Solo Q Solo Q Solo Q QQ all day long!

Solo Q Solo Q Solo Q QQ all day long!

in PvP

Posted by: Uridian.8394



Since I came back to the game a year ago this is one thing that has always baffled me. How from a Game Mechanic stand point can they instate Solo Q even if they wanted too? Before and after the League system started I still don’t understand.

If you take ranked game play and you have say a 4 man team Qing if you had ranked Solo Q in effect how does this 4 man team get the 5th player? You would still have to pull in a Solo Q….

If you had a 3 man team in ranked and pulled in another 2 man team to make 5 they would still be at a disadvantage to a 5 man team using TS. So I am assuming the MMR for the mixed team would have to be higher to make the match fair?

What would this due to our Que times if they implemented Solo Q? Because at the beginning of a season it is already insane for those that jump up quickly on the leader board. I am sure we can all agree they need to carry over MMR to the next season so that treadmill does not start all over again and the first 2 weeks are not a balancing fiasco for matches.

I would love to hear from some of the more Balancing savvy community members of how it could be mechanically done without outrageous Que times for everyone.



Solo Q Solo Q Solo Q QQ all day long!

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


They would “manually” search for the last player….

This would be amazing for the community since it would make ppl actually talk to each other, use the group finder which actually exists for PvP, expand their FL, use forums and stuff like that.

It’s easily possible, in GW1, it worked for groups of 8, it sure would easily work for groups of 5.

Yes, it’s not easy and it takes time, but if they make some nice unique rewards for team-q’s and higher gold-gain/rank-gain and stuff like that, it’s easily possible to make a working and lively team-queue that could be absolutely amazing for the game.