So like, Can I have duel yet

So like, Can I have duel yet

in PvP

Posted by: OneKlicKill.4285


Just allow duels for the 35 min before teq only in sparkfly fen around that area if anything. or let me hold a spot on a server map so i can PvP during this boring as kitten time. Make it a 4000 gem item in the gem store that works like the fun boxes and “enables” you for pvp if you touch it. Then you can challenge other “enabled” people.

Just give dueling to us PvPers who do also enjoy pve content….

Please skill/trait split and give control to the PvP team. Karl is fucking killing us

So like, Can I have duel yet

in PvP

Posted by: sinject.4607


can we have anything that isn’t another desperate attempt at “e-sports” through terrible objective based gameplay? please? anything?

dueling, 2v2s, 3v3s, whatever, just make it deathmatch and actually put some effort into unlike courtyard which plays like a developer’s newborn designed it

So like, Can I have duel yet

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Duels in heart of the mists would be nice so we have something to do while waiting in queue forever

So like, Can I have duel yet

in PvP

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


Im trying my best to improve myself, I’ve hit a skill wall that can only be overcome by duels.

“Dueling servers” are a joke, constantly getting trolled or the peanut gallery is commentating how bad and skilless every class is aside zerk ele, thief and mes, people look at your build before dueling and specc so you have a greatly lessened chance/demand rematches and switch to cheese/hardcounter builds out of rage, and if you somehow overcome all this they will wait for you to duel someone else and attack mid duel, then claim you are the troll to get you kicked. Not everyone is like that but a annoying “minority” is. (The 13 year olds playing thief who get salty and go SA to troll)

Unranked and Hotjoin are zerg fests.Get into a 1v1? Actually about to learn something? Get ready for three others to join in, because you stopped rotating side points for a second. Also the occasional Premades.

Ranked is for Premades. “If you dont have a team you dont deserve to win.”.

WvW is more zerg oriented and I have recently and surprisingly found good fights in EB. Had a good time playing bodyguard for uplevels from bad thieves that “raom” (read: gank uplevels) in Etom. But its still zerg wars.

TL;DR a place to get legit duels would be appreciated.

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

So like, Can I have duel yet

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


Totally agree. Sadly this is an aged request and discussion that one can only hope Anet has picked up on/are aware of.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

So like, Can I have duel yet

in PvP

Posted by: decasrod.2479


The lack of dueling is disturbing for any MMO these days. In GW it’s a massive fail, since it is also miserable at PVP so there’s nothing to make up for it. Even if the combat is fun, you have nowhere to do it in a meaningful and fun way.

It’s a simple mechanic that makes the game immensely more enjoyable and raises the skill cap massively. I remember spending hours in front of Orgrimmar(WoW) just dueling. Yes, 10 hours a day just dueling with friends, learning how to beat other classes and getting better at the game.

I guess the scaling system would be an issue for dueling, but they could develop a system where you can set a build for pvp which is tuned for level 80. Oh wait…

Silly GW trying to have pvp! PVP is for MOBAs!

So like, Can I have duel yet

in PvP

Posted by: Buran.3796


I agree with this. They have to change nothing to allow duels, just having a option to invite a player to fight and reset the status of both to “friendly” once one of them falls to downed state. Just as in ArcheAge.

This also would improve a lot the population of some level 80 maps and some cities (which would be the main fields of battle), because since the megaserver changes some of the events and places (like the temples in Orr or Malkor’s) are permanently unlocked so there’s nothing to do on them.