So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


In game I have a general distrust for anyone sporting a Legendary Champ title. It’s like the new Champ Slayer no joke. Some of the scrubs still think personal score = skill. Meaning they are more skilled because they have more points from zerging and double/triple capping. The bunker that constantly defended one opponent after another sometimes being outnumbered is noob that sucks because look, he has the lowest points.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: saturn.4810


Titles mean nothing, get over it xD

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


Yeah, like I said in the other thread, they need to give point defenders credit for keeping the capture point and earning the team 100 score points.

Anvil Rockers Unite!

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Aww come on man. titles do not outright directly translate to actual skill level but it’s definately an indicator. It means you have played kittenloads of matches. And in terms of experience you are prolly advantageous. There is no way an legendary champ consistently got it’s points by zerging. That should statstically not be possible. Espically since they are viable counters to zerging. you’d eventually get outrotated.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


A) People tend to judge “scrub” or “pro” in the first few minutes of seeing anyone play…so don’t take it personal if I doubt whether most people here actually have any decent insight into how good people with a certain title really are, particularly since they probably only played 1 game with these people.

B) People play different builds. You may have seen someone who’s a pro thief that decided to try bunker for the first time. I’ve clocked in a lot of hours with this game and while I’m far from a pro, you’d have a very different opinion of my skill if you saw me playing something like my engi vs if I played Necro, which is a profession I’ve hardly touched.

C) And yes, lots of experience doesn’t mean lots of skill. Being successful at PvP often involves many different types of strengths. Good reflexes, good knowledge of mechanics, good instincts on strategy, etc. all play a role and not everyone is good at all of those, even if they’re amazing at one or two of the others.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Browrain.7346


At least you didn’t mix up “loose” and “lose”. Ty for that.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

A) People tend to judge “scrub” or “pro” in the first few minutes of seeing anyone play…so don’t take it personal if I doubt whether most people here actually have any decent insight into how good people with a certain title really are, particularly since they probably only played 1 game with these people.

B) People play different builds. You may have seen someone who’s a pro thief that decided to try bunker for the first time. I’ve clocked in a lot of hours with this game and while I’m far from a pro, you’d have a very different opinion of my skill if you saw me playing something like my engi vs if I played Necro, which is a profession I’ve hardly touched.

C) And yes, lots of experience doesn’t mean lots of skill. Being successful at PvP often involves many different types of strengths. Good reflexes, good knowledge of mechanics, good instincts on strategy, etc. all play a role and not everyone is good at all of those, even if they’re amazing at one or two of the others.

Couldn’t say it any better. The sooner you stop caring about score and titles, OP, the better for you.

Inactive member in Dark Renegatus [REN]
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Also worth noting: sometimes people just have bad games. Even on class builds they are comfortable with, people can just execute it poorly. You should never assume that someone’s capabilities are inferior to yours based on one match. The best players understand this, the toxic mid-range players do not. Typically.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


play with no titles . ppl who has no title showing plays better in my experience. Also people who spend the whole match kittening about how others play are 9/10 times the weakest link themselves.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

If it’s a skill thing. I assume they are trying a new class or build. If they are making poor rotations and have crappy spacial awareness then I begin judging.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Dahkeus and Ultra Town said it best.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfs Shadow.7234

Wolfs Shadow.7234

If it’s a skill thing. I assume they are trying a new class or build. If they are making poor rotations and have crappy spacial awareness then I begin judging.

Thank you for posting this. I am in agreement. More often than not it is people trying out a new class. It is rare for me to witness terrible rotation in high tiers. I suspect it will likely become more common as months progress since players are leveling through stronghold now as well.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


Well, I don’t turn off my Legendary Beginner Champion title when I queue up with Mesmer, and that is sometimes painful. Sorry, I am much better with Druid it seems.

Seriously, though. You get to Legenday Champion when you have around 1000 games played. Many of the PvP players have 4000+ games played… So even Legendary Champions are beginners when facing these people. It’s true. Also, if you are making horrible mistakes, the champ may decide to sit back and relax while the game winds down.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


If I’m trying a new build, I owe it to myself to not look like an idiot by sporting any champ titles.

But even if they were on a new build, they should still be able to execute basic rotations and understand that personal score does not = skill. It’s unreal how many bird brain LC put weight on personal score and shun the value of bunkering and protecting a point.

Not all LC are bad but the title has definitely lost its luster and pretty much meaningless.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I’m pretty pro once I’ve had a few drinks and start fighting off point repping my “Leader of the Yak” title!

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Psh, I use my super pro “Fashion Collector” title to let everyone know I’m a pro. Titles mean EVERYTHING!

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: saturn.4810


Honorary Skritt ftw!

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: azyume.6321


Psh, I use my super pro “Fashion Collector” title to let everyone know I’m a pro. Titles mean EVERYTHING!

Hehe My guardian uses The Be-All and the End-All because DH too stronk, so people can fear my title and traps!

Really, it is a 3 years and half game, regular PvPers already achieved some or most of the titles depending on how many professions they play, which only means they have been playing long enough to achieve that. Why so worried about tittles? It has the same weight as some people uses Achievement Points to measure a player skill in dungeons before, none.

AP and Title doesn’t mean knowledge nor skill.

If people stop piling up expectations over this kind of silly things, surely will be able to enjoy more the game.

Guardian Commander
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle

(edited by azyume.6321)

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


A) People tend to judge “scrub” or “pro” in the first few minutes of seeing anyone play…so don’t take it personal if I doubt whether most people here actually have any decent insight into how good people with a certain title really are, particularly since they probably only played 1 game with these people.

B) People play different builds. You may have seen someone who’s a pro thief that decided to try bunker for the first time. I’ve clocked in a lot of hours with this game and while I’m far from a pro, you’d have a very different opinion of my skill if you saw me playing something like my engi vs if I played Necro, which is a profession I’ve hardly touched.

C) And yes, lots of experience doesn’t mean lots of skill. Being successful at PvP often involves many different types of strengths. Good reflexes, good knowledge of mechanics, good instincts on strategy, etc. all play a role and not everyone is good at all of those, even if they’re amazing at one or two of the others.

Couldn’t say it any better. The sooner you stop caring about score and titles, OP, the better for you.

D) depending on the day i may be drunk off my kitten and not giving a kitten as a result (as might the rest of my guildies running as a premade )

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


In all fairness i see a lot of really bad players flaming and talking about scrub legendary champs. Last game in foefire our split whent like this:

1 whent home
2 mid vs 4
1 far vs 1
and 1 necro rushed boss solo….

after we didnt win mid that necro had the courage to call me (1 of the 2 in mid) scrub legendary champ. I didnt even die in mid but it speaks for itselve the other guy + the guy from home that came to mid after died.

And raging that he did that necro guy.

In all fairness, not all legendary champs are good. But ive never seen a legend champ do dumb kitten like that AND act like an elitist after.

In fact…i can turn it around quite easily. Ive met one humble new player the last few years. Every other new guy pretends that they are gods even if they are attrocious.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

In all fairness i see a lot of really bad players flaming and talking about scrub legendary champs. Last game in foefire our split whent like this:

1 whent home
2 mid vs 4
1 far vs 1
and 1 necro rushed boss solo….

after we didnt win mid that necro had the courage to call me (1 of the 2 in mid) scrub legendary champ. I didnt even die in mid but it speaks for itselve the other guy + the guy from home that came to mid after died.

And raging that he did that necro guy.

In all fairness, not all legendary champs are good. But ive never seen a legend champ do dumb kitten like that AND act like an elitist after.

In fact…i can turn it around quite easily. Ive met one humble new player the last few years. Every other new guy pretends that they are gods even if they are attrocious.

Dunno dude, but when I see that stuff happening, I just disengage and follow wherever they rotate from mid. I mean, he was rude and an kitten, but essentially not wrong.

Inactive member in Dark Renegatus [REN]
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


I don’t waste my breath responding to attacks made by inexperienced people with big opinions. I am human though and as much as I try to avoid conflict, it really is very hard to hold my tongue when people rub in their personal score and title after they failed at executing basic rotations.

It’s all good now. <3

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Well, if you see Champion Brawler, then you can really admire his skill level

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Dunno dude, but when I see that stuff happening, I just disengage and follow wherever they rotate from mid. I mean, he was rude and an kitten, but essentially not wrong.

He was pushing boss early on foefire…… -_- He basicly made it a 4v5 for the first 2 mins of the game. And he didnt kill it since they had more than enough time to run back and take him out.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

Dunno dude, but when I see that stuff happening, I just disengage and follow wherever they rotate from mid. I mean, he was rude and an kitten, but essentially not wrong.

He was pushing boss early on foefire…… -_- He basicly made it a 4v5 for the first 2 mins of the game. And he didnt kill it since they had more than enough time to run back and take him out.

As a good player, you adapt to that. If people keep running far, you follow them and help defending. If they go beast, you play defensively. Meta strats or not, you won’t be able to influence your teammates play most of the time when pugging.

Inactive member in Dark Renegatus [REN]
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Dunno dude, but when I see that stuff happening, I just disengage and follow wherever they rotate from mid. I mean, he was rude and an kitten, but essentially not wrong.

He was pushing boss early on foefire…… -_- He basicly made it a 4v5 for the first 2 mins of the game. And he didnt kill it since they had more than enough time to run back and take him out.

As a good player, you adapt to that. If people keep running far, you follow them and help defending. If they go beast, you play defensively. Meta strats or not, you won’t be able to influence your teammates play most of the time when pugging.

If your going to push boss at beginning you need to do a fee things, you need to make sure the other team doesn’t have a theif that could potentially steal, you need to make sure you can kill the thing quickly and you need a bunk that can keep mid contested while the boss is killed. If you can’t do any of these things you shouldn’t go for boss at beginning. By rushing boss without doing these things first and without talking about it with your team you have just put your team in a horrible disadvantage at the beginning of the match allowing the other team to snowball and now they can pretty much hold you in one corner of the map.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

Dunno dude, but when I see that stuff happening, I just disengage and follow wherever they rotate from mid. I mean, he was rude and an kitten, but essentially not wrong.

He was pushing boss early on foefire…… -_- He basicly made it a 4v5 for the first 2 mins of the game. And he didnt kill it since they had more than enough time to run back and take him out.

As a good player, you adapt to that. If people keep running far, you follow them and help defending. If they go beast, you play defensively. Meta strats or not, you won’t be able to influence your teammates play most of the time when pugging.

If your going to push boss at beginning you need to do a fee things, you need to make sure the other team doesn’t have a theif that could potentially steal, you need to make sure you can kill the thing quickly and you need a bunk that can keep mid contested while the boss is killed. If you can’t do any of these things you shouldn’t go for boss at beginning. By rushing boss without doing these things first and without talking about it with your team you have just put your team in a horrible disadvantage at the beginning of the match allowing the other team to snowball and now they can pretty much hold you in one corner of the map.

Why are people not getting it? I’m not saying you SHOULD rush boss at the beginning. Just stating what to do when you have a kitten of a pug in your team doing it.

Inactive member in Dark Renegatus [REN]
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: zapv.8051


Score means very very little. If you want to see how good someone is, judge them by their point defending and rotations. Those aren’t exclusive to any class.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


He was pushing boss early on foefire…… -_- He basicly made it a 4v5 for the first 2 mins of the game. And he didnt kill it since they had more than enough time to run back and take him out.

If your going to push boss at beginning you need to do a fee things, you need to make sure the other team doesn’t have a theif that could potentially steal, you need to make sure you can kill the thing quickly .

Wow u can steal a kill on your own boss on foefire now? Thats amazing dude…please tell me more.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


He was pushing boss early on foefire…… -_- He basicly made it a 4v5 for the first 2 mins of the game. And he didnt kill it since they had more than enough time to run back and take him out.

If your going to push boss at beginning you need to do a fee things, you need to make sure the other team doesn’t have a theif that could potentially steal, you need to make sure you can kill the thing quickly .

Wow u can steal a kill on your own boss on foefire now? Thats amazing dude…please tell me more.

What…. I was completely agreeing with you.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


What…. I was completely agreeing with you.

Yes u agreed with me that he shouldnt go boss on legacy of foefire since the opposing thief can kill the boss right?

Do you know what map that is? Hint its this one:

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


The only title that implies skill is Crabgrabber.

I know I am in for a fight if someone is using Crabgrabber…

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: nolasthitnotomorrow.8563


I am sorry I had this “pro guy” in my guild that decided to leave our “pve scrubs guild” after hearing that I was planning to make a pvp team with a bunch of newbies just for fun.
He said “he won’t be in the same guild where there is a team like that” – he was so pro, top 200. Later on that night he queued in “solo” queue against my girlfriend and got beaten… mind you she’s only playing the game for 5 months or so and before that she never had any action game experience – the only game she’s ever played is dofus. Her mouse skill is terrible, she really lacks control, but it really is fun to play with her. On the other hand the “pro guy” sucked balls, was full of himself and judging others, while having no “skill-right” to do so.
If you’re like him then.. oh well

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Prince Vingador.8067

Prince Vingador.8067

First the macth making is not working.
Second it doesnt matter what players do, if you try to advise or draw on the map or even telling them not to do such things, they will insult you and on top will call u a noob.
3 games ago i was on forest, i got close and a guard went chief , i drew on the map telling him to go mid to help mid, he took forever to kill chief and we lost mid, then he went mid and insta die 1vs 3.
I told him why u went chief and now u suicide?
He just reply that im a nab and e every one hates me.
And yes he was a legendary champ.
i just afk , lost all the interest .

(edited by Prince Vingador.8067)

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

I’m pretty pro once I’ve had a few drinks and start fighting off point repping my “Leader of the Yak” title!

Weird. I’m like 10x better at dancing after a drinks. I’m also super charming.

Alright meow, where were we?

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: cakeonroof.7385


A lot of legendary champs are clueless about rotations, it’s true.

Maybe it has something to do with them achieving the title from hotjoin. And yes, they are the worst because the only think they’re good at is swapping teams.

I trust people with Champion X titles more because those you earn from actual matches from start to finish.

EU since Aug 2012

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


At least you didn’t mix up “loose” and “lose”. Ty for that.

His second grade English teachers smile upon him!
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


He was pushing boss early on foefire…… -_- He basicly made it a 4v5 for the first 2 mins of the game. And he didnt kill it since they had more than enough time to run back and take him out.

If your going to push boss at beginning you need to do a fee things, you need to make sure the other team doesn’t have a theif that could potentially steal, you need to make sure you can kill the thing quickly .

Wow u can steal a kill on your own boss on foefire now? Thats amazing dude…please tell me more.

chill out he mis-read it as forest move along.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: BennyKay.6139


The GW1 system was a bit better. A GW1 dragon rank was extremely rare, and you could not obtain it by losing. In GW2 someone can reach dragon rank by losing every match. So rank means nothing. As far as title. Play long enough, win or lose, and you can get every title. A bit lame. Just put the yakslapper title up, its the only true title of greatness.

Anteater Academy
Tempest | Reaper | DH
Platinum Rated Trash Player

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


The GW1 system was a bit better. A GW1 dragon rank was extremely rare, and you could not obtain it by losing. In GW2 someone can reach dragon rank by losing every match. So rank means nothing. As far as title. Play long enough, win or lose, and you can get every title. A bit lame. Just put the yakslapper title up, its the only true title of greatness.

Well…until the leagues come out. =)

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: NonToxic.9185


Correct me if I’m wrong, but they could very well have farmed up the title zerging the kitten out of hotjoins, no?

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


The GW1 system was a bit better. A GW1 dragon rank was extremely rare, and you could not obtain it by losing. In GW2 someone can reach dragon rank by losing every match. So rank means nothing. As far as title. Play long enough, win or lose, and you can get every title. A bit lame. Just put the yakslapper title up, its the only true title of greatness.

After 23rd October patch, almost everyone and their pet has Yakslapper title lol…

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


…. It’s a title get over it…
I highly doubt you’re a Legendary _ within the community to begin with… If we are going by who’s Legendary it’s only 10-20 people.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


At least you didn’t mix up “loose” and “lose”. Ty for that.

You’re welcome.
It’s comical at how much people fail with homonyms.

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Play Auramancer and display Unstopable Force :^)
Or Thief/Warrior with Unhappy Camper…

Hello darkness, my old friend.