Simple JSON API for Custom Arenas?
Thumbs up (even on my toes!). DO IT ArenaNet!
I would also like to see some kind of API, and developers said something about it in the GW2Guru State of the Game where they mentioned gwshack: (at 00:06:40)
There are tons of stuff that could be made accessible with an API, and then community can make many interesting stuff that players will like, so that Anet devs don’t have to …
For example, I made without any API, simply by crawling leaderboards page by page and parsing (badly written, imho) table and extracting stuff I want. (If anyone is interested, I streamed it while I was making it, and there is still a video of it here:
But imagine the possibilities if we had all of this accessible using API ?
For example possibility to extract several last matches for every username, some basic player info (which can be seen in game, such as username, character name, achievement points etc), we wouldn’t need to wait for Anet to make what we want, we could make it by ourselves and maintain it …
And finally, making the data accessible using an API is a trivial task that can be done in several hours, its just a matter of company’s policy and decision whether those stuff should be accessible to others or not.
Leaderboards feedback → /forum/pvp/pvp/Leaderboards-with-search-www-gwshack-info/first
(edited by turshija.3627)
Does not the Trading Post(Gem Store and the normal Trading Post) already use some sort of “browser”? I think sometimes in the past when there were problems I got some server error looking like a http server error.
So it probably might not be that hard to have stuff like that even for other parts of the game and make it displayable with a normal browser(so you don’t need the game client) and accessible for others.
That is something different …
It looks to me that its a web page, and that trading post is some kind of “browser”, but it still needs some authentication and packet sniffing (to find out that site location) so we could access it outside of the game, but I wouldn’t play with that much since I don’t know if that would be against the rules if I have to pass my login session when fetching pages
Crawling the leaderboards is not a problem, since its a public accessible data (anyone can see it, even without GW2 account)
Leaderboards feedback → /forum/pvp/pvp/Leaderboards-with-search-www-gwshack-info/first