Solo Players, Stop the QQ

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Current Leagues are not for solo players.
Current Leagues are not for the average 50 winrate.
Current Leagues are not for casuals.

Players have complained constantly about wanting Rank PvP to revert back to old leaderboard MMR system. Congratulations, Leagues is exactly that only better. We no longer have that “win 10 games straight to be top 5, only playing 1 game a week to maintain the rank” old MMR system anymore.

It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community. If Anet really wanted to cater to casuals, a grind system for Amber, Emerald, and Ruby players should be in place.

An example of what casuals are probably wanting

  • 800+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Diamond players.
  • 1200+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Legendary division players

numbers can be altered and changed depending on X number of players reaching these thresholds.

Solo players need to give out solutions instead of complaining about an awesome system that was never meant for them.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Arcade.8901


Hahaha, thanks it’s most ridiculous pile of crap i ve read on this forum this month. Thanks for the good laugh sir.

I just hope Anet will listen to players like you and finally completely destroy PvP so noone would ever play it.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

fix the match prediction perhaps?

the system throws 5 full man group at you and expect your full solo 5 to win the 5 man group.

that is stupid.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i dun mind facing 5 man groups but losing 2 pips from that?
that is kittened!

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Leohart.4610


But I have no fwiends to play wiff. ;-;

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Hahaha, thanks it’s most ridiculous pile of crap i ve read on this forum this month. Thanks for the good laugh sir.

I just hope Anet will listen to players like you and finally completely destroy PvP so noone would ever play it.

You’re more than welcome to prove me wrong about something or say what you disagree with and why.

If you can’t add anything intellectual to the discussion then you should probably refrain from replying to posts until you develop basic social skills in w/e grade you’re struggling to pass.

For the record, Legendary items suppose to be difficult to get. What I proposed is realistically fair considering the top 5 players in the two previous test leaderboards reached these game threshold with ease.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Yeah, i’d like to see what OP would say if all those people the new system “is not for” stopped playing and all the rest had to actually play against themselves and hope for win streaks.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Solo players need to give out solutions instead of complaining about an awesome system that was never meant for them.

They already did: split solo and team Q.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Well, the solo players are already dropping out of the upper divisions … or never got there. So how are the wait times now in Diamond? Or Ruby?

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Arcade.8901


Hahaha, thanks it’s most ridiculous pile of crap i ve read on this forum this month. Thanks for the good laugh sir.

I just hope Anet will listen to players like you and finally completely destroy PvP so noone would ever play it.

You’re more than welcome to prove me wrong about something, say what you disagree and why.

If you can’t add anything intellectual to the discussion then you should probably refrain from replying to posts randomly.

For the record, Legendary items suppose to be difficult to get. What I proposed is realistically fair considering the top 5 players in the two previous test leaderboards reached these game threshold with ease.

Why i can be even bothered, people already suggested to bring back solo q, so those who want to team up, can farm the kitten out of each other. The forum is filled with suggestions, they don’t listen, they don’t care.

Have you proposed anything useful? You just stated self made-up facts, if leagues are not for soloqers, why i even able to que solo?

And buddy, i can do what ever i want, i know how those leagues will affect PvP in the long run, aswell as i know, how many Soloqers will turn against PvP instead of teaming up. And i already can see the future of PvP if Anet won’t do anything. So get a grip yourself and get some intelligent thought yourself before you post something random. I don’t pvp for wings, i do pvp for fun and good match ups.

And if you talk about wings at all, for dedicated PvEr it would be easier to farm kitten out of Silverwastes, sell the gold, and pay to Esl team to carry them to w/e division they want.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community.

Another post someone felt the need to tell everybody how good they are and how bad everyone else is…. Ok Mr. Pro, gonna start MMR tanking now after reading this post, since all the pro teams are doing that, right? Is that what you want? What a kittenpost, pathetic.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Current Leagues are not for solo players.
Current Leagues are not for the average 50 winrate.
Current Leagues are not for casuals.

Players have complained constantly about wanting Rank PvP to revert back to old leaderboard MMR system. Congratulations, Leagues is exactly that only better. We no longer have that “win 10 games straight to be top 5, only playing 1 game a week to maintain the rank” old MMR system anymore.

It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community. If Anet really wanted to cater to casuals, a grind system for Amber, Emerald, and Ruby players should be in place.

An example of what casuals are probably wanting

  • 800+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Diamond players.
  • 1200+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Legendary division players

numbers can be altered and changed depending on X number of players reaching these thresholds.

Solo players need to give out solutions instead of complaining about an awesome system that was never meant for them.

So what is meant for 90% of the player base? I don’t know about you but I have a business degree and spending all your resources for a tiny portion of the player base is stoopid. As for solutions that’s A-nets job. If they are trying to destroy the mediocre player base that already exists they are doing a good job. Thank’s for the ludicrous post though. I don’t have to prove you wrong it’s dumb to tell the vast majority of your player base to go pound sand. Serious dude you can’t be this dumb.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community.

Another post someone felt the need to tell everybody how good they are and how bad everyone else is…. Ok Mr. Pro, gonna start MMR tanking now after reading this post, since all the pro teams are doing that, right? Is that what you want? What a kittenpost, pathetic.

Oh this guy is far from a pro. For the longest time he was a solo hero. He also played a lot of awful selfish 1v1 guardian burn builds (pre burns being boosted) in spvp for the longest time that were useless in team fights. I guess he found a group to carry him so now he is going to tell solo players they are sol. That’s what makes this so bizarre.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190


A thread about casuals coming from a casual. How funny. Please post more clips of you playing poorly and tell me all about how you were tired/lagging.


Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Yeah, i’d like to see what OP would say if all those people the new system “is not for” stopped playing and all the rest had to actually play against themselves and hope for win streaks.

Oh you mean back when we had soloq and the forums weren’t being raided by soloQ “entitled” players?

I’d probably ask for a Coke. (Boondock Saints reference)

Why i can be even bothered, people already suggested to bring back solo q, so those who want to team up, can farm the kitten out of each other. The forum is filled with suggestions, they don’t listen, they don’t care.

When you were in your soloQ casual matches with that failed solo leaderboard of a system, the few of us competitive players were content with the PvP system in-spite its bad quirks. And we never uttered the words “farming”… we usually said “good game” and queued up for another match.

Have you proposed anything useful? You just stated self made-up facts, if leagues are not for soloqers, why i even able to que solo?

Look back in the 2 previous test ladders, players grinded out an ungodly amount of games for the sheer sake of being Top5. Facts.

Anet spent 1.5-2 years trying develop a better PvP Leaderboard system that included 2 failed ladder systems, 1 of which lasted nearly 3 months. The Dev himself resigned. Facts.

I know how those leagues will affect PvP in the long run, aswell as i know, how many Soloqers will turn against PvP instead of teaming up.

I’ve seen more Teams in Ranked PvP than any other system Anet gas implemented thus far… again, you’re completely mistaken. As far as Anet is concerned, they’re taking a positive step considering team promoting is what they’ve been trying to accomplish since the day they removed SoloQ.

Still waiting for your hard cold facts there buddy.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: cakeonroof.7385


It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community.

Another post someone felt the need to tell everybody how good they are and how bad everyone else is…. Ok Mr. Pro, gonna start MMR tanking now after reading this post, since all the pro teams are doing that, right? Is that what you want? What a kittenpost, pathetic.

Oh this guy is far from a pro. For the longest time he was a solo hero. He also played a lot of awful selfish 1v1 guardian burn builds (pre burns being boosted) in spvp for the longest time that were useless in team fights. I guess he found a group to carry him so now he is going to tell solo players they are sol. That’s what makes this so bizarre.

Certain individuals look down on their roots or where they came from once they felt they’ve reached a higher ground. At the same time there are humble folks on this forum. The op isn’t one of them.

EU since Aug 2012

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Burn.5401


Except the system favors farmers that eventually luck out a win streak to move on to the next tier. There’s no skill involded – just pure grind.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Dead Muppet.9718

Dead Muppet.9718

Current Leagues are not for solo players.
Current Leagues are not for the average 50 winrate.
Current Leagues are not for casuals.

Can you direct me to where Anet has said this? Or is this you expressing your opinion here… sorta kinda similar to a solo q player would by posting a thread here.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


A thread about casuals coming from a casual. How funny. Please post more clips of you playing poorly and tell me all about how you were tired/lagging.

Right? I mean regardless of what you think on this subject of what should be for hardcore and what should be done for more casual mostly solo players this post is like a video game version of stockholme syndrome or something. This guy tell solo players to shut up is bizarre.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: hurrado.2346


I bet the OP was in one of those really cruddy premades and got rolled by solo Q players so he’s here to complain about solo Qers.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Arcade.8901


Yeah, i’d like to see what OP would say if all those people the new system “is not for” stopped playing and all the rest had to actually play against themselves and hope for win streaks.

Oh you mean back when we had soloq and the forums weren’t being raided by soloQ “entitled” players?

I’d probably ask for a Coke. (Boondock Saints reference)

Why i can be even bothered, people already suggested to bring back solo q, so those who want to team up, can farm the kitten out of each other. The forum is filled with suggestions, they don’t listen, they don’t care.

When you were in your soloQ casual matches with that failed solo leaderboard of a system, the few of us competitive players were content with the PvP system in-spite its bad quirks. And we never uttered the words “farming”… we usually said “good game” and queued up for another match.

Have you proposed anything useful? You just stated self made-up facts, if leagues are not for soloqers, why i even able to que solo?

Look back in the 2 previous test ladders, players grinded out an ungodly amount of games for the sheer sake of being Top5. Facts.

Anet spent 1.5-2 years trying develop a better PvP Leaderboard system that included 2 failed ladder systems, 1 of which lasted nearly 3 months. The Dev himself resigned. Facts.

I know how those leagues will affect PvP in the long run, aswell as i know, how many Soloqers will turn against PvP instead of teaming up.

I’ve seen more Teams in Ranked PvP than any other system Anet gas implemented thus far… again, you’re completely mistaken. As far as Anet is concerned, they’re taking a positive step considering team promoting is what they’ve been trying to accomplish since the day they removed SoloQ.

Still waiting for your hard cold facts there buddy.

Huh? Are you sane ? I don’t need any cold facts buddy to know how it will turn out, as well as i don’t care about forum raiding of past times, i would rather have what it was rather then what i have now. But still you fail to prove the fact that those ladders are not for soloqer’s, get the Dev quote to confirm it, or announcement for me to believe it.

“Us, competitive players”, hah, the level of self-entitlement.

Yeah you see that for now, with less soloqers, it will last, but not for long, until guild complete their Guild Halls upgrades, graduate yourself at for seeing, open your third eye bud. Teams are not what makes PvP going.

They could implement the same copy of Leagues with solo and duo que max, which will work with MMR reset, but as long as brown nosers who are able to get some “good games” by slaughtering soloqers in premade defending it, nothing going to change.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Browrain.7346


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Burn.5401


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

I thought sPvP was the “fastest growing gamemode”? Let’s see all these hundreds of teams hungry for competition. Right Colin?

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

Current League is wasteland, not population wise, but fun wise. According to your logic, majority of playerbase has to be stuck in wasteland to prevent minority being stuck in wasteland. You could assume that solo/duoQ players care as much about premades as premades care about solo/duoQ, but whos majority here?

In worst case, team q would die and premades would have to solo/duo Q.
Nothing would change, except we would have more fair matches.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Not for solo? There was a reason they merged solo and team queue because team queue times were ridiculously long. Solo players make up the bulk of pvp population. The match making is hilariously bad to the point it will put a full 5 man against a full pug and you will still lose pips. I kid you not this happens during prime time.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Arcade.8901


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

The thing is, there is Team que and Solo que in LoL where Solo que is most popular mode, why ? Because in Solo que the game is fun, in team que it’s a responsibility, if they don’t develop the game around what is fun, to bring people in PvP, there won’t be teams at the first place, except for dedicated ESL wannabes.

But mixing the leagues with premades and solo ers artificially, by cheap rewards, wont bring them anywhere.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


Leagues would be fine after introducing mmr reset, calibration, duration increase and/or pip requirement decrease.

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Browrain.7346


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

Current League is wasteland, not population wise, but fun wise. According to your logic, majority of playerbase has to be stuck in wasteland to prevent minority being stuck in wasteland. You could assume that solo/duoQ players care as much about premades as premades care about solo/duoQ, but whos majority here?

In worst case, team q would die and premades would have to solo/duo Q.
Nothing would change, except we would have more fair matches.

Everything would change. Aspiring teams couldn’t practice their comp unless they got lucky and found another team to scrim in customs. Friends of 3 or 4 could no longer queue together (this all assuming what you said, that teamq would die).

Again, I desperately want soloq back. But you have to be empathetic to everyone it would effect. It wouldn’t just be 5-man top teams being harmed here. Just some things ANet will have to take into account if they decide on some sort of fix for this.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Browrain.7346


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

The thing is, there is Team que and Solo que in LoL where Solo que is most popular mode, why ? Because in Solo que the game is fun, in team que it’s a responsibility, if they don’t develop the game around what is fun, to bring people in PvP, there won’t be teams at the first place, except for dedicated ESL wannabes.

But mixing the leagues with premades and solo ers artificially, by cheap rewards, wont bring them anywhere.

LoL’s player base dwarfs ours here. Not really comparable because with such a large population, queue times are never an issue.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Outsider.6051


There is actually a sure way to climb up the ladder. Tank your MMR. Im guessing half of the season you lose all your matches. You should end up in legendary division by then. Who needs a team.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

Current League is wasteland, not population wise, but fun wise. According to your logic, majority of playerbase has to be stuck in wasteland to prevent minority being stuck in wasteland. You could assume that solo/duoQ players care as much about premades as premades care about solo/duoQ, but whos majority here?

In worst case, team q would die and premades would have to solo/duo Q.
Nothing would change, except we would have more fair matches.

Everything would change. Aspiring teams couldn’t practice their comp unless they got lucky and found another team to scrim in customs. Friends of 3 or 4 could no longer queue together (this all assuming what you said, that teamq would die).

Again, I desperately want soloq back. But you have to be empathetic to everyone it would effect. It wouldn’t just be 5-man top teams being harmed here. Just some things ANet will have to take into account if they decide on some sort of fix for this.

Pro League and Aspiring teams can’t practice anyway. Look at Car Trashed, no matter how much they stomp soloQ (or get stomped by soloQ), they won’t learn anything there, because playing full roster vs soloQ has nothing with competitive (team vs team) gameplay…

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Arcade.8901


I think people fail to realize that splitting soloq and teamq would basically make teamq a wasteland. You think queues are long now? People with high mmr would be waiting hours upon hours for a single match.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love soloq back because that’s predominately how I’ve been going through leagues. But, you have to look at the side-effects.

The thing is, there is Team que and Solo que in LoL where Solo que is most popular mode, why ? Because in Solo que the game is fun, in team que it’s a responsibility, if they don’t develop the game around what is fun, to bring people in PvP, there won’t be teams at the first place, except for dedicated ESL wannabes.

But mixing the leagues with premades and solo ers artificially, by cheap rewards, wont bring them anywhere.

LoL’s player base dwarfs ours here. Not really comparable because with such a large population, queue times are never an issue.

And thats one more point, it will grow, just until people will get fed up with it, or get their rewards farmed and then you will see drop in people playing PvP.

To grow the population, they have to sacrifice something and trust me it’s not solo/duo quers.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Rap Tiger.1257

Rap Tiger.1257

I will respond to the Arcade if you want to play Soloq, then go play Unranked and everything is solved, Anet should appoint Unranked q leave for Solo players who mourn stay there.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


Current Leagues are not for solo players.
Current Leagues are not for the average 50 winrate.
Current Leagues are not for casuals.

Players have complained constantly about wanting Rank PvP to revert back to old leaderboard MMR system. Congratulations, Leagues is exactly that only better. We no longer have that “win 10 games straight to be top 5, only playing 1 game a week to maintain the rank” old MMR system anymore.

It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community. If Anet really wanted to cater to casuals, a grind system for Amber, Emerald, and Ruby players should be in place.

An example of what casuals are probably wanting

  • 800+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Diamond players.
  • 1200+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Legendary division players

numbers can be altered and changed depending on X number of players reaching these thresholds.

Solo players need to give out solutions instead of complaining about an awesome system that was never meant for them.

Could your ego be any bigger? You make so many assumptions, and you are so condescending if you had a point to make at this point IDGAF because you are a *******. This topic is so ignorant.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: FOX.3582


Current Leagues are not for solo players.
Current Leagues are not for the average 50 winrate.
Current Leagues are not for casuals.

Players have complained constantly about wanting Rank PvP to revert back to old leaderboard MMR system. Congratulations, Leagues is exactly that only better. We no longer have that “win 10 games straight to be top 5, only playing 1 game a week to maintain the rank” old MMR system anymore.

It takes consecutive wins to climb up the ladder; not meant for the average joe… the entire GW2 community. If Anet really wanted to cater to casuals, a grind system for Amber, Emerald, and Ruby players should be in place.

An example of what casuals are probably wanting

  • 800+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Diamond players.
  • 1200+ won games in a season guarantees Tickets equivalent to Legendary division players

numbers can be altered and changed depending on X number of players reaching these thresholds.

Solo players need to give out solutions instead of complaining about an awesome system that was never meant for them.

We are talking about a game here, just a game and nothing more then that. I don’t care much about PvP, but you obviously don’t understand the meaning of buying a game and have fun with it the way you want to play it. You disgust me. I hope people like you all go to one island with each other, all on your birthdays, so in a year from now the world would be clear from filth like you. Disgusting!

What about trying to keep this “game” fun?

What does the FOX say¿!

(edited by FOX.3582)

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


Current Leagues are not for solo players.
Current Leagues are not for the average 50 winrate.
Current Leagues are not for casuals.

The easiest way to stop the complaining and “fix” the system is to lock non-premades out all together. Make Leagues all about Guild PvP teams, this is what was originally planned. The problem still comes back to the game studio for allowing solo queue and duo queue players to enter a queue with partial premades, full premades and even guild team premades. Mashing them all together in a single queue is ridiculous. This is no respected e-sport PvP game that allows this. Not a single one. It is unquestionably, horrible design by ArenaNet.

It has polluted the system. As designed the game lets you solo queue and even gives players incentive to solo queue for league because of the rewards. This mostly just feeds free ranked wins to the premades in the lower divisions and occasionally tosses solo queue players a bone. If there is no solo queue (there isn’t) then letting solo players queue for ranked play at all is a mistake the game studio has made, because again… they are just feeding free wins in the lower divisions.

What most are asking for is a solo queue and a premade queue, but of course you can’t have a solo queue and a ranked queue without having separate league divisions for each queue type.

As implemented if you’re on a full premade or a guild team premade you have no argument and you probably love the system. When you were lower level getting free wins off pug teams you probably really loved it. It’s a whole different experience for solo q players and ultimately I agree with OP but I disagree with him about it being on the player alone to not solo Q, the system shouldn’t allow it.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.4802


There should be a League for SoloQ’ers only. Just like before we had Solo and Team Arena.

Otherwise this game is lost, as it’s already close to be.

Denied NA Account | 8.4k hours | 5.6k Games | Bored

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


Solo players need to give out solutions instead of complaining about an awesome system that was never meant for them.

Who exactly was the system meant for, other than scrubs? I mean if I want decent PvP than the main factor for that is competitive matches, which means if I queue in a 5 man team I want to face another 5 man team, not solo queuers and have it a dull one-sided blowout, and vice versa if I queue as a solo/duo, as a PvP league it is an absolute joke, as far as I can see the players it was meant for are noobs who think grinding pips or grinding a legendary backpack is what matters, not actual fun PvP.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


The moment soloq peeps leave will be the moment where pvp end up being dead and your condi guard get farmed so bad that you will regret so bad to even touch this ranked button in pvp panel. Revs waiting for guard food. Fried guards are yummy.
Also “us competitive players”. I guess someone premade got rolled by soloq.

So lets say it again.. without playerbase who soloq you might as well play with yourself or one of these few teams from ‘pro’ league. If the game want to success, it has to support soloq people.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Thanks for your opionin OP, because thats all it is.

I will play the game how I chose, group or solo.
What the op isn’t saying is there should be separate queues for both. Why there isn’t, not enough so called pro teams playing pvp. So go back to whatever so called competitive esport wet dream you may be having, GW2 is not it.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: bud.9246


… I don’t pvp for wings, i do pvp for fun and good match ups.

Still holding out hope for the original vision ANET put out for PvP in GW2. Meeting ppl in SoloQ that you kick kitten with and forming groups from there.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

I think its funny how the thread is asking solo queue players not to complain because leagues arent for them

but without them premades would have nobody to fight.

Lel. Apparently everyone has forgotten about how TeamQ was complained about when it was barren.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: FOX.3582


I think its funny how the thread is asking solo queue players not to complain because leagues arent for them

but without them premades would have nobody to fight.

Lel. Apparently everyone has forgotten about how TeamQ was complained about when it was barren.

Hahaha indeed! They would have nothing without us. More people like to play solo then with a team in sPvP…

What does the FOX say¿!