Im sorry anet but i cant wrap my head around this. I havent been playing as much i admit but when i PvP everyone is using a condi build.
Warriors with mace/shields and sword/torch, mesmers scrappers, all of them are going full condi. The only classes that are not is ele which is a support build atm and a bunker druid. Thief and DH are still falling behind.
Even the OP rev is going back to condi for alot of the average players because simply put its almost impossible to deal with all the conditions being thrown around.
You changed warriors gun flame for its dps in WvW so not its not really all that useful in PvP. You changed the staff 5 skill of rev. Now revs are struggling to kill the more bunkery/sustain players in the time needed since everyone has ridiculous sustain and bursts.
Im sorry but HOT brought nothing to this game WvW and PvP wise. Seriously this is horrible.
You brought back old borderlands because you threw out crap. Now every class in the game PvP has literally 1 decent build. Im not gonna write a thread like chaith did on how to fix a class because its your job to make the game playable.
Hot brought guild halls which kind of suck, a new WvW which you took away because it sucked and PvP has become a complete joke with no leader boards, build diveristy, and a dying Ag tournament which use to be very good and active.
I will congratulate you on PvE areas because they are alot of funs, havent been able to find a raid group at my time which i put on myself but seriously the 2 areas i play most are completely useless as a expansion.
I bring it up because i just watched the Spring Update video and im sitting here like you are talking dynamics/ build changes for better improving raid teams.
Talking about slivers just being handed out and heres the thing, people dont want it it to be easy. Raid players dont want raids to be easy, people who scribe dont want it to be easy, PvP players dont want builds to be brain dead and easy.
This has to be the most frustrating aspect listening to Hugh talk. Hes talking about balance and god mode and the beta situation. UMMMMMMMMM we had it for HOT and no one listened.
Each forum for each class outside of PvP has threads with great suggestions on how to fix classes yet Anet takes a rocket launcher to that idea.
The d/d god meta? The burn damage? Before HOT these things were insane and it took forever to fix. Now these 2 things are completely gone and are useless.
Nobody wanted burn guardians to die and no one wanted core builds to be wiped from the face of GW2. Not only that no one wanted people taking those crappy builds and walking into Legendary in Season 2.
Rant is over but just like most of the people in that spring update video were laughing at all the messed up things in the game. I am to but mostly at the idea that things were fixed.