Skilled people getting good even matches??

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


Are Skilled people getting good even matches yet? Or is it steamrolling all the Way to legendary?

Just wondering how many days it will take to settle and good games start with equal skilled people.

I would cladly stay in lowest tier if it was good matches.
As for now one can tell at match start throgh comp, player titles, apperance( new players) Who and what side team is ment to win.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: lichtquant.1490


… over all, it sorts out kind of quite fine now.

But there is a clear daytime, when matches start to get down the drain due to getting paired with players way below my personal skill level (that’s at least how I see it, but I might be mistaken nevertheless).

I could even match my watch on that time – so I call it the “moron-time”. I stopped playing then yesterday (which was better than the experience I got on Tuesday, while I was holding on – matches got worse every minute.

So there clearly is some kind of “prime-time” where playerbase is large enough for MMR to select me decent teammates.
After that, the MMR will take, whatever is there – with obvious results.

Conclusion: as of now, MM is better than season 1 for me, I will have to wait a few more days to give a final conclusion though.

Oni Ma Gon/Zepharion/Slonjeh/Niphdanoq/Sarodakh/Ghinsondir/Shoniistav/Vauh Konstanth
You Are Crowfood Now [KRAA]

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Speaking as someone who made Leg last season but is far from a top-tier PvPer, my experience so far is that is has been a bit of a steamroll. I’ve yet to lose a game and despite only yoloqing, some matches have been a complete faceroll (5m22s on Temple, 5m26s on Foefire).

That said, I’m still finishing up getting through Emerald and it looks like the most dedicated players are starting to hit Ruby at this point.

I’d say overall that the best strategy is to play normally and you should find that you’ll eventually settle into part of a division which is appropriate for your skill level (mostly averaging 50% win rates).

Sea of Sorrows

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I had overall decent matches.. some was ez, in some i had to carry hard due to 2-3 incompetent people (lol venom thief..). Now being at sapphire t3 i started getting some kitten people that i cant even carry anymore (and im not sure why these guys wont uninstall either) amy games are closer to 500+ for enemy team and 70 points at best for mine. Fun

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


I had overall decent matches.. some was ez, in some i had to carry hard due to 2-3 incompetent people (lol venom thief..). Now being at sapphire t3 i started getting some kitten people that i cant even carry anymore (and im not sure why these guys wont uninstall either) amy games are closer to 500+ for enemy team and 70 points at best for mine. Fun

Thats interesting because according to some people (elitists) that never happens. Apparantly they say “if youre good enough” you can carry your team members however bad they are.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I had overall decent matches.. some was ez, in some i had to carry hard due to 2-3 incompetent people (lol venom thief..). Now being at sapphire t3 i started getting some kitten people that i cant even carry anymore (and im not sure why these guys wont uninstall either) amy games are closer to 500+ for enemy team and 70 points at best for mine. Fun

Thats interesting because according to some people (elitists) that never happens. Apparantly they say “if youre good enough” you can carry your team members however bad they are.

Well i guess thats happens. My 3 games today, i give up for now srsly


Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Thats interesting because according to some people (elitists) that never happens. Apparantly they say “if youre good enough” you can carry your team members however bad they are.

Depends on the situation really. In some respects, being on a class that can hold down a point well (e.g. Tempest) or one that can carry your team to victory in a group fight (e.g. DH) can and will make the difference between a win and a loss in a game. Similarly, game awareness can have the same result – holding down a point when there’s likely to be a respawn heading straight there or paying attention to the timers for communes/animals.

There is, however, no cure for a team that can’t, say, win a 4v2 or consistently fights off point letting it be decapped.

Sea of Sorrows

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Im mid sapphire and I’ve been struggling for ~10 matches on the same tier, being matched with and agaisnt ppl of similar skill


Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Thats interesting because according to some people (elitists) that never happens. Apparantly they say “if youre good enough” you can carry your team members however bad they are.

Depends on the situation really. In some respects, being on a class that can hold down a point well (e.g. Tempest) or one that can carry your team to victory in a group fight (e.g. DH) can and will make the difference between a win and a loss in a game. Similarly, game awareness can have the same result – holding down a point when there’s likely to be a respawn heading straight there or paying attention to the timers for communes/animals.

There is, however, no cure for a team that can’t, say, win a 4v2 or consistently fights off point letting it be decapped.

A good player doesnt die to a dh to begin with. People who die to a dragonhunters are just bad. If you can carry a team with dh it means the opposite team suck rly bad.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: lichtquant.1490


Im mid sapphire and I’ve been struggling for ~10 matches on the same tier, being matched with and agaisnt ppl of similar skill

… seems like a working MM for me then

Oni Ma Gon/Zepharion/Slonjeh/Niphdanoq/Sarodakh/Ghinsondir/Shoniistav/Vauh Konstanth
You Are Crowfood Now [KRAA]

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Well i guess thats happens. My 3 games today, i give up for now srsly

Being at the high end of where players have gotten to is always rough. I very much found that when I hit Sapp/Ruby very early last season, particularly with pro players running around.

Sea of Sorrows

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


A good player doesnt die to a dh to begin with. People who die to a dragonhunters are just bad. If you can carry a team with dh it means the opposite team suck rly bad.

Uh. Okay. On the basis of last season, it seems like you’ve got some bad news for a couple of ESL players then.

Sea of Sorrows

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Well i guess thats happens. My 3 games today, i give up for now srsly

Being at the high end of where players have gotten to is always rough. I very much found that when I hit Sapp/Ruby very early last season, particularly with pro players running around.

Its not rough, thats the point. Ive killed top 1000 countless of times without a problem. Theyre not hard to kill. The difference between this and last season is that you get teamed up with tons of noobs which dies in 1 second and all you can do after that is run away to not give away another free 5 points >.> Its litterally one second they die, its just redicilous.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Well i guess thats happens. My 3 games today, i give up for now srsly

Being at the high end of where players have gotten to is always rough. I very much found that when I hit Sapp/Ruby very early last season, particularly with pro players running around.

What i see i do not consider a high end. I have no issues dealing with ppl 1v1 from opposite team even when i am playing as a warrior. I have issue with people i am paired up with whos dying in 4v2 and let enemy cap everything. In s1 at legendary i played with and against els players quite often and i wasnt falling behind at all. But i dont worry much, i got a lot of time, season just started after all. My 10+ min ques are problematic tho.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Im mid sapphire and I’ve been struggling for ~10 matches on the same tier, being matched with and agaisnt ppl of similar skill

… seems like a working MM for me then

Well, yes, ofc, I was just answering OP about tight matches


Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


80% are very easy wins and the rest my teammates are so bad it’s an absolute stomp.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


So every time I see the opposite team has tempest while we don’t, I know it is going to be a hard game.

I try to tell ppl to not team fight against tempest but it is easier said than done.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: LordAdre.8174


Yesterday, kept winning 90% of my matches, today impossible to win a single one, what’s going on with this matchmaking.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


^^ Some people would say, you were good yesterday, but just not today.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Vargamonth.2047


Yesterday, kept winning 90% of my matches, today impossible to win a single one, what’s going on with this matchmaking.

I don’t know what your current league position is, but you need to realize that matches were going to become increasingly thougher past amber.
There’s no pip loss in amber so even players with really bad winrates can make their way through it from the very beginning, which means you can get paired against them and easily win.
All these players see their progress suddenly slowed down once the pip loss begins, having to rely on lucky win streaks to advance a tier.
Without these players, the overall skill level of the next tier becomes higher, blocking some other players that were comfortably progressing before, and so on.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


i kept getting thrown into a team that cant even handle a 1v1
and if manage to win once a blue moon, is a 2 pip…

that kind of team….

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


i kept getting thrown into a team that cant even handle a 1v1
and if manage to win once a blue moon, is a 2 pip…

that kind of team….

Today, I was literally holding a 2v1 for a good 5 Minutes and the team still managed to not win any fights on the other nodes. :P

It really shows how bad some players are when it comes to handling downed bodies (stomping, rezzing, cleaving) and how bad the positioning is. Literally just 4 ppl standing on top of a Node while being bombarded with traps, marks etc. No wonder noobs call DH strong. -.-°

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

I got to diamond last season before stopping, and from what I saw is if you have a lot of time on your hands and are lucky with dice roll teams you can climb very high relatively quickly. The reality is it is just a grind like PvE. As long as you are competent, the skill component is only as reliably as your other team mates. If you are only soloing it is a very mixed bag, and people of similar skill level may have very different experiences and hence division placements.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


i kept getting thrown into a team that cant even handle a 1v1
and if manage to win once a blue moon, is a 2 pip…

that kind of team….

Today, I was literally holding a 2v1 for a good 5 Minutes and the team still managed to not win any fights on the other nodes. :P

It really shows how bad some players are when it comes to handling downed bodies (stomping, rezzing, cleaving) and how bad the positioning is. Literally just 4 ppl standing on top of a Node while being bombarded with traps, marks etc. No wonder noobs call DH strong. -.-°

yes, the funny thing is that if you are 1v2ing
they can come up with some silly excuse for losing 4v3, like saying you are not there =,=

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


^^^ ahah this …….

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Over 10 matches, I got 4 even matches. 3 versus premade with my trio queue. I finished the night with 8w – 2l.

There is two thing to consider.

High MMR player uselly are good and play a lot… so they raise divisions a lot.
No life players that grind and grind are not usually good and don’t have a good MMR.

So, if you are grinding and your MMR is not good, you will be FOOD for high MMR team players.

Mostly, at ruby grinders will stop progressing. So ruby will get you a lot of low mmr player (if you are low as well). So your grinding dream will stop.

It’s at diamond or more that we will be able to wish for better MMR players… but even that, will not cut it through high MMR one. Mid tier players will still be FOOD for high MMR farmers.

There is no perfect system.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Skilled people getting good even matches??

in PvP

Posted by: briggah.7910


I had no problems moving out of amber.. Maybe 4 loses total. Emerald had some blow outs but did have more close matches so I think emerald had some better matches. Won some lost some. I’m 2 wins away from moving to sapphire.

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(edited by briggah.7910)