Sigil Proc

Sigil Proc

in PvP

Posted by: Xanderis.2369


how do sigil proc’s work such as sigil of air and sigil of fire. i have an Axe/Axe war and
to my understanding,,, sigil should proc from its own weapon. i just switched to these sigil’s to goof around. but what im seeing is my main hand weapon is procing both my sigils. I eviscerated someone and seen a flame blast which is on my off-hand weapon.

I know both sigil’s can affect a 2 handed weapon,,,

Can someone inform me please.. thanks

Sigil Proc

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


It doesn’t matter on which weapon the sigil is equipped. It makes no difference whatsoever if it’s on offhand or main hand.

From wiki:
Sigil effects are not restricted to the respective weapon’s skills. For example, a Sigil of Force on an off hand weapon will also increase the damage of mainhand skills or utility skills.

Sigil Proc

in PvP

Posted by: Xanderis.2369


well that explains it,, thanks