So, did you add "net points" for your team?

So, did you add "net points" for your team?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


In determining how well you did on a match, the only thing that matters is:

“How many points, net, did your actions add for your team”?

It’s not easy to calculate, and sometimes takes a little deeper thought than, “I helped ‘kill’ a lot of people and send them back to their base for about a minute each”.

Sometimes you add more net points by harassing/delaying a couple of enemies and NOT killing either one of them if the big important fight is close to their respawn point.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

So, did you add "net points" for your team?

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


This is true. Someone will tell me to stop going far meanwhile I’m keeping three of the other team busy fighting me 3v1 allowing a 4v2 for my team on the other 2 points. It makes a difference.

So, did you add "net points" for your team?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


This is true. Someone will tell me to stop going far meanwhile I’m keeping three of the other team busy fighting me 3v1 allowing a 4v2 for my team on the other 2 points. It makes a difference.

Yes, indeed.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

So, did you add "net points" for your team?

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


This is true. Someone will tell me to stop going far meanwhile I’m keeping three of the other team busy fighting me 3v1 allowing a 4v2 for my team on the other 2 points. It makes a difference.

Yes, indeed.

Unless you’re just feeding a 3 v 1 endlessly and getting ganked instantly, spending more time on respawn than in the actual fight lol. Most of the times when there’s an absolutely far-point obsessed person on my team, he claims to be 1 v 3’ing for like 3 seconds until he dies saying it’s a 4 v 2 everywhere else, but the reason it was a 3 v 1 at far was because everyone wiped and is on respawn on our team from a 5 v 4 fight earlier that he wasn’t a part of, lol. (Either that or he THINKS he’s in a 1 v 3 but really it’s one mesmer or one thief with thieve’s guild)

Of course, whether or not you managed to get the decap also matters a lot. It’s even more disappointing when the loudmouth on your team who says he’s 1 v 3’ing at far for a total of about 3 seconds was fighting on a point that belonged to the enemy without even managing to decap it, then just fed them more fast kill points lol. I think that’s even more frustrating than people zerging off point while 3-capped, especially if they keep doing it the whole match. X_X;;

I’m not saying it’s not nice to have a far point assaulter once in a while who knows what he’s doing, but it seems like a lot of people these days want to be that guy and really aren’t up to the task at all.

So, did you add "net points" for your team?

in PvP

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


This is true. Someone will tell me to stop going far meanwhile I’m keeping three of the other team busy fighting me 3v1 allowing a 4v2 for my team on the other 2 points. It makes a difference.

I tend to do this quite often in soloque .. Ah, the joys and woes of that. I main Necro so I’m pretty much focused anyway, and to many people I have a “Free Kill” sign above my head so often times people will drop what they’re doing just to chase me. I use that to my advantage and roll a “bunker-ish” build and abuse Death Shroud and tie them up for quite a bit of time, sometimes killing them if I can’t disengage.

The only depressing thing is that after keeping the enemy team offpoint for so long, sometimes 2v1 or 3v1, your team didn’t bother to cap anything … Head, meet desk.

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So, did you add "net points" for your team?

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Yes you have to be a bit tanky to do it. Spending 3 seconds alive isn’t helping, but if you can keep them busy for 15+ seconds, that’s enough to cap points.