Solo Q in a nutshell

Solo Q in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


Unless the solo Q roster formula takes in account the classes registered as well and locks them the second Q pops, solo Q will strictly be dictated by how many rangers + necros you can stack on a team. It’s impossible to carry a team yourself despite how well you’ve played.

Got 2 or 3 of the above on your team? GG for you. Got 2 or 3 of the above on the other team? Might as well just go ay ef kay.

In the future if ever rangers + necros get fixed, it will be the same problem with the next FoTM.

Solo Q mmr will also be a joke because the whole roster situation is a lottery, thus making the leaderboards a joke. I’m not talking about syncing because it’s a myth in my eyes, but syncing or not, when I see these teams being formed, it’s pretty discouraging since most of the time my teammates don’t even know how to res.


Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

(edited by Amaterasu.6280)

Solo Q in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


Solo queue leaderboard will be a joke because of synch queuing not what you are suggesting. What you are suggesting should even out over time given enough games. Surely, for example, if I played 1000 games and you played 1000 games do you really think one of us would be that much more lucky then the other concerning roster makeup over an extended period of time that any difference in ranking mostly wouldn’t be about who was the better player? You are looking at extremely small sample sizes. All we can ask is that the roster make up is based on rating and are completely random meaning all true solo players and not people trying to synch queue. If they do that it will all even out over time.

(edited by Kwll.1468)

Solo Q in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: tichorum.2415




Former PvP commentator for ESL & Arenanet.

I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.

Solo Q in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Apparently you’ve never played League of Legends? I have raised multiple accounts to around high gold/low plat, yet all along the way I hear complaints from my team and the others about how “its all about luck who gets the better team” yet I always end up around the same rating everytime. Sure when a new season starts you end up with some pretty ridiculous teammates at first, but then it starts to shift people where they should be…because your also gonna get bad enemies too just as often. (this just wont stick out in your head as much, because bad enemies don’t make you wanna punch your monitor). But if your supposed to be higher, you will win a slightly higher % of your games and end up there because of that.

Basicly, everyone cried and cried for solo que, and now everyones acting like its bad because its just like every other game that has solo que. Its just how it is and always will be when your given random teams.

Solo Q in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


Solo queue leaderboard will be a joke because of synch queuing not what you are suggesting. What you are suggesting should even out over time given enough games. Surely, for example, if I played 1000 games and you played 1000 games do you really think one of us would be that much more lucky then the other concerning roster makeup over an extended period of time that any difference in ranking mostly wouldn’t be about who was the better player? You are looking at extremely small sample sizes. All we can ask is that the roster make up is based on rating and are completely random meaning all true solo players and not people trying to synch queue. If they do that it will all even out over time.

Again, I’m not talking about sync Q, because sync Q is a risk on it’s own. You think if you try to sync with another player, that they will automatically be on the same team? No…theres just as much chance he will be on the other team…then what?

What I’m saying is (and this will happen in the future too) certain builds are going to dictate the outcome of the game. When you allow them to be stacked in quantities of 2-3, or even 4, it gets way out of hand. Remember that this is Solo Q and not team tourney so there is pretty much no communication. You can’t work out a complex strat to counter anything, thus is why stacking builds work just fine.

The rating would work in parallel because of the above as well.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]