

in PvP

Posted by: Rahken.4382


This map needs to be taken out of pvp rotation. This cannot happen soon enough. Tired of it. In game right now but this is more important. This map needs to go for reasons already posted by so many others!


in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I just want to afk when I get skyham.

Win or lose it feels stupid and pointless.



in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


ArenaNet already admitted to Skyhammer being terrible when they didn’t allow it in Team Queue rotation. They knew it was an unfinished map full of bad ideas.

Why is Skyhammer not in Team Queue?
Why was it kept in Solo Queue??
ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ARENANET. Your own logic is inconsistent.

As an Engineer who has easy access to Rifle + Toolkit + Battering Ram + Bomb, I feel like I’m basically hacking/cheating on this map. Cheating other less equipped classes out of gameplay, cheating them out of winning.
Please take this godawful concept of a map out of Rated PvP. Hotjoin and custom only!

(edited by Wintel.4873)


in PvP

Posted by: Okuza.5210


I have a lot of fun in skyhammer and while some classes do have more KB’s & pulls than others, the problem isn’t that the map is unfair to certain classes. Rather, it’s that most people don’t consider the need for those abilities in their build and can’t or won’t tweak their build for that map when it shows up; ie. I don’t think it’s map-frustration, but rather induced by an unwillingness to adapt.

If there were hot-swap one-button templates that could swap entire sets of gear and skills during the 10s “map prep”, I don’t think there would be nearly as much rage over skyhammer. It would still be there because it does offer big advantages to those that include it in their build and I think many people resent being forced to adapt.

BTW, I see rage in sPvP in two situations: people that go airborne a lot in skyhammer and people that die to a many-on-one situation (eg. to a thief doing his job of tipping over a 1v1).


in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


I have a lot of fun in skyhammer and while some classes do have more KB’s & pulls than others, the problem isn’t that the map is unfair to certain classes. Rather, it’s that most people don’t consider the need for those abilities in their build and can’t or won’t tweak their build for that map when it shows up; ie. I don’t think it’s map-frustration, but rather induced by an unwillingness to adapt.

If there were hot-swap one-button templates that could swap entire sets of gear and skills during the 10s “map prep”, I don’t think there would be nearly as much rage over skyhammer. It would still be there because it does offer big advantages to those that include it in their build and I think many people resent being forced to adapt.

BTW, I see rage in sPvP in two situations: people that go airborne a lot in skyhammer and people that die to a many-on-one situation (eg. to a thief doing his job of tipping over a 1v1).

It’s not unwillingness to adapt.
I’ve adapted to the map i swapped to one of the best engi builds you can run for it.. yet i still don’t find this map fun cause it’s so stupidly easy to get kills on it, the only thing you can truly call skillful on that map is positioning but WOW thats all that matters, and for example at the skyhammer the only place you can stand without fear of knockback is at the door but then you have a stupid camera and can’t see anything.
And position matters a lot on other maps as well, just that on other maps you won’t get 1 shotted by extremely easy and fast/no animation abilities from basically tank builds..

Skyhammer could be fun if they removed the hammer/made platform way bigger+removed the glass panels and made it dodgeable. Removed the glass panels around capture points. Also maybe increasing the “rooms” around A+C since camera behaviour at them can be hoooorrible .
I like the idea of the jump pads and having several layers to fight on as well as having a few “traps” in the middle of the map, just not around the god kitten ed points.

one thing i truly love with skyhammer though is that the points are called ABC, i think all the maps should have them called like that ^^

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle


in PvP

Posted by: Trixie.7614


I really hate skyhammer. Please remove it or give us an option to disable it.

Glorious Human Master Race


in PvP

Posted by: LooseCannon.6957


If you really don’t like Skyhammer, just go to Team Queue.

Either that, or get good.


in PvP

Posted by: Schizophasia.6781


The hammer needs to be removed, then the map would be playable. I can’t even attempt to keep the other team off the hammer, because it’s always a Mesmer or Engineer on it.


in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


This map just needs to be removed from tourney. IT is unbearable to play and terribly designed.



in PvP

Posted by: hellsmachine.4085


Aye! Remove this terribly designed map from the game.


in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I would honestly not waste your keystrokes with threads like these, people have been campaigning ever since it got put in team queue for Skyhammer to go. The only reason I think there’s not more Skyhammer threads is that everyone else has realised this.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer


in PvP

Posted by: Dhunis.9072


If you really don’t like Skyhammer, just go to Team Queue.

Either that, or get good.

Ranked Arenas a.k.a. the New Hotjoin


in PvP

Posted by: Burjis.3087


Why don’t we start a poll about it?
If anet isn’t removing skyhammer from the rotation, at least make the chance of getting it a bit lower than this! gokitten

he reason why skyhammer should be in the rotation is because when I want to play conquest, I want to play conquest! Skyhammer’s game type would be categorized as cheese match!

Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] (

(edited by Burjis.3087)