Small changes to improve PvP experience.

Small changes to improve PvP experience.

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


First off, I’ld like mods to resist the temptation of moving this thread. It’s a thread about possible PvP changes and I feel it belongs here, not in the abyss of Suggestion forums.

Secondly, I know stuff like Solo Que / Balance / Build diversity etc. has to be a priority, I will not include them here though. This list is about small (and some bigger) changes that could greatly improve experience of playing PvP.

Order is pretty much random.

1. Option to disable right-click targeting.
This is obvious and was said over and over. Most of us don’t like random target changes whenever we try to rotate camera.

2. Stop ‘When enemy is at x% HP, y happens’ traits from activating on downed players and inanimate objects.
I’m positive I DON’T need immobilize on a downed target. I want my Panic Strike to activate on people I’m actually fighting, NOT to be on a permament cooldown because I happened to hit a downed player with AoE. I also don’t need it to activate when I’m hitting treb, since… you know… it’s not gonna run away, is it?

3. Add traits/runes/sigils cooldown display to UI.
Related to above. I’ld love to know when can I expect my traits / long cd runes and sigils to activate and plan for it, not just have them go off randomly all the time.

4. Rewards, Incentives etc.
Well that’s a big one. I’ll just point you to a great thread about this issue. -> (kudos to Bai for writing it)

5. Stop camera from zooming all the way in when you get downed.
I’m pretty sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation for something like this to be in the game… Like… Better Immersion when playing PvE? It brings nothing but annoyance to PvP though. Get rid of it please.

6. Give us option to report AFKers in PvP.
Because they totally ruin games.

7. Build saving/templates.
I think this one is quite obvious.

8. Expand PvP forums.
It’s been said over and over. Currently sPvP forums are a mess of tournament announcements, new player questions, class discussions, troll and whine posts. Creating a couple subforums for it could go a long way to bring some order around here. Couple examples could be class subforums (we REALLY see classes diffirently than PvE/WvW players), tournament forums (with sticky schelude of upcoming tournaments) etc.

9. Remove new ‘victory animation’.
Or at least give us a toggle not to show it. I cry a little every time this boring gif flashes and clutters my screen for couple seconds. If you really want to make something like this, please research how others do it successfully instead of putting in something random. ( SE knows how to do it right)

10. Ingame latency & FPS display.
Pretty obvious I guess.

Feel free to post some extra ideas, just don’t make it ‘soloqqqqqq / balance / blahblah’, by now everyone realizes it’s a priority.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

(edited by Harrier.9380)

Small changes to improve PvP experience.

in PvP

Posted by: Gytis.1637


Only the 6th point matters i would say, because it breaks all the match and in 90% cases is a loss for the team that got the akitten’er.
Others are just polishing.

Small changes to improve PvP experience.

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


6 till 10 are good ideas