So....3-5 DH 4 games in a row?
Let me start by saying I don’t think DH is OP.
This is where you got it wrong.
Let me start by saying I don’t think DH is OP.
This is where you got it wrong.
Might be slightly biased seeing as it is my main, but there are more classes that give DH a run for its money than don’t in terms of skilled play. DH is just a very simple class with a low skill threshold (think something like the traditional Hambow). Unfortunately, to be blunt, there’s also a very low skill threshold in seeing a DH and thinking that you should run up to it in a straight line to the exact spot where it’s standing to attack it.
Unfortunately, to be blunt, there’s also a very low skill threshold in seeing a DH and thinking that you should run up to it in a straight line to the exact spot where it’s standing to attack it.
Shiro/Glint and Viper revenants waving in the distance.
I use to complain DH but to be fair they are not OP…..its actually quite easy to counter. Tempest , druid, rev, etc is more OP
DH my be low skill floor class but as Rodzynald said its doesn’t take much skill to realize that you don’t run straight at a DH that is standing on point. I mained a DH when it was first released and i couldn’t believe the number of players that would just run straight at me triggering all my traps.
(I don’t play DH anymore….i moved to the other much more OP class. Revenant) Takes a little more skill than DH but is a lot stronger.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
DH is all about landing burst. It’s easy to counterplay but with an organized team that can set up burst properly it can definitely be scary and wipe the kitten out a team that’s unprepared. It’s still a boring gimmicky class to play. I would love to see some changes to traps and some buffs to other DH builds to make it a more versatile and interesting class.
Is it broken? Yeah dude, it must be broken, that’s why top ESL teams don’t run them (or run 1 at most) and run 2 viper Revs instead right?
What about two healing specced crusader amulet dragon hunters on a team? Valor, virtues, and dragonhunter looks like it warrants further investigation and practice.
droping 3 traps = 3x aoe daze 1st HIT from LB that HITS (you cant evade this proc) = KNOCK Dragon maw even if you evade it still leaves wall, invisible wall from lb5 f1-f1 pull
ANd all that while teleporting on ur kitten with Judge…
I dont mind if zerker dh doing 9k true shots, but instant down with 3 toolbar skills that has no risk at all = ????
Let me start by saying I don’t think DH is OP.
This is where you got it wrong.
Might be slightly biased seeing as it is my main, but there are more classes that give DH a run for its money than don’t in terms of skilled play. DH is just a very simple class with a low skill threshold (think something like the traditional Hambow). Unfortunately, to be blunt, there’s also a very low skill threshold in seeing a DH and thinking that you should run up to it in a straight line to the exact spot where it’s standing to attack it.
Most of the HoT specs are OP, not just DH. If someone playing a DH can’t regularly wreck other players, especially non-HoT specs, they really need to L2P.
It gets funky when you have a team that has a support, 2 CC spammers and 2 DH’s.
You get CC chain locked, get 2 True Shot crits to the face and we call it day.
I farm DH as condi rev, OP. Not sure where you’re going wrong, but I have to say, it’s one of the easier matchups for us. You’ve got dodges that grant stab, a longer evade that does dmg, a block that heals, another block that heals, a strong heal skill in Mallyx and all the while, you’re putting lots of condis on them.
Bait their traps, or simply dodge them. It’s a really easy fight once you get used to their abilities. You’ll probably find yourself facerolling them once you get more practice.
The only thing that’s infuriating about them is if you’re fighting two and they manage to get the venn diagram of death and no escape on you. If you haven’t burned your damage mitigation skills, you can simply wait this out, but if it happens to you in the middle of a teamfight, you’re probably dead.
I farm DH as condi rev, OP. Not sure where you’re going wrong, but I have to say, it’s one of the easier matchups for us. You’ve got dodges that grant stab, a longer evade that does dmg, a block that heals, another block that heals, a strong heal skill in Mallyx and all the while, you’re putting lots of condis on them.
Bait their traps, or simply dodge them. It’s a really easy fight once you get used to their abilities. You’ll probably find yourself facerolling them once you get more practice.
The only thing that’s infuriating about them is if you’re fighting two and they manage to get the venn diagram of death and no escape on you. If you haven’t burned your damage mitigation skills, you can simply wait this out, but if it happens to you in the middle of a teamfight, you’re probably dead.
Its not even the traps that were killing me. It was the non stop pull, push, and knock down. What you’re saying can’t be done unfortunately. You cant heal, dodge, or use skills, once the chain starts, you are just being pushed back, then instantly pulled forward, then pushed back again, then knocked down, then pull back to them, then pushed back. While this is happening, you cant use skills, damaging, stun breaking, or healing, and you cant roll…….
Daze doesn’t stack in duration, and the cc chain from the DH maxes out at “pull and push”. At any moment during this chain, you can feel free to use a stunbreaker and put on some stability or do an evade. If you’ve run out in the middle of a fight, well any other class can take advantage of that and cc you do death as well. (Reaper, engi, druid anyone?)
Most of the HoT specs are OP, not just DH. If someone playing a DH can’t regularly wreck other players, especially non-HoT specs, they really need to L2P.
The other meta specs all counter DH except thief. And even then a vault spam thief who can time things well will evade all the hard hitting DH skills. The problem with DH is it has very little innate sustain, whereas all the other popular HoT specs are heavy sustain bruisers.
I care bare myself to play one, becasue its so kittening dirty. 2 DH or more nowadays just spamming traps.
Funny how the only class that got nerfed in 8 of the 10 updates since the start of HoT was the druid. Dragonhunter and revenants having a field day.
I farm DH as condi rev, OP. Not sure where you’re going wrong, but I have to say, it’s one of the easier matchups for us. You’ve got dodges that grant stab, a longer evade that does dmg, a block that heals, another block that heals, a strong heal skill in Mallyx and all the while, you’re putting lots of condis on them.
Bait their traps, or simply dodge them. It’s a really easy fight once you get used to their abilities. You’ll probably find yourself facerolling them once you get more practice.
The only thing that’s infuriating about them is if you’re fighting two and they manage to get the venn diagram of death and no escape on you. If you haven’t burned your damage mitigation skills, you can simply wait this out, but if it happens to you in the middle of a teamfight, you’re probably dead.
What you’re saying can’t be done unfortunately-….. SNIP
Sorry but no.
Revs eat DH for breakfast. If you’re having issues with a DH then it’s because you’re an average player who can’t counter an above average Dragonhunter effectively. It’s a l2p on your part bro.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Playing against dh is fairly easy: See DH in team fight?
call target on DH, pop protection for your team, jump in and cc chain. One dead DH.
If there is a DH, everyone stops what they are doing and spends 5 seconds to kick him in the nuts really hard. The spec is made of glass, has almost no defensive skills and folds to any kind of pressure.
A bunker heavy lineup vs 3 dragonhunters is a guaranteed victory.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.