Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: ExpelHax.8012


alright, spiritwatch, skyhammer, khylo are definatly too hard maps for the gw2 solo quers.
every single team i get on those maps, plays on more than 3 objectives at the same time and doesnt understand the map. (players still want new maps ofc…)
example: i have teams on khylo: 1 our treb, 1 enemy treb, 1 close, 1 mid, 1 far…. WTF? do those ppl never look at their map? or are gw2 players just really bad at logic? u have 5 objectives on the map and you attack each of those with 1 player….? wut m8 pls

it is just impossible to get into a game that is close to logic in terms of rotations and tactics. why is that? because the majority of gw2 pvp players has no idea what conquest is, they see it as a zergfest on 3 points.
we need something like a conquest tutorial, where new players/bad players can play against bots that rotate properly and that punish those 1 man pushes.

the way to win solo q is clearly to play on as few objectives as possible, while winning them, in other words 2 nodes or 2 nodes + 1 secondary objective. once u know u loose 1 of those nodes/objectives u can go assault the 3rd node.

this is an essential problem of the pvp in this game, as long as there is no tutorial or explanation video on how conquest is played, players will continue to do the most random stuff possible, while thinking they do the correct thing. and let me tell you assaulting an objective with average 1.25 players (5 players / 4 objectives) is obviously NOT correct.
afterwards those players will say the pvp in this game is bad, because they arent even close to understand whats going on.

playing in those soloq teams must be the most moronic experience i had in a pvp game and it could be so good, if teams just played the game right.

TO ALL THE FAR PUSHERS: nifhel, foefire, temple: if u push far in the opening ur team most likely will split 1-3-1, so even if you win your 1v1 far, u will probably leave your team in a 4v3 mid and the guy capping your close has to understand he needs to go middle to make it a 4v4, otherwise ur team will just wipe 4v3 mid, u might end up having far + close but you will get snowballed if you play against people that understand the game.

KHYLO,SPIRITWATCH,SKYHAMMER: if your team decides to contest mid/close and you still go far, you already make your team loose. because there is an additional objective on this maps, that you need to play on. treb/orb/canon. you will make your team get outmanned on 2 objectives at the same time, while fighting ur useless 1v1 on far.. thats not very logic. especially if you are a thief wasting your mobility in 1v1 or a “bunker” that just keeps a node decapped instead of teamfighting.

i dont really know how to fix peoples brains, but i know for sure that anet should provide some sort of tutorial or explanation videos to explain their gamemode, but playing like this is really frustrating, random arena in gw1 is more competitive than solo q in gw2, i get flamed if i dont cleanse blinds in 0.5 sec, in gw2 ppl dont even know how to cleanse teammates…

sry for the bad english, if you far pushers want a detailed explanation why you ruin games wsp me ingame.


Y Iisey Y, desolation EU
Fifty Five Hp Monks [ELE]

(edited by ExpelHax.8012)

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


The only time I advocate splitting 1:1:1:1:1 is when trying to secure the kill buffs on temple. Then you simply have no choice because getting 11 points for a kill is pretty much the most important thing to secure.

Always go all out for meditation of ferocity.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


The one pushing far in the begining, 1v1, end up dead, and insult his teamates for losing 3v4 in mid is the worse.

Anyway, since that lag/dc fiasco I had (spiky lag during 1 month straigh, 2v5 6 times in a row in one day… yes it happened, many dcs), I just don’t play guild wars 2 anymore. So when I saw thread like this one poping about soloQ state… I just want to run away more.

(edited by Poplolita.2638)

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


This is the second best post ever made in the spvp forums, after Gf left cus of ledersbord of course. But still, so much yes. Why can’t people comprehend this? An then when you call people out for this they get all defensive, often saying “lol you have like no points kitten”. It blows my mind everytime

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

(edited by Carpboy.7145)

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


Just a tip, if you want coordination, guaranteed, polish up your social skills and join a team.

The U GAIZ ARE DOING IT WRONG person is universally, and rightly, hated. They have no reason to believe you or listen to you, and it doesn’t even matter if you’re right.

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

I presume that it’s people that want to consider themselves more serious (or just want more rewards) than hotjoin and (reasonably) don’t want to go through the effort of joining/making a team.

To me it’s the real redheaded stepchild, a halfway point between play-for-fun hotjoin and play-to-be-competitive team.

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Just a tip, if you want coordination, guaranteed, polish up your social skills and join a team.

The U GAIZ ARE DOING IT WRONG person is universally, and rightly, hated. They have no reason to believe you or listen to you, and it doesn’t even matter if you’re right.

If you would bother with reading his signature you could see that OP is in a pretty well known team. Also seing how he’s more experienced than most people in this game they have a pretty good reason to listen to him. :<

Bullet Punch

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


Just a tip, if you want coordination, guaranteed, polish up your social skills and join a team.

The U GAIZ ARE DOING IT WRONG person is universally, and rightly, hated. They have no reason to believe you or listen to you, and it doesn’t even matter if you’re right.

If you would bother with reading his signature you could see that OP is in a pretty well known team. Also seing how he’s more experienced than most people in this game they have a pretty good reason to listen to him. :<

My bad on not reading the sigs, they’re usually garbage so I don’t :p

The point holds though. If you’re in solo queue don’t expect people to play the you want them to. To go further if you try to tell them to do it (the way you think is right), they’ll rightly consider you a kitten and either argue with you or just keep going on with what they were doing.

Corollary: It doesn’t matter if you’re the lead pvp designer of Anet. Most of the people in solo queue have no idea who you are, and even fewer care.

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

I presume that it’s people that want to consider themselves more serious (or just want more rewards) than hotjoin and (reasonably) don’t want to go through the effort of joining/making a team.

To me it’s the real redheaded stepchild, a halfway point between play-for-fun hotjoin and play-to-be-competitive team.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just solo into team queue. Better rewards, and unless you are a to player, you will still be fighting pug vs pug

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

I presume that it’s people that want to consider themselves more serious (or just want more rewards) than hotjoin and (reasonably) don’t want to go through the effort of joining/making a team.

To me it’s the real redheaded stepchild, a halfway point between play-for-fun hotjoin and play-to-be-competitive team.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just solo into team queue. Better rewards, and unless you are a to player, you will still be fighting pug vs pug

I thought you can only join team Q with a 2 or more members… I also thought team Q was for hardcore/good pvpers so I’ve been refraining from going solo. I only go there when I have full party of guild members.


Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

I presume that it’s people that want to consider themselves more serious (or just want more rewards) than hotjoin and (reasonably) don’t want to go through the effort of joining/making a team.

To me it’s the real redheaded stepchild, a halfway point between play-for-fun hotjoin and play-to-be-competitive team.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just solo into team queue. Better rewards, and unless you are a to player, you will still be fighting pug vs pug

I thought you can only join team Q with a 2 or more members… I also thought team Q was for hardcore/good pvpers so I’ve been refraining from going solo. I only go there when I have full party of guild members.

No and no. Play there solo. Plus no skyhammer or spirit watch.

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

The people that need to be reading this probably don’t come to the forums.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: tanztante.6532


this is why anet should introduce a mandatory pvp tutorial like in dota2 or pretty much any other moba.

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Murmaider.1805


All of this. Most of my losses come from people trying to cap every single point and end up abandoning the home point. And then end up running back to home point. And then end up running back to far point. And then end up running back to home point. All while the other team has the center point. All you really need is home and near point and the smaller 3rd extra point objective to win a game, but people want to color the entire map red or blue..

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

I presume that it’s people that want to consider themselves more serious (or just want more rewards) than hotjoin and (reasonably) don’t want to go through the effort of joining/making a team.

To me it’s the real redheaded stepchild, a halfway point between play-for-fun hotjoin and play-to-be-competitive team.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just solo into team queue. Better rewards, and unless you are a to player, you will still be fighting pug vs pug

I thought you can only join team Q with a 2 or more members… I also thought team Q was for hardcore/good pvpers so I’ve been refraining from going solo. I only go there when I have full party of guild members.

No and no. Play there solo. Plus no skyhammer or spirit watch.

WOW! You can join team Q solo? LOL. Never playing soloQ again with those two kitten maps. Thank-you for thee info! PS: am I the only one that thinks spiritwatch is WORSE than skyhammer? Weird how they put the maps that require the most amount of teamwork in soloq but not team Q. Nothing worse than watching your team zerg raven while the other team runs orbs. I also still get teams that don’t know orb scores are worth more on your own point. Then again I cant really blame them because the game never attempts to explain how it works

(edited by Cam Ron.4170)

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Murmaider.1805


You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

I presume that it’s people that want to consider themselves more serious (or just want more rewards) than hotjoin and (reasonably) don’t want to go through the effort of joining/making a team.

To me it’s the real redheaded stepchild, a halfway point between play-for-fun hotjoin and play-to-be-competitive team.

Solo player here and you’re right haha. It sucks, but I don’t have the time to commit to a designated team (schedule is way too flip-floppy) as much as I’d like to. I also HATE insta-join games because I lose those more than solo. If I could find a group of friends who are knowledgeable about PvP i’d join them, when I’m available. I just don’t have the schedule to permit commitment and it sucks.

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: Murmaider.1805


You only play soloq if you’re a masochist.

I presume that it’s people that want to consider themselves more serious (or just want more rewards) than hotjoin and (reasonably) don’t want to go through the effort of joining/making a team.

To me it’s the real redheaded stepchild, a halfway point between play-for-fun hotjoin and play-to-be-competitive team.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just solo into team queue. Better rewards, and unless you are a to player, you will still be fighting pug vs pug

I thought you can only join team Q with a 2 or more members… I also thought team Q was for hardcore/good pvpers so I’ve been refraining from going solo. I only go there when I have full party of guild members.

No and no. Play there solo. Plus no skyhammer or spirit watch.

WOW! You can join team Q solo? LOL. Never playing soloQ again with those two kitten maps. Thank-you for thee info! PS: am I the only one that thinks spiritwatch is WORSE than skyhammer? Weird how they put the maps that require the most amount of teamwork in soloq but not team Q

I still hate skyhammer more, even if there was a fire. That laser beam, my theif’s abilities always throw me off the edge (well not so much anymore now that i’m used to it) or I just get feared, rooted, stunned w/e on a fragile foot plate and fall to my doom haha

Solo Q - Playing on more than 3 objectives

in PvP

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


TO ALL THE FAR PUSHERS: nifhel, foefire, temple: if u push far in the opening ur team most likely will split 1-3-1, so even if you win your 1v1 far, u will probably leave your team in a 4v3 mid and the guy capping your close has to understand he needs to go middle to make it a 4v4, otherwise ur team will just wipe 4v3 mid, u might end up having far + close but you will get snowballed if you play against people that understand the game.



Thanks to downed state, 4 people will always beat 3 people.


If you rush far, you need to:

1. Wiin far, and
2. Get rush back in time

If you rush far and you die in the 1v1, GG, you just cost your team 130-150 points. The match is probably over.

If you rush far and win, but don’t win the 1v1 fast (against a bunker!), your team will wipe mid and you just cost your team minimum 70-100 points. The match isn’t over yet but you are in a big hole.

If you rush far and get back in time, congratulations, you didn’t screw over your teammates too badly but remember that it is their play, contesting a point for a long time while outnumbered that won the game and not your selfish play.

But the main point is still:




And if you rush far and don’t tell your team about this beforehand, you are the type of noob everybody hates.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.