So, nothing has changed.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


Que for PvP. Get a triple thief team with 2 engis. Against a premade.

Half way through one of our thieves left.

So nothing has really changed, lol.

If you are going to put me against a premade, can you at least give me a freaking functioning team compostition?

Are you ever going to get matchmaking right?

(edited by Khenzo.2465)

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


3 years and still trying, hope is never lost.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


Like every game I que, it’s always double X and double Y against balanced. Or if they have doubles of something it’s always what seems to obliterate ours.

It’s getting old.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


Oh for the love of god…

Qued again, triple thief. AGAIN.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


Oh for the love of god…

Qued again, triple thief. AGAIN.

I stopped playing sPvP until Anet decides to sort of this kitten out, right now running fractals and dungeons.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


sPvP is made for Teams.
If you’ve not one you can’t pretend that ANet make a perfect team every time just for you.

Find friends, enter in a pvp guild, make a your personal team and fight in sPvP against “casual team players” like you actually are

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: skowcia.8257


sPvP is made for Teams.
If you’ve not one you can’t pretend that ANet make a perfect team every time just for you.

Find friends, enter in a pvp guild, make a your personal team and fight in sPvP against “casual team players” like you actually are

Said some random guy that want to be carried in premade against pug. Ez win, ikr.

obey me

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


sPvP is made for Teams.
If you’ve not one you can’t pretend that ANet make a perfect team every time just for you.

Find friends, enter in a pvp guild, make a your personal team and fight in sPvP against “casual team players” like you actually are

That is honestly one of the most stupid counter arguements I have ever witnessed.

We should find a guild or a team, just so we can actually have a balanced team comp?

No, there is no real excuse for this to happen game after game in EU prime time.

If it was 4am I wouldn’t complain.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Hopefully todays announcement on different Queues for game modes will lead to different queues for solo and premade

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Teniz.5249


Doge: Much balanced many wow


So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Doge: Much balanced many wow

Was they afk or something?

obey me

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: abclemons.7093


Doge: Much balanced many wow

Was they afk or something?

What this guy said.

Koffix (ele) | Koffix Sprockets (engi ) | Koffix Shadows (teef) | Koffix Clones (mes) |
Koffix [xxx] (all the rest)
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises from the Ashes | Crystal Desert

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


They probably wasn’t. This is Gw2 PvP folks

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


Well I see this health in half so he was in the middle of a fight when they won, so I guess they weren’t all afk.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Murmaider.1805


Doge: Much balanced many wow

LOL, o my god. How?!

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


ppl use to play classes that are more fun and effective.. Thats why you see 3 or 4 of the same class all the time

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


Que for PvP. Get a triple thief team with 2 engis. Against a premade.

Half way through one of our thieves left.

So nothing has really changed, lol.

If you are going to put me against a premade, can you at least give me a freaking functioning team compostition?

Are you ever going to get matchmaking right?

Matchmaking is heavily affected by class dailies. Every time there is a “daily ranger win” or whatever, you see far more of those classes.

Remove the daily class winner and the problem fixes itself.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Batelle.1680


Matchmaking is heavily affected by class dailies. Every time there is a “daily ranger win” or whatever, you see far more of those classes.

Remove the daily class winner and the problem fixes itself.

This is definitely part of the problem. However, this is another area where separating solo queue from pre-mades would alleviate a lot of the resulting pains- all pug teams are subject to the wonky double/triple class stacking. There is a massive difference between a balanced pre-made vs. a poorly comped pug and poorly comped pug vs. poorly comped pug.

So, nothing has changed.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I still want an option where I can ask for a thief to not be added onto my team. I’ll say that it is the profession that loses more games for their team than any other. Only at the highest levels of gameplay is it valuable.