Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Flamfloz.6732


AI clutter/gameplay too easy
1- Polish tab targeting so it prioritizes players, tabbing through all players until targeting minions (would treat mesmer clones as players, but not phantasms).

2- Make spirits 50% smaller (except spirit of nature), necro minions 50% smaller, turrets and flesh golem 30% smaller. These simple changes would make them less obtrusive to vision with no impact on their function.

That’s great until you want to target minions/turrets specifically.

1 – “About Tab target”: A “fairer” solution would be a default “Tab target” to players/clones and a CTRL or ALT modifier to Tab to target only pets.
I don’t care of pets at all, except when I do. And then I want to be able to select them as quickly.

2 – “About Spirits 50% smaller”: if they normalise the size of all characters, it shouldn’t be as much of a problem (or maybe make them 15-20% smaller, but not too small).
If I want to select them, I should still be able to click on them.
Instead though, I think they should put the names of players/clones in “Bright red/blue” (current color) and the pets/minions/phantasms in “Dark red/blue” (previous pvp team colors).
This way you can still have all the names but ignore the darker colors most of the time (unless you specifically want to look at them). Would probably help PvP shout casters too (maybe?).

This way you would know roughly where to strike (the “brighter” color) if you’re in close combat, and you could still target the pets should you want to.

Also, not too sure about the endurance regeneration rate. While some classes can indeed dodge roll slightly too much, for others the current amount of dodge is just fine. Instead focus specifically on those dodge rollers as others have said.

(edited by Flamfloz.6732)

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


Too much dodging
1- Reduce passive (unbuffed) endurance regeneration in half. Really that’s about it. It would change dodging from it’s current state of being able to dodge often, sometimes timing it, but mostly just spamming it and you’ll dodge something to, hold on to it for when you really need to dodge something. What it should have always been.

In my opinion that is an awful idea. The problem isnt the base endurance; 2 dodges + 1 every 10 seconds isnt much and it requires actual timing and forethought to make these few dodges count.

The problems are skills with free built-in evasion, high vigor-uptime and that vigor is so incredibly strong. And maybe the sigils of energy.

Im probaby biased as a main-necro (and nerfing the base-endurance would hurt nec’s a lot since thats all the immunity we have), but i think it’s rather vigor and dodge-skills that should be toned down, not the endurance-regen itself

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by RashanDale.3609)

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


1. I like invulnerable effect/skills for condis its funny. Normal dmg you can; evade, dodge, invul, move etc but condi dmg you can cleanse if you have it. I like the condi invul

Buffing vitality would BREAK alot of things like protection, necros DS, & countless more.

Your only chance would be making vitality have like a 2nd effect for every 100 vit subtract either 1 or maybe a .25% condi damage or atleast add condi dmg reduction to the trait lines is prolly your best option.

Anymore heal scaling and I quit lol jk.

AI clutter needs to be dealt with but just making pets smaller IDK about that :/

Phantasm dmg reduction would just make alot of people no longer worry about them and continue focusing the player.

I only skimmed through but the rest seems ok

“Countless more” is pretty vague/exagerated. The buff suggested would just be to bonus vitality and is not that big, for a zerker wearing build without vitality runes it’d be less than 1k additional health. The scaling of DS to health can be adjusted to accommodate such a change, although it probably wouldn’t affect necros as most will still run toughness/crit/condi amulet as that stat combination is one of the strongest. If a necro goes carrion sure he’ll have a big health pool but very low armor, one autoattack by a thief/warrior and that extra health is gone. It’s a small buff that would help but was intentionally thought of as being mild.

Only time you would focus the phantasms is if the mesmer is LOS hiding while they’re up, there should be risk involved in pushing a point and that build prior to the condi meta was broken for pushign far point for that reason. In any other situation you would be focusing the mesmer unless you’re bad. The damage would be the same in the first attack and I suggested reducing their CD (prob cut it in half) to compensate for the subsequent dmg drop/expiration, this would actually be a buff to the build in team fights where phantasms often get destroyed by AOE after 1 attack making the phantasm mesmer useless until the CD is up again.

Well buffing vitality just because condi dmg is over the top just breaks everything else when a 2nd effect to vitality or condi reduction in the trait lines is much more reasonable.
I can keep protection up about 50% of the time on necro w/o forge runes or protection increase. So that 1k hp is pretty strong when life force % is already good. So buffing vitality and balance DS some more doesn’t seem very dev friendly when we are waiting months for other things. What about bunkers all getting more HP we already have some fights that are infinite. I just don’t see increasing vitality your best option. Because PvE will want that buff as well since.

Im not bad. Im not just talking about focusing the phantasms. Im talking about dodging and avoiding them etc. Its not a good learning curve or idea for something you can’t really tell if your gonna get hit for fully dmg or not. And like you said once phantasms die from aoe 1shots you want a 50% cd reduction. Your just making them 50% stronger if they were only getting 1 shot off in the 1st place.

And nerfing dodge all around just because thief/rangers have a problem idk seems like a bad idea as well. I only have 2 dodges and use mine pretty well. I dont need 50% reduction on regen :/ + thats just a whole overhaul of everything that I doubt would ever happen. It effects alot of damaging traits and is just a mountain of work.

You have ideas just need some refinement from others and their ideas meshing

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


I agree with everything except the normal endurance regen. Fact is passive regen unbuffed is 20 sec for the whole bar. Meaning 10 seconds each per half, I really don’t think this is bad considering the amount of heavy impact skills.

Glass cannons get vigor on crit meaning 5 sec half c/d doge and 10 sec for two. Considering auto attack can kill the more glassy builds I don’t think this is broken or spammy.

What I do have a problem with are traits like.
Adrenal Implant for Engie, Natural Vigor for Ranger. these kinds of traits are a problem excluding viability and tree lines ect ect ect. These types of passive regen have to previous action and only serves to be a very very powerful strait buff with classes that have access to a lot of vigor.

Weapons yeah sure it’s a bit silly seeing a ranger go sword dagger and just not get hit by anything, and theif spam I think could be fixed better with a more complex mechanic that has some sort of increased initiative cost when using the same skill. But I’m not against the idea of them having an over all lower duration.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: CutePicsHunter.7430


1- Reduce passive (unbuffed) endurance regeneration in half.

Instant fail. Evades on weapons should be nerfed, not endurance-based. Vigor is too powerful too.

5- You had the right idea with the Incendiary Power but you should take it a step further and make it and the necro’s duhmfire last 6 seconds but have a 15 sec ICD, to make it less “sticky” if removed in a timely manner.

It was said in many posts – any passive chance based damage/conditions should be nerfed a lot or even deleted from game. Because you cant block it, it cant miss, and can not be evaded. You cant predict it too. 2-3k damage from trait like this is TOO much, something like 300-400 is fine for me.

Reduce hard counters


2- Projectile absorption/reflection

Ranged beam attacks should be absorbed/reflected too. Thats what i think.
And also – projectile absorption and reflection are NOT hard counters.

2- Interface option toggle: Normalize Height. Makes asura appear 50% larger and char and norn appear 50% smaller.

Silly try to reinvent the wheel. We should be able to toggle normalized races, so all players will appear as a human males for example. That was said many times, and if you’re new here, then spend some of your time reading forums.

50% of your post was about conditions. I think that devs awared about how strong they are and are doing something, i also dont think that your suggestions about them are good since it seems you’re new here.

HoT is just a cash grab.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Edeor.9720


4- Phantasms damage should go down for each subsequent attack and expire after the 4th attack (60% dmg, then 30% dmg, then 15% dmg). CD on cast could be reduced to compensate.
The idea is the big damage should be on active cast, that needs to be targeted, the problem with phantasms (mesmers are suffering with condis right now but this will be a problem again once it’s toned down) is that the phantasm mesmer can put a few down then and run off and LOS, on 1v1 killing each AI takes a long time thus leading to some really stupid on point pressure plays that involve little risk for the attacker.

This suggestion is absolutely no sense. You’re not asking for a nerf , ’re seeking the removal of the mesmer from the game, because the changes that you have requested would make the class absolutely unusable.

Kareha Silverwind – mesmer of Clan McBenwick (Gunnar’s Hold)

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


+1 Julius. Good read.

4- Phantasms damage should go down for each subsequent attack and expire after the 4th attack (60% dmg, then 30% dmg, then 15% dmg). CD on cast could be reduced to compensate.
The idea is the big damage should be on active cast, that needs to be targeted, the problem with phantasms (mesmers are suffering with condis right now but this will be a problem again once it’s toned down) is that the phantasm mesmer can put a few down then and run off and LOS, on 1v1 killing each AI takes a long time thus leading to some really stupid on point pressure plays that involve little risk for the attacker.

This suggestion is absolutely no sense. You’re not asking for a nerf , ’re seeking the removal of the mesmer from the game, because the changes that you have requested would make the class absolutely unusable.

Since only way to play mesmer is spawn phantasms and have AI do damage while you LoS and stealth constantly? This won’t remove mesmer from the game, only makes hybrid/shatter builds more relevant.

(edited by Psybunny.8906)

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

I very strongly disagree with OPs stance on dodging. It is such a fantastic strength of GW2 PvP gameplay and in reality is not able to be spammed with the current base regen.

I also believe that returning Knight’s Amulet/Jewel to Toughness from Vitality would do much to even out the current meta from Condi heavy, whilst simultaneously making many more builds viable.

Vitality is an weak stat, especially without toughness. It devalues your healing and takes stat points that could be allocated to more effective stats.

Vitality should be used only on Soldier’s/Dire Amulets where it can benefit from toughness or as a tool to nerf over effective Amulets as with the current Berserker’s Amulet.

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Fella Feller.4936

Fella Feller.4936

Great post with some great ideas. I agree with a great deal of it.

No time for further comment on it now but may get to it later.

The Tally family of Desolation-
Victor(Ranger), Astral(Ele), Martial(Warrior), Erroneous(Mes), Ticker(Engi), Ravin(Thief)
with special guests Hematophagia(Necro) and Grace Burns(Guardian)

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


1- Reduce passive (unbuffed) endurance regeneration in half.

Instant fail. Evades on weapons should be nerfed, not endurance-based. Vigor is too powerful too.

5- You had the right idea with the Incendiary Power but you should take it a step further and make it and the necro’s duhmfire last 6 seconds but have a 15 sec ICD, to make it less “sticky” if removed in a timely manner.

It was said in many posts – any passive chance based damage/conditions should be nerfed a lot or even deleted from game. Because you cant block it, it cant miss, and can not be evaded. You cant predict it too. 2-3k damage from trait like this is TOO much, something like 300-400 is fine for me.

2- Projectile absorption/reflection

Ranged beam attacks should be absorbed/reflected too. Thats what i think.
And also – projectile absorption and reflection are NOT hard counters.

2- Interface option toggle: Normalize Height. Makes asura appear 50% larger and char and norn appear 50% smaller.

Silly try to reinvent the wheel. We should be able to toggle normalized races, so all players will appear as a human males for example. That was said many times, and if you’re new here, then spend some of your time reading forums.

50% of your post was about conditions. I think that devs awared about how strong they are and are doing something, i also dont think that your suggestions about them are good since it seems you’re new here.

It seems you’re incapable of writing a sentence or expressing your opinion without being a rude dipkitten and overusing sarcasm. Good thing you didn’t start the thread since that’s the kind of post the dev reply refers to as being useless. With that out of the way let’s dig in:

1- “instant fail” how eloquent of a counter argument. I explained why I think that would be better, I would like to see it being a more “valuable” resource all around and I think just nerfing vigor and weapon dodges a lot will make classes that currently don’t rely on those things OP without a lot of adjustments. Necros for example hardly need what’s essentially a buff against most other classes. I did also clearly state weapon skill dodges need a nerf too (good job not reading properly!) and in a subsequent reply I also said nerfing vigor instead would also work just require counter balancing.

2- So your solution to the hard counter is to make it counter more things? “And also – projectile absorption and reflection are NOT hard counters.” They stop 100% of the damage from projectile weapon sets like bows, rifle and grenade at range, that’s the definition of a hard counter.

3- It was? The community has decided on that for sure then? Ok. Sounds more to me like that’s your opinion. I personally think they’re fine just need to be less spammy. Getting rid of them or nerfing it that much would require a complete rework of some classes/builds and i don’t see why when u can just tweak it.

4- Yes very “silly” to make a suggestion about how a feature that isn’t developed, or implemented yet should be. I’m not sure what wheel I was reinventing being the game doesn’t have a feature like this yet, but as far as your suggestion, I don’t see how making everyone look the same race when so many players love the look of other races is a very good solution. That seems silly to me when there are better alternatives, but what do I know, I’m new here (actively playing competitive spvp since launch day, but sure).

5- Seems to me while the devs are working on conditions, and they are a major issue, is the best time to make suggestions about possible fixes… that last point doesn’t even make any sense.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

(edited by Julius.1094)

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Gunlaugr.2716


1- Reduce passive (unbuffed) endurance regeneration in half.

Instant fail. Evades on weapons should be nerfed, not endurance-based. Vigor is too powerful too.

5- You had the right idea with the Incendiary Power but you should take it a step further and make it and the necro’s duhmfire last 6 seconds but have a 15 sec ICD, to make it less “sticky” if removed in a timely manner.

It was said in many posts – any passive chance based damage/conditions should be nerfed a lot or even deleted from game. Because you cant block it, it cant miss, and can not be evaded. You cant predict it too. 2-3k damage from trait like this is TOO much, something like 300-400 is fine for me.

Reduce hard counters


2- Projectile absorption/reflection

Ranged beam attacks should be absorbed/reflected too. Thats what i think.
And also – projectile absorption and reflection are NOT hard counters.

2- Interface option toggle: Normalize Height. Makes asura appear 50% larger and char and norn appear 50% smaller.

Silly try to reinvent the wheel. We should be able to toggle normalized races, so all players will appear as a human males for example. That was said many times, and if you’re new here, then spend some of your time reading forums.

50% of your post was about conditions. I think that devs awared about how strong they are and are doing something, i also dont think that your suggestions about them are good since it seems you’re new here.

His suggestions are not good because he is new…

Please, you are making an utter joke of yourself. Next time you want to post in a constructive debate, I suggest you leave out your hostile caveman-like attitude and stick to getting your valid points across. The rest is just garbage.

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: CutePicsHunter.7430


Too much useless text in your post saying how clever you are and how bad i am. I dont want to discuss with you since most of your suggestions are silly and you didnt think well about all of these problems.

1- “instant fail”

I did also clearly state weapon skill dodges need a nerf too (good job not reading properly!)

Do you read when you write something?

1- Reduce passive (unbuffed) endurance regeneration in half.

in half

Dodge on weapon abilities are fine but should be a bit shorter

a bit shorter

This is stupid, and thats why: most of problems come from vigor and weapons evades, not from just regular dodge. Did you tested it at all? Do you know how often you can dodge without vigor and weapon evades? Its like once every 10 seconds. Or you use all your endurance to dodge 2 times in a row and lose ability to dodge for next 20 seconds.
Thats why it is stupid.

They stop 100% of the damage from projectile weapon sets like bows, rifle and grenade at range, that’s the definition of a hard counter.

And they also prevent you from moving, i guess, so you cant just shoot from other side. Yes, guaridan has sanctuary with 120 seconds cd and 6 seconds duration, but it is still possible to move through barrier. About walls of reflection: if your opponent is trying to stay behind this wall, then just place some aoe under wall and he will burn.
I can also say that all ranged weapons are hard counter to meelee weapons, because while you stay far away they usually cant do anything. Funny? Yes.

It was? The community has decided on that for sure then? Ok.

Watch some helseth videos. And yes, people who have head on their shoulders moslty agree with him. Mind-gifted might be and exception.

I don’t see how making everyone look the same race when so many players love the look of other races is a very good solution. That seems silly to me when there are better alternatives, but what do

Its not about only their height, but also about animations. About asura animations, because they are pretty bad. So, the best idea is option to toggle all player models as human males, for example. For competitive pvp we need this option MUCH more than what you suggested.

I know, I’m new here (actively playing competitive spvp since launch day, but sure).

I dont care how long did you play spvp (pretty sure its hotjoin). You are new on forums, there were people with much better suggestions about the same problems.

HoT is just a cash grab.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


@CutePicsHunter.7430 Lol, why so mad bro? I’m srry about whatever kitten thing is going on in your personal life that you feel the need to go around being that hostile to people you don’t know on something as benign as a gaming forum.

I’ve received generally positive responses (including from a dev), and I fully respect and appreciate disagreements when they are presented cohesively and respectfully, two things you seem to be incapable of.

My goal is to make suggestions I don’t claim to have definitive responses to complicated and subjective issues like these. But then i’m a mature adult, for a bratty kid such as yourself this is all gonna be way over your head.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

(edited by Julius.1094)

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: CutePicsHunter.7430


including from a dev

Good feedback here, I especially like the “AI Clutter/gameplay too easy” section. We want to do a lot of this stuff to improve the quality of life for our players.

I didnt say anything about ai and gameplay, because its obvious. The one thing which is good is figuration/clearance of your feedback. It still doesnt mean that your arguments are valid. Yes, you have some good points, but mostly your arguments are silly and mindless.

Like these:

Lol, why so mad bro? I’m srry about whatever kitten thing is going on in your personal life that you feel the need to go around being that hostile to people you don’t know on something as benign as a gaming forum.

But then i’m a mature adult, for a bratty kid such as yourself this is all gonna be way over your head.

You asked me for arguments – i gave them to you. And once you realised that my statements were not baseless you just started to act like the most common cornered child. Clap-clap.

HoT is just a cash grab.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


No you didn’t give me “arguments”. "Your idea is mindless and stupid! "Is not an argument, unless you’re 5 years old. An argument is saying I disagree with your point A because… then explaining it coherently with specifics and leaving out pointless insults. I began treating you like a child because from your first post you acted like, one hiding behind just calling things stupid, sarcasm and insulting strangers while making very few actual cohesive points. If you don’t want to be talked down to, learn how to have a discussion like an adult. This is going to be it for the amount of time i’ll waste replying to you, you’re welcome to continue raging by yourself. Take care.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: CutePicsHunter.7430


First of all, may be you will stop trying to urge everyone including yourself and me that the one who is raging here is me? Since your reputation is very important for you, it might be helpful.
Only statement you saw in my post was

“Your idea is mindless and stupid! "

I’m not afraid if someone will call me mindless or stupid and simply will not focus on it, but now i’m pretty sure you’re about 17-19 years old, so it became a problem for you to read whole post. Sorry. Usually i’m harsh in words.

learn how to have a discussion like an adult

So you say that you discuss with me like an adult. Funny. In society, I have never seen any adult constantly trying to appeal to the age. I hope that you know when someone take as argument something like “he started it first”.

HoT is just a cash grab.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Very nice, and very good post!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Simple but high impact gameplay fixes

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Too much dodging

Anti condi stacking and healing

2- Healing scaling for primary heal is too low by default, the base should be 2, not 1…

Ehh, dodging should just be tweaked to be more counterplay related.
They should show how much energy people have left underneath health.
Easiest way, it’d be like counterplaying mana in a MOBA.

Endurance regen can stay roughly the same, but mos importantly, bonus endurance regen should be VERY situational/active proc based.
Same thing with protection.

Anyways, weakness would stay as, like, -(1/2) or -(2/3) end regen, but for, again, short durations (typically 2-4s~).

On weapon evades… honestly, I’m not a fan, if it ate up an extra resource (like energy in GW1) making an attack get a bonus property, like evade, then I think it’d be fine… but just straight up on weapon evades… im in favor of just tossing them, maybe have them give you protection during the time, or 1/2 incoming dmg.

That seems like the best direction to go with dodging, at least imo.

Conditions shouldn’t be an easily achieved main source of dmg, plain and simple.
They should get pushed back towards debuffs and occasional, if a class has enough of them at hand with a very dedicated spec, they can manage to base most of their dmg around them…
That’d mean condition dmg wouldn’t be based so much on a stat, as your weapons/utilities/traits.

Immobilize shouldn’t stop dodge rolling.
Stats should push for more of a split between power/condi builds.
And again, condis should be focused around debuff, not so heavily dmg.

Condition removal
The current system is just kitten.
I can’t see it being salvaged short of massive overhaul.

As a stat.. it should be tossed.
Anet set it up kittening horribly.
It should have been the ‘anti-condi’ stat, conditions are sustain based, it’d be a way to keep up through their sustain, BUT Anet decided it should be soooo niche that only a few specs in a class or two can actually make any use of it.
Just scrap it.

Reduce hard counters
1- Increase duration of Berseker stance to 12 sec base and make the engineer’s Automated Response trigger at 33% health BUT make them reduce condi duration on you by 50%, not 100%. It should be a defense against condi not completely neutralize certain builds entire offensive ability with their current fairly high uptime. Specially if other anti condi measures previously listed were implemented.

If you want the game to be active defense based…
Make it that 50% less duration~
Make it last 4~ seconds… put it on a 20~s CD.
It is now an active defense based mechanism… use it when you see a condi spike incoming… it won’t help after they are applied, but is a good active defense against them.

Automated Response…
It’s just a badly made trait.

Chain CC.
One of the things GW1, rumor has it, did fantastically is interrupts.
I have no idea why GW2 isn’t interrupt based.
It’s just stupid.

(edited by garethh.3518)