 8.8% LF from Spectral Armour.Also recently I’ve been using spots in teamfights where enemies can’t easily get to you (or can’t even port to you) in some cases (revs, thieves, guardians). Almost every mid point (and many side points) have those spots and I rarely see anyone (especially Necros) use them.
Edit: by lap I mean lamp
any decent team with a dh would melt the necros shroud in 2 seconds. and basically the only way to do good is to exploit the map correct? cause thats messed up dude.
Also recently I’ve been using spots in teamfights where enemies can’t easily get to you (or can’t even port to you) in some cases (revs, thieves, guardians). Almost every mid point (and many side points) have those spots and I rarely see anyone (especially Necros) use them.
Yeah everyone that watched spvp kiting videos (or is an old mesmer/necro player) should know them, but the thing is those you can only really abuse with ranged weapons. And that makes me kinda sad since reapers are supposed to be in the middle of the fight.
Stay at range can be good for the first hit, to not be the first focus of the enemy team or too easy to catch. But when the necro obtain enough LF to go into the battle the only way to fight properly is go in melee against the enemy. Also why the Reaper is not the core necro or a dps ranged class, it’s damage without the Shroud is really bad. Then, melee or nothing. That’s one of the big problem of the Reaper Shroud. Better design, better skills, better condition damage, but melee.
If we have good skills on the Death Shroud I will chose the core necro to fight. in a so dangerous meta, the Range is a precious resource, that the Reaper Shroud totally miss. Also shouts work better in close range, making a ranged fight not always the best chose for a reaper spec.
Your advice is good but not aviable for a Reaper playstyle.
As a necro, no.
Necros are not a avoidance class, it’s not our design, and there is no reason to turn us into wannabe guardians just to appease a meta that will probably change in a month.