Small balance suggestion for Warrior

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


It’s getting a little bit out of hand how tanky a warrior can be, even when the warrior is using a Berserker amulet.

However, I think this small fix will go a long way:

Change ‘Shield Stance’ (shield 5 ability) to only block attacks from the front (180 degrees). Make it so the warrior can still be damaged from the back (the other 180 degrees). Basically it would function a little bit like the dragonhunter’s F3 ability, ‘Shield of Courage’.

With this nerf to ‘Shield Stance’ it would be perfectly fine to increase the duration a little bit to compensate. Make it last 5 seconds instead of 3 seconds.

Everything else about the ability can stay the same.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Menyus.4610


jsut remove and replace this trait Dead or Alive, and make passive endure pain to 3sec with 90 sec cooldown

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Greygus.3427


I agree with the first post. That would be a good change to the shield block and it would make sense. The other post not so much. Now an easy way for people to avoid the reflect on shield blocks stop firing at the asap. Cant tell you how many times a pp thief or a ranger using thier rapid fired attack. Always makes me smile.

But to the OP, i agree with your suggestion and of course make berserk GS f1 abil shorter range. yes i main a warrior and i agree some of our abilities need to be toned down a bit.

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


There needs to be a give and take to achieve balance. The two problematic stances are Endure Pain and Berserker Stance. These two should be adjusted:
1. While under the effects of Endure Pain warrior damage output should be reduced
2. While under the effects of Berserker Stance warrior regeneration should be reduced

The whole idea that you can go immune to types of damage and not pay any penalty for it is another example of poorly thought out abilities.

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Greygus.3427


Berserk mode should have a penalty, such as after its done the war has say vulnerablity stacks on them for x secs or like a chill effect slower recharge skills after its over for x amount of seconds. That would ballence out the whole hulk mode in my eyes and it would help with build diversity i think too some folks might not like the negatives for the berserk mode and go with a vanil war.

What yall think?

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Ovark.2514


Those are reasonable suggestions you guys have, however, I think they are mostly just band aids. Lets remember that what we are talking about are utility skills called Stances. In real life, a person would only be able to use one stance at a time, otherwise it would defeat the purpose. Make it where stances can only be switched on one at a time but are permanent so long as the player wants. This of course would mean that all the stances would need a rework so that players with, say only physical damage, or no boon removal would be able to play around the stance. Stances would essentially be a way for a warrior to gain more defense against a certain type of attack.

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Greygus.3427


If they reworked the utility stances that be great! I could then have fun again stance dance like did back when i played swtor WoW for a bit and old school marader fro Warhammer online

Would be something like what the ele has f1-5. I vould see the 5 stances but only able yo slate 3 for f3-5 and leave f1 and 2 alone for adrenal abilities. Think that would also help make the war a little more interesting.

Sady thats too much rework for the devs and wont see it in this game. But one can dream plus folks can tell who the bad wars are from good ones due to stance dance

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Ovark.2514


Didn’t even know “stance dance” was a thing in other games. . .

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Greygus.3427


Example, swtor, marader, could use defence stance to help soak damage and guard dps getting focused or guard healer thats getting focused. Downside toon deals less damage. Once defence stance not needed switch to an offensive stance deals more damage have it dot based or flash ( power) based but it be a single tgt dps stance. Now offence stance would deal more damage but have less survivability. There was a third but its been yrs sense i have played so dont remember specifics.

Now even having 2 stances like that you would be able to “stance dance” depending what team needs. I know holy trinity not in this game so a “guard/defence” stance would probably be odd. If devs had resources i could see 2 dif types dps 1 def and 2 support have that either healing and condition removal or something else a war is good ar when it comes to support role.

Its just off top my head, i know sounds op but the class would need a complete rework saddly wont see it.

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Greygus.3427


Have 5 stances but can only slot 3. Something to have player decide have that 2 off and defence or both support and defence stances for examples.

Sorry for mis spellings i am on a phone lol.

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Example, swtor, marader, could use defence stance to help soak damage and guard dps getting focused or guard healer thats getting focused. Downside toon deals less damage. Once defence stance not needed switch to an offensive stance deals more damage have it dot based or flash ( power) based but it be a single tgt dps stance. Now offence stance would deal more damage but have less survivability. There was a third but its been yrs sense i have played so dont remember specifics

First off stances in SW:TOR are completely unrelated to Gw2 stances in everything but name. SW:TOR stances (cell/cylinders for the tech classes) where essentially passives, with each spec of the class having a corresponding stance. (i.e Combat spec sentinels used Ataru stance)

Second off, “stance dancing” in SW:TOR was never intended. Specs where only designed to use their respective stance. DPS juggernauts swapping into Tanking stance in order to use the guard ability was a unintended behavior and was considered a borderline exploit in solo arenas. In later expansions Stances where removed as a ability and instead became spec locked passives in order to fix this issue.

I don’t see a need for SW:TOR styled stances in this game. Stances in SW:TOR are products of the locked nature of SW:TOR specs, and would not work with the open-ended nature of gw2 builds.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

(edited by Crinn.7864)

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Greygus.3427


Was just a thought, that is it. Was using swtor as an example. As i said its been yrs sense i have played that game.