Signet of Time - Timewarp and Portal options

Signet of Time - Timewarp and Portal options

in PvP

Posted by: Illuminati.2683


Time Warp has been removed the game.

Replaced with:
Signet of Time
Passive: 25% Movement speed increase
Activated: 4 seconds of Quickness
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Pick some random terrible trait to reduce the cooldown slightly or perhaps make ‘Signet Passive effects always stay in effect’

Time Warp can never be balanced as an AoE skill that lasts too long. Solve it by giving Mesmers much needed mobility.

Portal is difficult to balance since it is rather class defining. I believe nerfing it more (duration, distance, etc.) just makes it useless. I think the key is to give it to other classes (Engineer/Ranger) and limit it to only the player that created it.


Signet of Time - Timewarp and Portal options

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


My thought is that I’d reroll to elementalist if this change ever went through c:

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Signet of Time - Timewarp and Portal options

in PvP

Posted by: Illuminati.2683


Elementalists already negate the need for any other roamer atm, but that’s a different thread.

Mesmers > (spvp usefulness) Engi, Rangers
Eles > (spvp usefullness) War, Thief

What stinks about the idea though? Timewarp or Portal suggestion?

Signet of Time - Timewarp and Portal options

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Wait wait, so what you’re saying is by choosing certain professions they each bring their own thing to the table? That’s just stupid every profession should be completely neutral obviously.

Signet of Time - Timewarp and Portal options

in PvP

Posted by: Illuminati.2683


That’s why Quake was a solid game =)

Warhammer tried to give class defining stuff to each class and it doesn’t work outside of niche gameplay. I am not saying water the classes down but you would have to be new to pvp to not see that portal/timewarp are ridiculous (as is quickness without some negative).