So only Warrior is viable anymore in pvp?
People complain. If everything was perfect they would complain about having nothing to complain about (obvious exaggeration).
ArenaNet have their game analysis statistics and likely base the majority of their game changes on those. People whining on the forums may play some part but it is likely very small.
ArenaNet can’t cater to all of the whiners because some of them may very well just suck at their class or even at games in general lol.
My main is a warrior though…
Wow. A set of nerfs to singular weapons and skills within certain classes and not having any for a single class and everyone is yelling as if the world has ended.
I play a ranger. I play a long bow ranger. I have won just as many as I have lost when it comes to PvP and WvW, so my weapon is perfectly viable. Has been since I started with it.
So ya. Hyperbole = :<
The worse thing Anet could possibly do is listen seriously to the endless forum QQs about class balance….where most idiot posters seem to live by the motto…….“why exaggerate when you can over exaggerate”.
Anet has their data concerning PvP and should make balance decisions based on that alone.
I would send Anet $$ if they would respond to those QQ threads with a simple “L2P in nice big RED letters” =P
(edited by draylore.2837)
I have eight characters — one of every profession. The very last one I rolled was a Warrior because it was the one that interested me the least. By the time I’d unlocked all my weapons skills, I was asking myself, “Why the kitten did you wait so long?” Compared to all other professions, it’s laughable how easy it is to play. The mechanics aren’t as interesting as some of the other professions, but Warrior more than makes up for it in pure, unadulterated facerollability.
At this point, I’m not bothering to go back to Orr until I’ve got my Warrior there. If I’m going to have to endlessly grind risen and farm for mats, this is the profession to do it with. Everything else is just needlessly stretching the grind and putting up speed bumps.
No comment about PvP though, as I couldn’t care less about it.
I’d say a large part of the issue is that Arena Net have repeatedly claimed to be happy with where the warrior profession is at the moment. Which is all well and good, though it does raise many questions about why other professions are adjusted the moment they become nearly as popular and/or successful.
I think it’d be for the best if Arena Net gave a very detailed explanation as to what exactly they want each profession to be like. It’d help alleviate a lot of the current concerns and stop people playing something they enjoy only to find it is changed in a patch.
(edited by Garenthal.1480)
You do know that warrior is the least desirable class for tPvP, right?
Just because you can’t figure out how to dodge a one trick pony build with no defense doesn’t mean the class is OP.
Warriors are the most played class, least represented in all formats other than face rolling solo PvE content.
So everyone is unhappy…you know what they say, a good compromise leaves everyone unhappy. Sounds like they are getting to a proper balance!
A-Net has said for a long time they were happy with the warrior and the other classes would be balanced against the Warrior. Makes sense they wouldn’t tweak it yet.
I want 3 things fixed for my Ranger and I would be happy for the time being.
1. Revert the shortbow change from Oct. 7th patch. There was no animation bug.
2. Fix the sword #1 skill. This DOES have an animation bug that locks you in place and prevents you from using your dodge/evade or other ability in a snap.
3. Buff pets so they won’t die in dungeons from AoE so easily. Keep adjusting their F2 ability, it still doesn’t always trigger and needs to be spammed.
Is that to much to ask?
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
Mesmers lost nothing off of the most common spvp build.
My elementalist kicks butt.
Thieves? Lol, yea. Poor thieves. They lost 15% on pistol whip. I hope the 800239842938429 dagger thieves can recover from a nerf that doesn’t impact them.
Guardian builds that don’t focus on ret are untouched, which is like 95% of them.
I can go on, but this is pointless.
Yes, I think warriors are in a great position. No nerfs needed, no buffs needed. The only questionable skill is hundred blades, but since unlike pistol whip it doesn’t also stun and needs some setup, if you get hit by it you either got forgot to dodge, or the opposing team worked together to get you.
This thread is a joke right?
You have a guy posting about how face roll warriors are in PVE in a PVP thread lulz.
@ Nautika
You’re trolling right? Before the last patch the consensus was that warriors were mid to bottom tier class and now all of a sudden they are #1? Seriously?
Second, warriors are the only class that hasn’t been looked at and most of us aren’t happy about it. Go check our class forums and see the long list of bugs in many of our key skills/abilities. We haven’t been looked at in a long time and none of us are very happy about it.
You must be one of the 100 blades whiners? I and many like me don’t like it in it’s current form. Lack of mobility isn’t good even if the damage is. Many of us would gladly take a damage nerf for mobility.
I always thought the Guardian Greatsword was one of the least pvp capable weapon. Okay yes, the retaliation was nice, but that mostly required you to stand still. Whirling Wrath was never really that strong and Binding doesn’t do that much. The utility given by greatswords is far more useful in pve than it is in pvp. When I think bunker builds, I think hammer, shields and maces. When I think of “I actually like moving my legs in combat” builds, I think sword, shield, focus and scepter.
Staff? Go back to pve and wubwub. They love you there. Torch? What’s a torch?
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
For the record, they doubled the cooldown on symbol of wrath, while this does help them control the usage of retaliation, any traits affecting symbol size/duration/etc, as well as the way they map the skill layouts based on cooldown and not on natural combos means that it affects other aspects beyond simply retaliation. The increased cooldown just seems like a misplaced band-aid to a problem, there were many alternatives to fixing retaliation uptime and usage.
For the record, they doubled the cooldown on symbol of wrath, while this does help them control the usage of retaliation, any traits affecting symbol size/duration/etc, as well as the way they map the skill layouts based on cooldown and not on natural combos means that it affects other aspects beyond simply retaliation. The increased cooldown just seems like a misplaced band-aid to a problem, there were many alternatives to fixing retaliation uptime and usage.
As a guardian who uses greatsword I don’t see a problem with them changing the skills. The weapon is still great, and increasing the cooldown on the sigil is a decent answer to the obvious problem of retaliation while not lowering the damage output of the weapon.
i know it’s just the system of Anet to order skills typically by length of cd, but wrath was naturally the best in slot 2, since every weapon skill in the set after it naturally combos to give retal, cleansing, etc. It’s just annoying to have to be slower on combos, etc.
I can tell by your post you are really inexperienced in pvp.
1. Warriors are mediocre, can do good damage and good single damage disables but really have nothing special about them.
2. Rangers after the last patch are even weaker than they already were. Only had 1 good pvp weapon with only 1 good attack and they nerfed that one attack’s damage by 20%+, ouch
3. Elementalists can be good offensively in the right hands, and they can be godly defensively if played in the right hands.
4. Engineers are very very strong and always have been. They are so viable can either be super strong bunkers or super strong AoE or single target damage/condition both with huge teamfight support.
5. Thieves and mesmers are still very strong and priceless in a team with great utility skils such as portal or shadow refuge. They are still the strongest roamers/1v1 classes in the game.
6. Guardians are still strong as hell, they nerf one weapon and they are useless? Lol? Can’t tell if trolling or just stupid.
7. Necros have never had issues since day one, they are very good in teamfights and can dish out a ton of damage and easily kill a bunker, or can build to become a very strong bunker as well.
Honestly? Did you seriously make this thread? O.o
7. Necros have never had issues since day one, they are very good in teamfights and can dish out a ton of damage and easily kill a bunker, or can build to become a very strong bunker as well.
I can say, as a Necro, that you’ve never played Necro.
We still have 62 known bugs after the bugfixes, our damage is still ridiculous and our bunker builds are a joke compared to guardians.
I don’t know where you took that infos, but to me, they look incredibly wrong.
guardians mesmers and thiefs are still on a league of their own, compared to warriors. nerfed? by golly, in that case they need to get at least 10 times more nerfs to even be on the same playfield…
engis elems and rangers dont stink, they just are tricky and people mostly suck playing them…specially because most dont even bother learning when they can play one of the 3 forementioned classes, bang their forehead on the keyboard and do ok.
necro is probably the only thing you nailed…they suck so much that its a running joke now
God.. everytime i have people ask me about a certain build they run. If we come to the conclusion that i cant figure out what he should improve except his pvp skills .. 60% of the time they say something that gets them on my blocked list..
“Sigh, guess profession X is yust underpowered”
seriously… 90% of people who say this have 1 reason for it:
My build doesnt work and i cant seem to tank everyone and cant kill all professions either and more of that whining.
People should yust look at facts instead of blaming the whole profession for their build not working.
also.. warriors are yust avarage.. nothing more. Easy to avoid, easy to counter.
Warriors are relatively easy to deal with. I’m really surprised you can’t manage them.
Warriors are what everyone else should be brought into line with.
They’re actually pretty balanced. If you go all attack you’re very fragile, if you go super defensive you do 0 damage. Their infamous HB+frenzy+bullsrush requires 3 abilities to be up (one on a 60 second timer) and can be avoided and leaves the warrior taking 50 percent more damage from all sources for 4 seconds.
Without frenzy HB is almost unusable. Unless the person stays there for the whole duration it’s not happening, at best you get 3 swings off, but never the final big swing. Greatsword button 1 damage is less than 1H weapon damage.
It’s the mesmers/guardians/thieves which dominate simply because they don’t need to make the sacrifice in abilities. They retain the ability to do damage yet due to multiple escapes/retaliation/boon removal/debuffs/shields don’t have issues with defence.
Heavy armour seems to play very little part in damage mitigation I find, most likley because of all the ocndition damage and aoe debuffs flying around constantly.
I mean if you read the class forums you would think every single class stinks (including the Warrior forum).
Ele’s can’t compete
Rangers got their only viable PvP weapon set destroyed
Thieves while still doing somewhat ok have been nerfed every single patch
Engineers can’t pve worth a crap and only pvp but still gets rolled by good Warriors
Guardians got their greatsword nerfed and now they say they stink
Mesmers just got rick rolled
Necros have always had issues since day 1Only the Warrior class has not seen the nerf bat and can do it all in both PvE and PvP the whole time laughing at all the other classes.
So perhaps everyone (and I mean everyone) should just play Warriors and nothing else and maybe just maybe Anet will finally say something or do something besides nerfing every class but the Warrior.
Oh wow. Are you for real or just joking?
The day i lose 1v1 to warrior as engineer is the day i will probably delete my char. Warriors are easy mode for engineers. I almost feel like cheating when fighting vs warriors.
Warriors are actually quite UP imo. They are extremely predictable and limited. That is their biggest weakness.
all the classes are fine more or less, Ranger could use a buff.
Looks to me like you just need to get better if warriors are such a problem for you and you think other classes are bad.
(edited by Killyox.3950)
I can tell by your post you are really inexperienced in pvp.
7. Necros have never had issues since day one, they are very good in teamfights and can dish out a ton of damage and easily kill a bunker, or can build to become a very strong bunker as well.
Well, but you seem a pro considering what you write about the necro. Obviously you have never played one.
1. Bugs gallore – not even the Starship Troopers would have enough manpower to stop them
2. Ridiculous lack of synergy of traits.
3. Ridiculous high cooldowns on some stuff (Well of Darkness 60 sec)
4. Traits in the wrong lines (power build traits deep in condtion tree and vice versa)
5. Lack of stability – and if you get it, it is a grandmaster talent and you have to choose between this and a much needed 5 sec cd in death shroud. Plus it is only 3 sec and the life transfer ticks are at the beginning very weak anyway. Once more a piece of junk
But the biggest crap of all which makes the class basically stink to heavens DEATH SHROUD:
Per se not a bad mechanic…but…the time you need to gain energy and how long you can stay in death shround – our defense class mechanic – is a bummer. A thief or warrior will rip through it in 2-3 seconds.
And what also makes this mechanic bad is, that every skill is subpar because “you have death shroud, a second life bar”.
- dps sucks
- range on weapons sucks (axe 600 range for a glass cannon power spec, daggers…melee range)
- escape mechanics…just forget it because you can tank because…yes, “you have death shroud”
Oh, and “necros are bunkers”. Seriously, pull their pets out of LoS (they cannot prevent it because they have no control about the pets hahaha) and kill them easily with AoE. Then the bunker is soft because he gets toughness for every pet. If the necro follows you…even better, he is now in melee range.
(edited by Asmodean.5820)
I mean if you read the class forums you would think every single class stinks (including the Warrior forum).
Ele’s can’t compete
Rangers got their only viable PvP weapon set destroyed
Thieves while still doing somewhat ok have been nerfed every single patch
Engineers can’t pve worth a crap and only pvp but still gets rolled by good Warriors
Guardians got their greatsword nerfed and now they say they stink
Mesmers just got rick rolled
Necros have always had issues since day 1Only the Warrior class has not seen the nerf bat and can do it all in both PvE and PvP the whole time laughing at all the other classes.
So perhaps everyone (and I mean everyone) should just play Warriors and nothing else and maybe just maybe Anet will finally say something or do something besides nerfing every class but the Warrior.
This build rocks almost every warrior I ever 1 v 1’ed against. I usually beat them with full health. warriors blow when u got even 1 necro like me traited like this. I can put bleeds, chill, fear, poison, blindness, weakness, vulnerability, fumble, cripple on enemies within a 600 radius circle. Almost every time I play spvp I have the most points for player kills, objective takeovers. I will stand in the objective everytime I fight, I am not anecro who sits back, I don’t need to because all my attacks heal me and bleed/poison etc enemies
I can tell by your post you are really inexperienced in pvp.
1. Warriors are mediocre, can do good damage and good single damage disables but really have nothing special about them.
2. Rangers after the last patch are even weaker than they already were. Only had 1 good pvp weapon with only 1 good attack and they nerfed that one attack’s damage by 20%+, ouch
3. Elementalists can be good offensively in the right hands, and they can be godly defensively if played in the right hands.
4. Engineers are very very strong and always have been. They are so viable can either be super strong bunkers or super strong AoE or single target damage/condition both with huge teamfight support.
5. Thieves and mesmers are still very strong and priceless in a team with great utility skils such as portal or shadow refuge. They are still the strongest roamers/1v1 classes in the game.
6. Guardians are still strong as hell, they nerf one weapon and they are useless? Lol? Can’t tell if trolling or just stupid.
7. Necros have never had issues since day one, they are very good in teamfights and can dish out a ton of damage and easily kill a bunker, or can build to become a very strong bunker as well.
This is one of the most accurate descriptions of the current class balance in spvp I have read, nice.
Jealous Much [JM]
Greatsword is still fine for guardian, the nerf just messed with some builds a little bit. The only thing guardians have a right to complain about is the scepter.
Greatsword is still fine for guardian, the nerf just messed with some builds a little bit. The only thing guardians have a right to complain about is the scepter.
I love the scepter, I don’t understand why people hate on it so much. I run scepter/focus (or scepter torch) for my off-hand with my roamer guard and scepter 3, scepter 2 and justice virtue is pretty consistant burst to drop on someone at range. If you run torch throwing in torch 4 makes it all the better.
Yaks Bend
This thread is bunk.
Does anyone in here actually tournament? or do they just get to rank 10 in Spvp and come on the forums to tell you how the game balance works…?
P.S.- the necros in this thread don’t know what they are talking about- I can’t wait for the buff to necros because of all the QQ, I will be so broken OP it isn’t funny. L2 DS.
Is it needed to play tournament to realize how the game balancing is broken?
You are overrating tPvP, it is just sPvP with less people and, most the time, they are the same.
But, before you came here saying that we don’t know how balance work, do you know what balance actually is?
So, Necros don’t know what they are talking about and you know. The whole Necro community don’t know how to play and you do…
Please, make a real argument, not just arrogant statements.
Leave Warriors alone! They are fun, viable and overall pretty solid. If anything they could have a buff here and there to have a more notorious niche in tPvP. If only their massive CC potential was as viable in the current meta or if they weren’t getting overshadowed by Mesmers and Thieves on damage and utility this much…
When the current overpowered professions/builds (fu Mesmers) get tonned down, it’s evidently going to be a buff for everyone else.
(edited by Khenzy.9348)
Not all necros, most necros don’t know how to play.
And yes, if the class balance is determined by 5v5 tourneys then… Well you DO need to play tourneys to understand class balance.
And lol @ tpvp Is Spvp with less people.
Nasty nasty nasty-necro
Wo wo wo wo wo- warrior
Everyone forum qq’s about all these classes and I have at least 150twins with each of them so it’s either I have the most amazing group of 4 carry teammates ever- or I understand the role of each class and how to utilize it properly.
I don’t care about your wins and I think none cares.
The class balancing isn’t about how much someone wins with a specific class. The fact that in almost every tPvP team there is at least a Mesmer, a Thief and a Guardian says much about balancing, your wins don’t.
I don’t care about your wins and I think none cares.
The class balancing isn’t about how much someone wins with a specific class. The fact that in almost every tPvP team there is at least a Mesmer, a Thief and a Guardian says much about balancing, your wins don’t.
The wins show that it is possible for comps to win running those classes- now in theory I could have played 5000 matches and got only 1st round pug wins so I guess you will have to take my word on it.
And also, I HEAR people saying “pvp teams bring class x this and never y that blah blah blah” and it is mostly bullkitten. I can say that every class is represented close to equal in tourney mode- except for maybee ranger and even then when you run into them it’s 2ranger comps a lot so number wise it’s about the same. I would say the stereo type is all the 2mesmer/2gardian teams.
The thief/guardian/Mesmer is usually what you hear people ask for in the mists so that might be a reason why you see them mentioned so much.
What? Warrior beats Engineer? Considering Engineers are worse than Guardians, its definitely the Engineer having an advantage in this match up. I have no clue where you’re getting this statements. Any Engineer who gets face rolled by a Warrior is trash.
Well said Schwahrheit.
My Engi barely even takes damage from a warrior nevermind actually losing.
I reckon Engi is the best class in pvp though, it’s just most of them are pretty bad ^^. Well and mesmers of course but they are really easy to play which I suppose is why they are seen as OP by many people.
@xloz: nope, Thief/Guardian/Mesmer is actually the people I meet in tPvP because, you know, that’s not only you playing that mode.
The fact that you can win with these classes means nothing. Running these professions put you in disadvantage compared to people who is running the holy tPvP trinity. Of course if you are very skilled with other professions and enemies are newbie you are going to win, but this doesn’t mean that you have more difficulties facing with them when the skill is the same.
Players always ran build which make winning easier and now, the high presence of G/M/T means that they are the key for an easier win, not sure, but easier, and it shouldn’t be like this in a balanced environment.
The guy that started this thread has not posted once to defend it and this is the first post I’ve seen of his in the PVP forum. This is a troll thread by someone clueless of pvp and worthy of the dump.
I mean if you read the class forums you would think every single class stinks (including the Warrior forum).
Ele’s can’t compete
Rangers got their only viable PvP weapon set destroyed
Thieves while still doing somewhat ok have been nerfed every single patch
Engineers can’t pve worth a crap and only pvp but still gets rolled by good Warriors
Guardians got their greatsword nerfed and now they say they stink
Mesmers just got rick rolled
Necros have always had issues since day 1Only the Warrior class has not seen the nerf bat and can do it all in both PvE and PvP the whole time laughing at all the other classes.
So perhaps everyone (and I mean everyone) should just play Warriors and nothing else and maybe just maybe Anet will finally say something or do something besides nerfing every class but the Warrior.
Yet if you ask any “good” player witch class they would NOT want in there 5’s they would say Warrior. because warrior are bad they are going ether support/bunker or Roam/DPS…….
and other classes do it better. hand down!
the only other reason you would run a warrior is if the player is good a pro warrior is better than a crappy (insert class here)..
but in the current meta game professional vs professional the warrior class falls short.
if you think the warrior is good its because you spend to much time in skrimm’s! Don’t do that skrimm strats make you a bad player.
doing some skrimms is “ok” like eating cake on your birthday. just don’t go to the store and buy cake for lunch every day!
(edited by Lilbeezy.8134)
@xloz: nope, Thief/Guardian/Mesmer is actually the people I meet in tPvP because, you know, that’s not only you playing that mode.
The fact that you can win with these classes means nothing. Running these professions put you in disadvantage compared to people who is running the holy tPvP trinity. Of course if you are very skilled with other professions and enemies are newbie you are going to win, but this doesn’t mean that you have more difficulties facing with them when the skill is the same.
Players always ran build which make winning easier and now, the high presence of G/M/T means that they are the key for an easier win, not sure, but easier, and it shouldn’t be like this in a balanced environment.
How easy a class is to play isn’t balance. Mmo players always confuse class balance with ease of use.
Ease of use is most the time sign of unbalance, because it is strictly connected with profession’s effectiveness. The more the profession is easy to use, the more the profession is effective at low skill level, the more you win against hard to play profession with middle skilled player. That’s unbalancing.
In Guild Wars, Palm Strike Assassins were incredibly easy to use, they were nerfed. Same as IWAY, Sway, Seeping Wound, Backbreaker, Smite monk and so on, all nerfed because of their ease of use.
Xloz, your logic is pretty screwed. If a class can do with 1 button what other classes can achieve by switching weapons, setting up combos or self-buffs, then there is a balance issue. Simply because the one-button-wonder can a. hardly screw up b. takes less time to perform the given feat c. the setup cannot be disrupted…because there is no setup.
Currently in this mmo the gap between some classes is huge. Especially because some classes with extremely simple mechanics (and yes, thief is one of them) feels not only like having training wheels to keep you steady in a fight but they also perform better than the complicated classes at upper end of the skill curve. Which simply means there is no reward in having a hard to master class. Quite the opposite.
Also your statement that most of the necro community has to “l2p” or is “bad” just shows your ignorance and arrogance. This is usually the case when a person applies sweeping judgements and generalizations about a group of people. However, of course all rogues are skilled and know how to play, right? /chuckle
Not only is the Warrior class easily countered, it’s also the class which can be outclassed in every role by others – no matter how specialised the Warrior’s build is.
@Varyag: I think we didn’t speak about warriors in the last posts despite the tread ^^
And when I said Engineers are worse than Guardians, I meant they’re more face-roll than Guardians.
Takes no skill to do the “I kittened up button” twice while your mines and turrets do all the work for you.
Meh Guardians are way easier to play than Engineers (I play both, far easier to be good on Guard imo, though Engineer is far more dominant once practiced).
Mine and turret damage is pretty terrible (well placed field CAN do okish burst, but too reliant on luck and really, nothing to write home about) and relying on them against an opponent with even a vague idea of how to play is asking for trouble.
Don’t get me wrong Engi’s are OP, but not like that (and not without knowledge and ‘skill’ from the player). I’ve only met what, 2, maybe 3 Engis in any form of PvP that I’ve considered to be any good on the class, and not one good version of my own build (rifle/nades/control/burstbunker). All the other good ones have been pistol condition types, though condition is my builds only vague counter so maybe that exaggerated it a bit.
This has to be a joke, warriors are pretty awful in PvP.
1. Mesmer
2. Guardian
3. Thief
4. Engineer
5. Ranger
6. Elementalist
7. Warrior
8. Necromancer
Representing Legit Guild [LG] for life on Fort Aspenwood. Send me a tell in-game!