So next elites are 1 shot kills?

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


Just saying, since everything blows up in half a second now, then with the next power creep elites are things going to be 1 shot kills?.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


I highly doubt the next elites will power creep over the current ones.

do remember that taking a new elite would mean dropping the old elite’s mechanic.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


I highly doubt the next elites will power creep over the current ones.

do remember that taking a new elite would mean dropping the old elite’s mechanic.

you still need to choose between the 2, so it is logical that they would do power creep over the current ones to sell them, much like they did the current ones over the base ones.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I highly doubt the next elites will power creep over the current ones.

do remember that taking a new elite would mean dropping the old elite’s mechanic.

Give me one reason why any mes would drop current Chronos line with it broken desing. To make them drop it you need to make even more broken thing. Elites are nothing but powercreep, they wont be balanced around each other.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


I highly doubt the next elites will power creep over the current ones.

do remember that taking a new elite would mean dropping the old elite’s mechanic.

Give me one reason why any mes would drop current Chronos line with it broken desing. To make them drop it you need to make even more broken thing. Elites are nothing but powercreep, they wont be balanced around each other.

Which also brings another point, why play any class, since elites drastically alter they play stile and the next power creep elite will alter it as well.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


so it is logical that they would do power creep over the current ones to sell them,

That makes no marketing sense at all. Such a strategy requires a total misunderstanding of where the audience is and where sales come from.

PvE’ers will buy into HoT for the story, zones, new stat combos, and raids. The potency of Elites will not affect sales there.

The only group whos sales are affected by elites are players that purely do PvP and WvW to the exclusion of all else. However most of this group will buy in for either brand loyalty, or access to Revenant.

There is no data or precedent for power creep increasing sales. Industry wisdom says that pay-for-power doesn’t work on the western market has shown buy every time a Asian p2w game comes to the west and promptly fails.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


so it is logical that they would do power creep over the current ones to sell them,

That makes no marketing sense at all. Such a strategy requires a total misunderstanding of where the audience is and where sales come from.

PvE’ers will buy into HoT for the story, zones, new stat combos, and raids. The potency of Elites will not affect sales there.

The only group whos sales are affected by elites are players that purely do PvP and WvW to the exclusion of all else. However most of this group will buy in for either brand loyalty, or access to Revenant.

There is no data or precedent for power creep increasing sales. Industry wisdom says that pay-for-power doesn’t work on the western market has shown buy every time a Asian p2w game comes to the west and promptly fails.


The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


so it is logical that they would do power creep over the current ones to sell them,

That makes no marketing sense at all. Such a strategy requires a total misunderstanding of where the audience is and where sales come from.

PvE’ers will buy into HoT for the story, zones, new stat combos, and raids. The potency of Elites will not affect sales there.

The only group whos sales are affected by elites are players that purely do PvP and WvW to the exclusion of all else. However most of this group will buy in for either brand loyalty, or access to Revenant.

There is no data or precedent for power creep increasing sales. Industry wisdom says that pay-for-power doesn’t work on the western market has shown buy every time a Asian p2w game comes to the west and promptly fails.


The problem with your reasoning is that you starting with the paranoid idea that elites are OP “cuz monies” and then you are squeezing reality to try and fit your view.

elite exist because it’s gaming tradition to add skills/traits with expansions, and the playerbase would riot if Anet didn’t add anything. The infamous June 23rd patch happened because Anet realized that they couldn’t add new traits and skills to the old system without breaking the entire game.

Elites where likely designed the way they where because:
1) Classes needed to be reconformed around soft trinity if Anet wanted to pursue Raids.
2) New class mechanics allowed Anet to fix gameplay issues that where deeply rooted in class design. (Such as total inability to make rangers viable, engi being perpetually stuck with kits, Mesmer being nothing but portal bots, warrior’s monotonous gameplay in pve 1 1 1 1 F1 1 1 1 1 1, Death Shroud synergy issues, etc etc.)

Sanity is for the weak minded.

So next elites are 1 shot kills?

in PvP

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


so it is logical that they would do power creep over the current ones to sell them,

That makes no marketing sense at all. Such a strategy requires a total misunderstanding of where the audience is and where sales come from.

PvE’ers will buy into HoT for the story, zones, new stat combos, and raids. The potency of Elites will not affect sales there.

The only group whos sales are affected by elites are players that purely do PvP and WvW to the exclusion of all else. However most of this group will buy in for either brand loyalty, or access to Revenant.

There is no data or precedent for power creep increasing sales. Industry wisdom says that pay-for-power doesn’t work on the western market has shown buy every time a Asian p2w game comes to the west and promptly fails.

Disagree entirely; most of the people who support the existing elite specs at their current power are primarily or exclusively PvE players who want viability/power in their PvE content for easier clears. Frankly, HoT was a PvE expansion since even before its release most of the PvP sub-communities were already asking for nerfs or calling out objectively bad design decisions, which never got changed spare some numbers tweaks.

Most of the competitive environment downright quit with HoT; the only ones left for the most are are just the bile of players that prefer being overpowered/prefer innately gimmicky mechanics, and quite factually, they make up only a minority of the remaining players in the game, now.

And yes, while all games that run power creep pretty much fail, this is very clearly the model GW2 is heading to. There’s a reason so many people have been calling the profession designers inept and/or further boycotting all forms of providing money to ANet.

At its very core, the nature of the remaining players/loyal customers at this point are going to be those who prefer the power creep. WvW and PvP are at their least-populous states in the history of the game, suggesting definitive dislike.

We’ve seen ANet’s response – nothing – over an entire year since HoT and four years of broken core spec/design dynamics as well. While we can’t be sure what the cause is specifically, it comes down to either it being an intentional ploy to try and boost expansion revenue (bad business as you say above) by luring players to purchase the power creep to help make the “disappointing” HoT sales (per NCSoft’s report) look better proving ineptitude on the managerial level due to the long-term consequences, being inept at fixing the problems plaguing the game (the profession design team), or simply being unaware/in denial that there are actually any problems (ineptitude on PR/Comm teams and management).

Regardless of whether or not ANet’s decisions make sense, some area of the company is absolutely and undeniably failing the company and subsequently the game and its clients.

Really, if it made sense, there wouldn’t be so much criticism.